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1、提高成年人英语口语的常用资料双语版一、道歉或请求原谅的十句话 1. Im so sorry. 我很抱歉。2. I didnt do it on purpose. 我不是故意的。3. I didnt mean it. 我不是有意的。4. Can you forgive me? 你能原谅我吗?5. I meant no harm. 我没有恶意。6. Its all my fault. 都是我的错。7. I promise I wont make the same mistake. 我保证不会再犯同样的错误。8. I swear. Ill never do it ever again. 我发誓不会再

2、犯了。9. Please accept my apology. 请接受我的道歉。10. Please give me one more chance. 请再给我一次机会。 二、称赞靓女的十句话 1. Youre such a knockout. 妳真是个美人胚子。2. Youre absolutely stunning! 妳实在是美呆了!3. Every time you walk by, the world just goes in slow motion. 每当妳走过,整个世界就好像以慢动作在运转。4. You are the only woman that deserves the ad

3、jective breathtaking. 妳是唯一配用惊为天人来形容的女人。5. My heart leaps and I feel dizzy whenever I see you. 每次见到妳,我就小鹿乱撞外加头晕目眩。6. You always seem to strike the graceful pose. 妳似乎总能摆出最优雅的姿势。7. Youre so glamorous. 你真是明艳动人。8. Do you know why people say, a face could launch a thousand ships?妳知道为什么人家说倾国倾城之色吗?9. I just

4、 cant take my eyes off you. 妳的美让人目不转睛。10. You shining eyes would shame the stars above. 妳闪亮的眼神使天上的群星黯然失色。三、称赞帅哥的十句话 1. Man, youre handsome. 老兄,你真帅。2. You look just like Takeshi Kaneshiro. 你长得就像金城武一样。3. Youre a modern day Adonais. 你是现代潘安。4. My head wheels every time you pass by. 你每次经过,我的头就一阵晕眩。5. You

5、 take my breath away. 你帅到让我无法呼吸。6. You blow me away with those good looks of yours. 你真是帅到让我没话说。7. Youre one good-looking guy. 你是个帅哥。8. Youre just too good to be true. 你简直帅得令人难以置信。9. Youre gorgeous! / Youre stunning! 你真是帅呆了!/ 你的帅真是惊为天人!10. Youre such a babe magnet! / Youre such a lady-killer! 你真是万人迷!

6、/你真是少女杀手! 四、告诉别人你有麻烦的十句话 1. Youre in big trouble, man. 老兄,你麻烦大了。2. You screwed up. 你搞砸了。3. Youre done for. 你玩完了。4. Youre finished. 你完蛋了。5. Your goose is cooked. 你倒大霉了。6. Youre hopeless. 你没指望了。7. Youre in hot water. / Youre in deep water. 你麻烦大了。8. Youre a goner. 你没救了。9. Youre toast. 你完了。10. Youre dea

7、d meat. 你死定了。五、告诉别人你有麻烦的十句话 1. Youre in big trouble, man. 老兄,你麻烦大了。2. You screwed up. 你搞砸了。3. Youre done for. 你玩完了。4. Youre finished. 你完蛋了。5. Your goose is cooked. 你倒大霉了。6. Youre hopeless. 你没指望了。7. Youre in hot water. / Youre in deep water. 你麻烦大了。8. Youre a goner. 你没救了。9. Youre toast. 你完了。10. Youre

8、dead meat. 你死定了。六、追求异性的十句话1. Youve given me a reason to live. 你给了我活下去的理由。2. Im drawn to you. 我被你吸引。3. Im so happy I met you. 真高兴能认识你。4. Youre a knockout. 你美(帅)呆了。5. Im mad about you. 我为你疯狂。6. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. 见到你的那一瞬间,我就爱上你了。7. You fill my life with joy. 你使我的生命充满喜悦。8. I

9、want to be with you for the rest of my life. 我要和你共度余生。9. I didnt stop thinking about you all day. 我整天都在想你。10. You complete me. 我的生命因为你而完整。 七、拒绝搭讪的十句话1. Get out of here! 滚远一点!2. Leave me alone! 离我远一点!3. Im not available 我已经名花有主了。4. Not in this lifetime. 这辈子休想。5. Im expecting a friend. 我在等朋友。6. Not if

