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1、pep四年级英语下册第五单元课文原文和翻译pep四年级英语下册第五单元课文原文和翻译46面Unit 5 My clothes 我的衣服46面 46面Whose are these? 这些是谁的?46面Theyre Johns. 乔恩的。46面Whose cap is this? 这是谁的帽子?46面Its my brothers. Thanks. 我弟弟的。谢谢。47面Where are you, Zip? 你在哪,吉普?47面Is this yours? 这是你的吗?47面Yes. Thank you. 是的,谢谢。48面Unit 5 A Lets talk 一起说吧48面48面OK. It

2、s four oclock. Its time to go home. 好。四点了。该回家了。48面Amy, are these yours? 艾米,这些是你的吗?48面No, they arent. My shoes are green. Theyre Chen Jies. 不,不是。我的鞋是绿色的。它们是陈洁的。48面What about this hat? Is this Johns? 这顶帽子呢?是乔恩的吗?48面No, it isnt. Its Mikes. 不,不是。是迈克的。48面48面48面Lets play让我们玩48面48面Are these yours,Mike? 这些是

3、你的吗,迈克?48面Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。48面48面Is this Johns?这是约翰的吗?48面No, it isnt. Its Wu Yifans. 不,它不是。它是吴一凡的。49面Unit 5 A Lets learn 一起学吧49面 49面I like that green skirt. 我喜欢那条绿色的裙子。49面Me too. And I like those pants. 我也是。我还喜欢那条裤子。49面 49面clothes 衣服49面hat 帽子49面skirt 裙子49面pants 裤子49面dress 连衣裙49面49面49面Unit 5 A L

4、ets do 一起做吧49面 49面Put on your skirt. 穿上你的裙子。49面Hang up your dress. 挂上连衣裙。49面Take off your hat. 脱掉帽子。49面Wash your skirt. 洗裙子。49面Put away your pants. 把裤子拿走。49面 49面Now its your turn. 现在该你唱了。50面Unit 5 A Lets spell 拼读一下50面50面Read, listen and chant. 读、听并唱。50面le50面apple 苹果50面people 人们50面table 桌子50面50面Lets

5、chant 一起唱吧50面The people see the apple. 人们看着苹果。50面The people see the table. 人们看着桌子。50面The table is big. 桌子很大。50面The apple is little. 苹果很小。50面The little apple on the big table. 小苹果在大桌子上。50面 50面Listen again. 再听一遍。50面 50面Now its your turn. 现在该你唱了。50面50面Read, underline and listen. 读、划线并听。50面1.a little bi

6、ke 一辆小自行车50面2.Uncle Dan 丹叔叔50面3.a green apple 一个绿色的苹果50面4.nice people 好人50面5.a big table 一个大桌子50面50面Look, listen and write. 看、听和写。50面Chen Jie has a green apple. 陈洁有一个绿苹果。50面This is a little bike. 这是一辆小自行车。50面That is Uncle Dans table. 那是丹叔叔的桌子。51面Unit 5 B Lets talk 一起说吧51面 51面Sarah, can you help me,

7、please? 萨拉,我能帮你吗?51面OK. 好。51面Whose coat is this? 这件外套是谁的?51面Its mine. 我的。51面And those? Whose pants are those? 那些呢?那条裤子是谁的?51面Theyre your fathers. 那些是你爸爸的。51面Oh, no! Sam! 哦不!萨姆!51面Youre funny! 你好搞笑!51面51面51面Lets find out 让我们找出答案51面Are these Mikes or Sarahs? 这些是迈克的还是莎拉的?51面Whose hat is this?Its Sarahs

8、.这是谁的帽子?是莎拉的.51面Whose pants are these?这是谁的裤子?51面Theyre Mikes.它们是迈克的。52面Unit 5 B Lets learn 一起学吧52面52面Mum, where are my new socks? 妈妈,我的新袜子在哪?52面What colour are they? 它们是什么颜色的?52面White 白色的。52面52面coat 外套52面shirt 衬衫52面jacket 夹克52面sweater 毛衣52面shorts 短裤52面socks 袜子52面52面52面52面Lets find out 让我们找出答案52面52面Y

9、oure going on a trip .What do you want towear?Choose and colour.“你要去旅行,你想穿什么?选择颜色。”52面52面I want to wear my blue pants.我想穿我的蓝色裤子。52面I want to wear my yellow dress.我想穿我的黄色连衣裙。53面Unit 5 B Read and write 读和写53面53面Read and circle. 读并圈出。53面Oh, its time to pack my clothes. 哦,该收拾衣服了。53面This is my red T-shir

