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1、英语复习课后答案第一单元词汇1 1. Obesity is one of the leading causes of accelerated aging, according to Cooper.1. 按照库柏的看法,过度肥胖是加速衰老的主要原因之一。2. Many of the molecules and substances that circulate in body overlap between immune function and sleep.2. 许多这些分子和物质在身体内循环在免疫力和睡眠之间重叠。3. This patient has fever and lower abd

2、ominal pain that I cannot explain.3. 我不能解释这个病人的发烧和下腹痛。4. Chemicals in our bodies break down the food we eat so we can absorb it.4. 我们身体的化学物质分解所吃的食物,所以我们才可以吸收。5. Moreover, the same virus that causes mild illness in one country can result in much higher morbidity and mortality in another.5. 另外,有的病毒在一国

3、造成轻微症状,而在一国,同一病毒引起的发病率和死亡率却可能高得多。6. We conclude this section with two examples of motion under the action of a variable force.6. 下面我们举两个关于物体在变力作用下运动的例子来结束这一节。7. Friction is the resistence tomotion between two objects in contact with each other.7. 摩擦力是在两个相互接触的物体之间因相对运动产生的阻力。8. The industrial revoluti

4、on modified the whole structure of English society.8. 工业革命变革了英国的整个社会结构。9. The plane was critically disabled when one of the engines caught fire.9. 有一台引擎起火,使飞机严重受损。10. Two principal hazards exist in dealing with inert gases: asphyxiation and pressure.10. 涉及惰性气体时存在两个主要的危险:窒息和压力。词汇21. I cannot determin

5、e whether the physician is doing the right thing or the wrong thing until I determine what the non moral properties are. internist1. 我不能确定是否医生做的事情是正确的或不对的,直到我确定什么是非道德性质。2. In windy Colorado, a smart grid may focus more on harnessing wind energy to replace electrical power. supplant2. 在多风的科罗拉多州,智能电网可

6、能更把焦点放在利用风能发电代替热电。3. Mary was short and plump, in contrast to her mother who was tall and slender. willowy 3. 玛丽又矮又胖,相反,她母亲又高又苗条4. That would surely slow up the normal pace of business today. slow down4. 今天,这肯定会减缓正常的经营步伐。5. The election results cause a wave of violent clashes across Kenya. set off5.

7、 选举的结果导致一轮在整个肯尼亚的暴力冲突。6. Ken threw me a funny glance and replied coolly, “There is nothing to worry about.” nonchalantly6. 肯有趣地撇了我一眼,冷静地说:“没有什么可担心的。”7. So women gather more fat than men? They have to; that is simply natural. accumulate7. 所以妇女聚集比男人更多的脂肪?他们必须;这是很自然的。8. Now a new study begins to clear

8、up the mystery and the mechanism by which reducing food intake protects cells against aging and age-related diseases. unravel8. 现在新的研究开始解开谜团和机制,减少食物摄入量可防止细胞衰老和与年龄有关的疾病。9. Researchers say climate change is real cause. culprit9. 研究人员说,气候变化是真正的原因。10. If you cannot affirm receipt of our remittance by to

9、morrow, please fax us immediately. comfirm10. 如果你不能确认收到我们的汇款,请立刻发传真给我们。翻译11. And medical researchers are beginning to understand the complex physiology behind a simple truth women have believed for centuries: the smaller the waist, the better the life.1. 几个世纪以来,妇女们始终相信一条朴实的真理:腰越细,生活就越好医学研究者们如今正开始了解这

10、一简单真理背后的生理机能。2. Contrary to the notion that belly fat is a soft, inert tissue that nonchalantly sits on the waist, abdominal fat cells are actually little endocrine factories, producing hormones that send messages to many organs.2. 与腹部脂肪是位于腰部无所事事的惰性软组织这一观念相反,腹部脂肪实际上是一些小的内分泌工厂,会制造一些把信息传送给许多器官的激素。3. I

11、t will be decades before medicine unravels the metabolic puzzle that is fat. In the meantime, doctors say the important action to take is to stop waist expansion. “We all need to slow down this process of becoming more applelike.” says Savard.3. 医学解开代谢之谜是脂肪的难题尚需数十年。医生们说,在此期间采取的主要行动是制止腰部变粗。萨瓦德说:“我们每个

