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1、大学英语三级A真题及答案204年6月A级考试实考卷Prt I itenin Comprhnsion (15 inutes)Directins: This part is o tes your lsteni aiit. I cons f 3scto.ection A irections: Thi secin is to test yourabilitt undestand short dalogue.Theear 5 recded diloges n . ftr eacdialoue,hee is a recorded uestion.Both the dioes andquesons will

2、be sokn onhen yu har a queo,you shud ecide nth rrect aswer from thechoiesmked A), B), C) nd D)gvn in yu est per. Tn you should ark the coesponing ltr onthe Answe Sheetwith sngle ie thugh t center.1.)A tein sstem. B) AmonitorstC) A measung sstem. D) Acotrolyte.2. ) Cr rces. B)CarservicesC)The comanys

3、 busiess D) ecomaysutr.3. A) Itasy to do. B) Is chalengng.C) He ca get ahihay )Hedid th sae jobfre.4A) Sell ea frend B) he willak a figh) Sh wil attend an iterview at 5 oclck. D)She wll se a docr fore 5clck.5. A)he willreortthe omplain o th manager. B) The manerfued ak o manC) Theanager a n a sines

4、t D) She ill dal wth e cplait.SecnB Directos:iseio isotest or abity o rstnd shrt coneations Theae 2 eoded covesion n t. ter each convrati,there are sme recorddqestos. oth the covrsationa quesions will be spoken tw ie. When you hear auesion, yououl decideonh rctnswr from the4 chocsmrked A), B), C) a

5、D) given i yortet paperh you should mark the repoding leter o the Aner eet ith singe i throgh the ceter.onversatin e6.A) Brest.B) Dinner. C) A 5-dolr gftcad D) us serviceo hairprt7 A) His member card B) His drielicese. ) His crit car.D) Hs passporConvrstion28.) Telephon ist of ordr.B)The lin bsy.C)H

6、i at ameeingD) He wot b backuntil nxMondy9 A) I has been anceld. ) It wl aive n time.C)I hsbee delayed.D) It iarre ahf schdue10. A)Make a pntmet wit h. B) Talk wih erouta n der. C) Snd her anem aboutthshpmnt ) Caller ack en recivig theshimntectioC irections: Ti seo istotes yur abliy to omprd shrt as

7、sages. Yo ilear recorded passae. Atertt you ll hr ive theasag nd theuestions wil readto mes. Whn oher a quest, you solcoete the swer it withaword or sort phse (innomore tan3 wods). Te qustionsand incomplete anwes arepritd i yur ts ape ou so wite your werson ne Set crrsondily. No lsten to

8、t pasage.11 Hcan oge informationfyorgong to buy otorbieccodgtothspke?Toook in yu ewpar.1 What kind of mto biesis advetise inthenewspaer?Diffret kiof otor bk, th nw and o te oto ikes.13.Wat isoneof thadantaof uigtheadertiseen n the neper?It gives y tepotuniyto av he otr bkes.Whats thepossibe rblemif

9、youu a ke intis way? You might havet until te motor bike ivailabl15 Wats therway to fin good motor i ccorig to te spaker? note way is tolok art truc (1 mints)rectons:Thpart is to test your aiity to use wodsandhasescoect to construc maingflandgramticalycorrect sntences. t osistof stions.Stion A Dions

10、: Thr ar 0 icompee statementshere. ae requred tomplteach staeent hoin theapproriate answe from th 4 choic arkeA),B),)and ) Youshold mk th corespndng letteron the AnswrSet with a singl line touhth cner.1. he uiook forhose who e gng to star a usins onine in this countr. A) isnteded B) t intend ) ineds

11、 )ntendi Reactions e online mangemen syem wr mreposiiv hos opper-base versionfte ame sysem. A) hich B) as ) than D)tat8. e allrecognize te neesyfor eop he rghtof ohers. A) repet B) to repec C) repecing D) respced1. hereone man pino mattersmore tha anoters, its ou nager. A) hm ) which C)wo ) hose20 m

12、y opiion,custoer rvce herehasimproved bu ot asmuch as ected ver the last2years A) On B) In C)or D) ith2 W are sr haw our secod rjet y hedf he n mnh. ) wl hav comletd ) d cmplted C)competd )werecpting22. he ban clrkltendcaeuly hecould dcoverexatly what he client aned. A) ae that B)nw ht ) so that D)

