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1、全国中考试题分类汇编形容词15中考形容词真题【2015山东德州】29. If overweight people eat less and take more exercise, theyll soon feel much_.A. fatter B. older C. bigger D. healthier29. D【解析】考查形容词辨析。句意为:如果超重的人少吃,多锻炼,他们不久会感到更_。fatter更胖;older更老;bigger更大;healthier更健康。由句意可知少吃,多锻炼的结果,会使人更健康。【2015山东德州】34. Who is your favorite singer

2、, Mike?TF Boys. They are very _ boys and girls.A. proud of B. popular with C. strict with D. worried about34. B【解析】考查短语辨析。句意为:迈克,你最喜欢的歌手是谁啊?是TF Boys。他们非常_男孩和女孩。be proud of因而自豪;be popular with受欢迎;be strict with对严格要求;be worried about为担心。由句意可知,这一组合很受男孩和女孩们的欢迎。【2015山东菏泽】25. Mum, the soup is not _ enough

3、. A little more sugar, please. A. sour B. salty C. sweet25. C【解析】考查形容词辨析。句意为:妈妈,这个汤不够_。请再加一点糖。sour“酸”;salty“咸”;sweet“甜”。由下文句意可推测这个汤不够甜。故选C项。【2015四川自贡】23. Mum, youve got so _ housework to do. Let me help you. A. many B. much C. little 23. B【解析】考查形容词的辨析。句意:妈妈,你有这么多家务活要做。我来帮你吧。housework是不可数名词,其前用so muc

4、h来修饰;而so many修饰可数名词复数,so little意为“如此少”与语境不符。【2015四川自贡】26.Tom, dont throw the rubbish on the floor. We should keep the classroom _. Oh, sorry. Miss Wang. A. clean B. quiet C. dirty 26. A【解析】考查形容词的辨析。clean清洁的;quiet安静的;dirty脏的。由句意“汤姆,不要将垃圾扔到地上。我们应该保持教室清洁。”可知,答案为A项。【2015四川自贡】32. The movie Lost in Thaila

5、nd is _ one that Ive ever seen these years. A. funny B. the funniest C. funnier 32. B【解析】考查形容词的最高级。句意:电影人在囧途之泰囧是近几年我看过的最有趣电影。由限定词that Ive ever seen可知,此处用形容词funny的最高级。故选B。【2015江苏南京】7. Lisa was still very weak when she left hospital. But after a weeks rest, she felt much _ and went back to school.A. g

6、ood B. better C. bad D. worse7. B【解析】考查形容词的比较等级辨析。句意:当丽萨出院时,她身体还很体弱,但是经过一周的休息之后,她感到 ,她返回学校了。good 好,原级,不用于身体健康方面;better比较级 原级有good,well(可用于身体健康方面);bad差,原级,不用于身体健康方面;worse比较级,原级有bad ,ill(可用于身体健康方面)。将选项带到语境中理解知B项符合语境。【2015四川凉山】31. The fish tastes _, we have eaten it up. It is certain that she cooked it

7、 _. A. good; well B. well; good C. well; well D. good; good 31. A【解析】考查形容词和副词用法辨析。句意: “鱼尝起来很好吃,我们把它吃光了。” “毫无疑问的是她做的好。” 系动词taste意思是“尝起来”,后跟形容词good作表语;实意动词cook后跟副词well作状语,故选A。【2015浙江杭州】16. My time in the middle school was one of _ periods of my life. A. exciting B. more exciting C. the more exciting D

8、. the most exciting16. D【解析】考查形容词最高级。句意:中学时光是我一生中最激动人心的时期之一。根据句中one of.和空格后的名词periods可以判断,本句为“.one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数”结构,表示“最的之一”。故选D。【2015浙江温州】3. A person who is _ does not tell lies or cheat people. A. careless B. stupid C. honest D. humorous 3. C【解析】考查形容词辨析。句意:一个 _ 的人既不撒谎也不欺骗人。careless粗心的;stupid愚

9、蠢的;honest诚实的;humorous幽默的。根据此人既不撒谎也不欺骗人,说明此人很诚实。故选C。【2015广东广州】18. Emma looked after her pet dog _ of all her friends. A. careful B. most careful C. more carefully D. the most carefully 18. D【解析】考查形容词与副词及其等级的辨析。句意:Emma照看她的宠物狗是她的所有朋友中_。careful细心的,形容词原级;most careful最细心的,形容词最高级;more carefully更细心地,副词比较级;t

10、he most carefully最细心地,副词最高级。这里是把Emma放在所有朋友中进行比较,属于多者之间的比较,因此本句应用最高级,排除A、C;因句子谓语动词look after为行为动词短语,应用副词修饰。故选D。【2015广东广州】22. The boy looked _ because he didnt pass his maths exam. A. sad B. sadness C. saddest D. sadly22. A【解析】考查同根词辨析。句意:那男孩看起来很沮丧,因为他没有通过他的数学考试。sad沮丧的,形容词;sadness沮丧,名词;saddest最沮丧的,形容词最

