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1、人教版英语必修1模块测试题及答案解析英语:模块综合检测 2(人教版必修 1)第一部分 听力 ( 共两节,满分 30 分 )第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题分,满分分 )听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和 阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1 Where does the conversation take place?AAt home. BIn the street. C In an office.2 Why has Jonat han been called t

2、o the teacher s office?A He was late for the exam.B He failed the exam.C He cheated in the exam.3 Where is the pot?A On the back of the truck.B In front of the well.C On the road.4 What time is it now?A. 10 : 15. B . 10 : 00. C . 9 : 45.5 How should they receive the visitors , according to the woman

3、?A Give them a hand.B Make them feel at home.C Treat them at home.第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题分,满分分 )听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。 听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6段材料,回答第 6至 7 题。6 What would the woman like to drink?A Tea. B Coffee. C Water.7Wh

4、o went on the trip to the seaside last weekend?A Mary.B David .C Some old people.听第 7段材料,回答第 8至 9 题。8 What are the two speakers talking about?A Buying a dog.B Exercising dogs.C Exercising in the morning.9 How did the man name his dog?A He named it after a car brand.BHe named it after his name.CHe na

5、med it after a famous star.听第 8段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10 What is the man going to do?A Buy a new car.B Look at new cars.C Show his new car.11 Why doesn t the woman go with the man to the car show?A She doesn t want to see it now.BShe wants to go by herself.C She never buys cars.12 How much is the cheapes

6、t car in the show?A 6,500 dollars.B 6,000 dollars.C 500 dollars.听第 9段材料,回答第 13至 16题。13 What will the man do?A Stay at home.B Have an examination.C Learn diving.14 What are the two speakers?A Teachers. B Students. C Workers.15 Why won t the woman take diving classes?A She doesn t have enough money.B

7、She wants to put on weight.C She wants to make money.16 What does the man suggest the woman do?A Go out.B Stay at home.C Learn driving.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17 When was the oldest Chinatown built?A About 100 years ago.B Less than 100 years ago.C More than 200 years ago.18 Where are Chinatowns the

8、least common?A In South America.B In North America.C In Asia.19 Who are often attracted to the Chinatowns now?A Businessmen and researchers.B Businessmen and travellers.C Travellers and farmers.20In the past , what did Chinatowns look like?A Rich and modern.B Poor and crowded.C Rich and crowded. 听力材

9、料: (Text 1 )W: Hello , Jane m glad I ll be working with you.M: Welcome,weve got some paperwork for you to fill out. (Text 2 )W: I hear that Jonathan ha s been called to the teacher s office again.M: It s was caught cheating in his exam.(Text 3 )W: Where can we get some more water ,Dad?M: There s a w

10、ell down the the pot tied on the back of the truck with you. (Text 4 )M:Why are you in such a hurry , Rose?W: I m going to s have to return this book to him before ten o only have15 minutes left.(Text 5 )W A lot of visitors come to our should receive them with open arms and make them feel comfortabl

11、e whe n they are ?M should make them feel at home.(Text 6 )M Hi make yourself at you like some coffee or tea?W Thanks, ve just dropped in to thank you for organizing last weekend strip to the seaside for the old people.M That s very kind of all seemed to enjoy it , and some old ladies even played in

12、 the water.W They certainly fact , I don t think you could have done it better.(Text 7 )W Hello , Eric.M Hello , Sara.W You re out exercising your dog , I see. He looks happy and excited.M Yes, dogs have to be exercised daily , otherwise they get out of neighbor s dog is as fat as a pig because of l

13、ack of exercise.W What s his name?M n amed him after the car brand love cars very much.W That s a good name for a is he wagging his tail?M Can t you see ? He wants one of us to throw that stick as far as we can for him to fetch.W I won t disappoint on boy , go fetch!(Text 8 )W Long time no see , are

14、 you doing?M I am very you OK?W Just so are you going?M I am going to look at new is a car show at the Exhibition Center heard thatthere are many new types of cars on show.W Well , that sounds wish I could get am also a car fan.M Really ? Why don t you come along with me to the car show?W I d like t

15、o but I don t want to see it now.M Come on! I amsure you could get a good is reported that there are some special cars of good quality at low cheapest one costs only 6,000 dollars , about 500 dollars lower tha n the usual price.W No, buying a new car is out of the question for me right now.(Text 9 )

16、M The summer holidays are am look ing forward to them.W It will be really wo nderful.M can t wait.W Do you have any pla ns for the holidays?M I m thinking of learning about you?W That sounds interesting , but which center are you planning to go to ? I don tknow of any.M There is a div ing school set

17、 up by some one who used to be a stude nt at our s somewhere in New Jersey.W I hear that div ing classes are expe nsive.M Yes, but I ve saved some money for this.W Then you go don t think I can afford may just stay at home getting fatterand fatter.M Do go out , or you will not recognize have already

