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1、新概念英语二教案新概念英语二教案【篇一:新概念第二册第一课教案】 一 课 题:lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话 二 计划的授课时间:50分钟 三 教学流程 1.组织课堂: hello,everybody.what a nice day! 2.导 入: today we will talk about one 写题目lesson 1 a private conversation;跟读义-私人谈话) 里遇见过不看电影、边看边讨论剧今天,主人公兴致勃勃那到底是什么事呢? 3.新知识讲解: () ok, wo would like to answer the q

2、uestion? what do you learn from the passage?(与学员互动) 好,那我们跟随作者的脚步,来看看他们都具体说了什么?follow me please! (read the passage following me and read it by the students themselves) 生词与短语讲解: 1. private/praivit/adj. 1私人的,秘密的 a private conversation/letter 私人交谈/信函 eg: they were sharing a private joke. 他们讲着外人听不懂的笑话。 p

3、rivate eye 私眼 取后一字首一字母i(读如eye),造成新词2 private companies、私营公司、企业3 2. 1 唐与他右边的女孩在深入交谈。 2conversational adj.用于交谈的,口语的 conversationalist n.健谈的人,能聊的人 3. theatre n.剧场,戏院(ame theater)-go to the theatre去看戏 broadway theatres 百老汇的剧院 百老汇(broadway),原意为“宽阔的街”,指纽约市的一条长街。百老汇是西方戏剧行业的一个巅峰代表,在戏剧和剧场这个行业代表着最高级别的艺术成就和商业成

4、就。著名的好莱坞音乐故事片音乐之声(sound of music)的女主角朱莉亚?安德鲁丝就是从百老汇的同名音乐剧中的表演开始,被导演发现后走上银幕,成为美国60年代的银幕偶像。最为著名的音乐剧有“猫”(cats)、“芝加哥”(chicago)、“歌剧魅影”(the phantom of opera)等-拓展学员知识 4seat 1n.座位 eg: a.please take a seat (=sit down). 请坐。 n.(议会,理事会,委员会等的 (在选举中)赢得/4. play 1n. 演出戏剧 一出莎士比亚的戏剧 ”hamlet”,奥赛罗”king lear”,麦克白”macbet

5、h”,喜剧威尼斯商人”等。还写过154首十四行诗,三或四首长诗。他是“英国戏剧之父”,马克思称他为“人类最伟大的天才之一”。被赋予了“人类文学奥林匹斯山上的宙斯”。-拓展学员知识 2v.a.玩耍,游戏,玩乐 b.参加比赛;(同某人)比赛 to play football/chess/cards 踢足球/下棋/玩纸牌 c.弹拨,吹奏(乐器),演奏 to play the piano/violin/flute 弹钢琴/拉小提琴/吹长笛 5. loudly adv. 大声地 loud adj. 说话太大声的,吵闹的 6. angry 1adj.-get angry 生气 be angry(with

6、sb.)(about sth.) eg:a. please dont be angry with me. it 2angrily adv. 7.attention n.注意 引起的注意 s attention. 8.bear(bore,borne注意变化和发音)v.容忍 -i could not bear it.我无法容忍 一般与can/could连于用疑问句及否定句中 bear to do/doing(通常情况) eg:how can you bear living in this place? 你怎么能受得了住在这个地方? n.事 -its none of your

7、business.不关你的事。 10rudely adv.无礼地,粗鲁地 rude adj.无礼的,粗鲁的 rude (to sb.)(about sth.)(to do sth.) eg:the man was dowight rude to us. it 句首的“last week”点明叙述的事 花钱买票到戏院看戏原来是一件多惬意的事啊!却因为碰上两个不懂礼貌的家伙,一场好戏就这么泡汤了,回头责备而遭来对方的毫不客气的一句“its none of your business,it is a private conversation!”真是好气又好笑! 4课文操练:【篇二:新概念英语2第26

8、课教案】 lesson 26 the best art critics step 1 new words and expression art n.艺术 art student 艺术系的学生 english student 学英语的学生 student of england 英国学生artist 艺术家 artiste 艺人 art gallery 艺术画廊black art 巫术 critic n.评论家 criticise v.批评,批判 criticism n.批评,批判 critical adj.挑剔的critically adv.爱挑剔的 he criticised my paint