11、高级;sadly沮丧地,副词。分析句子结构知,句中look为系动词,其后应跟形容词作表语,排除B、D;形容词最高级前应有the,排除C。故选D。【2015山东滨州】24. Do you like Zhang Bichens song?Yes. She is the winner of The Voice of China III. I cant think of anyone with a _ voice.A. best B. better C. worse D. worst24. B【解析】考查形容词的比较级。句意为“你喜欢张碧晨的歌吗?”“是,她是中国好声音第三季的年度总冠军,我认为在没有

12、任何人有更好的嗓音了。”best最好的,good/well的最高级;better是good/well的比较级;worse是bad的最高级; worst是bad的比较级。根据句意可知张碧晨的声音是最好的,此处用比较级表达最高级的意思,选项B符合题意。故选B。【解题突破点】此题的突破点在于否定句中的anyone,任何一个,可知用比较级表达最高级的含义,排除选项A和 D项。再根据句意可知她唱得好,所以排除C项。【2015山东滨州】27. I still want to drink something. May I have _ cup of juice? Certainly. Here you ar

13、e.A. other B. more C. another D. else27. C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:“我还是想要喝点东西?我能 _一杯橘汁吗?”“当然了,给你”other其他的,修饰名词,放在名词的前面; more再,又;放在量词的后面;another再,又;泛指再一个,放在量词的前面;else其他的,修饰疑问词和不定代词。根据前句再要一杯果汁,此处是泛指再一个,选项C符合题意。故选C。【2015山东泰安】23. -How are you getting along with your English study? -Much better. I dont feel it

14、as _as before.A. interesting B. much C. difficult D. easy 23. C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为“你的英语学习进展怎样?”“好多了。我感觉它不和以前一样 。”interesting有趣的; much 许多;difficult困难的;easy容易的。根据句意可知空白处应表示困难的,选项C符合题意。故选C。【2015重庆A】38. He has _ arms now and is able to pick the table up with one hand. A. weakest B. weaker C. strongest D.

15、stronger 38. D【解析】考查形容词比较级用法。句意:他现在有比较壮的胳膊,能够用一只手提起桌子。指“他的胳膊现在比(以前)壮”。所以用比较级。【2015安徽】41. Now people have more free time. Square Dancing is becoming more and more _.A. comfortable B. difficult C. different D. popular41. D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:现在,人们有很多的空闲时间。广场舞正变得越来越_。comfortable舒服;difficult困难;different不同;

16、popular受人欢迎。人们空闲时间很多,所以广场舞越来越受人欢迎。故选D。【2015江苏连云港】8. Why are you looking_ in class all day? Because I cant finish my homework until eleven every night. A. awake B. asleep C. sleeping D. sleepy8. D【解析】考查形容词。句意:你为什么整天在课堂上看起来瞌睡?因为我每天晚上十一点才能完成作业。此处look是系动词,意为“看起来”,后接形容词sleepy作表语,意为“瞌睡的”。故选D。【2015江苏连云港】11

17、. The Internet service fees are too high, and the speed is too slow. Thats why Premier Li Keqiang asks operators(运营商)to provide_ Internet. A. many cheaper and quicker B. very cheaper and quicker C. more cheaper and quicker D. much cheaper and quicker11. D【解析】考查比较级。题干处句意:这就是李克强总理为什么要求运营商提供更便宜、快捷的网络的原

18、因。修饰比较级须用much,意为“得多”。【2015山东临沂】18. Of all the drinks, tea is _ in the world. It has 5.000 years of history in China. A. older B. the oldest C. old D. very old 18. B【解析】考查形容词的最高级。句意为:所有的饮料中,茶是世界上_,它在中国有5, 000年的历史。根据这里的语言环境可知,需要用最高级。故选B。【解题突破点】此题的突破点在于句首的Of all the drinks和句中的in the world,可知用最高级,排除选项A,

19、C和D项。【2015江西】31.-The scarves are all beautiful. I cant decide which one to choose.-Oh, look at this red one. I think its _.A. beautiful B. more beautifulC. the most beautiful D. less beautiful31.C【解析】考查形容词比较等级。句意为:围巾都很漂亮。我不能决定选哪一个。哦,看下这红色的。我认为这是_。A原级;B比较级,更漂亮;C最高级;D更不漂亮。根据句意可知这是最好最漂高的,用最高级。故选C。【2015

20、呼和浩特】4. What do you think of the woman singer? Her voice sounds _. I like her songs. A. sweet B. sweetly C. bad D. badly4. A【解析】考查连系动词的用法。句意:你认为那个女歌手怎样?她的声音听起来_,我喜欢她的歌。Sound听起来,是连系动词,后应接形容词作表语,排除B和D;再根据I like her songs可知她的声音听起来很甜美,排除C。故选A。【2015四川成都】39. Lin Dan won the badminton game again.Yes, I thi

21、nk no one can do _ than him.A. well B. better C. best39. B 【解析】考查形容词比较级。句意:林丹有赢了这场羽毛球比赛。 是的,没有人比他做的更好了。没有人比他做得更好,应用比较级。故选B。【2015湖南长沙】29. There will be_ cars in the city because people will prefer the subway.A. fewer B. less C. more29. A【解析】本题考查不定代词的用法。fewer修饰可数名词的复数形式,更少的;less修饰不可数名词,更少的;more修饰可数名词的

