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1、国开形成性考核综合英语2单元测试4试题及答案国开形成性考核综合英语(2)单元测试(4)试题及答案(课程ID:01884,整套相同,如遇顺序不同,Ctrl+F查找,祝同学们取得优异成绩!)一、词汇(Vocabulary)Choose the best answer for each of the following items.题目1、Yesterday I met him () chance.【A】:by【B】:to【C】:for【D】:on答案:A题目2、We must prevent the children () dangers.【A】:on【B】:in【C】:of【D】:from答案:

2、D题目3、Each group () twelve players.【A】:is made up of【B】:is made of【C】:is made from【D】:is made up答案:A题目4、-Why dont we meet right after work today?-Thats fine () me.【A】:for【B】:to【C】:on【D】:with答案:D题目5、Darling, may be I will be late () dinner this evening, please dont wait for me.【A】:to【B】:for【C】:at【D】:i

3、n答案:B题目6、You () your umbrella.We are going by taxi.【A】:shouldnt bring【B】:neednt have brought【C】:wouldnt bring【D】:neednt bring答案:B题目7、 () the meat was eaten up.【A】:Whole【B】:Any【C】:All【D】:Some答案:C题目8、Mary will be busy () Friday.【A】:but【B】:except【C】:beside【D】:besides答案:B题目9、I hope to () more tomorrow.【

4、A】:be able to write【B】:can to write【C】:can write【D】:writes答案:A题目10、John is fatter than () of the other boys in class. He is the fattest.【A】:some【B】:any【C】:that【D】:many答案:B题目1、Now the teacher is () of the classroom.【A】:in the front【B】:in front【C】:at the front【D】:at front答案:A题目2、That is the childs fir

5、st () of snow.【A】:experienced【B】:experiencing【C】:experience【D】:experiences答案:C题目3、Each sport doesnt appeal () me.【A】:for【B】:in【C】:on【D】:to答案:D题目4、Last week I () my old friendBob.【A】:ran of【B】:ran out of【C】:ran into【D】:ran off答案:C题目5、I didnt expect to see him on the conference. I just ran into him wh

6、en I went to see the exhibition. ()【A】:ran after【B】:ran into【C】:ran away with【D】:ran on答案:B题目6、 () are young people of New China.【A】:We these【B】:All we【C】:All of us【D】:All among us答案:C题目7、() student should come on time.【A】:Every【B】:Each【C】:All【D】:Whole答案:A题目8、They will () come back in half a month.【

7、A】:can【B】:be able to【C】:be【D】:had答案:B题目9、I have done everything () the cleaning.【A】:but【B】:except for【C】:beside【D】:besides答案:A题目10、It is strange that it () so hot today.【A】:should be【B】:is【C】:will be【D】:can be答案:A题目2、Players take turns () their pieces to try to capture the opponents pieces.【A】:to mo

8、ve【B】:moving【C】:move【D】:to moving答案:B题目3、I stayed at home();【A】:whole day【B】:any day【C】:all day【D】:every day答案:C题目4、 I heard that something () but Tom cant make it.【A】:came to【B】:came up【C】:came【D】:came on答案:B题目5、We need () ten hundred yuan.【A】:at need【B】:in need【C】:at least【D】:at less答案:C题目6、Would

9、you like to give me () bread?【A】:some【B】:any【C】:many【D】:one答案:A题目7、 He could not read () of the books Mary lent to him.【A】:some【B】:any【C】:every【D】:whole答案:B题目8、Mr. Brown hasnt got () brothers in the United States.【A】:some【B】:any【C】:every【D】:each答案:B题目9、I will be free () week.【A】:all【B】:whole【C】:the

10、all【D】:the whole答案:D题目10、Divid the class into two sections of ten students ().【A】:every【B】:one【C】:none none【D】:each答案:D题目1、Have you seen my glasses? It is ().【A】:missing【B】:missed【C】:losing【D】:losed答案:A题目2、I kept () all the questions the whole day.【A】:to think【B】:thinking【C】:to thinking【D】:think答案:B

11、题目3、I apologized () you () not finishing the work.【A】:for, for【B】:to, to【C】:for, to【D】:to, for答案:D题目4、It is () news for all the people here.【A】:an encouraged【B】:encouraging【C】:encouraged【D】:an encouraging答案:B题目5、I will wait for you () of the library. Dont be late please.【A】:in the front【B】:in front【

