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1、春季初二期末复习宝典深圳牛津版Bond English NName: _ Tutor: 汤佩云 English is the door to the world,while Bond acts as the key to the door.致各位学员的一封信同学们好,同学们辛苦了!经过长达近四个月的努力,我们的课程完美落幕了,也许并不完美,也许吧。我们从陌生到相识、到相知,一起努力、一起欢笑、一起沉思、一起勉励同学们,你们很优秀,汤老师很喜欢你们,汤老师很愿意在接下来的旅程当中一直陪伴你们,冲破难关,在学习上追求优秀、卓越!但,作为一名教师,必须告诉同学们:人不会完美,但可以追求完美,我们身上

2、有太多太多的恶习,必须要改,而且就在现在,哪怕忍受剥皮削骨的痛,而不要让自己将来死在这些恶习上!可能,你去听我的话了,听到我的话了,听懂我的话了,但一切的一切还是掌握在你的手上,马上蜕变吧!我希望我平时的严格要求,能让你们在学校里多学到一些知识,多学到一些做人的道理,好在将来能够很好的服务社会。我也希望在我“打击”你们的过程中,提高你们的心理承受能力,好让你们在今后的生活坎坷中屹立成搏击风浪的勇士。 我还想告诉你们,你们马上就要升入初三了,无论今后的你们是欢乐的还是流泪的,任何时候回头看一看,都会发现我始终站在你们的身后,微笑地看着你们,给你们鼓励,为你们鼓掌。你们不要担心跌倒,不要害怕失败,

3、要学着在哪里跌倒,就在哪里爬起来。人生道路漫漫长,每一步需要你们自己摸索前行。 加油_!爱你们的汤汤老师2010初二英语(下)期末复习一单词提升根据句意和汉语提示写单词,使句子完整、通顺。1. If you want to _ (提高) your English level, you should study harder.2. Everyone has a happy _ (表情) on their face.3. More and more young people cant _ (买得起) a house in big cities.4. My hometown is a _ (港口城市

4、) in China.5. Her _ (表演) in the play was very successful.短文填空从方框中选择合适的词填空,使短文完整、通顺。international, gratitude, pianists, childhood, price, support, regarded, when Lang Lang is (1) _ as one of the youngest and most famous (2) _ in our times. His success came at a (3) _. He began his piano studies (4) _

5、 he was three. When he was young, he won many national and (5) _ prizes. His success not only relies on his own talent and hard work, but also on his parents (6) _. So when his asked about his (7) _, he always expresses his (8) _ to his parents.翻译园地根据中文意思和英文提示,将下列句子翻译成英文。1. 我们正采取行动帮助玉树的人们。(take acti

6、on) 2. 一场春雨之后,植物又充满了生机。(come to life) 3. 我信任他,但我不相信他刚才说的话。(believe in) 4. 玛丽最后决定放弃出国的机会。(make up ones mind) 5. 成功取决于努力工作。(rely on) 6. 取笑别人是不礼貌的。(make fun of) 7. 超市里有各种各样的商品。(all sorts of) 8. 父母总是鼓励我勇敢面对困难。(encourage sb to do sth) 句子乐园按要求完成下面句子。1. You should take your umbrella. Maybe it will rain. (用

7、in case 连接句子) 2. I got up early so as to catch the early bus. (改为同义句) 3. It is boring to read this book. (改为感叹句) 4. The director asked Cathy, “Are you ready?” (改为间接引语) 5. Do you know the man? He made a speech last night. (改为定语从句) 单词变脸用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子完整、通顺。1. Some people have trouble _ (remember)

8、things.2. I am very sorry to hear about the _ (die) of your grandmother.3. I _ (success) in winning the competition last month.4. If people continue to pollute the environment, they will _ (punish).5. There will be an _ (excite) party tonight.定语从句专练从方框中选择合适的词填空,补全下面的定语从句。whose, that, which, who, who

9、m, when, where, why1. This is the university _ I studied four years ago.2. I knew the boy with _ you talked just now.3. The book _ cover is red is a cartoon book.4. Can you tell me the reason _ you gave up the competition at last?5. This is the only book _ I like reading.6. The village _ I once live

10、d in has changed a lot.7. October 1, 1949 was the day _ the Peoples Republic of China was founded.8. The girl _ is singing an English song in the next room is Toms sister.用简单的英语解释下列句子。1. Dont stay up late, or you will be sleepy tomorrow. 2. This math problem is difficult to work out. 3. Marys school

11、bag is different from Lilys. 4. Peter is such a brave boy that his parents are proud of him. 5. It is a piece of cake to repair your computer. . 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 1. Whats the _ of using pictures? I want to improve my memory. A. aim B. topic C. choice D. chance( ) 2. Its _ that your

12、 uncle has collected so many waste glass bottles. Well, he would like to do something useful for Earth. A. amazed B. strangeC. dependent D. grateful( ) 3. Everyone took part in the show _ you. What did you do then? Oh, I was ill. A. except B. as C. with D. besides( ) 4. Can you _ what life will be l

13、ike without water? Yes, it must be terrible. A. memorize B. suggest C. make D. imagine( ) 5. How did the flood happen? The heavy rain _ nearly one week and few trees stood here. A. passed B. lasted C. fell D. went( ) 6. Does your father really _ his bad habit of smoking? Yes. We are pleased to see h

14、e is well now. A. pick up B. look up C. save up D. give up( ) 7. Mr. Black didnt come along. What happened? It was said he _ and was in hospital. A. did wrong B. fell ill C. broke away D. passed by( ) 8. Who gave you the talk on pollution? The man _ wears white clothes and looks friendly. A. what B.

