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1、小学六年级英语测试题 一、听录音选出你所听到的单词 (8%) ( ) 1. A cloudy B close C clothes ( ) 2. A evening B everything C everyone ( ) 3. A at B ant C aunt ( ) 4. A bank B bag C back ( ) 5. A late B lake C leg ( ) 6. A swim B sweet C sweep ( ) 7. A work B word C. walk ( ) 8. A pig B pick C picnic 二、听问句,选择正确的答句 (6%) ( ) 1. A

2、. Its the fifteenth of April. B. Its on the fifteenth of April. ( ) 2. A. Yes, Id like. B. Yes, Id like to. ( ) 3. A. Its about three kilometres away. B. Take bus No.9. ( ) 4. A. Yes, I was. B. No, Im not. ( ) 5. A. Its warm. B. Its the best season. ( ) 6. A. It is Monday. B. It was Monday.三、根据所听到的内

3、容,选择与内容一致的句子,将其序号填在括号内。(10%) ( ) 1 A. They are from my grandparents. B .They are from my parents. ( ) 2 A. They mean the same thing. B. They mean different things. ( ) 3A. People usually eat rice dumplings. B People usually have a long holiday. ( ) 4A. Helen visited a farm last year. B Helen visited

4、 a farm at the weekends. ( ) 5A. They are looking for camera. B They are watching the running race.四、听录音,将句子补充完整 (6% )1. Theres a bus every five_.2. Liu Taos going to Nanjing _ _.3. Gao Shan is writing a letter to his _. 4. This dress is than that one.笔试部分(70%)一、 写出下列词组(14%) 1. 中秋节_ 7. have a chat_

5、2. 乘6路车_ 8. get stronger_ 3. 每六分钟_ 9. stop thief_ 4. 堆雪人_ 10. with best wishes_ 5. 最好的季节_ 11. black and blue_ 6. 去远足_ 12. New Years Day_ 7. 散步_ 14. watch the moon_二、对话配对(8%) ( D ) 1. What are you going to do tomorrow? A. Here you are. ( B ) 2. Who goes to bed later? B. Liu Tao does. ( E. ) 3. Its co

6、ld in winter in Harbin. C. Liu Taos ( H. ) 4. What do you usually do? D. Were going to the bookshop. ( A. ) 5. Id like a postcard. E. Oh, I need some warm clothes. ( G. ) 6. Whats the weather like today? F. I like spring best. ( C) 7. Whose mirror is this? G. Its sunny. ( F. ) 8. Which season do you

7、 like best? H. I usually go fishing.三、选择填空(10%) ( B ) 1. What do people usually do _ Spring Festival? A. in B. on C. at ( C ) 2. We _ books from the reading room to the classroom last Monday. A. carryed B. carrying C. carried ( B ) 3. When _ your birthdays? A. is B. are C. am ( A ) 4. Which season i

8、s from March to May? A. spring B. summer C. winter ( ) 5. _ ruler is long and _ is short. A. His, her B. Her, his C. Hers, his ( ) 6. These _ a lot of water in the bottle just now. A. are B. is C. was ( ) 7. _ you do _ in Maths than Liu Tao? A. Are, well B. Do, better C. Do, well ( ) 8. Su Yang jump

9、s _ than Su Hai in high jump. A. farther B. longer C. higher ( ) 9. It often _ in Harbin in winter. A. snowy B. cold C. snows ( ) 10. Where are you going? A. Im going to have a picnic. B. Im going to the countryside. C. Im having a picnic.四、用所给的适当介词填空(6%) about in with of on to1. I would like to kno

10、w everything _ you.2. I watched a film _ my parents yesterday.3. Get the cat out _ the garden.4. Hongxing Primary School is _ Yucai Road.5. Bus No.6 can take you _ the shopping centre.6. The man _ black is my uncle.五、 连词成句(10%)1. apple trees, on, there, any, the farm, were (?) _2. as, Liu Tao, thin,

11、 cousin, his, is, as (?) _3. remember, have, minutes, you, to, five, them (.) _4. to, farms, oranges, people, to, like, pick, and, go (.) _5. holiday, their, are, about, they, summer, talking, plans, the, for (.)_六、 根据首字母填空 (12%) It is w_ in spring in Taizhou. The days get l_ and the nights get s_,

12、people like to go to the parks. It is very h_ in summer, it often r_, the children like s_ in the lake. Autumn is the b_ season in Taizhou. Its c_ and usually s_. The students also go c_ with their teachers. It is c_ in winter, sometimes it s_, so the children like to go skating and skiing. 七、 阅读理解(

13、10%)A Mr White has a daughter and a son. They live in the countryside. It is near the mountain. They are very poor. They have got little money. They buy some seeds(种子). They plant rice, carrots and beans(豆) in the ground. They work very hard, but they are very happy.One day, some big birds e, they e

14、at the rice, the beans and the carrots. Mr White is very angry. He gets the birds out of his ground, then he puts some scarecrows(稻草人) on the ground. Theres no birds in Mr Whites ground now.In autumn, Mr White has got a lot of beans, carrots and rice. The Whites are happy again. They are not poor no

