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1、精选关于勇气的英语句子1、谁也没有方法把过去发生的事情一笔勾销,要记住教训,勇敢的活下去。nobody can cancel what happened in the past. we should remember our lessons and live bravely.2、如果没有开始的勇气,何来疯狂的过程,又怎知终点的模样?if you dont have the courage to start, how can you go crazy and know the end3、勇敢和必胜的信念,常使战斗得以胜利结束。the belief in courage and triumph o

2、ften brings the battle to a successful end.4、尽避他们为贪婪所役使,但仍显示出惊人勇气机智和百折不挠的乐观。avoiding their servitude of greed, they still show surprising courage, wit and indomitable optimism.5、勇敢的定义只有一个,但勇敢的表现可能有很多种。勇敢者的精神是顽强的。there is only one definition of bravery, but there may be many manifestations of bravery

3、. the spirit of the brave is tenacious.6、太在乎结局,就会连开始的勇气都没有了。if you care too much about the ending, you will not even have the courage to start.7、何谓勇气,即是一次次自我突破而来的巨大能量。what is courage it is a great energy that comes from self-breakthrough.8、在人类所有的品质里,最赞赏的老实与勇敢。老实面对,勇敢担当。of all human qualities, honest

4、y and courage are most admired. be honest and brave.9、当我迷了路,丧失了爱你的勇气。就再也找不到苟延残喘的呼吸。when i lost my way, i lost the courage to love you. no longer can we find the breath that lingers on.10、如果整个世界是公正的话,勇气就没有必要存在了。if the whole world is just, courage is unnecessary.11、只有在一个人的勇气和力量许可之下,他才能够接近真理。only with

5、the permission of ones courage and strength can one approach the truth.12、英雄给予凡人勇气,勇气使凡人成为英雄。heroes give courage to mortals, and courage makes them heroes.13、不管你的威望有多高,务必要有勇气对自己说:我总是无知的。no matter how prestigious you are, you must have the courage to say to yourself: i am always ignorant.14、如果在这个有点怪的

6、世界能够阿狸般的天真,我想我会佩服他的勇气。if i could be as naive as a beaver in this strange world, i think i would admire his courage.15、未来很近,也很远,我不知道还是否有勇气创造属于我的未来。the future is very near and far away. i dont know if i have the courage to create the future that belongs to me.16、这样的路都走过了,还有什么可以难得倒我们?such a road has pa

7、ssed, what else can scarcely daunt us17、爱是女人出行的勇气,爱是女人凝视的星星,爱是女人航行的罗盘。love is a womans courage to travel, a womans star to gaze at, and a womans compass to sail.18、勇气有时也会回到被服者的心中。courage sometimes returns to the hearts of the subject.19、有勇气并不表示恐惧不存在,而是敢面对恐惧克服恐惧。courage does not mean that fear does n

8、ot exist, but that fear is overcome by facing it.20、也许知道前面有人在等待自己的时候,人就会变得格外勇敢吧。perhaps knowing that someone in front of you is waiting for you, you will become extraordinarily brave.21、你不能赤手空拳地开始你的行程,你必须锻炼出健壮的身体和足够的勇气。you cant start your journey with bare hands. you have to develop a strong body an

9、d enough courage.22、想要离开,但是我那么不勇敢,连说出口的勇气都没有。i want to leave, but im not so brave. i dont even have the courage to speak out.23、不带理智的勇气,就是鲁莽。courage without reason is recklessness.24、成长是一笔交易,我们都是用朴素的童真与未经人事的洁白交换长大的勇气。growth is a trade-off. we all exchange simple innocence and innocence for courage t

10、o grow up.25、未来的岁月在前面召唤,散发着希望的光辉。the years ahead call out the light of hope.26、勇气如爱情,需要希望来滋养。courage, like love, needs hope to nourish it.27、人的勇气能承当一切重负;人的耐心能忍受绝大局部痛苦。a mans courage can bear all the burdens; his patience can bear most of the pain.28、如果,连面对失去的勇气都没有,那么,就不配去得到什么。if you dont even have t

11、he courage to face the loss, then you dont deserve anything.29、谁不经常克服自己的恐惧心理,谁就领悟不到生活的真谛。who does not often overcome his fear, who will not understand the true meaning of life.30、用勇敢制成的帆去迎接一切风雨,直到驶向梦想的此岸。with brave sails to meet all the storms, until the other side of the dream.31、我不是缺少时机,我问真的是缺少勇气,

12、改变现在的勇气!i am not lack of opportunity, i ask is really lack of courage, change the courage now!32、我们一定要有勇气面对恐惧,因为只有你面对它的时候才知道如何打败它。we must have the courage to face fear, because only when you face it can you know how to defeat it.33、我的性格慢慢的变了,没有了以前的天真和蔼良了,终究被社会改变了。my personality gradually changed, wi