22、复数形式或者不可数名词,更多的。句意“因为人们将更喜欢地铁,所以城市中会有_汽车。”结合句意,cars为可数名词的复数形式,可知汽车会更少,可知选择A。 【2015山东聊城】27. The old man often feels _ because his children live far away.A. crazy B. lonely C. hungry D. sleepy27. B【解析】考查形容词辨析。题意:这位老人经常感到 ,因为他的孩子们住的很远。crazy疯狂的, lonely孤独的, hungry饥饿的, sleepy困乏的。分析句意可知:老人感到孤独,故选B。【2015天津】

23、25.Meimei thinks maths is _ than Chinese. A. easy B. easier C. the easiest D. very easy25. B 【解析】考查形容词比较级。句意:梅梅认为数学比汉语_。题中出现比较级句式的标志词than,所以本题选用比较级。故选B。【2015天津】33. Lets open the windows to have some _ air here. A. cheap B. nervous C. careful D. fresh33. D 【解析】考查形容词辨析。句意:让我们打开窗户进些_空气吧。cheap意为“便宜的,廉价的

24、”;意为“紧张的,不安的”;“小心的,仔细的”;fresh意为“新鲜的”;根据题意可知,打开窗户是为了进来新鲜的空气。故选D。【2015重庆B】27. Ma Yun, head of Alibaba, is one of _ person in the world.A. rich B. richer C. richest D. the richest27. D 【解析】考查形容词的最高级。句意:阿里巴巴的头马云是世界上最富有的人之一。由短语in the world可知此处要使用最高级,故选D。【2015江苏盐城】10. With the development of modern indust

25、ry, there will be _ living space for wild animals. A. fewer and fewer B. less and less C. more and more D. bigger and bigger10. B【解析】考查比较级。句意:随着现代工业的发展,野生动物的生存空间越来越少。本处修饰不可数名词living space,应用little的比较级。故选B。【2015山东日照】23. What do you think of the TV show Running Men?Well, I cant stand it, but my son th

26、inks it _. A. boring B. frustrating C. interesting D. meaningless 23. C【解析】考查形容词的词义辨析。句意为“你认为越狱出逃那不电视剧怎么样”“我不喜欢,但是我儿子认为_”。根据这里的连词but表达意思转折,又由前句语言环境“我不喜欢”可知,这里需要用表达喜欢的词语interesting。故选C。【2015山东青岛】6. This camera is too expensive. Id like a_ one.A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. more expensive 6.B【解析】考

27、查形容词的比较等级。句意为:这个照相机太贵了。我想要一个_的。由上文“照相机太贵”暗示后文句意“我想要一个更便宜些的”,两者有比较意味,因此用比较级。故选B。2015湖南益阳】25.Li Na is one of_ tennis players in the world.A. most famous B. the most famous C. more famous25. B 【解析】考查形容词的比较等级。句意:李娜是世界上_网球运动员之一。根据one of和in the world可判断用形容词的最高级,最高级前用定冠词the。故选B。【2015四川绵阳】7.How do you like

28、this movie? Fantastic, its the _ one Ive ever seen.A. better B. best C. good D. worst7. B【解析】考查形容词最高级。句意:你认为这电影怎么样?极好,它是我看过的最好的电影。根据定冠词the,可知本处应用最高级。结合语境,故选B。【2015四川遂宁】23. Qomolangma is _ mountain in the world. A. high B. higher C. the highest 23. C 【解析】考查形容词最高级用法。句意:珠穆朗玛峰是世界上_的山。由“in the world”可知“珠

29、穆朗玛峰是世界上最高的山。” 因此是最高级。且形容词最高级前要加the。故选C。 【2015甘肃武威】35. Staying with families and friends is one of things in the world.A. the happiest B. happier C. the happy D. happiest35. A【解析】考查形容词的最高级。句意:与家人很朋友在一起是世界上最幸福的事之一。one of +最高级+名词复数,是固定用法,形容词的最高级前加冠词the,故选A。【2015甘肃武威】37. The story is really . It makes

30、all of us laugh a lot.A. correct B. boring C. humorous D. direct37. C【解析】考查形容词词义。句意:这个故事真幽默,它让我们都笑的很开心。A,正确的;B,无聊的;C,幽默的;D,直接的。故选C。【2015甘肃武威】52. The prices of the houses at the moment are still very .A. high B. expensiveC. higher D. more expensive52. A【解析】考查形容词的比较级。句意:现在房价仍然很高。价格高用high,低用low;没有做比较,因此用原级。故选A。【2015贵州安顺】17.This kind of T-shirt looks and sells in the market. A. nice; good B. well; well C. nice; well D. good; nice C【解析】考查形容词和副词的用法。句意:这种T-恤衫看起来很好,并且在市场上销售也不错。look用作系动词,意为“看起来”,后跟形容词nice或good作表语,nice和good

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