12、C】:at the front【D】:at front答案:B题目6、 () happened, and he cant attend the party.【A】:Unexpected something【B】:Everything unexpected【C】:Something unexpected【D】:Unexpected everything答案:C题目7、As she tried her best, she () finish the work ahead of time.【A】:was able to【B】:can【C】:is able to【D】:could答案:D题目8、The

13、re was scarcely () mentioned about this point.【A】:any【B】:some【C】:anything【D】:something答案:C题目9、What a surprise! Bill passed the exam. He () hard this time.【A】:must study【B】:should study【C】:must have studied【D】:may have studied答案:C题目10、 () of them has a bedroom and a bathroom.【A】:Every【B】:Both【C】:All【

14、D】:Each答案:D题目11、5. Im thinking about Mexico City. ().【A】:Im going to see a travel agent tomorrow.【B】:Thats O.K. Ive been busy lately, too.【C】:You are? I love it too. Its a really exciting place.答案:C题目12、4. Whats the weather like today? (). Shall we go swimming?【A】:Its windy.【B】:Its a sunny summer da

15、y.【C】:Its quite cold.答案:B题目13、1. Its such a perfect day. Say, why don we pack a picnic lunch and go to the park? We can invite some other people to come toNancy, Rob, charlotte, Ben, their kids()Anything is fine with me.【A】:Thats one of the best ideas Ive heard in weeks. What should we take on the p

16、icnic?【B】:Id like to very much, but I have to prepare for my examination.【C】:Thats great! Shall we go to the seaside for a walk?答案:A题目14、2. (). Not offhand. You can look it up in the phone book though.【A】:Excuse me. Do you happen to know the time?【B】:Do you by any chance know the country code for Ko

17、rea?【C】:Do you happen to know where Tahiti is?答案:B题目15、3. ().Its behind the door. But its so warm outside, so you dont need to wear it at all.【A】:Where are my glasses?【B】:Where is my jacket?【C】:Where is my necklace?答案:B四、阅读理解Read the following passages and choose the best answer for each of the foll

18、owing questions.The year was 1932. Amelia Earhart was flying alone from North America to England in a small single-engined aeroplane. At midnight, several hours after she had left Newfoundland, she ran into bad weather. To make things worse, her altimeter (高度表) failed and she didnt know how high she

19、 was flying. At night, and in a storm, a pilot is in great difficulty without an altimeter. At times, her plane nearly plunged (冲) into the sea. Just before dawn, there was further trouble. Amelia noticed flames (火焰) coming from the engine. Would she be able to reach land? There was nothing to do ex

20、cept to keep going and to hope. In the end, Amelia Earhart did reach Ireland, and for the courage she had shown, she was warmly welcomed in England and Europe. When she returned to the United States, she was honored by President Hoover at a special dinner in the White House. From that time on, Ameli

21、a Earhart was famous. What was so important about her flight? Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly the Atlantic Ocean alone, and she had set a record of fourteen hours and fifty-six minutes. In the years that followed, Amelia Earhart made several flights across the United States, and on each oc

22、casion (时刻) she set a new record for flying time. Amelia Earhart made these flights to show that women had a place in aviation (航空) and that air travel was useful.题目16、1. Which of the following statements is NOT the difficulty which Amelia Earhart met in her flight from north America to England?【A】:

23、She was caught in a storm.【B】:The altimeter went out of order.【C】:Her engine went wrong.【D】:She lost her direction.答案:D题目17、2. When Amelia Earhart saw flames coming from the engine, what did she do?【A】:She did nothing but pray for herself.【B】:She changed her direction and landed in Ireland.【C】:She c

24、ontinued flying.【D】:She lost hope of reaching land.答案:C题目18、3. According to the passage, what was Amelia Earharts reason for making her flights?【A】:To set a new record for flying time.【B】:To be the first woman to fly around the world.【C】:To show that aviation was not just for men.【D】:To become famou

25、s in the world.答案:C题目19、4. Which of the following statements was NOT mentioned?【A】:She was the first woman who succeeded in flying across the Atlantic Ocean alone.【B】:She showed great courage in overcoming the difficulties during the flight.【C】:She was warmly welcomed in England, Europe and the Unit

26、ed States.【D】:She made plans to fly around the world.答案:D题目20、5. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?【A】:Amelia EarhartFirst Across the Atlantic.【B】:Amelia EarhartPioneer in Womens Aviation.【C】:A New Record for Flying Time.【D】:A Dangerous Flight from North America to England.答案:B

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