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1、新概念八年级英语上册复习提纲全套新目标八年级(上英语复习提纲(全套Unit 5 Can you come to my party?【复习目标】学习礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请谈论自己或别人必须做的事情学会根据日程表中的计划安排自己的活动【语言目标】Can you come to my birthday party?Yes, Id love to. /Sorry, I cant .I have to study for a test.Im sorry. Im playing soccer on Saturday. When is the party? Its at seven-thirty.【语言

2、结构】用can发出邀请情态动词have to用现在进行时表示将来计划或行动【重点词汇】 today, tomorrow , the day after tomorrow, next week,/ lesson, invitation 【应掌握的词组】1. come to ones party 参加某人的聚会2. on Saturday afternoon 在星期六的下午3. Id love to 我非常乐意4. Im sorry 对不起5. study for a test为测验而学习6. go to the doctor 去看医生7. visit ones aunt 看望某人的姑姑8. ha

3、ve a piano lesson 上一堂钢琴课10. too much homework 太多家庭作业11. much too interesting 有趣得多12. maybe another time 也许下一次吧13.Thanks for asking(inviting谢谢邀请14. go to the baseball game 参加棒球比赛15. Birthday Party 生日聚会16. go to the mall 去购物中心17. soccer practice 足球练习18. look for 寻找19. find out 找到,弄清楚,查明20. study for t

4、he math test 为数学考试而学习21. play tennis with me 和我一起打网球22. I have a really busy week 我一周很忙23. football match足球比赛24. my cousins birthday party 我表弟的生日聚会25. write soon 尽快回信26. study for my science test 为科学考试而学习27. 给某人打电话的几种说法:call sb. up, call sb., phone to sb.telephone sb. telephone to

5、sb. up,ring sb.give sb. a ring,give sb. a phonemake a telephone call to sb.28. on Thursday night 星期四晚上29. be (go on vacation 度假30. next week下周31. join sb.加入某人一起32. Please keep quiet! 请保持安静,keep+形容词表示“保持某种状态”,keep+(sb.+doing 表示“(使某人不停地做某事”,keep sth. 保存某物34. culture club 文化俱乐部35. try to do sth. 努力(企图做

6、某事,try doing sth.试着做某事,try one best t o do sth. 尽力做某事【应掌握的句子】1. Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? Sure, Id love to.星期六的下午你能来参加我的聚会吗?当然,我非常乐意。翻译:你能在星期三来参加我的聚会吗?对不起,我不能去,我得帮助我的父母。星期四他们能和我一起去看电影吗?不能,他们有太多的作业要做。2. May I ask you some questions? Sure. / Of course. /Certainly. 我可以问您一些问题吗?当然可以

7、。翻译:我能用一下您的钢笔吗?当然可以。杰克,我们去踢球吧。好主意。今天晚上你准备做什么?没什么事。3. I would love to go to your party. 我愿意参加你的聚会。翻译:你想要喝茶还是咖啡?我想要一千克大米。吴老师想要我在会上发言。我倒是希望明天能来,但恐怕来不了。4. She isnt very well these days and has to stay home.她这几天身体不太好,只好呆在家里。翻译:他知道她必须做什么以及需要什么。我们必须去帮助他摆脱困境。5. We can learn what we did not know. 我们能够学会原来不知道

8、的东西。翻译:我去年学会滑冰的。我想学好英语。我们要学会互相帮助。我们应该学会如何学习。6. Thank you for inviting me. =Thanks for asking (having, inviting 谢谢你邀请我。翻译:谢谢你的帮助。感谢你照顾我妹妹。上周日他邀请我参加他的生日聚会。谢谢你们来看我。7. Maybe another time.或许下一次吧。翻译:请再给我一块蛋糕好吗?这件外套太小,请再给我拿一件。我有支钢笔,一支给你,一支个吉姆,另一支给汤姆。汤姆的脚一只比另一只大。吉姆和杰克在教室里看书,其他学生在活动。8. Can she go to the movi

9、es? No, she cant. Shes playing soccer. 她能去看电影吗?不,她不能。她要踢足球。翻译:他们能去音乐会吗?不,他们不能。他们要区参加聚会。9. Read these dialogues and find out about another kind of football. 朗读这些对话,找出有关另一种足球的语句。翻译:我去查一下火车什么时候到。10. She and I are both students. 我和她都是学生。翻译:我们俩都必须学好英语。我们应该感谢你们俩。星期五晚上,我要和一些朋友一起去看电影。unit 6 Im more outgoing

10、 than my sister.【复习目标】谈论个性特征学会使用形容词的比较级比较人的个性特征学会比较身边的事物并选择最佳方案【语言目标】Is th at Sam? No, thats Tom,He has shorter hair than Sam. Hes calmer than Sam.【语言结构】比较级-er, -ier, more的使用both的用法【重点词汇】more, than,/ more athletic, more popular,/ twin, both, be good attaller, shorter, thinner, longer, heavier ,calme

