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1、高一英语教案Unit4WildlifeProtectionUnit 4 Wildlife Protection1st & 2nd period1. Teaching important pointsA. To let students master the pronunciation of the new words and phrases.B. To let students know the main usages of them.2. Teaching difficult pointsA. How to help students master the pronunciation wit

2、hin limited time.B. How to make the usages clear.3. Procedure Step 1. GreetingStep 2. Daily reportStep 3. New words and phrases learning1. The whole class read the new words and phrases together following the teacher.2. Let students read them aloud by themselves for a while.3. Explain the usages of

3、the words and expressions as follows:1 protection n. 保护 2 protect vt. sth. from/against保护避免Hes wearing the sunglasses to protect his eyes from/against the strong sunshine.3 as a result 结果 A句.As a result, B句.I got up late this morning. As a result, I could catch the first a result of= because

4、of 为介词词组,不能引导句子。He was late as a result of getting up late.4 die out灭亡;逐渐消失Milu deers are dying out.5 loss n. His sacrifice is a loss of our a loss不知所措 without a loss毫无保留 make up a loss补偿损失6 reserve n. a forest reserve 保护林 reservation n. 预定;保留7 hunt vt. They are hunting the proper person.

5、 vi. hunt for/after 追逐 The lion is hunting for the monkeys. go hunting 去打猎;a job hunting找工作8 zone n. 地区;地带;区域 time zone, a danger zone, the war zone9 peace n. peaceful adj. peacefully=in peace adv.The Chinese live in peace after liberation.10 in danger- out of danger11 The little girl is in danger b

6、ecause she has fallen into the river. However, she is out of danger now with the help of the army. 11. stomach n. I feel painful in my stomach.stomachache n. 胃痛; headache n. 头疼; 12. apply vi. apply for 申请; I will apply for the job in the company.apply to sb. for sth.向某人申请 I will apply to my boss for

7、 a better saraly. vt. apply oneself to 专心于 The diligent girl applies herself to study.13. thick thin14. contain vt. 包含 This book contains information that you need.容纳 This room can contain 56 students.15. drug n. The drug is harmful to peoples health.the drug store 药房;take the drug 吃药16. affect vt.

8、This movie deeply affects me.effect n. have an effect on; have a good/bad effect on The computer game has a bad effect on students study. side effect副作用 This kind of medicine has side effect.17. attention n. draw/get/attract/catch ones attention 吸引某人的注意力 That handsome boy attracts/catches/draws/gets

9、 her attention. fix/focus ones attention on sth. 讲精神、注意力集中于They fix/focus my attention on that handsome attention to sth. Please pay attention to what I said just now.18. come into being Do you know when the humans came into being?19. dust n. The ground is full of dust. dusty adj. 有尘的;多尘的20.

10、 recently adv. Recently, I havent seen the poor woman.21. fierce adj. Lion is fierce animal. 22. lazy adj. laziness n. (happy- happiness)Dont be so lazy since the exam is coming.Step 4. Homework1. Review the new words and expressions.2. Chose ten new words and phrases to make sentences :小结:本单元的单词量不多

11、,单词难度也不大。但是在讲单词的过程中还是发现下面几个词的理解和用法需要加强:protect from、hunt for、contain 和 include、affect和effect的区别。因此课后布置造句作业有利于检查出学生对新词汇的掌握情况。3rd & 4th period1. Teaching important points:A. Help students understand the passage better.B. Train students reading skills.C. Learn more about the wildlife protection.2. Teac

12、hing difficult points:A. How to help students improve their reading skills and understand the passage fully.B. How to let students learn the importance ways of protecting wildlife.3. ProcedureStep 1. GreetingStep 2. Daily ReportStep 3. Warming up1. Show a video about WWF.2. Ask students what animals

13、 are they can see in the video and find out the endangered animals.3. Ask students why the animals are endangered.4. Lets listen to some animals news:A. Dolphin: Last night, a little dolphins dead body was found on one coast in Hongkong. People think it died from hunger because it could not find any

14、 food in the dirty seaB. Antelopes: The Canadian government announced last week that more and more antelopes in the wildlife park died in Road-kills.5. Ask students why the animals mentioned above are endangered.6. Give them 3 to 5 minutes to discuss in pair and then invite some of them to give thei

15、r opinions. And show some of my own opinion below:killed by the enemies in the naturenot enough foodnot enough place to live inthe living environment is worse and worsehunted by human beingsaten by people7. Talk about the wildlife Protection1 Panda: Problem: No enough food; loss of bamboo growing ar

16、easImprovement: There are about 70 after bamboo areas set up to help them growHome in China: Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province2 Milu deer:Problem: Disappeared in ChinaImprovement: About 500 after being brought back from UK. Home in China: Nanhaizi Milu Park in Beijing3 South China tiger:Proble

17、m: too much hunting in the 1950sImprovement: About 30 60 after being left in peace with no huntingHome in China: Baishanzu National Natural Protection Zone, in Zhejiang ProvinceStep 4. Reading How Daisy Learned to Protect Wildlife1. Show some pictures of the things appear in the text, and ask studen

