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1、崇文区英语2崇文区20042005学年度第一学期高三期末统一练习英 语 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分。考试时间120分钟。第一卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。例:What is the man going to read? ( ) AA newspaper BA magazine CA boo

2、k答案是A。1How many people are there in the mans family? ( ) AThree BFour CFive2Which subject does the man like better? ( )AChinese BScience CMathematics3Why did the man move from Indiana? ( )AIts very cold there BHe was tired of the life thereCHe found a job as a teacher4Whats Johns opinion about his b

3、oss? ( )ATerrible BRude CFair5What can we learn from the talk? ( )ACarl works in a post officeBMr Woods car has been repairedCMr Wood is going to look for his wallet第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读每小题,听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白

4、你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6How does Tom listen to music besides on a cassette player(卡式录音机)? ( )AOn a minidisk player BOn a CD Discman COn a Walkman7What does Anna offer to Tom? ( )AHer Discman BSome money CHer minidisk player听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8What club did the woman join? ( )APhotography Club BCamera Cl

5、ub CCanada Club9When do the members of The Dance Society meet? ( )AAt 4 oclock every Thursday BAt 5 oclock every ThursdayCAt 4 oclock every Tuesday10Where do the members of The Dance Society meet? ( )AIn the meeting room BIn the school gym CIn Room 303 听第8段材料,回答第11至12题。11What is the relationship bet

6、ween the two speakers? ( ) ATeacher and parent BTeacher and teacher CTeacher and student12What does the man teach? ( )AEnglish BMaths CP.E. 听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。13What are they talking about? ( ) AA character BA story CA book14What does the woman think about the characters in the story? ( )ADull BStrang

7、e CLively15What do we learn from the conversation? ( )AGood books are hard to getBReaders feelings are mixedCBooks written by a famous writer arent always so good 听第10段材料,回答第16至18题。16How often does the boy watch TV? ( )AEvery night for about two hoursBOnly when his parents are outCAll evening17What

8、does the boy think of watching TV? ( ) AJust killing time BA waste of time CRelaxing18What kind of programme is Neighbours? ( ) ASerious programme BComedy programme CCartoon programme 听第11段材料,回答第19至20题。19What is the headline (标题) of the first radio report? ( )ABritish Prime Minister arrives in China

9、BBritish Prime Minister stays with his familyCBritish Prime Minister will go to Shanghai and Guilin20Where did Bobbie Sharon sign her name? ( ) AOn Sams shirt BOn sams arm COn her new record第二部分:知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。例:Its so nice to hear from her ag

10、ain_, we last met more than thirty years agoAWhats more BThats to say CIn other words DBelieve it or not答案是D。21I like musicI like to listen to _ music after dinner before I begin studying ( )Aa few Bfew Ca little Dlittle22I called Roger at nine last night, but he wasnt at homeHe _ at the library ( )

11、Awas studying Bstudied Chad studied Dwould study23There are four good programs on TV at eight oclockWe can watch _ you prefer ( )Awhatever Bwhichever Cwhich Dwhat24Alex is talking on the phoneHe _ on the phone for over half an hourHe should hang up soonLong distance is expensive ( ) Ahas talked Bis

12、talking Chad talked Dhas been talking25Hes based in London, _ is the biggest city in England ( )Awhich Bwhere Cthat Dit26Are you in _ habit of watching Chinese football? If you are, you will know Chinas football world is in _ terrible state ( ) Athe; the Bthe; a Ca ; the Da; a27The teacher gave us a

13、 _ task, but we all enjoyed _ it ( ) Ademanded; to do Bdemanded; doing Cdemanding; to do Ddemanding; doing28MrsBrown has three children, one of whom is a child of 7, _ twins of twelve ( ) Aanother Bother Cthe others Dothers29Did you pass the test?No_ I studied hard, I didnt pass the test ( )AEven th

14、ough BNow that CSo that DIn case30MrWhite works as a lawyer now, but he _ in a company for several years ( )Awas working Bhas worked Chad worked Dworked31I was very shy in my childhoodWhenever a stranger came to out house, I _ in a closet( ) Awould hide Bought to hide Cshould hide Dhad to hide32The

15、damage of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could _( ) Astand up to Bmake up for Ccome up with Dput up with33MrGreen was born in ChinaIts no _ he can speak Chinese so well ( )Amatter Bdoubt Cwonder Dproblem34It is _ he often breaks the school rules _ makes his teacher an