11、r, wilder, quieter, funnier,smarter【应掌握的词组】1. long hair 长头发2. How are you? 你身体好吗?3. How old 多大年纪4. how tall 多高5. how long ago多久前(的事6.more outgoing 比较外向7. want/plan to do sth. 意欲,企图8. here are photos of me 这是我的照片9. as you can see 正如你所看到的10. in some ways在某些地方11. we look the same我们看起来一样, They look diff

12、erent他们看起来不同12. the same to 多是一样的13. quite the same 完全一样14. all the same 还是,同样应 15. look like 看起来像.一样,而look same 看起来很像16. go to lots of parties经常参加聚会=often go to the party17. a little taller 高一点18. take sth. from sth. 从某处拿/取出某物19. put sth. in sth. 将某物放入某物中20. make a list of 列出清单21. has cool clothes

13、有漂亮的衣服22. is popular in school 在学校受欢迎23. is good at sports 擅长体育24. make me laugh 使我发笑25. thats not very important for me 那对我来说并不重要( be important for sb.26. put up举起,抬起,挂起,张贴,建造;put on穿上,戴上,上演(戏剧;put down=write down=copy down 写下来;put out 伸出,扑灭;put away 收起来,收好;put off推迟;put ones heart into全神贯注于,全身心投入2

14、7. opposite views 相反的观点28. a weekend teacher 周末教师29. Abacus Study Center 珠算研究中心30. elementary school students 小学生31. be good with children 善于与孩子相处32. have good grades 成绩出色33. enjoy telling jokes 喜欢讲笑话34. cant stop talking 不能停止讲话35. help others 帮助别人,help each other互相帮助36. in ones free time在业余时间37. on

15、e of +复数名词(代词其中之一38. use sth. to do sth.=do sth. with sth. 使用做39. be/feel sorry for sb. 为某事感到同情或难受;be / feel sorry for sth. 因某事感到抱歉或后悔;be sorry +to see/hear 听到或看到某种情况很不安或难过;say sorry to sb.向某人道歉40. begin with 从开始41. next to 在旁边,紧靠42. be famous for 因 而著名,因而广为人知;be famous as 作为而知名43. all together 总计,总

16、共44. make sb. do sth. 让/使某人做某事,相似的用法有几个感官动词see, let, hear, watch, feel等【应该掌握的句子】1.What are you doing for vacation? Im babysitting my sister.假期你要做什么?我要照顾我的妹妹。翻译:周末他要做什么?他要去滑划板。李平假期要做什么?他要去野营。2.Who are you going with? Im going with my parents.你要和谁一起去?我要和父母一起去。翻译:王林要和谁一起去观光?他要和他的朋友们一起去。我要和同学们一起去游泳。他们假期

17、要做什么?他们要在家里放松放松。3.When is he going camping? He is going on the 12th of February, 2005.4.Im going to Tibe t for a week. 我要去西藏一周。翻译:你要去西藏多长时间?他们假期要在家里呆一个月。5.What are you doing there? Im going hiking in the mountains.你在那里要做什么?我要在山区里远足。6.Show me your photos when we get back to school. 我们返回学校时,你把照片拿给我看。翻

18、译:我来把我的新照片拿给你看看。他长大时想当一名时装杂志的记者。7.Where are you going for vacation? Im going to Hawaii for vacation. 你要去哪度假?我要去夏威夷度假。翻译:他要去哪度假?他要去泰国度假。8. Im going to Hawaii for vacation in December, and Im staying for three weeks.我要12月去夏威夷度假,在那里呆3个星期。翻译:他打算在11月2日去海南度假,在那呆大约1个月。9.What is it like there? 那里什么样子?翻译:那部电

19、视剧怎么样?你和谁一起去?10. Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans? 我可以问你一些有关你假期计划的问题吗?翻译:我能吃点肉吗?他向我打听你家的情况。11. He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but decided on Canada.他考虑去希腊或西班牙,但是最后他决定去加拿大。翻译:这次,我想有所改变。12. He is leaving the first week in June and staying until September. 他将在6月的第一个星期动

20、身,一直呆到9月。翻译:他想度过一个轻松的假期。13. Please dont forget to close the door when you leave.你离开时,请别忘记关门。14. She couldnt wait to get home to see he parents.她迫不及待的想回家看望父母。翻译:她星期二动身去香港。我想要问你有关在中国旅游地点的问题。【词语辨析】一、how long / how farhow long多长,用来询问时间,指时间上的长短。How far多远,用来询问距离,指路上的远近。1、is it from your home to school?2、d