12、人都需要放慢让自己体形变得更像苹果的过程。体形实在不容忽视。”翻译21. 因特网是一个互动网络,客户在因特网上能发布消息、参加讨论、进行投票或聊天。(release)1. Internet is an interactive network on which the customers can release news, join in discussion, and perform voting or chatting.2. 与我原先的想法相反的是,这家跨国公司的气氛一点都不令人轻松愉快。(contrary to)2. Contrary to what I had thought, the

13、atmosphere of the multinational company was not easy and enjoyable at all.3. 经过几天仔细的调查后,联邦调查局特工人员发现一切证据都表明他犯有谋杀罪。(point to)3. After several days investigation, FBI agents found all the evidence pointed to his committing a murder.4. 2004年,中国政府采用了大量放缓经济增速的措施,并对钢铁行业加以关注。(a raft of)4. In 2004, the gover

14、nment took a raft of measures to slow the economy and paid close/special attention to the steel industry.5. 我们的目的是探讨对大学生进行艾滋病教育的有效方式,为研究适合我国高校的艾滋病教育模式提供参考。(explore)5. Our objective is to explore an effective way of AIDS education for college students, and to provide reference for AIDS education mode

15、l in Chinas colleges.第二单元词汇1 1. He signaled in his inaugural speech on Tuesday that his first focus will likely be foreign policy.1. 星期二他在就职演说中提到,上任后的第一个焦点可能是外交政策。2. He was a shrewd and wealthy businessman, but most people in the town hardly knew anything about this side of his life.2. 他是个精明能干、有钱的商人

16、,但镇上大部分人对他生活中的这一个方面几乎一无所知。3. His expression is somber as he listens to report of the accident.3. 他听著关于事故的报告时,脸部表情严峻。4. The one I dislike the most is the exhortation not to grieve over an event, “for it cannot be helped”.4. 我最不喜欢听的,便是劝告别人不要为了一件“那是没法的”事情伤心。5. The action caused the value of our stock t

17、o plummet, and it is still out of favor with investors.5. 这一行动造成本公司股票价格剧跌,使投资者无意问津。6. His superiority in the interrogation room was not based on intellect or physique.6. 他在审问室里的优势并不是以智谋和体力为基础建立的。7. We know the future will outlast all of us, but I believe that all of us will live on in the future we

18、make.7. 我们知道我们的未来还有很长,但我相信我们将会在生活在我们创造的未来。8. The report says it is usually the confluence of several positive factors.8. 研究报告表明通常都是几点积极因素综合影响。9. He submitted a letter of resignation free of recrimination or argument.9. 他呈上一份辞职书,内中毫无责怪或争辩之词。10. I must have run up quite a bill at your candy store toda

19、y.10. 我今天想必在你的糖果店欠了不少帐。词汇21. He borrowed 50 from me for the journey and then, in addition to that, asked me if he could borrow my car. on top of1. 他向我借了50美元的旅程,然后,另外问我是否可以借我的车。2. However, undismayed by the inevitable failure, the sportsman is always striving to do the best he can. undaunted2. 然而,毫无畏

20、惧不可避免的失败,运动员总是努力做最好的他。3. Oil spills devastate the natural environment, endanger public health and disrupt the economy. imperil3. 石油泄漏破坏自然环境,危害公众健康和扰乱经济。4. I am too busy to listen to her endless resentmenr. grievance4. 我太忙了,没空听她那没完没了的牢骚。5. Love is like a dove. If you hold it too tightly, you kill it.

21、 If you hold it too loosely, it will fly away. strangle5. 爱像一只鸽子。如果你握得太紧,你杀了它。如果你握得太松,它会飞走6. A faultfinder might say that a high profile marriage and a controversial divorce is good publicity for an acting career. cynic6. 一个吹毛求疵的人可能会说,一个高调的婚姻和一个备受争议的离婚是一个很好的宣传对于演艺事业。7. When she appeared, John, weari

22、ng a dirty and ragged overcoat, ran to her with joy. worn-out7. 当她出现的时候,约翰穿着一件又脏又破的大衣高兴地跑了过去。8. That is message of our time and the authorization of the new century and the new millennium. mandate8. 这是我们这个时代的信息和新世纪和新的千年的授权。9. Keep looking below surface appearances. Dont avoid doing so just because y

