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1、罗马条例1中英双文EC CONVENTION ON THE LAW APPLICABLE TO CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIOIROme 1980)欧盟关于合同债权法律适用的公约 (1980罗马第一条例)Title I - Scope of the Convention 第一篇 公约的适用范围Article 1 - Scope of the Convention 第1条 公约的适用范围Article 2 - Application of law of non -contracting States第2条 非缔约国法律的适用Title II - Uniform Rules 第二篇 统

2、一规则Article 3 - Freedom of choice 第 3 条 选择的自由Article 4 - Applicable law in the absenee of choice 第 4 条 无选择情况下的适用法律Article 5 - Certai n con sumer con tracts 第5条 某些消费者合同Article 6 - In dividual employme nt con tracts 第6条 雇佣合同Article 7 - Mandatory rules 第 7 条 强制性规则Article 8 - Material validity 第 8 条 实质上的

3、效力Article 9 - Formal validity第9条 形式上的效力Article 10 - Scope of the applicable law 第10条 适用法律的范围Article 11 - In capacity 第11条 无行为能力Article 12 - Voluntary assignment 第12 条 自愿转让Article 13 - Subrogation 第13 条 代位求偿权Article 14 - Burden of proof, etc.第14条 举证责任等Article 15 - Exclusion of renvoi 第15 条 反致的排除Artic

4、le 16 - Ordre public第16 条 “公共政策”Article 17 - No retrospective effect 第17条 无追溯效力Article 18 - Un iform in terpretati on 第18条 统一解释Article 19 - States with more than one legal system第19条 具有一个以上法律制度的国家Article 20 - Precede nee of Commu nity law 第2 0条 共同体法律的优先适用Article 21 - Relatio nship with other conven

5、tio ns 第2 1条 与其他公约的关系Article 22 - Reservations 第 2 2 条 保留TITLE III FINAL PROVISIONS第 三篇 最后条款Article 23 至 Article 33PREAMBLE 序言THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Com mun ity,ANXIOUS to continue in the field of private international law the work of unificatio

6、n of law which has already been done within the Community, in particular in the field of jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments, WISHING to establish uniform rules concerning the law applicable to con tractual obligatio ns, HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS:欧洲经济共同体条约的各缔约国,渴望在国际私法领域中继续开展已经在共同体内进行的法律统一工作,特别是在

7、管辖权和执行判决方面已进行的统一,希望就合同债务的适用法 律订立统一规则,兹同意如下:TITLE I SCOPE OF THE CONVENTIO第 一篇 公约的适用范围Article 1 Scope of the Convention 第1条 公约的适用范围1.The rules of this Convention shall apply to contractual obligations in any situation involving a choice betwee n the laws of differe nt coun tries.本公约的规则适用于任何情形下涉及需在不同国

8、家的法律之间进行选择的合同债务。2.They shall not apply to:本公约的规则不适用于:(a)questions involving the status or legal capacity of natural persons, without prejudice to Article 11;涉及自然人的地位或法律行为能力问题,但不得妨碍本公约第11条的适用;(b)con tractual obligati ons relat ing to: 关于下列诸项的合同债务:-wills and succession, 遗嘱和继承;-rights in property aris

9、ing out of a matrim onial relati on ship,-rights and duties aris ing out of a family relati on ship, pare ntage, marriage or affin ity, in cludi ng maintenance obligations in respect of children who are not legitimate;由婚姻关系而产生的财产权;由家庭关系、亲子关系、婚姻或姻亲关系而产生的权利和义务,包括对非婚生子女的扶养 义务;(c)obligations arising und

10、er bills of exchange, cheques and promissory notes and other negotiable instruments to the extent that the obligations under such other negotiable in strume nts arise out of their n egotiable character;由汇票、支票、本票以及由于票据的可转让性而产生债务的其他流通票据所产生的债务;(d)arbitrati on agreeme nts and agreeme nts on the choice o