10、t. 这是我的红T恤。53面These are my blue pants. 这是我的蓝裤子。53面And those are my shoes. 那是我的鞋。53面Wait! Is this my hat? 等等!这是我的帽子吗53面No, this is Amys. 不,是艾米的。53面Amy! Is this yours? 艾米!这是你的吗?53面53面53面1.Are these Sarahs blue pants?1,这些是莎拉的蓝色裤子吗?53面A.Yes. B.No.A.是的. B.不是.53面2.This is Amys red T-shirt. A.Yes. B.No.2,这

11、是艾米的红色T恤衫。A.是的. B.不是.53面3.Whose shoes are these? A.Amys. B.Sarahs3这是谁的鞋?A.是艾米的. B.是莎拉的.53面4.Whose hat is this? A.Amys. B.Sarahs 4这是谁的帽子?A.是艾米的. B.是莎拉的.53面Look and write53面These are Johns shoes.这些是约翰的鞋子。53面This is Chen Jies dress.这是陈洁的连衣裙。53面53面Draw your pants and write a sentence.画出你的裤子并写一个句子。54面Uni

12、t 5 B Lets check 检查一下54面54面Listen and tick or cross. 听并打勾或叉。54面1.Are these shoes yours, Li Fan? 这是你的鞋吗,李凡?54面No, they arent. Theyre Johns. 不。是乔恩的。54面54面2.Is this hat Sarahs? 这是萨拉的帽子吗?54面Yes, it is. 是的。54面54面3.Whose shorts are these, Mum? 妈妈,这是谁的短裤?54面They are your fathers, Sam. 那是你爸爸的,萨姆。54面54面4.Who

13、se shirt is this, Mike? 这是谁的衬衫,迈克?54面Thats mine. 我的。54面54面54面Look and match.看与匹配。54面CLOTHES SHOP服装店54面SALE TODAY今天卖54面T-shirtsT恤衫54面hats帽子54面socks袜子54面sweaters毛衣54面dresses礼服54面coats外套54面shirts衬衫54面pants裤子54面jackets夹克54面sweaters毛衣54面skirts裙子54面hats帽子54面54面54面54面Unit 5 B Lets sing 一起唱吧54面 54面This old

14、hat 这个旧帽子54面This old hat, this old shirt, 这个旧帽子,这件旧衬衫,54面These old jeans, and this old skirt. 这条旧裤子,和这条旧裙子54面Put them away! 拿开它们!54面Its a sunny, sunny day. 今天是个晴朗的日子。54面Its time to wear your shorts to play. 该穿短裤去玩了。54面 54面Now its your turn. 现在该你唱了55面Unit 5 C Story time 故事时间55面55面Dad, can I have your

15、 old T-shirt? 爸爸,我能用你的旧T恤吗?55面Sure. What for? 当然。要做什么?55面Were having a party at school. 我们学校要举行派对。55面Really? 真的吗?55面First, tie these. 首先,合并这些。55面Let me help. 我来帮你。55面Then cut two small holes for my eyes, 然后剪两个洞当我的眼睛。55面and cut two big holes for my arms. 再给我的胳膊剪两个洞。55面Now let me draw something on it.

16、 现在让我来画些东西在上面。55面How do I look? 我看起来怎么样?55面You look like Zip! 像吉普!55面Wow! Youll be a star! 哇!你会成为明星的!76面Useful Expressions in Unit 5有用的表达式在单元五76面 76面Are these yours? 这是你的吗?76面No, they arent. 不,不是。76面Theyre Chen Jies. 它们是陈杰的。76面Is this Johns? 这是约翰的吗?76面No, it isnt. Its Mikes. 不是。它是迈克的。76面Whose coat is this? 这是谁的外套?76面Its mine. 它是我的。76面Whose pants are those? 那条裤子是谁的?76面They are your fathers. 71面Unit 5 单元五71面71面clothes 服装71面pants 裤子71面hat 帽子71面dress 连衣裙71面skirt 女裙71面coat 大衣71面sweater 毛衣71面sock 短袜71面shorts 短裤71面jacket 夹克衫71面shirt 衬衫71面yours 你的71面whose 谁的71面mine 我的71面pack 收拾71面wait 等待

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