23、ou might not like what you find. shrink from9. 记住要透过现象看本质。不要因为害怕真相的肮脏而退缩。10. The disturbance in the street awakened everyone in the house. tumult10.大街上的骚动吵醒了屋子里的每一个人。翻译11. Still, perhaps mindful that during his campaign he faced doubts about his readiness to lead in a time of war, Obama was careful

24、to balance his pledge touse diplomacy and cooperation in dealing with the rest of the world with steely words of resolve.1.也许奥巴马还记得在竞选中他所面临的对其是否具备战时领导力的质疑,于是他刻意寻求平衡既誓言和世界其他国家打交道时使用外交手段与合作,也放出了几句坚定的狠话。2. It is far too early to know to what degree Obama s presidency will result in a rollback of the co

25、nservative era or beginning of a new progressive era. But his aspirations are among the largest of any president since Lyndon B. Johnson, and he seems undaunted by that fact.2.现在要了解奥巴马总统任期将在多大程度上导致保守主义时代的回归,或新的进步时代的开启还为时尚早。但自林登B.约翰逊以来,没有哪位总统比他的抱负更大,他也似乎并不避讳这一点。3. Obama campaigned on apromise to turn

26、 the page on the politics of past, from the gridlocked debates that have consumed Washington to the ideological polarization that has so soured the public.3.奥巴马在竞选期间承诺将翻过“过去的政治”这一页,即从令华盛顿筋疲力尽的僵持不下的争论,到令公众大为失望的意识形态的两极分化。翻译21. 我们要大胆吸收和借鉴人类社会包括资本主义社会创造的一切文明成果,结合新的实践,进行新的创造,为我所用。(draw upon)1. We should

27、boldly absorb and draw upon all the achievements of the human society, including those of the capitalist countries, build on them and make innovations.2. 有些已超出人能力的大事,在忍受罪恶和痛苦的侵袭时,人的心灵需要勇气和刚毅的力量来坚定自己。(beyongd ones ability)2.In ones mind, he or she needs the power of fortitude to strengthen oneself as

28、 one is confronted with something beyond his ability and suffering from sins and pains.3. 体育运动学校的目标和任务是向优秀运动队选拔、培养、输送体育后备人才。(infuse)3.The sports schools target and task is to select, bring up, and infuse some reserve sports players to excellent sports teams.4. 我们每个人都不难在克莱德(Clyde)身上找到自己的影子,包括对成功名利、金钱

29、甚至美女的渴望。(aspiration)4.It is not difficult for us to find ourselves on Clyde. Including aspiration of success, fame, money and even beauty.5. 在日常生活的纷扰中,人很容易想到消极的事情,忽略掉真正重要的东西。(tumult)5.In the tumult of everyday life, its very easy to focus on the negative and to lose sight of what really matters.第三单元

30、词汇1 1. proactive 2. assorted 3. sponsor 4. teetering 5. tipsy 6. flirt 7. infiltrate 8. torrid 9. throng 10. be saturated with词汇21. get the word out 2. exclusive 3. be replete with 4. glamorous 5. withstand 6. recline 7. complimentary 8. vibe 9. holding court with 10. perch翻译11. 这儿有一些好莱坞的演员和一个著名的巴西模

31、特。这儿有一群群身上喷了太多古龙香水的男人,还有一些丰唇整容、踩着高跟鞋在刚铺好的砾石路上摇摇摆摆走着的女人们。2. 近年来,越来越多的屋顶聚会已走向商业化了。一年前,在肉类加工业区的甘思富酒店屋顶花园酒吧的开张,以及在切尔西区的海事酒店的卡巴纳斯,似乎都对这一趋势有推波助澜的作用。3. 戴蒙德先生看着在他们旁边一张桌子喝酒的一群年轻女子,他们的头发吹得蓬松,手提包闪闪发光,很完美的样子。“清新空气使人们,呃,女人们,更主动,”他说,“就好像在说,咱们再喝几杯吧。”翻译21. If we drop out guard in dealing with such a great thing, we

32、 shall be badly fooled/deceived and suffer severely.2. There is no doubt that people who are really in the know are sure/ confident the film will win an Oscar.3. Some birds were hovering in the sky, some were playing, some were also catching small insects with other birds, and it was really lovable!4. Some experts say the main problem now is that additional government aid is

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