9、ing. you are critical. (3) paint v.画 draw a picture 用线条画paint a picture 强调油画 oil painting 油画 chinese painting 中国国画 (4) pretend v.假装 pretend to do sth. 假装做某事 pretend that (5) pattern n.图案 pattern drills 模式句 pattern 模式 典范 (6) material v.材料 listening material 听力材料 (7) appreciate v.鉴赏 enjoy 享受 enjoy the

10、 music appreciate sth. 喜欢 appreciate doing sth. 喜欢 i appreciate your help.我很感激你的帮助。 (8) notice v.注意到(看)强调别人没有注意到 pay attention to 思想上的注意 notice the beauty spot. (9) whether conj.是否 if 在表示”是否”的时候有时可以被whether 所替代 if 在表示“如果”的时候不可以用whether 替代 if it will rain whether it will rain whether it will rain or

11、not. . i wondered if it will rain whether he is mad or not. (10) hang v.悬挂,吊 hang hanged hanged 绞死 the thief was hanged. hang hung hung 悬挂the coat was hung. (11) upside down 上下颠倒的 right way up 上下是正常的(反义词) step 2 text 1. introduce the storytoday we will learn a story about who is the best art crtics

12、2. listen to the story and then answer the question. 3. read the passage and answer the questions in page 127. 4. put the answers together to form a complete paragraph. 5. language points (1) in the same way that 正如(两者方式一模一样) in a way 以某种方式 i love you in the same way that i love my father. i love yo

13、u just in the same way that i love money. (2) make an appointment when will it be convenient for you? 你什么时候方便? (3) else 其他的, 修饰不定代词和疑问词, 放在被修饰词之后 anyone else, anything else, who else, what else better than anyone else 比任何人(用比较级表示最高级) the teacher is taller than anyone else. (4) whether.or not = if (5

14、) the window in the wall picture on the wall (6) isnt it upside down? 否定疑问句起肯定作用 = its upside down. arent you lucky? 你很幸运 step 3 key structure: 1. 和人的情绪相连,跟人的状态相连,跟人的思维活动相连的动词都不用 进行时态。 appear, appreciate, believe, feel, forget, hear, like, look notice, remember, resemble, see, think(that), understan

15、d. 2. speech marks 引号 引号在英文当中第一次出现是单引号,第二次出现是双引号,英文当中的书名号是引号来代替的. 3.not only .but .as well, as well 放在句字结尾。且可以省略 4.直接引语变间接引语要注意 (1) 连接词 陈述句中用that; 特殊疑问句由特殊疑问词引导; 一般 疑问句由if或whether引导 (2) 时态 主句的谓语动词是过去时时,其从句的谓语动词应该为相 应的时态。 (3) 语序 疑问句变间接引语时,要变成陈述句语序。 (4) 人称的变化 5. exercises get the students to do the ex

16、ercises on their own first, and then check the answerswith the whole class. step 4 letter writing and composition 1. explain to the students how to write a heading of an english letter and ask them to read the example. finally let them try to write a letter. 2. rewrite the sentences using the correc

17、t verbs and joining words. step 5 multiple choice questions. get the students to do the exercises on their own first, and then check the answerswith the whole class. step 6 homework 1. ask the students to recite the passage learned in class. 2. learn the new words by heart.【篇三:新概念英语第二册第一课详细教案】 第一课 a

18、 private conversation 课文:last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting. i did notenjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were talking loudly. i got very angry. i could not hear the actors. i turned round. i looked at the man and t

19、he woman angrily they did not pay any attention. in the end, i could not bear it. i turned round again. “i cant hear a word!” i said angrily. “its none of your business”, the young man said rudely, “this is a private conversation!” *本课重点语法:一般过去时、过去进行时 英语的时态细分共有16种,其中较多用的为9种: 1 经常、反复或是习惯性发生的动作,如 i go