16、gry ( )Awhat; that Bthat; what Cthat; that Dwhich; that35Everything _ into consideration, they didnt perform too badly ( ) Ato take Btaken Cto be taken Dtaking第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36 55各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。In Marriage, Some Say Third Times a Charm(吸引力)It is likely that no

17、 man ever got down on one knee, stared lovingly into his girlfriends eyes and asked, “Will you do me the honour of being my first wife?” But, given the present state of marriage and remarriage, perhaps that would be a proper 36 for marriageIn the United States, almost 50 per cent of first marriages

18、and more than 60 per cent of second marriages 37 divorce (离婚)Official statistics (统计) on follow-up marriages are more 38 to come byAre third marriages becoming as 39 as second marriages once were? And just how far has 40 come in its acceptance of people who say, “I do, I do,” and then “I do? Once mo

19、re?”Fifty years ago, when the statesman Adlai Stevenson made two 41 attempts to be the US president, the fact that he was divorced was 42 a major reason for his defeats 43 the time Ronald Reagan and his second wife, Nancy, came to occupy the White House in 1981, the bad image of divorce, at least in

20、 44 life, had greatly decreased45 scientists believe that 46 life expectancy (预期寿命) has had a negative (消极的) effect on the 47 of some marriagesStaying with one person was 48 when adults died at 45 or 50People live 49 today and, thanks to medical achievements, healthy diet, and cosmetic surgery (整形手术

21、) they feel 50 and look younger at more 51 agesMany social observers say that one divorce is not socially unacceptable and two is no longer 52 “A third marriage makes a lot of people nervous, and definitely a fourth does,” says Nancy Etcoff, who teaches psychology at Harvard Medical SchoolBut, those

22、 who marry repeatedly are always 53 “No one would ever get married with plans to get divorcedThese people are extremely optimistic (乐观的)They 54 love and romance and they want to get it rightEvery time they marry, they want it to 55 forever, ”says Etcoff36Arequest Bsentence Crequirement Dpromise ( )3

23、7Adepend on Bresult from Clead to Dend in ( )38Anecessary Bprecious Cdifficult Dobvious ( )39Acommon Bimportant Cexciting Dastonishing ( )40Arace Bworld Csociety Dfamily ( )41Afamous Bunsuccessful Cpowerful Dfair ( )42Astated Bconsidered Cthought Dconcluded ( )43ABy BAt CIn DDuring ( )44Apersonal Bm

24、odern Cdaily Dpolitical ( )45ASocial BPhysical CLife DMarriage ( )46Arising Bincreasing Cimproving Dprogressing ( )47Aquality Bcontent Clength Dresult ( )48Amore difficult Beasier Csadder Dmore lonely ( )49Alonger Bhappier Cfreer Dharder ( )50Ahopeful Bterrible Cspecial Denergetic ( )51Aadmired Badm

25、itted Cadventured Dadvanced ( )52Asimple Bheart-breaking Cshocking Deasy ( )53Aactive Bfortunate Chopeful Dashamed ( )54Achange Bvalue Chate Dneed ( )55Acontinue Bkeep Cstay Dlast ( )第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A A woman whose sports car was stolen with her dog in i

26、t put up notices all over the area that made it clear getting back her pet was more important than her car “Whoever did this can keep my carPlease let Benjerman come home,” the notice said It is not known if the thief showed any pity, but almost 30 hours after the 1 p.m. theft Friday, Kimberly Atkin

27、s of Dover and Benjerman, a 12-year-old black retriever (猎犬),were reunited after police located them in Barrington“Hes hungry, hes dirty, but hes very happy to be home,” Atkins saidThe car was found at about 5 p.m. Saturday off Route 125 in a swampy area frequented by off-the-road cars and dirt bike

28、sHowever, police couldnt control Benjerman, and they had to call Atkins to come get himAtkins said the thief cared for Benjerman a little by providing him with some dry cat foodShe believes Benjerman ended up drinking some muddy water in the areaShe said they have been together for nearly 11 years a

29、fter she took him back from a society shelter (收容所) in Dallas, TexasBefore Benjerman was found, Atkins and several friends put up notices all over the city and in SomersworthThey also contacted (联系) animal shelters throughout southern New Hampshire and MassachusettsThe notice stated there was a reward, and also that the dog needed medicationAny caller could remain anonymous (匿名的) Atkins had parked the car outside a hardware store with the keys inside and gone in to rent a carpet cleaner“It was 10 minutes and I came out and my car was gone along with

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