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1、全国中学生英语能力竞赛NEPCS 初赛初二年级组试题2006年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初二年级组试题听力部分(共四大题,计30分)I. 听辨单词 (Words) (共5小题,计5分) 听句子,选出句子中出现的单词。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)1. A. health B. hungry C. helpful D. happy2. A. climbing B. cooking C. camping D. cleaning3. A. grass B. glass C. class D. plus4. A. mouth B. month C. maths D. match5

2、. A. programme B. problem C. passenger D. policemanII. 问句应答 (Responses) (共5小题,计5分) 听问句,选出其最佳的应答句。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)6. A. I always go to the zoo on foot on Sunday morning. B. Its about three miles from the hospital to the zoo. C. It takes me 20 minutes to find the monkeys at the zoo. D. I think it i

3、s a great idea to go to the zoo together.7. A. Were going to play football. B. It was very sunny yesterday. C. My sister is very funny sometimes. D. I like wearing T-shirts in summer.8. A. I dont feel well. I have to go to the doctor. B. Certainly. You can keep them for three weeks. C. Im afraid I c

4、ant go with you. Im really busy. D. I can understand most films in French now.9. A. Two teaspoons of sugar. B. About 39 metres. C. For two weeks. D. Two kilos, please.10. A. You can take a No. 6 bus.B. Its 020 7303 7019.C. I cant find my phone.D. My room number is 1362.III. 对话理解 (Dialogues) (共10小题,计

5、10分) A) 听五组小对话,选择描述正确的图片回答问题。每组对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)11.Where is the cinema?12. What will David buy for Lisas birthday?13. In which country did Emma enjoy her holiday?14. How much did the ticket cost?15. How does the man go to work every day? B) 听一组长对话,根据其内容选择最佳选项回答下列各题。对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)16. Why will Mrs Le

6、e leave on Saturday? A. She likes to travel on Saturday. B. She doesnt want to leave late. C. She is busy on Sunday. D. Her ticket is for Saturday.17. When will Mrs Lee arrive in London? A. At 8:00. B. At 10:00. C. At 11:50. D. At 11:15.18. Where will Mrs Lee have a meeting after she arrives in Lond

7、on? A. At a factory. B. At the airport. C. At a hotel. D. At an office.19. What will Mrs Lee do that evening in London? A. Meet people in a restaurant. B. Go to visit the British Museum. C. Have dinner at a French hotel. D. Play golf with her friends.20. How will Mrs Lee go to Paris the next morning

8、? A. By air. B. By train. C. By sea. D. By bus.IV. 短文理解 (Passages) (共10小题,计10分) A) 听短文,根据其内容选择最佳选项回答问题。短文读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)21. How many hours does Don work a day? A. Eight. B. Seven. C. Eight and a half. D. Seven and a half.22. Don and his workmates get about _ letters every day. A. 6,000 B. 60,000 C. 6

9、00 D. 6023. Don feels happy when _. A. he watches football matches on TV B. he helps his wife with the housework C. he goes out to have dinner with his friends D. he gives someone a letter from their country24. What does Don think of his job? He thinks its _. A. boring B. important C. easy D. terrib

10、le25. What doesnt Don like about his job? A. Getting up too early. B. Too many letters. C. Winter days and dogs. D. Going home late. B) 非选择题:听短文,根据其内容完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。(答案写在答题纸上)笔试部分(共七大题,计120分)I. 选择填空 (Vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分) A) 选择能够替换划线部分的最佳选项。(答案涂在答题纸上)31. Finally, he thanked them and

11、went back to his village in the evening. A. At last B. Then C. Next D. At least32. Lily is very happy because she is off today.A. really busy B. working hard C. not at work D. on business33. This basket is too heavy for me to carry. Could you please give me a hand? A. look at me B. help me C. lend m

12、e your basket D. have a rest34. Did they have a great time at Anns birthday party last night? A. enjoy themselvesB. go on a picnic C. help themselves D. have no trouble35. I have lots of honey but few apples, so give me some apples, please. A. many B. much C. a littleD. a lot B) 选出下列各题的最佳选项。(答案涂在答题纸