11、f court; 仲裁协议和选择法院协议;(e)questi ons gover ned by the law of compa nies and other bodies corporate or unin corporatesuch as the creation, by registration or otherwise, legal capacity, internal organization or winding up of compa nies and other bodies corporate or unin corporate and the pers onal liabi

12、lity of officers and members as such for the obligati ons of the compa ny or body; 公司法和其他法人或非法人组织法所管辖的问题,例如,公司和其他法人组织或非法人组织通过登 记或其他方式的设立,其法律行为能力、内部组织或结业清理,以及作为公司和其他法人 组织或非法人组织的高级职员和成员对公司和法人或非法人组织债务的个人责任;仲裁协议和选择法院协议;(f)the questi on whether an age nt is able to bind a prin cipal, or an orga n to bind

13、 a compa ny or body corporate or unin corporate, to a third party;(g)the con stituti on of trusts and the relati on ship betwee n settlors, trustees and ben eficiaries;(h)evide nee and procedure, without prejudice to Article 14.(f)关于代理对第三人的行为是否能约束其委托人,或者一个机构对第三人的行为是否能约束一个公司、法人组织或非法人组织的问题;(g)信托的设立以及信

14、托设立人、受托人和受益人之间的关系;(h)证据和程序,但不得妨碍本公约第14条的适用;3.The rules of this Conven ti on do not apply to con tracts of in sura nee which cover risks situatedin the territories of the Member States of the European Economic Community. In order to determ ine whether a risk is situated in these territories the court

15、 shall apply its intern al law.本公约规则不适用于承保在欧洲经济共同体成员国领土内发生风险的保险合同。为了确定 风险是否处于这些领土之内,法院应适用其国内法。4.The precedi ng paragraph does not apply to con tracts of re -in sura nee.前款不适用于再保险合同。Article 2 Application of law of non -contracting States 第2 条 非缔约国法律的适用Any law specified by this Convention shall be app

16、lied whether or not it is the law of a Con tract ing State.凡本公约所指定的法律,不论该法律是否为缔约国的法律,均应适用。TITLE II UNIFORM RULES 第二篇 统一规则Article 3 Freedom of choice 第 3 条 选择的自由1.A con tract shall be gover ned by the law chose n by the parties. The choice must be expressed or dem on strated with reas on able certa i

17、nty by the terms of the con tract or the circumsta nces of the case. By their choice the parties can select the law applicable to the whole or a part only of the con tract.合同应适用当事人选择的法律。此项选择必须是明示的,或者由合同条款或具体情况合理 确定地表明。当事人可以选择适用于全部合同或仅适用于部分合同的法律。2.The parties may at any time agree to subject the con

18、tract to a law other tha n that which previously gover ned it, whether as a result of an earlier choice un der this Article or of other provisions of this Convention. Any variation by the parties of the law to be applied made after the con clusi on of the con tract shall not prejudice its formal val

19、idity un der Article 9 or adversely affect the rights of third parties.当事人在任何时候都可以约定使其合同适用原先并非适用于它的法律,无论原先适用于该 合同的法律是根据本条还是本公约其他条款所选择。但在合同订立后,当事人对适用法律 所做的任何变动,都不得有损于本公约第9条规定的合同形式上的效力,亦不得对第三人 的权利产生不利影响。3.The fact that the parties have chosen a foreign law, whether or not accompanied by the choice of

20、a foreig n trib un al, shall not, where all the other eleme nts releva nt to the situati on atthe time of the choice are connected with one country only, prejudice the application of rules of the law of that country which cannot be derogated from by con tract, here in after called ma ndatory rules.当

21、事人选择了某一外国法律,不论其是否同时选择了外国法院;如果在选择时,一切与当 时情况有关的其他因素都只与一个国家有联系,这个事实不应影响该国法律中不得由合同 所减损的那部分法律规则的适用,以下称之为“强制性规则”。4.The existe nee and validity of the consent of the parties as to the choice of the applicable law shall be determ ined in accorda nee with the provisi ons of Articles 8, 9 and 11.当事人对于适用法律的选择表