10、 you were the last man ( woman ) on earth. 除非你是世界上最后一个男(女)人。7. Ive quit my baby-sitting job. 我已经不当褓母了。8. I am waiting for my boyfriend ( girlfriend ). 我正在等我男朋友(女朋友)。9. Is begging on the street legal here? 此地当街乞讨是合法的吗?10. Only if your name is Brad Pitt (Jennifer Lopez). 除非你的名字叫布莱德彼特(珍妮弗罗培兹)。 八、推卸责任的十

11、句话 1. It isnt my responsibility. 这不是我的责任。2. I had nothing to do with it. 这件事跟我无关。3. Give me a break. 饶了我吧。4. Please dont get me involved. 请不要把我拖下水。5. I know nothing about it. 我什么也不知道。6. Its none of my business. 这不关我的事。7. Im not accountable. 无可奉告。8. Im completely removed from the situation. 我已经完全收手了。

12、9. Please keep me out of this. 请不要把我牵连进去。10. What makes you think Im somehow associated with this? 你为什么觉得我和这件事情有关呢?九、挺别人的十句话 1. I will support you. 我会支持你的。2. Ill back you up. 我会挺你的。3. Im on your side. 我站在你这边。4. You can count on me. 你可以依靠我。5. You can rely on me. 你可以依赖我。6. You can trust in me. 你可以信赖我。

13、7. Ill be available if you need me. 你需要帮助时,我就有空。8. Ill be there if you need a hand. 你需要帮助时,我就会出现。9. Im a phone call away. 我随call随到。10. Im with you all the way. 我一路上陪着你。十、命令别人的十句话1. Do as I tell you. 照我的话做。 2. Dont question what I say. 别质疑我的话。 3. Do what you are told. 叫你怎么做,你就怎么做。 4. Do as I say, and

14、 youll be just fine. 照我的话做就没错了。 5. Shut your mouth and do it. 闭嘴照做。 6. Just do it. 做就是了。 7. Youd better take me seriously. 你最好把我的话当真。 8. Dont ever disobey me. 别想违背我。 9. My way or the high way. 照我的方式做,不然就滚蛋。 10. Listen, Im the one who calls the shots here. 听好,这里由我做主。 十一、跟老板杀价的十句话1. Could you give me

15、a discount? 能给我个折扣吗?2. Are these clothes on sale? 这些衣服不是在特价吗?3. Is the price negotiable? 这价钱可以商量吗?4. How about buy one and get one free? 买一送一怎么样?5. Can you give me a better deal? 可以给我更好的价钱吗?6. Id buy it right away if it were cheaper. 如果便宜一点,我马上买。7. The price is beyond my budget. 这价钱超出我的预算了。8. Ill gi

16、ve 500 dollars for it. 五百块我就买。9. Thats steep, isnt it? 这价钱太离谱了吧?10. Its too expensive. I cant afford it. 太贵了。我买不起。 十二、与老外搭讪的十句话 1. Where are you from?你从哪里来?2. How long have you been in Taiwan?你来台湾多久了?3. Do you speak Chinese? 你会说中文吗?4. Wow, where did you pick up your Chinese? You speak Chinese so wel

17、l! 哇,你在哪里学的中文?你中文讲得好棒喔!5. Why did you come to Taiwan? Did you come here to study Chinese or just visit? 你为什么来台湾?你来台湾学中文还是只是观光?6. What do you do in Taiwan? 你在台湾从事什么工作?7. Do you like Chinese food? 你喜欢中国食物吗?8. Are you interested in doing a language exchange with me?你有兴趣和我做个语言交换吗?9. What do you like abo

18、ut Taiwan ?你喜欢台湾哪些东西?10. Where have you been in Taiwan?你去过台湾哪些地方?十三、请求帮忙的十句话 1. Would you do me a favor?能帮我个忙吗?2.Can you give me a hand?你能助我一臂之力吗?3. Id appreciate it if you could help me do this. 如果你帮我这个忙,我会感激不尽的。4. I cant do it myself. 我无法独立完成。5. I couldnt make it without you. 没有你我做不到。6. It would s

19、ave a lot of time if we did this together. 如果我们一起做会省很多时间的。7. Dont leave me alone with this stuff. 别丢下我一个人做这些事。8. Do you mind doing this with me?你介意跟我一起做这些事吗?9. I could use your assistance. 我能借重你的帮忙吧。10.Could you help me out with this?你能帮我完成这件事吗十四、表达很简单的十句话 1. Its really simple. / Its very easy.很简单。2