15、w. ( ) 1. Mr White has _ children. A. one B. two C. three( ) 2. They have got _ money at first. A. little B. a little C. a lot of ( ) 3. They _ seeds with their money. A. buy B. sell C. plant( ) 4. Mr White puts some _ on the ground. A. birds B. cats C. scarecrows ( ) 5. Mr White gets his rice and v

16、egetables in _. A. summer B. spring C. autumnBIt was Sunday, father and David were going fishing. Davids mother asked them to take the raincoats with them. “Its going to rain this afternoon.” “The weather is so fine,” said David, “we dont need raincoats.” “Dont take them then,” mother said, “and you

17、ll be sorry.”Father and David havent got raincoats. It was fine in the morning, but in the afternoon there were a lot of dark cloud(乌云) in the sky.“Your mother was right, David,” said father, “Its going to rain.” “What shall we do, Dad?” “Lets go home quickly!” But its too late. There was a heavy ra

18、in. They were wet(湿) when they got home. “Did you catch any fish?” asked mother. “No,” said David, “weve got a cold!”判断是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 ( ) 1. Father and David went fishing this Saturday. ( ) 2. It was fine that morning. ( ) 3. Father and David went fishing with raincoats. ( ) 4. Theyve got a c

19、old. ( ) 5. Mother was wrong. 六年级英语第七册第四单元测试题 (考试时间:40分钟 满分:100分) 第一部分 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,圈出你所听到的字母组合。(5分) 1. bd pb 2. lk mh 3. JP GQ 4. USA UFO 5. each math二、听录音,圈出与所听内容相符的图片。(8分) 1. A. B. 2. A. B. 3. A. B. 4. A. B. 三、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。(5分) ( ) 1.A.diving B. swimming C. playing ( ) 2.A.collecting stamps

20、 B. riding a bike C. making a kite ( ) 3.A.goes to work B. goes to bed C. goes home ( ) the city B. in the evening C. in the country ( ) 5.A.reading B. reades C. reads 四、听小对话,判断正确与否,对的在方框里打“”,错的打“”。(12分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 第二部分 笔试部分一、仔细观察,按字母表顺序填充单词,注意用正确的形式书写. (10分) 二、 看图片,选出正确的单词或短语.(5分) 1.

21、( ) 2. ( ) A. reads newspapers B. watches TV A. swimming B. diving 3. ( ) 4. ( ) A. collecting stamps B. playing the violin A. riding a bike B. making kites 5. ( ) A. goes to work B. teaches English 三 、 选词填空. (12分) 1. I like _( A. ride B. riding) a bike. 2. My mother _(A. go B. goes) to bed early. 3

22、. My father likes _(A. teach English B. teaching English ) 4. Miss White _ (A. teachs B. teaches) Chinese. 5. I _(A. live B. lives) in the city. 6. Chen Jie likes _(A. draw B.drawing) picture. 四、从下列词组内找出与图片对应的词组,并正确书写在四线格上。(8分)goes home goes to bed reads newspapers teaches math 1. 2.3. 4. 五、选择下列正确的答

23、句. (10分) ( ) 1. -Whats your hobby? -_. A. I like riding a bike. B. I go to school by bike. ( ) 2. -Does she teach English? -_. A. No, she doesnt B. She teaches English. ( ) 3. -I like collecting stamps, what about you? -_. A. Me too. B. Yes, she dose. ( ) 4. I like the sports, but _. A. she likes ar

24、t. B. she likes sports. ( ) 5. He always _ in the evening. A. watches TV B. go to school ( ) 6. Her mother is a nurse, _. A. she works in a hospital . B. she work in a factory ( ) 7. -Does Alice go to school by bus? -_. A. Yes, he does. B. No, she doesnt . ( ) 8. I like _. A. playing the violin and

25、writing emails B. play the violin and write emails ( ) 9. -Does she like drawing picture? -_. A. Yes, she is doing B. Yes, she does. ( ) 10. They are twins, _. A. they look same. B. they look the same. 六、 连词成句.(10分) 1. is hobby what your ? 2. she English does teach ? 3. like picture I drawing . 4. i

26、n lives she Beijing . 5. likes he stamps collecting too .七.、判断句子中划线部分的时态运用,对的在中打“” 错的在中打“”. (5分) Milk is my good friend. He lives in Canada with his mother. His mother is a teacher, she works at school. She teaches English. Milk go to school with his mother . Milk is a good student, he always go hom

27、e after school. He does his homework after dinner. After finishing the homework, sometimes he read newspapers. Sometimes he watch TV. He _go to bed_ at 10o clock. Milks hobby is playing football, he usually play football at the park. 八. 阅读短文,通过选择或书写的方式回答所提的问题。(10分) Dear Zhang Pen, I am happy to have

28、 a new pen pal. I live in England.I like playing the violin and making kites. My brother likes riding a bike and diving. I like art, but he likes sports. We look the same, but we dont like the same things. Tell me something about you: whats your hobby? Your new pen pal, Jim. ( )1. Does Jim live in E

29、ngland? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt .C. I dont know. ( )2.What is Jims hobby? A.Playing the violin. B. Making kites. C. Both A and B. ( )3.What is Jims brothers hobby ? A. Riding a bike. B. Playing the violin and making kites. C. Riding a bike and diving. ( )4. Dose Jim and his brother look the same? A. Yes, t

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