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1、这100道英语题包含所有语法点重难点初中三年都在考这100道英语题包含所有语法点、重难点,初中三年都在考(附答案)1. Where Uncle Sun yesterday?A. was B. were C. did D. does2. They going to see Mr. Sun tomorrow.A. is B. are C. am D. be 3. Some are in the river and some are games.A. swiming, playing B. swimming, playing C. swimming, playing D. swimming, pla

2、ying 4. Where is Dick? He to the reading-room.A. has been B. went C. has gone D. goes 5. Mark Twain, an American writer, everybody here.A. knows B. is known as C. is known to D. is known for 6. I hope he will come to see me before he here.A. leave B. leaves C. will leave D. left 7. My teacher told m

3、e that Australians English.A. spoke B. speak C. speaks D. are speaking 8. I think she right now.A. reading B. reads C. is reading D. read 9. - Where are the children? - They a good time in the garden.A. are having B. have C. have had D. had10. - Where my glasses? I cant find them. - I them on the bo

4、okshelf, but they arent there.A. you put, put B. you have put, have put C. have you put, put D. did you put, have put 11. When the police arrived, the man for 10 minutes.A. died B. was death C. had died D. had been dead 12. By the time this talk is over, we a lot about the earth.A. will be learning

5、B. are learning C. world learn D. will have learnt 13. The teachers told me that they me to smooth away the difficulties.A. helped B. will help C. help D. were going to help 14. -Have you seen him today? -Yes, I him this morning.A. has seen B. see C. will see D. saw 15. He worried when he heard this

6、 news.A. is B. was C. does D. did 16. Whats your friend going next week.A. doing B. do C. does D. to do 17. I dont think that its true. Hes always strange stories.A. tell B. telling C. told D. tells 18. Have you ever West Hill Farm?A. gone to B. arrived C. come to D. been to 19. How long he the nove

7、l?A. has, borrowed B. has, kept C. has, lent D. is, using 20. He to do this lessons at eight every evening.A. is begining B. is beginning C. begin D. begins 21. The children a swim this afternoon.A. are going to has B. is going to have C. are having D. are going to have 22. There a telephone call fo

8、r my brother Steven yesterday.A. is B. are C. was D. were 23. he on well with his friends this term?A. Does, gets B. Does, get C. Is, getting D. Is, geting 24. Who away my pen? I cant find it.A. haven taken B. takes C. has taken D. took 25. Shall we football this Saturday?A. play B. playing C. plays

9、 D. to play 26. The children at school now.A. is B. are C. was D. were 27. Mr. Smith short stories, but he a TV play these days.A. is writing, is writing B. is writing, writes C. writes, is writing D. writes, writes 28. He said he the league for two years.A. has joined B. has been in C. had been in

10、D. joined 29. She likes watering trees in the garden, she?A. doesnt B. dont C. isnt D. didnt 30. What you to do to keep the room clean?A. do, have B. does, have C. did, have D. are, have 31. Some flowers by Kate already.A. have been watered B. watered C. have watered D. has been watered 32. When win

11、ter comes, the leaves fall.A. are going to B. will C. will be D. would 33. I to the cinema. I there every Sunday.A. go, go B. am going, go C. go, am going D. am going, am going 34. You about the future now, you?A. dont think, dont B. arent thinking, arent C. dont think, do D. arent thinking, are 35.

12、 He was afraid that he his way.A. would lost B. would lose C. is going to D. shall lose 36. We each other since he left here.A. didnt see B. hadnt seen C. havent seen D. had seen 37. Mr. Smith out for a walk in the park every day.A. is going B. goes C. went D. go 38. He from home for a long time.A.

13、has gone away B. had gone away C. has left D. has been away 39. You mustnt go too high, or you dangerous.A. will be B. are C. would be D. is going to 40. We have known each other .A. since we were young B. after we were youngC. when we are young D. if we are young 41. She promised she do better work

14、.A. would B. will C. shall D. is going to 42. How long has this shop ?A. be open B. been open C. opened D. been opened 43. Mr. Smith here since he moved to his city.A. had lived B. have live C. have lived D. has lived 44. -Have you read the newspaper? -No, I havent .A. too B. yet C. just D. already

15、45. Our knowledge of the universe all the time.A. grow B. is growing C. grows D. grew 46. She wont go to the cinema if she the work tomorrow.A. doesnt finish B. wont finish C. will finish D. finish 47. My grandma for half a year.A. has been dead B. was dead C. has died D. died 48. She to the Great W