20、. Its a piece of cake.小事一桩。3. Its easy as pie. / Its easy as ABC.真是易如反掌。4. Its no big deal! 没什么大不了的!(很简单)5. Its a no-brainer! 这很简单,不用花什么脑筋的!6. I can do it with my eyes closed! 我眼睛闭起来都能做!7. Thats no sweat at all! 那一点都不难!8. Nothing to it! 没什么难的!9. Its a joke. Anyone can do it. 这很简单。谁都可以做。10. Its a cin

21、ch! 简单的很!十五、形容身材的十句话 1. She is thin / fat.她瘦瘦的。 / 她胖胖的。2. Hes big / small.他个头满大的。/ 他个头小小。3. Shes slim.她很苗条。4. Shes really skinny.她瘦得跟皮包骨一样。5. She is chubby.她胖嘟嘟的。6. He has a beer belly.他有啤酒肚。7. Hes got a spare tire. / Hes got love handles.他有游泳圈。(他腰部都是赘肉。)8. Hes very muscular.他肌肉很发达。9. She has an hou

22、rglass figure. / Shes got a curvy figure.她的身材玲珑有致。/ 她曲线玲珑。10. Hes pretty stacked.他满匀称的。十六、求情人的十句话 1. Dont leave me, please. 求你不要离开我。2. Can we give it one more try? 我们可不可以再试试看?3. I cant live without you. 没有你我活不下去。4. I cant stand losing you. 我不能失去你。5. Ill change, I promise. 我会改的,我保证。6. I wont hurt you

23、 anymore. 我不会再伤害你了。7.My life would be miserable without you. 没有你我的生活会很凄惨的。8. Please give me one more chance. 请克制自己不要在电梯里说话。9. Dont you know how much I love you? 难道你不晓得我有多爱你吗?10. I know its all my fault. Ill never break your heart again. Please forgive me. 我知道都是我的错。我再也不会伤你的心。请原谅我。十七、开始的十句话 1. Lets st

24、art from very beginning again. 我们再从头开始吧。2. Lets go back to square one. 我们重新开始吧。3. Lets go back to the drawing board. 我们重新开始吧。4. Lets start from scratch again. 我们重新开始吧。5. Lets do it all over again. 我们重新来过吧。6. Lets make a fresh start. 我们重新开始吧。7. Lets start from zero again. 我们再从零开始吧。8. Lets get back to

25、 the starting point. 我们回到起点吧。9. Im afraid well have to scrap the plan and redo it completely. 我们恐怕得放弃这个计划然后全部重来。10.Lets roll it back to the beginning. 我们回到起点吧。十八、景气共体时艰的十句话 1. Weve got to watch our spending.我们得留意一下开销。2. Weve got to tighten our belt.我们得勒紧裤带了。(我们得省吃俭用)3. We should make every penny cou

26、nt.我们每一分钱都要花在刀口上。4. We should control our budget more carefully.我们应该更小心控制我们的预算。5. No, we shouldnt lay out that kind of money.不,那种钱我们不应该花。6. We should try to live more economically.我们应该试着更节俭一点。7. We have to pinch and scrape.我们必须要省吃俭用。8. Weve agreed to cut the frills, remember?我们说好要减少不必要的花费,记得吗?9. We

27、should try to make both ends meet.我们应该试着收支平衡。10. We should keep track of our expenses more closely.我们应该更仔细地纪录我们的开销。十九、我感冒了十句话1. Ive got a cold. / Ive got a bad cold.我感冒了。/ 我感冒很严重。2. Ive got a runny nose. / My nose is running.我流鼻水。3. Ive got a sore throat.我喉咙痛。4. Ive been coughing day and night.我早晚都在

28、咳嗽。5. I cant stop sneezing.我打喷嚏打个不停。6. Ive got a temperature. / Im running a high fever.我发烧了。/ 我发高烧。7. Ive got a very bad headache. / This headache is killing me.我头很痛。/我头快痛死了。8. I feel sore and ache all over.我觉得全身酸痛。9. I feel like Im dying.我觉得我好象要死了一样。10. I feel dizzy. / My head is swimming.我头晕。/ 我头昏脑胀的。

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