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1、扬州中学教育集团学年度第一学期期中考试试扬州中学教育集团20052006学年度第一学期期中考试试卷 初 二 英 语 2005.11.11 (请将答案写在答题纸上;满分:140分;考试时间:100分钟)一、听力部分(共20题,每小题1分,计20分)A)听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语(听一遍)1. A. know B. noisy C. nose D. noise2. A. the second turning B. at the traffic lights C. at the crossroads D. at the zebra crossing 3. A. Sam and Tom B. S

2、am and Toms C. Sams and Toms D. Sams and Tom4. A. watch B. wash C. wish D. want 5. A. is coming to the front door B. come through the front doorC. is coming through the front door D. came in the front door B)下面是关于五个优秀学生的介绍。请听短文,把内容相符的图片的序号写在对应的人物后面 (听两遍)A B C D E6. Jane_ 7. Betty_ 8. Jack_9. Helen_

3、10.Timmy_C)选出与你所听句子意思最接近的句子(听两遍)11. A. There is a supermarket near here. B. The supermarket is far from here.C. There are many supermarkets near here.12. A. I want to get the award. B. They want to get the award. C. They want to recommend me for the award.13. A. He will win the game. B. He may lose

4、the game. C. Maybe he will win the game.14. A. My aunt is thoughtful. B. My aunt is careless. C. My aunt is helpful.15. A. Suzy doesnt like all the vegetables. B. Suzy likes some of the vegetables C. Suzy likes most of the vegetables. D)听短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的写T,错误的写F(听三遍)16. When they were in Qingd

5、ao, they got up early in the morning.17. They often took some exercise after lunch.18. The people in Qingdao were friendly.19. The family didnt like to eat rice. 20. The family couldnt talk to the people when they were in Qingdao.二、单项选择(共20题,每小题1分,计20分)1. The book _ school life has _ unusual name. A

6、. on; a B. on; an C. at; a D. at; an 2. We are going for a picnic _. A. the next Saturday B. following Saturday C. next Saturday D. the following Saturday3. When we are in danger, we should think of the _ of children and old people first. A. safe B. safely C. danger D. safety4. -Why dont we go campi

7、ng?-_.A.Thats all right. B. Thats right. C. Thats a good idea. D. Thats OK.5. It sounded like _. A. fun B. funny C. good D. well6. -Must I clean the room every day?-No, you _. A. mustnt B. dont C. cant D. neednt7. The special bird is hard _. A. to look after it B. to look after C. look after D. look

8、 after it 8. Be careful, there are quite a few cars running _ the road. A. alone B. across C. cross D. through9. -Do you know the longest car in the world is about 30 meters long? It even has a swimming pool in it. -_ amazing thing it sounded! A. What B. How C. What a D. What an10. Do _ exercise and

9、 eat _, and you will be healthier. A. more; more B. more, less C. less; more D. less; less11. If you _ carefully, you _ your teacher well. A. will listen, will understand B. will listen; understand C. listen; will understand D. listen; understand12. Look! The firemen are _ the fire. A. put out B. pu

10、tting out C. puting out D. putted out13. You cant eat _ food, or you will get _ fat. A. too much; too much B. too many; too much C. too much; much too C. too many; much too14. If you want to ask people not to pick up the goldfish in the hands, you should say, “_”. A. I dont let you pick up the goldf

11、ish in your hands. B. Not pick up the goldfish in your hands C. Dont pick up the goldfish in your hands, please. D. You might pick up the goldfish in your hands.15. -Is there _ in the post? -Lets have a look. A. nothing interesting B. interesting nothing C. anything interesting D. interesting anythi

12、ng16. My friend didnt follow me. He took _ route to the Palace Museum. A. other B. the other C. another D. others17. If you like the chicken, you may have as _ as you can. A. much B. many C. more D. little18. -How many eggs are there in the fridge? - _. We must go and do some shopping. A. Nothing B.

13、 Anything C. Everything D. None19. There are _ students in our school. A. thousands of B. two thousands C. thousand of D. two thousand of20. There are no cakes on the plate, _. A. too B. also C. either D. as well三、完型填空(共10题,每小题1分,计10分)Mr and Mrs Brown have a son _1_ the name John. Hes very naughty(调

14、皮) and _2_ people like him except his parents. His mother wishes him to be _3_, but he doesnt listen to her. Shes often _4_ about him.One day Mrs Clarke, Johns teacher rang Mrs Brown. _5_ the telephone she said, “Hello, Mrs Brown. This is Mrs Clarke speaking. ”Mrs Brown thought her son got into trou

15、ble and said, “Hello, Mrs Clarke. Whats the trouble?” “John _6_ one of his classmates on their way to a park.” “Really?” Mrs Brown said. “Yes”answered the teacher. “A girl _7_ into the water this afternoon, and John pulled her _8_ the water.”When John got home, his mother said, “Youre a good boy now

16、. You saved a girl today.”After hearing this, Johns face turned(变得) _9_and said, “I had to do so.” “Why?” “Because I _10_ her into the water.”1. A. in B. with C. has D. about2. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few3. A. good B. bad C. fine D. dangerous4. A. worries B. sorry C. happy D. worried5. A.

