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二级笔译真题 翻译资格考试二级笔译实务材料.docx

1、二级笔译真题 翻译资格考试二级笔译实务材料二级笔译真题 2021年翻译资格考试二级笔译实务材料 每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。今天WTT给大家带来了2021年翻译资格考试二级笔译实务材料 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面WTT就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。2021年翻译资格考试二级笔译实务材料洛杉矶历史最久医院入不敷出悄然关闭The oldest hospital in Los Angeles and a major pillar in the citys largeChinese munity has shut its doors after 157 years.考生如果怕自己错过考试成绩查询

2、的话,可以免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。The Pacific Alliance Medical Center better known in the city as FrenchHospital closed down with little notice or ceremony, leaving its clientele ofnewly arrived Asian immigrants and elderly Chinese stunned and saddened.According to The Los Angeles Times, the hospit

3、al has been losing money andcannot afford the $100 million in earthquake renovations required by Californiastate law.The hospital began treating patients in 1860 and was called the FrenchHospital because the majority of its patients were French.As the 19th century moved into the 20th, newly-arrived

4、Chinese immigrantssettled in the neighborhood around the hospital and the area soon became knownas Chinatown.French Hospital grew into an indispensable part of Chinatown, servinggenerations of families.The cafeteria featured an Asian menu and the hospitalsponsored youth sports teams and many munity

5、events.Chinatown activists say seniors are going to be severely affected by theclosing.Many were able to walk to the facility for simple medical care and freehealth classes.洛杉矶历史最久医院入不敷出悄然关闭美国洛杉矶一家建立157年的历史最久的医院关闭。这家医院也是当地华人社区的一个重要支柱。这座在洛杉矶被人称为“法国医院”的太平洋联盟医疗中心悄然关闭,没有举行任何仪式。很多新到美国的亚洲移民和年迈的华人感到震惊和伤心。洛


7、材料达芬奇珍品以创纪录价格拍卖成交A 500-year-old masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci that once sold for a mere$60 smashed the worlds record for an art auction Wednesday.考生如果怕自己错过考试成绩查询的话,可以免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。“Salvator Mundi,” which depicts Christ raising his hand in a blessing, soldfor $450 million at Christ

8、ies Auction House in New York.The buyer who was not identified, made his bid by telephone, sending theaudience into a frenzy as the price climbed higher and higher.The seller is Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev.Only about 20 da Vinci works are known to e_ist and “Salvator Mundi” is theonly one

9、in private hands.The others are in museums or part of large publiccollections.Art e_perts believe da Vinci painted “Salvator Mundi” in about 1500.It wasonce owned by Englands King Charles I.It disappeared, resurfaced, and, at oime, was bought for just $60 by a collector who mistook it for a copy.It

10、took more than 50 years for art e_perts to restore it and authenticateit as a genuine da Vinci, although others still doubt it is the real thing.Until Wednesday, the highest price paid for a painting at auction was $179million for Pablo Picassos “The Women of Algiers” in 20_.2021年翻译资格考试二级笔译实务材料网络空间国

11、际合作战略International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace序言Preface“网络空间是人类共同的活动空间,网络空间前途命运应由世界各国共同掌握。各国应该加强沟通、扩大共识、深化合作,共同构建网络空间命运共同体。”考生如果怕自己错过考试成绩查询的话,可以免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。Cyberspace is the mon space of activities for mankind.The future ofcyberspace should be in the hands of all countrie

12、s.Countries should step upmunications, broaden consensus and deepen cooperation to jointly build amunity of shared future in cyberspace.中国国家主席,20_年12月16日 Remarks by H.E._i Jinping, President of the Peoples Republic of China,20_/12/16当今世界,以互联网为代表的信息技术日新月异,引领了社会生产新变革,创造了人类生活新空间,拓展了国家治理新领域,极大提高了人类认识世界、

13、改造世界的能力。Today, the rapid advancement of information technology represented by theInter has brought about new ways of social production, created new space forpeoples life, opened new horizons of state governance and enhanced peoplesability to understand and shape the world.作为人类社会的共同财富,互联网让世界变成了“地球村”。

14、各国在网络空间互联互通,利益交融,休戚与共。维护网络空间和平与安全,促进开放与合作,共同构建网络空间命运共同体,符合国际社会的共同利益,也是国际社会的共同责任。As the mon asset of human society, the Inter has turned the worldinto a global village.In the interconnected cyberspace, countries are boundtogether by intertwined interests.It is in the shared interests and also theresp

15、onsibility of the international munity to safeguard peace and security,promote openness and cooperation and foster a munity of shared future incyberspace.网络空间国际合作战略全面宣示中国在网络空间相关国际问题上的政策立场,系统阐释中国开展网络领域对外工作的基本原则、战略目标和行动要点,旨在指导中国今后一个时期参与网络空间国际交流与合作,推动国际社会携手努力,加强对话合作,共同构建和平、安全、开放、合作、有序的网络空间,建立多边、民主、透明的全

16、球互联网治理体系。International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace provides aprehensive e_planation of Chinas policy and position on cyber-relatedinternational affairs as well as the basic principles, strategic goals and planof action in its e_ternal relations on that front.It aims to guide Chinasparticip