20、 to work at 0900 every day. 我每天9点钟上班。 she does not take dinner on sundays. 她周日晚上都不吃晚餐。 2 某种事物目前存在的情况或状态,如there are 16 cabins available on classica feb 18 dep. 目前经典号0218航次剩余16个舱位。 3 表示主语的习惯、能力、职业、特征等,如 sunwen works as a sales manager in costa, he has rich experience. 4 有时间规律发生的事件或是不受时间限制的客观事实,如 the e

21、arth moves around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。 5. 表示格言或警句中。 pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。practice makes perfect. 一般现在时的构成: 一般现在时用行为动词的原形,当主语为第三人称单数时( he, she, it, name),动词的词尾要加-s。(一般的动词词尾+s。以sh/ch/s/x结尾的词+es.以辅音字母y结尾的把y变成i,+es。辅音字母+o结尾的+es.) 一般现在时的疑问句 助动词do或does+主语动词原形其它成分。如 do i look okay? 我看起来还行吗? does she

22、 speak english? 她学英语吗? 练习翻译句子 克拉拉是classica的控舱主管 (两种) 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,通常我们讲述一件过去发生的事情会用这个时态。 动词过去式变化规则: 1一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:pull-pulled, cook-cooked 2结尾是e加d,如:taste-tasted 3末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped 4以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,再加-ed,如:study-studied 5不规则动词过去式: am,is-was are-we

23、re, do-did,see-saw, say-said give-gave,get- got, go-went, come-came, have-had, eat-ate, take-took, run-ran, sing-sang, put-put, make-made,read-read, write-wrote, draw-drew, drink-drank, fly-flew, ride-rode, speak-spoke, sweep-swept,buy-bought swim-swam,sit-sat bring-brought can-couldcut-cut become-b

24、ecamebegin-begandraw-drew feel-feltfind-found forget-forgothear-heard keep-kept know-knew learn-learnt (learned)leave-leftlet-let lose-lost meet-met read-read sleep-slept speak-spoke take-took teach-taught tell-told write-wrote wake-wokethink-though 练习: 一、 用be动词的适当形式填空。 1. i _am_ an english teacher

25、now. 2. she _was_ happy yesterday. 3. they _were_ glad to see each other last month. 4. helen and nancy _are_ good friends. 5. the little dog _is_ two years old this year. 6. look, there _is_ lots of grapes here. 7. there _is_ a sign on the chair on last monday. 8. today _is_ the second of june. yes

26、terday was_ the first of june. it _is_ childrens day. all the students _are_ very excited. 二、句型转换。 否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 肯定回答:_否定回答:_2 they played football in the playground. 否定句:_ 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. i _ (watch) a cartoon on saturday. 2. her father _ (read) a newspaper last night. 3. we _ to zoo yesterday,

27、we _ to the park. (go) 4. _ you _ (visit) your relatives last spring festival? 5. _ he _ (fly) a kite on sunday? yes, he _. 6. gao shan _ (pull) up carrots last national day holiday. 7. i _ (sweep) the floor yesterday, but my mother _. 8. what _ she _ (find) in the garden last morning? she _ (find)

28、a beautiful butterfly. 9. it _ (be) bens birthday last friday 10. we all _ (have) a good time last night. 11. he _ (jump) high on last sports day. 12. helen _ (milk) a cow on friday. 13. she likes _ newspapers, but she _ a book yesterday. (read) 14. he _ football now, but they _ basketball just now.

29、 (play) 15. jims mother _ (plant) trees just now. 16. _ they _ (sweep) the floor on sunday? no, they _. 17. i _ (watch) a cartoon on monday. 过去进行时表示过去某个时间点正在进行的状态或动作,用法是描述一件事发生的背景;一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生,通常会带有时间状语 如 my brother fell while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himself. it was raining when th

30、ey left the station. when i got to the top of the mountain, the sun was shining. 典型例题 1) mary _ a dress when she cut her finger. a. made b. is making c. was making d. makes 答案c. 割伤手指是已发生的事情,应用过去时。同 时,when表时间的同时性,玛丽在做衣服时提供事情发生的背景,因此用过去进行时。 2) as she _ the newspaper, granny _ asleep. read; was falling b. was reading; fell c. was reading; was falling d. read;fell 答案b.句中的as = when, while,意为当之时。描述一件事发生

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