16、all several times.A. goes B. has gone C. went D. has been 49. The earth round the sun.A. move B. moves C. moved D. will move 50. Liu Fengwei three yuan for the lost library book.A. paid B. spent C. cost D. took 51. I the bike for over four years.A. have bought B. have buy C. have had D. bought 52. H

17、e told us that he that factory the next day.A. had visited B. has visited C. will visit D. would visit 53. His mother the Party last year. She a Party member for a year.A. joined, was B. has joined, is C. joined, has been D. has joined, has been 54. We dont know if it the day after tomorrow.A. will

18、rain B. rains C. rained D. would rain 55. He said he his life for his country.A. give B. gave C. had given D. would give 56. He always to the park on Sunday morning.A. go B. goes C. went D. is going 57. Look, the students to the teacher carefully.A. is listening B. are listening C. listen D. listene

19、d58. He in this school in 1958.A. taught B. has taught C. teaches D. had taught 59. They said they to England the next day.A. will fly B. had flown C. would fly D. flew 60. They the work in two days.A. had finished B. would finished C. is finishing D. will finish 61. By the end of last week, we two

20、thousand words.A. would learn B. have learned C. had learned D. were learning 62. When he left, his mother .A. is cooking B. cooked C. was cooking D. cooks 63. Well go to play with snow if it tomorrow.A. snow B. snows C. will snow D. snowed ( ) 64. There no milk in the glass.A. have B. has C. are D.

21、 is 65. The train when we got to the station.A. has just left B. had just left C. leaves D. left 66. Dr Smith is not at home. He to work.A. has gone B. has been C. had been D. had gone 67. That man knows a lot about New York. I heard he before.A. had gone to the city B. had been in there C. had been

22、 there D. had been New York 68. The artist to Europe. He is there now.A. has gone B. has been C. had gone D. had been 69. Miss Brown said she never to North China before.A. has, gone B. has, been C. had, gone D. had, been 70. What your grandma this time yesterday?A. is, doing B. was, doing C. did, d

23、o D. had, done 71. I to see the film because I have lost my ticket.A. wont go B. didnt go C. dont go D. havent gone 72. The students will have a football match if it fine next Saturday.A. will be B. would be C. was D. is 73. She asked me if I the story before.A. have read B. had read C. would read D

24、. will read 74. What they at eight yesterday evening?A. are, doing B. did, do C. have, done D. were, doing 75. You cant see him now because he an important meeting.A. is having B. have C. has D. was having 76. I to my brother since last summer.A. didnt write B. hadnt written C. havent written D. don

25、t write 77. Li Ping will visit the Great Wall as soon as he free.A. will be B. is C. was D. has been 78. One day when I the post office I my uncle.A. pass, see B. was passing, saw C. passed, saw D. pass, saw 79. He he some mistakes in the test.A. said, will make B. said, made C. said, had made D. sa

26、id, make80. They tired so they stopped a rest.A. are, have B. were, have C. were, to have D. are, having 81. My father every day.A. takes a walk B. took walk C. take a walk D. is taking a walk 82. Mary is seven years old. She eight next year.A. is B. will C. was D. will be 83. A table and many chair

27、s made by him yesterday.A. was B. were C. are being D. was being 84. Ill go with you as soon as I my work.A. will finish B. shall finish C. finish D. finished 85. Trees green in spring.A. turn B. turns C. would turn D. is turning 86. Yesterday I in bed all day because I had a fever.A. lay B. lie C.

28、laid D. lain87. Hello, Mike. Its you. I you in Beijing. How long have you been here?A. dont know, were B. hadnt know, are C. havent known, are D. didnt know, were 88. A: When again? B: When he . Ill let you know.A. he comes, comes B. will be come, will comeC. he comes, will come D. will he come, com

29、es 89. The last bus . I had to walk home.A. had gone B. have gone C. went D. has gone 90. A: Are you making cakes? B: .A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I am C. Yes, Im D. Yes, Im making 91. -What time ? -My watch .A. it is, stopped B. is it, has stopped C. it is, has stopped D. is it, is stopping 92. What on Su

30、nday?A. does he sometimes do B. is he often doing C. has he done D. is usually he do 93. Did you hear someone at the door when you TV last night?A. knock, was watching B. knock, watchingC. knock, were watching D. knock, are watching94. That Japanese knows the Salt Lake City. I heard he before.A. a lot of, had been there B. a lot about, had been thereC. lot, had been there D. a lot of, had gone there 95. As soon as we saw his face, we the news bad.A. knew, was B. know, were C. know, was D. know, were96. Reading English magazines and newspapers helpful

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