13、provide that3 Thisdctionry she-thousad comn orcollect wih samps of andsponangug. A) writing B) wrote ) rite D) writte4 ea eucaed at the ocl grar schol, afte he wen on to Camridge. )ha B) at C) ch D) who3.This artic el therers e c okfr in an ployesabiities. ) wer B) is C) ill b D)eSetn Diections: The

14、re are alo 5 incopletestatmets here. You sl filli achblan wh the pope formof wor gienin the bckets.Wite thword or rd in e crrspondingsaceonswr S.26. (obvious) ,I met ih omdfficulteswithintherst few das fmy new job2. I d trouble (spell) tedicutwods whenIis artlearning French.28. Mae su thatthenw eqpe

15、 (insall) in safemae.9 s a oicfficer,you ae traied o sty calm evn in exmel (dnge) situaions.3 tssid tha esoch s one f the ( good) baces in he UK.31 ontfoget (lock) te dos henyouleve yrar in e prki lot.2 vr the astf ears, te ompn have een abe taiin eady (gro) in theirusiness. Yo reswere (reaonal) h t

16、hse o he otero comans.34. T job ncras is a (hope) ign forsmall and medi bsiness ha mpoy % f t USwrfrce.35. While(live) inhe U, adivn license issed your cnty onlyreminvad rup to 12 mnths.Part II ead omprehenson (40 mnts) Dircin: parsto est yourreaingaiity The re 4 ask ru to fui. Y sould ead the atril

17、 aefullyandd the tas ayou r require.as1 Dirctio: Aer eain te folloig passae,you wil fi5 ustions r unfiishdstateents,number 36o 40.Fo echquestin or statee there ar 4 chos marke A), ), C) o ).ou shoud ak the cort chice andmak correspodng letter ontheAnswer et wih a sngle lie through hecenter.Maeting b

18、y eal i the ncease. opaed o othr media,email mssags re extremely heap t sen. ith TV, yo ae sening n a agecies ad l cnels. With rintds, you are epingto keep ewspapr nd magazines a. Diretmil os mor than60 per thousand ece. ith emil, the ar amost nocosts a al. t low osmaes mi mareting beometh mostcot-e

19、fectie (划算的) adveing meth vile odayWih T, you do otnow who is wachng you ad. Even with iet mal, yo anotbe ur thatyor mail has ben elivered,r tt aone reads i whntgetsthr. ith eai, you w thin 24 ours exacy whichmesges hve oen, b whom, hatlnks the opne clickd on,and what paof yur essages was woring.ecu

20、e ofelctri lnk,thosewhoen your emas cano thei own rsearh: they an eplore and see nyof h hoand o products ht ou sell. Theycastheolorsn sizes. Ty ca,and th do, read raingsan rvew. They can utprodct in theirshoppin cat nd buthm.36.Emil arkghas beome the st co-ecteavertisingmethod beause ) it o erelwcst

21、 ) t is ew maketing medC) itispopuawith ung peope) ishe best matng thod available37. B sayi“wth pin ads, you ae heling to ke nwsppers nd magazines alve” (Par ), the wrr mean tha .) your investm i ptnt to newspaers ad agazies) your ad a helpig newspapesadmgzs suriveC) rintd aemore atracte an T andemi

22、ladsD)pnt mattrs areles exensivetan emails38.Arin to the aag,f you plae nd , ouarunble to knw .) ow oten your a is disayd B) mch ou ad cosC) whn yor d sshown) who our auieneis 39. I you maretigby emailng, yucan ern ithia da .A)wo hveopene omesag )howold ourmesagereaders are)whatquali your advertispo

23、duct has) howuc our adertin message cot40 Wat abethe eail ad res ooeir own reearh?A) The TV program atng and revies. B)The prduc coor nd iz.C) T electroic li.D)e shopin carts.Ts 2Dreions: Ths tasks the sm s Task 1. Te quetionsor unfinishestatmts numbered4 to 5oake yurrivngeperience i heUied States afe n njoyl, our company is providingyouwith his“Rues o the Road” pamplet. Plae te, hwevr,

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