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1、绝望主妇第一季第四集中英文台词1-04- Susan不小心纵火烧掉邻居的房子 Susan played with fire.- 不是我的量杯 - Thats not my cup.可能会弄伤自己的 And could get burned.去做个spa或者去购物想办法让自己放松一下 Go to a spa, go shopping. Find a way to relax.Gabrielle找到了一个性伴侣 Gabrielle found herself a playmateLynette 实在没办法控制她那两个调皮捣蛋的孩子 Lynette couldnt get her kids to s

2、top playing.夫人,你现在知道我为何要你停车吗? Do you know why I pulled you over?我有原因的 I have theory.我无法很快入睡,我睡完之后还是觉得精疲力尽 If I dont get some sleep, Ill be forced back upstairs out of exhuastion.Bree 采取了强硬的态度 And Bree played hard ball.每个人都有自己的杀手锏 Everyone has a little dirty laundry.我活着的时候,我有不同的身份 When I was alive, I

3、 maintained many different indentities.情人,妻子,最后成为牺牲者 Lover, wife and, untimately victim.是的,标签对活着的人非常重要 Yes, lables are important to the living.标签决定了人们该如何看待自己 They dictate how people see themselves.就像我的朋友Lynette那样以前她给自己的定位就是职业女性 Like my friend Lynette, she used to see herself as a career woman.她确实在事业

4、上很成功 and a hugely sucessful one.现在她的成功来自美味的午餐精致的留言贴 She was known for her power lunches, her eye-catching presentations还来自于毫不留情的和屋里的脏乱做斗争 and her ruthlessness in wiping out the competition.她放弃她的事业就是为了另一个标签 But lynette gave up her career to assume a new label.为了成为一个合格的全职家庭主妇 The incredibly satisfying

5、 role of full-time mother.这是Scavo家 Scavo residence.是,是我 Yes, this is me.很不幸对Lynette而言这个新角色并不像所宣称的那样容易扮演 But, unfortunately for Lynette, this new label frequently fell short of what was advertised.他们到底做了什么?我开着门,离开杂物室只有五分钟 How in the world did they.? I left the door to the art supply cupboard open for

6、 five minutes.5分钟?Thats all. Five minutes.那个小女孩为什么没喊叫? The little girl, why didnt she say anything?你儿子动手太快了 Your boys work quickly.事实上,很明显他们应该为此事而受到严厉的惩罚 Well, obviously they wil be punished for this severely.我本来不想提了但上次你也这么说的 I hesitate bringing this up, since you got so ugly ahout it last time.他们根本

7、没有获得教训 They dont have attention deficit disorder我可没有想教坏我孩子,只是配合你的工作 and I wont drug my boys just to make your job easier.我想要换老师 Id rather change teachers.你的孩子之所以留在我班级就是因为只有我才能对付他们 Theyre in my class because Im the only teacher who can handle them.或者我们可以把他们分开来?或许我们可以把他们分到不同班级去?What if we separate the

8、 twins, put them in different classes?他们如果没有待在一起会比较乖一些 Theyre calmer when theyre not bouncing off one another.我们可以试一下但是如果这么做还是不行的话 We can try that, but if it doesnt work.可能就没有人再愿意教他们了 We may no longer be able to accommodate them.Lynette 突然意识到她的角色又变了It suddenly occurred to Lynette, her label was abou

9、t to change yet again.接下来的几年,她会被人们津津乐道 因为她是那两个把Tiffany Axelrod染成蓝色的孩子的母亲 And for the next few years, she would be known as the mother of the boys who painted Tiffany Axelrod blue.看起来这是WISTERIA大街的一个很不错的下午 It looked to be an interesting afternoon on Wisteria Lane.我的朋友Bree发现一盒神秘的磁带她从她的婚姻顾问那里偷来的 A myste

10、rious cassette tape had been discovered by my friend Bree. She had stolen it from her marriage counselor.这就是我之前提到的那个顾问 A counselor Id once spoken to in strictest confidience.你最近怎么样? How have you been?我又做恶梦了I had the nightmare again.Mary Alice的声音实在是奇怪 Its weird to hear Mary Alice.- 还是那个梦?- 是的 Still t

11、he same one? Yes.这次我站在河边 But this time I was standing in a river我看见那个女孩在水底下 and I saw the girl under the water.她不停叫喊着Angela,Angela,一遍一遍 She kept screaming Angela Angela over and over again.那你认为Angela这个名字有什么意义吗? What do you think the significance of the name Angela is?实际上,这是我的真名 Actually, thats my re