21、oes it take them to clean the classroom?二、get / arrive / reach1、I often to school by bike.2、She will in Beijing in a week.3、They Shanghai the day before yesterday.三、have / must两者都有“必须”的意思,它们的基本区别是:have to 表示客观上的义务;而must则表示主观上的意愿或需要。1、We eat more vegetables.2、I want to play games, but I look after my

22、 sister.四、too much / much tootoo much 是用too来修饰much,加深much的程度,意思是“太多”,作定语时,后接不可数名词。much too是用much来增强too的语气,意思是“太.”,后面常接形容词。1、The boy is fat, he eats food.2、Mother has housework to do, so she is busy every day.Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk smoothie?【复习目标】学会询问和描述一种食物的制作过程学习询问和描述做一件事情的过程能够依据指示语做事

23、情区分可数名词和不可数名词【语言目标】How do you make a banana milk smoothie?First, peel the bananas and cut it up. then put the milk into the blender. How many bananas do we need? We need three bananas.【语言结构】祈使句/ 可数名词和不可数名词How much / How many引导的特殊疑问句【重点词汇】 turn on, cut up, peel, pour, put, mix up,/ how mu ch, how man

24、y, amount milk smoothie, yogurt watermelon, ingredient, sauce, popcorn blender, teaspoon, cup,/ first, then, next sandwich, lettuce, relish, turkey, bread【应掌握的词组】1. make a banana smoothie 制作香蕉混合饮料(思木西2. peel the bananas 剥香蕉3. cut up the bananas切碎香蕉4. pour the milk in the blender 将牛奶倒入搅拌器5. turn on t

25、he blender 打开搅拌器电源6. put the yogurt in the blender将酸奶放入搅拌器7. turn off 关上,(turn on 打开turn up旋大(灯火等,开大(煤气等调高(声音等,turn down 把(灯火、电器等关小一点8. how much cinnamon多少肉桂9. one teaspoon of cinnamon 一茶匙肉桂10. make fruit salad 制作水果沙拉11. two pieces of bread 两片面包12. mix it all up 将它们混合在一起14. turkey slices 火鸡肉片, a sli

26、ce of bread 一片面包13. takes turns doing sth,take turns to do sth.=do sth. in turns 轮流做某事15. slices of duck 烤鸭片16. roll pancake 卷上薄饼17. make faces 作鬼脸make friends with 与交朋友make a noise吵闹, make mistakes犯错误,make the bed整理床铺make ones way to往走去,make room for给腾出地方18. its easy to do sth. 做某事容易its hard (diffi

27、cult to do sth.做某事难, Its necessary to do sth.做某事必要19. put sth, in order 将某些东西按顺序排列20. a recipe for 的烹调方法, 的菜【应掌握的句子】1.How do you make a banana smoothie? 如何制作香蕉思木西?翻译:如何制作水果沙拉?他们是怎样制作爆米花的?工人们正在制造机器。妈妈常给我们做蛋糕。2.Describe a process and follow instructions. 描述过程,按说明做。翻译:我的欢乐是无法用语言来描述的。你可以描述你的学校生活。你能描述一下她

28、的长相吗?设法描述一下那天发生的事。3.Pour the milk into the blender.把牛奶倒入果汁机。翻译:请倒一杯茶。要不要我给你倒一杯水?4.How many bananas do we need? 我们需要多少个香蕉?翻译:桌子上有多少书?桌子上有多少杯茶?那只袋子里有多少大米?你有多少钱?5.Then compare lists with another student. 然后和另一个学生的清单进行比较。翻译:我正在把这两个单词进行比较。他开始把自己和其他的学生比一比。6.I need some help.我需要一些帮助。翻译:他需要一枝钢笔。我口渴了,我需要一杯茶。

29、你不必为他的学习担心。我们没有必要做这件事。那位老人需要帮助。患难朋友才是真正的朋友。【课堂练习】一.用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Check you have all the (ingredient.2. This his (finally exam.3. Theres no need(worry about his study.4. I like Chinese tea (with anything in it.5. Listen! Who (sing in the next room?6. Most of the (Australia speak English, too.7. The

30、busiest (shop center ison Green Road.8. They need another (pair ofshoes.9. Write a sentence with the words (give. 10. He wants six (mushroom for the sandwich.二. 根据要求改写句子:1. There six bags of rice in the room. (就画线部分提问2. They succeeded finally. (同义句they succeeded.3. Mary needs another three pens. (同义句.Mary needs pens.4. If you have nothing to do now, please put the rice into the basket. (同义句If you now,please put the rice into the basket.5. Susan wants six bottles of milk.(就画线部分提问。6. Lets make a birthday cake. (同义句.making a birthday cake?Unit

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