17、ation in international e_change and cooperation in cyberspace for thene_t period of time, and encourage the international munity to e togetherto enhance dialogue and cooperation and build a peaceful, secure, open,cooperative and orderly cyberspace and a multilateral, democratic andtransparent global

18、 Inter governance system.第一章 机遇与挑战Chapter I.Opportunities and Challenges在世界多极化、经济全球化、文化多样化深入发展,全球治理体系深刻变革的背景下,人类迎来了信息革命的新时代。以互联网为代表的信息通信技术日新月异,深刻改变了人们的生产和生活方式,日益激励市场创新、促进经济繁荣、推动社会发展。网络空间越来越成为信息传播的新渠道、生产生活的新空间、经济发展的新引擎、文化繁荣的新载体、社会治理的新平台、交流合作的新纽带、国家主权的域。With the accelerating trend toward a multi-polar

19、, economically globalizedand culturally diverse world and the profoundly changing global governancesystem, mankind has entered a new era of information revolution.The rapidadvancement of information and munication technologies (ICT) represented bythe Inter has changed peoples way of production and l

20、ife and boosted marketinnovation, economic prosperity and social development.Cyberspace is being anew channel for information dissemination, a new frontier of peoples work andlife, a new engine for economic growth, a new carrier for cultural prosperity, anew platform of social governance, a new brid

21、ge for munication andcooperation and a new domain of state sovereignty.网络空间给人类带来巨大机遇,同时也带来了不少新的课题和挑战,网络空间的安全与稳定成为攸关各国主权、安全和发展利益的全球关切。互联网领域发展不平衡、规则不健全、秩序不合理等问题日益凸显。国家和地区间的“数字鸿沟”不断拉大。关键信息基础设施存在较大风险隐患。全球互联网基础资管理体系难以反映大多数国家意愿和利益。网络恐怖主义成为全球公害,网络犯罪呈蔓延之势。滥用信息通信技术干涉别国内政、从事大规模网络监控等活动时有发生。网络空间缺乏普遍有效规范各方行为的国际规

22、则,自身发展受到制约。While creating tremendous opportunities, cyberspace also faces a number ofnew issues and challenges.Security and stability in cyberspace has bee aglobal concern which bears on the sovereignty, security and developmentinterests of all countries.Problems such as unbalanced development, inad

23、equaterules and inequitable order in cyberspace have bee more evident.The digitaldivide among countries and regions is widening.Critical informationinfrastructure faces considerable vulnerability and potential risk.The e_istingglobal governance system of basic Inter resources hardly reflects the des

24、iresand interests of the majority of countries.Cyber terrorism has bee a globalpublic menace.Cyber crimes are spreading.Interference in other countriesinternal affairs by abusing ICT and massive cyber surveillance activities happenfrom time to time.The absence of general international rules in cyber

25、space thateffectively govern the behavior of all parties hers the development ofcyberspace.面对问题和挑战,任何国家都难以独善其身,国际社会应本着相互尊重、互谅互让的精神,开展对话与合作,以规则为基础实现网络空间全球治理。No countries can stay immune from such problems and challenges.Theinternational munity can only work together through intensified cooperationin

26、the spirit of mutual respect and mutual understanding and acmodation so asto put in place a rule-based global governance system in cyberspace.2021年翻译资格考试二级笔译实务材料Ideas on Feminism Vary Depending on Culture LocationFrom Nairobi to Conakry, women across Africa are demanding change inattitudes towards s

27、e_ual harassment, fair wages, access to land and equalopportunities for political leadership.But theyre doing it in their own way says Gwendolyn Michael, professor ofanthropology and Foreign Service at Georgetown University and author of a bookon African feminism.考生如果怕自己错过考试成绩查询的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信

28、的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。“In the U.S.women often think feminism means I alone, determine whatsbest for me.But African feminism is very much a different thing.Its about howwomen interpret their interests and empowerment within the conte_t of where theylive and their cultural values.”Feminism has historically h

29、ad negative connotations on the Africancontinent, says _ingu Rama Terra who teaches African feminist theory at RhodesUniversity in South Africa.“Feminism one is considered to be a title that is given to middle classpeople or people who are white.Theres also an attachment to feminism thatfeminism is

30、anti-men and anti-African cultural systems and anti-Africantraditional practices so in that regard there are many women who would hesitateto be identified as feminists.”Advocating for womens right on the basis of equality of the se_es can beintimidating for some men but American University professor

31、 Kwaku Nwamah says,“it shouldnt be the case it starts with not being afraid of the word feministand understanding that whats right for our women is right for us as a society,as a continent in general.”He says some of the problems require a shift in cultural attitudes andthose take a long time, but s

32、ome countries on waiting.Rwanda for e_le hasthe largest share of seats in parliament in the world held by women.“One nice terrific e_le of what public policy can do to help women.Theyuse quarters and people say what quarters diminish the role of women.No itdoesnt.Then on the end of the spectrum you see countries like Tanzania wherethe government says you can go to school if you pregnant.”Dr.Michael says things are evolving on the continent.“Id say beginningabout 20 years ago I began doing a lot of, having a lot of c

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