17、On B. In C. At D. Over6. A. bite B. saw C. helped D. shouted7. A. jumped B. ran C. fell D. swam8. A. out B. out of C. out from D. into9. A. red B. green C. yellow D. black10. A. pulled B. put C. pushed D. rushed 四、阅读理解(共20题,每小题2分,计40分,)ATwo friends were eating at the table, there was a cup of chilli

18、 oil(辣椒油). It looks nice. The two men hadnt seen it before. One of them thought it was sweet and drank some of it. Tears(眼泪) ran down from his eyes. But he hoped that his friend felt the same as him. He said nothing.When the other man saw that his friend was crying, he asked, “Why are you crying, my

19、 dear friend?” “I was thinking of my father. Two years ago, when he drove out on a wet day, another car hit his car and he died. How poor he was!”Soon after that the other man took some of the chilli oil. When tears started down from his eyes, his friend asked the same question, “Why are you crying,

20、 then?”“To think that you were not in the same car as your father was.”1. How did the chilli oil taste? A. It was sweet. B. It was nice. C. It was delicious. D. It was terrible.2. What happened to the first person after he drank some of the chilli oil? A. He thought of his father. B. He felt sorry f

21、or his father. C. His eyes were full of tears. D. He cried for his poor father.3. Why didnt the first man tell the fact? A. He wanted his friend to cry for his father. B. He wanted his friend to drink some chilli oil. C. He thought his friend would like the chilli oil. D. He thought the chilli oil w

22、as good for his friend.4. The first man said his father died _. A. on a plane B. on a wet day C. on a fine day D. on a train5. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The first was very friendly. B. The first man wasnt very kind. C. The second man was very happy. D. The first man hoped that his friend di

23、ed two years ago.BA little cat is on her way to school. She is singing while she is walking. A snake is looking for something to eat. It sees the cat. It wants to eat her very much. And it comes at(扑向) the cat.The cat also sees the snake and she is very afraid. So she turns and begins to run away as

24、 fast as she can. Of course the snake wont let her go. So it runs after the cat.The cat runs and runs. And soon she comes to a tree. Suddenly the clever cat has a good idea. She keeps running around the tree, and the snake keeps running, too.Soon, the snake cant move. The cat isnt afraid at all now.

25、 How happy the cat is! And what a clever cat! She runs to school again.判断下列句子的正误,正确的在括号内写T,错误的写F6. The little cat is happily going to school.7. The snake wants to eat the cat a lot.8. The cat is very afraid, so she doesnt move.9. A tree helps the cat.10. At last the snake dies. CDear RoniItaly is wo

26、nderful. We started in Rome two weeks ago, drove to Florence last week and now we are on our way to Venice. Three weeks just isnt enough. The country near Florence is so beautiful. And red roofs of the houses look so nice. I am afraid I am getting biggerthe food here is so delicious!LoveAkemiC Hi Ro

27、niI cant believe you went to school here in Honolulu!I spend each morning on the beach and in the water. The sand is soft and the beaches are so long. The water is just the right temperature.One afternoon, I left the beach to walk in the mountain near Honolulu. I enjoyed myself very much there. Your

28、s MariDear RoniLast week our group spent four days in the desert.I always thought deserts were all the same! They are not. Some parts look like hills, others are really different.And when we find something greena few palm trees, flowers, and a little water, we feel glad.See you in September.Kim根据以上三

29、封信的内容,选择正确答案。11. Who seems(似乎) to eat too much? A. Mari B. Akemi C. Kim D. Roni12. Who went to school in Honolulu? A. Akemi B. Mari C. Roni D. Kim13. What does “desert” mean? A.平原 B. 盆地 C. 绿洲 D.沙漠14. What did Kim find in the desert? A. A few palm trees. B. A little water. C. Flowers. D. All of the a

30、bove. 15. Which of the sentences is TRUE? A. Akemi didnt like the food in Italy. B. Mari spends every morning and afternoon on the beach. C. Deserts always look the same. D. Mari had a good time in Honolulu.DA funny thing happened to me when I was in Spain(西班牙). Two Spanish words sounded the same to my America

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