18、ts to read aloud them. (Daisy, sweater, mosquito, rhino, antelope, money, monkey, elephant, flying chair)2. Listen to the tape paragraph by paragraph, and find out the answers to the questions below:Paragraph 1: Which place did Daisy arrive in? (Tibet) Who did Daisy talk to? (Tibetan antelopes) What

19、 did they talk about? (Tibetan antelopes were killed for wool.) Paragraph2: Which place did Daisy arrive in? (Zimbabwe)Who did Daisy talk to? (An African elephant)What did they talk about? (Elephants and rhinos were becoming endangered.) Paragraph3: Which place did Daisy arrive in? (Thick rain fores

20、t)Who did Daisy talk to? (A monkey)What did they talk about?(A powerful drug affects mosquitoes.)3. Read the passage silently again, and the try to finish the True or False exercises that are showed on the screen.1 Daisy saw an antelope as well as mountains and people in Tibet. (T)2 The antelope fel

21、t very sad and happy when he saw Daisy. (T) 3 Antelopes were killed for the skin that is taken from under their stomachs. (F)4 The elephants and rhinos in Zimbabwe used to be protected well by the farmers in the past. (F)5 Mosquitoes protect the monkey from a millipede insect. (F)4. Put the followin

22、g sentences in the right order:1 In the dream, she flew in a wonderful chair to talk with an antelope in Tibet. (2)2 Later, she flew to Zimbabwe and talked with an elephant and knew the farmers no longer hunted them. (4)3 Although finally everything was gone, she had learned so much about the wildli

23、fe! (7)4 The antelope told her they were hunted because their fur could be used to make sweaters. (3)5 At last she arrived at the thick rain forest (6)6 One day, Daisy dreamed a strange dream. (1) 7 Thats because the government decided to help and the farmers made a lot of money at last. (5)Step 5.

24、Homework1. Finish the translation exercise on p642. Finish Ex 21-35 on English Weekly 15th 小结:本节课将warming up和阅读理解整合在一起。Warming up里片断和图片活跃了课堂气氛,迅速激发了学生的积极参与。看片断和图片的同时,也给学生灌输了保护野生动物的概念。由于本课篇幅比较长,所以将其层次来逐段理解,使学生更容易掌握。TRUE OR FLASE 和课文排序的练习,进一步帮助学生理解课文,与此同时也可以提高学生的阅读能力。总而言之,本节课上得蛮成功,达到了预期的良好效果。今后阅读理解可以采

25、取这种阅读方式。5th period1. Teaching important pointExplanation of the important sentences and difficult language points in the passage- How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife2. Teaching difficult pointHow to make the students understand the language points better.How to help student master the usages of the l

26、anguage points.3. ProcedureStep 1. GreetingStep 2. Daily ReportStep 3. The whole class read the passage together and mark down the language points. And then explain the important sentences and difficult language points as follows:1. get dressed 穿上衣服 get+ p.p. get burnt/lost/ married/ hurt/broken2. i

27、n + some time表示在以后in two days 两天后in a week 一周后3. show sb. sth. =show sth. to sb. 拿给某人看;对某人表示(友情等)She showed me her photos.= She showed her photos to me.4. prefer (prefer-preferred-preferred) vt. 更喜欢;宁愿选(而不选)A. prefer + sth. I prefer coffee. 我更喜欢咖啡。B. prefer + to do sth./ doing sth. I prefer to drink

28、/drinking coffee. 我更喜欢喝咖啡。C. prefer + that clause (should do) She preferred that she stay at home this weekend. 她愿意本周末留在家。D. prefer (dong) A to (doing) B She prefers staying at home to going out. 他宁愿待在家里也不愿意出去。E. prefer to do A rather than do B She prefers to stay at home rather than go out. 她宁愿呆在家不

29、出去。F. prefer sb. to do sth. We prefer you to go with me. 我们宁愿你和我一起去。5. no longer= not any longerHe no longer lives here.=He doesnt live here any longer.Step 4. Homework1. Finish the translation exercises on English Weekly 15th2. Finish Reading A and B on English Weekly 15th 小结:本篇文章篇幅比较长,学生还没有看就怕了,所以

30、为了让他们更容易的理解,先概括整篇文章的意思。再挑难度较大的句子详细分析,精讲精练里面的语言点。一节课下来,学生基本上掌握所讲解的内容。 然而也发现学生对于prefer的具体用法还是懵懵懂懂,特别是prefer A to B和prefer to do A rather than B的区别,很容易混淆两者。因此,要求他们按照prefer的六种用法各造一个句子。6th period1. Teaching aimsLet students get used to Passive Voice in different tenses2. Teaching difficult point How to h

31、elp students master the usages of passive voice in different tenses3. ProcedureStep 1. GreetingStep 2. Daily ReportStep 3. Introduce Passive Voice语语法:被动语态一、 主动语态与被动语态的概念:英语动词的语态有两种:主动语态:表示主语是动作的执行者被动语态:表示主语是动作的承受者(常常没在有必要指出动作的执行者情况下使用)例:They speak English. (主动语态) 主 谓 宾 English is spoken by them. (被动语态) 主 谓 介词短语注:及物动词有被动语态,不及物动词必须带有介词才可以有被动语态。例:We listen to the teacher carefully in class. 主 谓 宾The teacher is listened to by us carefully in class. 主 谓 介词短语 e laughe

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