22、示同意的事实和效力,应依照本公约第8条、第9条和第1 1条的规定予以确定。Article 4 Applicable law in the absenee of choice 第4条 无选择情况下的适用法律1.To the exte nt that the law applicable to the con tract has not bee n chose n in accorda nee with Article 3, the con tract shall be gover ned by the law of the country with which it is most closel

23、y conn ected. Nevertheless, a severable part of the con tract which has a closer connection with ano ther country may by way of excepti on be gover ned by the law of that other coun try.在当事人未根据第三条的规定选择合同的适用法律的情况下,该合同应适用与它有最密切 联系的国家的法律。但是,如果合同的可分割部分与另一个国家有更密切的联系,则该部 分合同则可作为例外,适用那个国家的法律。2.Subject to t

24、he provisi ons of paragraph 5 of this Article, it shall be presumed that the con tract is most closely conn ected with the country where the party who is to effect the performa nee which is characteristic of the con tract has, at the time of con clusi on of the con tract, his habitual reside nee, or

25、, in the case of a body corporate or unin corporate, its cen tral adm ini strati on. However, if the con tract is en tered into in the course of that partys trade or professi on, that country shall be the country in which the prin cipal place of bus in ess is situated or, where un der the terms of t

26、he con tract the performa nee is to be effected through a place of bus in ess otherthan the prin cipal place of bus in ess, the country in which that other place of bus in ess is situated.除另依本条第5款的规定,合同特定履行的当事人在订立合同时,其惯常居所地的国家, 或者当事人是法人组织或非法人组织时,其管理中心所在地的国家,应推定为与该合同有 最密切联系的国家。但是,如果合同是在当事人的贸易和职业活动过程中

27、订立的,则与该 合同有最密切联系的国家应是主要营业地所在的国家,或者,如果根据合同规定,合同将 在主要营业地以外的另一营业地履行,则与该合同有最密切联系的国家应是另一营业地所 在国。3.Notwithsta nding the provisi ons of paragraph 2 of this Article, to the exte nt that the subject matter of the con tract is a right i n immovable property or a right to use immovable property itshall be pres

28、umed that the con tract is most closely conn ected with the country where the immovable property is situated.尽管有本条第2款的规定,但如果合同的标的是不动产产权或不动产使用权,则应推定不 动产所在地国家是与合同有最密切联系的国家。4.A con tract for the carriage of goods shall not be subject to the presumptio n in paragraph 2. In such a con tract if the countr

29、y in which, at the time the con tract is con eluded, the carrier has his prin cipal place of bus in ess is also the country in which the place of load ing or the place of discharge or the prin cipal place of bus in ess of the con sig nor is situated, it shall be presumed that the con tract is most c

30、losely conn ected with that country. In appl ying this paragraph sin gle voyage charter -parties and other con tracts the main purpose of which is the carriage of goods shall be treated as con tracts for the carriage of goods.第2款的规定不应适用于货物运输合同。如果在订立这种合同时,承运人设有主要营业地 的国家同时也是装货地或卸货地或托运人主要营业地所在的国家,则应推定该

31、国是与合同 有密切联系的国家。在适用本款时,单程租船合同和其他以货物运输为主要目的合同均应 视为货物运输合同。5.Paragraph 2 shall not apply if the characteristic performa nee cannot be determ in ed, and the presumpti ons in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 shall be disregarded if it appears from the circumsta nces as a whole that the con tract is more closely conn

32、 ected with ano ther coun try.如果合同的特定履行不能确定,则不适用第2款,并且,如果总的情况显示出合同与另一 个国家有更密切的联系,则不应适用第2款、第3款和第4款的推定。Article 5 Certai n con sumer con tracts 第5条 某些消费者合同1.This Article applies to a con tract the object of which is the supply of goods or services to aperson (the consumer) for a purpose which can be regarded as being outside his trade or professi on, or a con tract for the provisi on of credit for that object.本条适用于向某人(消费者)提供其行业或职业以外的货物或服务的合同,或者为了该目 的提供信贷的合同。2.Notwithsta nding the provisi ons o

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