15、 who C. which D. whom( ) 9. What did he say about his educational visit? He said that he was looked after well while he _ in London. A. studies B. was studying C. would study D. had studied( ) 10. You often do housework. Why? I do it _ I can help my parents reduce pressure. A. in case B. in order C.

16、 so that D. such that( ) 11. How can I get more pocket money, Mom? You wont get more _ you help me with chores. A. if B. unless C. though D. because( ) 12. Can you describe the air crash? Yes. Seventy people got _ and twenty-five were _. A. dead; injure B. dying; hurt C. killed; injure D. injured; d

17、ead( ) 13. Is the result of this final exam bad? Yes. The exam was _ difficult _ no one got full marks. A. too; to B. very; thatC. such; that D. so; that( ) 14. Is the boy still keeping in touch _ that bad guy? Yes. So we should pay more attention _ him. A. to; with B. with; to C. with; with D. to;

18、about( ) 15. What did Linda say about her pocket money? She said _ parents _ her little of it. A. his; give B. their; has givenC. her; gave D. hers; were giving. 完形填空(10分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1分)Betty Jameson was an important woman in the world of sports. In 1950, she

19、 and twelve other women set up the Ladies Professional (职业的) Golf Association (协会). They 16 rules for the group.Jameson was born in 1919 in Norman, Oklahoma. She 17 in Dallas, Texas. She began playing 18 at a very young age. She was very good at the sport and 19_ many competitions. In 1932, Jameson

20、won the Texas competition. Two years 20 , she won the Southern Championship.Jameson began playing professional golf in 1945. She won many prizes. She finished her career in the Ladies Professional Golf Association with thirteen big 21 .That may not seem like many wins compared to womens golf today.

21、22, during that time golf was thought a mens sport. Women were not treated the same as men in sports. The LPGA fought to 23 that. The organization succeeded in making womens golf famous as a professional sport.Jameson was 24 into the Hall Fame of Womens Golf in 1951. But in her late years, she was f

22、orced to live a simple life 25_ little money. Jameson died in 2009 when she was eighty-nine years old.( ) 16. A. came B. took C. reached D. made( ) 17. A. grew up B. stayed up C. put up D. picked up( ) 18. A. tennis B. golf C. badminton D. baseball( ) 19. A. completed B. hit C. won D. beat( ) 20. A.

23、 later B. before C. past D. ago( ) 21. A. games B. race C. victories D. failures( ) 22. A. However B. So C. Once D. Or( ) 23. A. turn B. compare C. help D. change( ) 24. A. moved B. accepted C. thought D. received( ) 25. A. for B. because of C. since D. instead of. 阅读理解(35分).阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选

24、项中选择最佳答案。(共25小题,每小题1分)AYou are a student and tired of studying, arent you? But you still want to get good grades, dont you? You are probably just bored. Take a break from those boring books and come to Only Fun Cram School. Only Fun Cram School is only for junior high school students. There are a lo

25、t of fun schools for elementary students, but most people think that when you are older, learning shouldnt be fun. Here we know that there are more interesting ways to study than just memorizing words and doing homework. We think that even junior high school students can have fun and learn at the sa

26、me time. Only Fun Cram Schools teachers are special. They know how to make learning fun and interesting for their students. Students here play games and sports, use computers, and take class trips to learn. They also learn from each other by working in groups. A lot of Sunny Junior School students a

27、re already learning at Only Fun Cram School. Its great place to learn! Find out more about Only Fun Cram School. Visit, call, or e-mail us today.Telephone: 386-72465Address: 555 Rainbow Road Sunny CityE-mail: tellmemore ( ) 26. Where would you see this ad? A. At a hospital. B. At a junior high schoo

28、l C. At a church D. At a police station( ) 27. What is the purpose of this ad? A. To get junior high school students to go to Only Fun Cram School. B. To make students feel interested in learning.C. To invite more students to visit this school. D. To tell students to read more books.( ) 28. Which of

29、 the following is NOT a way to learn more about Only Fun Cram School? A. By calling 386-73465. B. By going to 555 Rainbow Road.C. By sending an e-mail to tellmemore D. By visiting Sunny City.( ) 29. Who can go to Only Fun Cram School? A. A second-year student at Smith Senior High School. B. A first-

30、year students at Lucky Elementary School. C. A third-year student at Sunny Junior High School. D. A student in Mrs. Wangs senior high school.( ) 30. Which is NOT a way to learn geography at Only Fun Cram School? A. Using the Internet to plan a trip. B. Going with the class to a museum.C. Playing a game with maps.D. Memorizing places on a map.BIrving Berlin

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