13、上)36. She began to study English _ the age of ten and now she can write a letter _ English. A. on; at B. in; on C. at; for D. at; in37. Did you do well in your _ history exam?Not too bad. I got _ “B”. A. / ; an B. the; a C. / ; a D. a; the38. I like fruit salad very much. Can you tell me how _ it? A

14、. bought B. eating C. will I have D. to make39. What was the date yesterday?It was _. A. Wednesday B. a fine day C. 4th April D. a cloudy day40. The famous writer would like to _ time in the beautiful countryside. A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay41. Did she play basketball yesterday afternoon?No, she

15、 _. A. goes shopping B. visited her aunt C. will stay at home D. is doing some cleaning42. _ people _ walking along the beach. A. A small number of; is B. The number of; are C. A number of; are D. The number of; is43. Its very late. _ take a taxi?Good idea. A. Would you likeB. How aboutC. What about

16、 D. Why not44. My Japanese is not very good, so I can _ understand a Japanese when he speaks too fast. A. nearly B. almostC. hardly D. ever45. When you finish _ your novel, remember _ me a call, OK?All right. A. to write; gave B. writing; to give C. read; to send D. reading; giving C) 情景会话。(答案涂在答题纸上

17、)46. What does your cousin look like?_.Can he play volleyball?Of course. A. He is a student B. He likes bananas very much C. He is tall and thin D. He went fishing this morning47. Dad, Im not sleeping well these days._.OK, Ill do that. A. That sounds like a good idea B. Really? Youd better go to the

18、 doctor C. I really want to win the prize D. I am glad to hear that48. Lets go skating this afternoon._.Thats too bad. Maybe another time. A. Id like to, but I havea lot of things to do B. You just need this football C. The sports car is very expensive D. Great, skating is my favourite sport49. Its

19、chips for lunch. _?Not fish again, please, and we had chicken last night.Well, lets have beef and vegetables. A. How is the weather B. What would you like with them C. What time is it D. How was your holiday50. Are you taking the train to Scotland, Wendy?No, Im driving there. Its cheaper._?It takes

20、nine hours to get there on a bus. A. Why dont you go there by bus B. Would you please show me your car C. How long does it take to walk there D. Would you like to take the trainII. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共20小题,计30分;5160小题每题1分,6170小题每题2分)A 阅读上面的卡片,根据其内容选择最佳答案完成下列各题。(答案涂在答题纸上)51. _ licence number

21、 is B395961136. A. Michaels B. Marys C. Phyllis D. Bobs52. Mary H. Strenton _. A. is a student in America B. is from the UK53. Which card shows the cards date of issue? A. The California Drivers Licence. B. The Student Card of University of Texas. C. The European Identification Card. D. The Health I

22、nsurance Card.54. What do the four cards have in common? A. They each show the persons height. B. Each card has its own number. C. All of the cards show the persons date of birth. D. None of the cards show the persons place of birth.55. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Phyllis Roth is studying med

23、icine. B. Michael T. Wright was born in September. C. Bob Harris was born in Canada. D. Mary H. Strenton is younger than Michael T. Wright.BLast year, I had a great trip to Hearst Castle at San Simeon in California. Hearst Castle was built by William Randolph Hearst between 1922 and 1939, at a cost

24、of more than $30 millionabout $277 million today. I spent all day looking around, but a day wasnt enough time to see everything. There was so much to see. Hearst Castle has four houses. The main house, “Casa Grande”, is much bigger than the other three, which were used for guests. Many of these gues

25、ts were Hollywood film stars, and they often came to Hearsts parties. At Hearst Castle, there are 56 bedrooms, 61 bathrooms and 19 sitting rooms. There are also beautiful gardens, a garage for 25 large cars and two swimming pools, one inside and a larger one outside. I loved the one outside, the “Ne

26、ptune Pool”it was a pity we couldnt go swimming! I found the tour very helpful. The guide told me that Hearst, at the age of ten, toured Europe with his mother, looking at paintings and castles. He never forgot this tour and decided that he wanted his house to look like a castle. Hearst died in 1951, and his family gave Hearst Castle to the people of California. It is now a museum. 阅读短文,根据其内容对下列句子进行判断。正确的,请选择A;错误的,请选择B;文中没有提及的,请选择C。(答案涂在答题纸上)56. Hearst Castle at San Simeon in California was c

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