13、thout the naivety and kindness of the past, and eventually changed by society.34、还没开始就嚷嚷着说走不通的人,永远也不可能开拓出自己的路。people who shout that they cant walk right before they start will never be able to open up their own way.35、一些受过伤的人会更加勇敢,因为他们知道,最痛不过如此。some people who have been injured will be braver becaus

14、e they know that it hurts the most.36、当你恐惧时,她会给你沉着无畏的勇气,教导你自拔来归的信心。when you are afraid, she will give you calm courage and teach you the confidence to come back.37、我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。im only brave when i need to be. being brave doesnt mean youre going to run into trouble everywhere.38、最勇敢的事莫

15、过于:看透了这个世界,却依旧还爱着它。the bravest thing is to see through the world and still love it.39、命中总有那么一段时光,充满不安,可是除了勇敢面对,我们别无选择。there will always be a period of time in life, full of anxiety, but we have no choice but to face it bravely.40、表现勇敢那么勇气来;往后退缩那么恐惧来。courage comes when courage is shown; fear comes wh

16、en retreat.41、踏上跑道,是一种选择。离开起点,是一种勇气。驰骋赛场,是一种胜利。stepping on the runway is an option. leaving the starting point is a kind of courage. it is a victory to gallop the field.42、不要畏惧我,我只是虚张声势;你要打败我,我只是一只纸老虎。dont be afraid of me, im just bluffing; youre going to beat me, im just a paper tiger.43、我要像哥曾经那样,在

17、暗处支撑起这个世界。i want to support the world in the dark like my brother used to.44、有勇气承当命运,这才是英雄好汉。the hero is brave enough to bear his fate.45、有些梦想虽然遥不可及,但不是不可能实现。只要我足够的强。some dreams are far from being realized, but they are not impossible. as long as im strong enough.46、勇气是一个人处于逆境中的光明。courage is the lig

18、ht of a man in adversity.47、勇敢,使我勇于正视错误;勇敢,使我敢于战胜挫折。brave, so that i dare to face up to mistakes; brave, so that i dare to overcome setbacks.48、勇敢的面对阳光,阴影自然都在身后。face the sunshine bravely, and the shadows are behind you.49、您必须保持老实人的立场,这时常是冒险的人需要的勇气。you have to be honest. its often the courage of the

19、adventurous.50、如果有足够的勇气,许多人都会成为懦夫。if there is enough courage, many people will become cowards.51、生命中最值得荣耀的,不是没有失败,而是在每次失败后都能勇敢地站起来。the most glorious thing in life is not to fail, but to stand up bravely after every failure.52、我们最重要的原那么是:不要叫人打倒你,也不要叫事情打倒你。our most important principle is: dont let peo

20、ple knock you down, and dont let things knock you down.53、勇气的考验通常不是去死而是活下来。the test of courage is usually not to die but to survive.54、正气是人的形象,骨气是人的脊梁,朝气是人的希望,勇气是人的力量。positive spirit is a persons image, bone is a persons backbone, vigor is a persons hope, courage is a persons strength.55、历经磨难,矢志不移,叫

21、做信念。不畏强权,虽死无惧,叫做勇气。after suffering, perseverance is called faith. it is called courage not to fear power but to die fearlessly.56、大胆产生勇气,多疑却产生恐惧。courage comes from boldness, but fear comes from suspicion.57、人有了勇敢的气质,生活起来就会觉得充实,做起事来就会事半功倍。with courageous temperament, people will feel full when they l

22、ive, and they will get twice the result with half the effort when they do things.58、勇气很有理由被当作人类德性之首,因为这种德性保证了所有其余的德性。courage is justified as the first virtue of human beings, because this virtue guarantees all the remaining virtues.59、真爱需要勇敢,但勇敢不应该只是不顾一切的追求,有时候,勇敢更是放手。true love needs courage, but co

23、urage should not be just a desperate pursuit, sometimes courage is let go.60、盲目可以增加你的勇气,因为你无法看到危险。blindness can increase your courage because you cant see danger.61、对勇气的最大考验,就是看一个人能否做到败而不馁。the greatest test test test of courage is to see if a person can fail without being discouraged.62、并不是先有了勇气才敢于说

24、话,而是在说话的同时培养了勇气。its not that courage comes first to speak, but that courage is fostered at the same time.63、一个人要勇敢,不要为一点小是而害怕的失魂落魄,要勇敢面对生活。one should be brave, not afraid of losing ones soul for a small thing, but face life bravely.64、成长,失去的不仅仅是时光,还有我们那不怕失去的勇气。growing up, we lose not only the time, but also the courage we are afraid of losing.65、一个有坚强心志的人,财产可以被人掠夺,勇气却不能被人剥夺。a strong-minded person, property can be plundered, but courage can not be deprived.

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