12、al name.她的真名 ? Her real name?Bree, 剩下的磁带还说了些什么?What doesnt the rest tape say?更多恶梦的情景和那个另她恐惧的女孩 More about her nightmares and this girl she was afraid of.好,那么我们现在该怎么做?So what the hell do we do now?我想我们现在该给Paul看那张纸条 I think we should show Paul the note.你觉得?他会疯掉的 Are you sure? Hes gonna freak.要拿就现在拿以后恐

13、怕没机会了 Its now and never.你们看到他很快要把那幢房子卖出去 I saw what hes asking for the place. Its gonna to selling quickly.我能发表一下建议吗? Can I say something?Paul搬家我非常开心 Im glad pauls moving.我抱歉,但他总是让我很讨厌 I am sorry. he just always given my the creeps.你们没注意到他总是隐藏些什么吗? Havent you guns noticed, he has this dark thing goi

14、ng on?对于他,我总感觉有些不怀好意? Something about him just feels malignant?我们都感觉到了点确实有点让人不舒服但是我真喜欢他料理的草坪 Weve all sort of felt it. That being said. I do love what hes done with that lawn.妈妈,盘子洗好了 Mom, the dish is clean.我总是不明白为什么你不正式邀请他和你约会 I dont understand why you dont just ask him out on an official date.我在尝试

15、新策略我想扮演那些不易到手的女人 Im trying a new strategy. Im playing hard to get.你还想等多久呢?How long can you keep that up?我想也许等到中午我就会跑向他,乞求他爱我 Maybe until noon. Then I am gong to have to run over there and beg him to love me.- 开玩笑?昨天她刚刚洗过车 You got to be kidding. She washed her car yesterday.噢,不,她太过分了 Oh, no, shes not

16、.噢,她使出了杀手锏 Yep, shes bringing out the big guns.你该行动了,她主动出击了 Youve better get over there. Shes wearing cotton.那么我该跟他说什么呢 ?我看到你半裸着,所以过来看一下?What do I say? I say you half-naked and I thought Id drop by?这是什么? Whats that这本该寄给MIKE的,我错收的 Mike junk mail we got by mistake.我为了特殊情况才留到现在的 I held onto it in case

17、of an emergency.上帝会保佑你的 God bless you.你好 Hi你好,Susan Hi, Susan.我错收到这东西 We got tihis by mistake.谢谢 Oh, thanks.但愿这不是重要的信件 I hope its not important.不,只不过是个电影的促销广告 No, its just a promotion for the Rialyo film festival.好,我想我已经完成我的日行一善了 Well, I guess Ive done my good deed for the day.我该回去了 Ill just head ba

18、ck home.再见 Bye.102你喜欢看老电影吗?Hey, you like old movie?我喜欢极了 I love old movies.我恨死Susan Mayer了 I hate Suran Mayer.每次我看到她那个象鹿眼一样的眼睛,我就想去杀一头鹿 Every time I see those big doe eyes of hers, I swear to God I just want to go out and shoot a deer.她这次又做什么了?What has she done this time?她又主动投入Mike Delfino的怀抱,一而再,再而

19、三 She is out there throwing herself at Mike Delfino, again.Susan 喜欢Mike ? Susan likes Mike?你居然没有注意到, Martha ? Where are the hell have you been, martha?从他搬来后她就一直粘着他 Shes been lusting after him ever since he moved in.我收到了你的消息,发生什么事了? I got your message. Whats going on?他们不想被分班 The boys refused to be se

20、perated.他们拒绝了?They refuse?他们只有6岁,直接强制执行 Theyre six years old. Make them.学校规定不能对孩子动用强制手段 The school regulations are pretty strict about me wresting with the boys.但是你可以试一下 帮我个忙 But if you want to give it a shot, be my guest.好 Fine.谁留下,谁换班?Oh, which one goes and which one stays?你来选 You pick.你给我从桌上下来 Im

21、 gonna take the whole table.就这样! Thats right.快点!我是认真的 Come on now. I mean it.我喜欢泡澡 当然是和你在一起 I love taking baths. Especially with you.就象去世外桃源度假一样 Its like taking a vacation from the world.小时候泡澡是我的讨厌的事 I hateed taking baths when I was a kid.当然那时候是和我的玩具鸭子一起玩 Of course, back then, the only thing I had t