18、 gained a lot of weight.W Maybe you are right.(Text 10 )W Professor Wang I heard that you are doing research on you tell mesomething about it?M Chinatown is an area in a city with a large number of Chinese , usually outside of are present throughout the world , including those in East Asia , Southea

19、st Asia , the Americas , Australia , and can be found across the world , but are most com monhave a long oldest Chinatown was,Chinatowns were seen asin North America , Asia , Australia and Chinatowns foun ded by Chin ese traders more tha n 200 years the past some Chin atow ns , recent bus in ess act

20、ivities have tur ned them into rich cen ters ofecono mic and social activity.答案:1 6 1116第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21How about putt ing some pictures into the report? A picture is worth a thousa nd words.A.No way. B. Why not?C. All right. D. No mat

21、ter.解析:选 B本题考查交际用语。前者表示要在报告中加些照片,后者表示赞同,故 B为正确答案,意思是“为什么不呢? 一张照片胜过千言”。22.Led by Lincoln , the American blacks fought bravely their rights andman aged to be slavery.A.with ; free from B. for ; againstC. for ; free from D. against ; for解析:选Co fight against的意思是“同 作斗争”; fight for的意思是“为 而斗争”;fight with 的

22、意思是“和 打仗,和 并肩作战”。 be free from 的意思是“摆脱的束缚”,从这些短语的意思可以看出答案为 Co23.The film brought the hours back to me I was taken good care of inthat faraway village.A.until B. thatC. when D. where解析:选Co when引导定语从句,修饰先行词 the hours 。24. A special expert team has already been to make close research on the wildlife an

23、d its protect ion.A. built up B. picked upC. set up D. taken up解析:选Co build up “逐步建立;增进;增强”;pick up “捡起;拾起”;set up “建 立;创立”;take up “开始从事;占据”。根据句意, C为正确答案。25. Tomrefused to tell Jack the right answers in the exam, because it s against his .A. rules B. ordersC. principles D. laws解析:选C。从Tom refused to

24、. 可知他不愿意做违背原则的事。be againstone sprin ciples 违背某人的原则,符合句意。26.The traffic accidents this year in this city may last year s recordof 385.A. escape B. attackC. equal D. found385次的记录。equal解析:选C。句意为:今年这个城市的交通事故次数可能达到去年等于,符合句意。 escape逃跑;attack 攻击;found建立。27.Last Saturday,they arrived at the farm they had ne

25、ver paid a visitbefore.A.that B. whichC. to which D. for which解析:选 G分析句子结构可知,空格后面是定语从句修饰先行词 farm ;又根据词组pay a visit to( 参观,访问)可知应选to which 。28.Lots of praise has come from those prisoners relatives because theprisoners are getting better after hearing the lecture.A. peaceful B. hopefulC. active D. gr

26、ateful解析:选 d 根据 because the prisoners are getting better after hearing the lecture 可知囚犯的亲属们都非常感激,故用 grateful( 感激的)。peaceful和平的;hopeful有希望的;active活跃的。29. Why do you put up these En glish cards on the wall?Only in this way the En glish words.A. I can remember B. can I rememberC. I remember D. remember

27、 I解析:选B。当only引导状语或状语从句放在句首加强语气时,句子经常使用倒装语 序。30.Philip isn t at all ; he always pays the bill when we eat in arestaura nt.A. generous B. unfairC. selfish D. mean解析:选Do根据he always pays the bill 可知Philip 不是一个吝啬的人, 故选meartgenerous慷慨的;unfair 不公平的;selfish 自私的。31.Si nee this is the first time you have brok

28、e n the law , you may be give n alight .A. judge B. prisonC. sentence D. blame解析:选C。句意为:因为这是你第一次犯法, 你可能会得到轻判。a light sentence 轻判”。32. How clever Eliza is!Oh! She remembers every poem in the book she wrote it.A. in order that B. as ifC. even if D. so that解析:选 B句意为:Eliza 真聪明!” 嗯!她记得书上的每首诗,就好像是她写的一样。”此

29、处as if意思是“好像;仿佛”,后跟虚拟语气。33.It is the fifth time that the students in Trinity College our school.A. have visited B. visitedC. were visiting D. had visited解析:选 Ao It is the first(second/third.)time.that. 是固定句型,意为“是第一(二/三)次”。该句型中that从句用现在完成时。34. If we want to have a bright future , we must learn to act

30、 in ways donot harm other livi ng thin gs.A. in which B. thatC. / D. how解析:选B。先行词ways在定语从句中作主语,故引导词用 that或which。35. Nowadays, many parents from the countryside cannot afford to educate theirchildren , because the school are too high.A.fares B. chargesC. fees D. bills解析:选C= fee费用(如会费、学费等);fare(旅行)费用;

31、charge要价,费用(对服 务、劳动索取的代价);bill账单。第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分 30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Lena Horne was born in Brooklyn , New York in mother was away for much of her36_.So her gran dmother helped raise her.At the age of sixtee n ,Lena 37 work as a dancer at the famous Cott on Club inNewYork 38 voice less ons , she

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