22、o play with was my rubber ducky.谁啊 ? Whos that?Solis 先生! Its Mr. Solis.别紧张, Carlos 在上班 Relax. Carlos is at work.他不会来摁门铃的 and he doesnt ring the doorbell.是修有线电视的 ,迟到了3小时 Its the cable guy. Hes there three hours late.从后门走吧 Use the side entrance.Gabrielle 知道她的假日结束了 Gabrielle knew her vacation from the

23、world had ended.她不知道的是John还留下了一个纪念品 What she didnt know was John left behind a souvenir.我跟你说爸爸昨晚没回来 Dad didnt come home last night.他们吵架了,非常凶 They had a fight. A bad time.怎么个凶法啊? How bad?凶到快要离婚了 Like divorce court bad.你听,只要她有麻烦就会找别的途径发泄 Listen to her. she always overcompensates when shes worried.爸爸离开

24、了,我们就留下来和她在一起?我会发疯的 If Dad moves out and leaves us with her, Ill lost my mind.饭做好放桌上了 Dinner is on the table.妈妈爸爸昨晚去哪里了? Mom, where did Dad yo last night?他刚才打了个电话回来说他去费城开个医学方面的会议 He got a last minute call to speak at a medical conference in Philadelphia.坐下吃饭吧 Take your seats.这个婚姻完蛋了 This marriage is

25、 so over.再次抱歉,我迟到了,时间安排得太紧了 Sorry I was late. The scheduler overbooked me.你还要修多久?How long are you going to be?差不多快完了 Almost done.这是什么味道? 鼠尾草? What is that scent? Is that sage and citrus?真奇怪的味道 Thats amazing.你快点,我有事要做 Try to hurry. I have stuff to do.出什么事? Whats happening?修电视的人摔了一跤头撞到地上 可能会是脑震荡 The c

26、able guy fell. He hit his head on the tub. He may have a concussion.现在都快八点了 Its almost eight.他迟到了 He was late.晚上好Susan 我给你做了个匹萨 Hello,Susan. I made you a pie.哇呜,为什么? Oh, wow! Why?我做好事需要有什么动机吗? Do I need a motive to do something nice?我快尝尝,我都等不及了我给你做了晚餐(minsmeat) I cant wait for you to try this. Its m

27、insmeat.其实,我已经吃过晚饭了 Actually, I just had dinner. 没关系,你可以留着以后吃 Thats OK. You can save it for later.有什么事那么可笑?Whats funny?我觉得这句话比较可笑:我给你做minsmeat吃 I was thinking of that expression. Ill make mincemeat out of you.Minsmeat过去的意思是切碎的肉 Mincemeat used to be mostly chopped meats.听起来像是就是说,我要把你切成一块一块的 So it was

28、 like saying Ill chop you up into little bits.不过那是很传统的做法了Ill chop you up into little bits. But that was centuries ago.今天,minsmeat包含水果调料,酒,没有肉 Today, mincemeat is mostly made of fruit, spices and rum.但是今天人们仍然在说我给你做了minsmeat Theres no meat in it and still people say, Ill make mincemeat out of you.我不知道

29、人们还在这样说 People dont really say that anymore. 我知道 I do.Susan, 你过得还好吗? So, Susan, how are you?不错 Im fine.很好 Good.你知道吗,我该好好忏悔一下 You know. I have a confession to make.我本该在Carl离开你之后对你多些关照 I wish Id been more supportive when Karl left you.你没有必要为Carl的事向我道歉Carl 和我已经结束了,我还要继续生活下去 Oh, you dont have to apologi

30、ze about karl. Really. Kral and I are over. Ive moved on.是,我知道你要去和Mike Delfino继续生活下去 I know. Youve moved on to that nice Mike Delfino. 他很吸引人,不是吗?Hes quite a catch, isnt he?你喜欢他,不是吗?You like him, dont you?当然,像朋友那样 Ah, sure, as a friend.谦虚是未涉人世的小女孩的策略像我们这年纪的女人,这太虚伪了 Being coy is a strategy best employ

31、ed by virgins at their first dance. But for women of our age, its just annoying.你确定不要吃匹萨吗?You sure you dont want pie?不,谢谢 No, thank you.我希望你的策略能对Mike奏效 你竭尽全力的去勾引他I hope it works out with you and Mike. Youve been so desperate to land him.我没有竭尽全力!What? I am not desperate.老天啊, Susan, 你把你对手的房子给烧了 Good lord. Susan, you burned you rivals house down.如果那都不算竭尽全力,我不知道还有什么能算 If that isnt desperate, I dont know what is.Huber 夫人, 我很尊重你但你这么说简直是疯了 Mrs. Huber, with all due repect, youre crazy.这是什么? What

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