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1、英孚教育完全生活英语手册消闲篇英孚教育 完全生活英语手册消闲篇 P.7 能喂饱你的英语 Survival English for Eating Out P.9 优雅就餐英语须知 How to Mind Your Manners at an English-speaking Dinner? P.12 英语让夜生活更精彩 Spice up Your Nightlife with English P.14 懂英语买称心好礼 Find the Perfect Gift with English P.16 你的英语需要健身 Give Your English Some Exercise P.7 能喂饱你

2、的英语 Survival English for Eating Out 吃是很简单的。在饭馆就餐却不是. 如果你在一个陌生国度旅行,的确是不容易!但是不要害怕-我们不会让你挨饿。请看一看这份一定能帮助你解决饥饿问题的重要用餐短语列表! Eating is simple. Eating out isntif youre traveling in a foreign country, that is! But dont panic we wont let you starve. Check out this list of important dining phrases that will su

3、rely help you ease those hunger pangs! Id like to make a reservation. 在一些餐馆中,你需要事先订位。准备好告诉餐馆你们一共有多少人,你会到达的时间及你的名字。” Id like to make a reservation for four at 8 p.m. for Kristi.”前台接待 可能会问你的联系电话或是你是否需要吸烟区,事先考虑好这些信息。 For some restaurants, you ll need to call in advance to secure a table. Be prepared to

4、 give the number of people in your group, t he time you will arrive and your name. “Id like to make a r eservation for four at 8 p.m. for Peter.” The receptionist m ay ask for your phone number or about your smoking pref erence, so have this information ready. Could you repeat that, please? 这个短语并不止用

5、于在外用餐,但是却是非常之重要。餐厅可能很吵。服务生说话也可能很快。如果你没有听懂什么,就问他们,” Could you repeat that?”当然,简单说,”Excuse me?”也可以。别怕用的太多! This phrase isnt unique to eating out, but it s very important. Restaurants can be loud. Waiters talk fas t. If you don t understand something, ask them, “Could you repeat that ?” Of course, a si

6、mple, “Excuse me?” will also work. Don t be afraid to use it often! We need another minute. 如果服务生请你点菜而你还没有决定的话你就可以使用这短语。你会听到,”Are you ready to or-der?”用” Not yet. We need another minute,”或是” Can we have another minute?”回答。注意”a minute”在一个繁忙的餐馆里通常意味着服务生会在五分钟后回来为你点菜。 Use this phrase if the waiter appro

7、aches to take your orde r, but youre not ready. You ll hear, “Are you ready to order?” Respond with, “Not yet. We need another minute,” or “Can we have another minut e?” Be aware that “a minute” in a busy restaurant usually means the waiter will return in five. Id like / Ill have 这是两句最重要的短语!使用”Id li

8、ke ”或是”Ill have ” 在点菜或是点饮料的时候。例如,“Id like the spaghetti and some tea,”或是”Ill have a sandwich and a soft drink.”手指着菜单也总是能让人明白的! These are the two most important phrases! Use “Id like”or “Ill have”when ordering your food and drinks. For example, “Id like the spaghetti and some tea,”or, “Ill have a san

9、dwich and a soft drink.”Pointing at the menu always works, too! This isnt what I ordered. 如果服务生送错了菜,就说,”This isnt what I ordered, I ordered ” 接着说你点的菜。这并不常见,但是如果真的发生的话,注意要说些什么来纠正。 If the server brings you the wrong dish, say, “This isnt what I ordered, I ordered”and continue with the name of the dish

10、 you wanted. It doesnt happen often, but when it does, make sure you do something about it. Check, please! 当你准备要走时,捕捉到服务生的注意同时说,“Check, please!”作为你用餐短小而简单的结束语。 Check, please! When youre ready to go, catch the waiters attention and say, “Check, please!”for a short and simple end to your meal. P.9 优雅就

11、餐英语须知 How to Mind Your Manners at an English-speaking Dinner? 当你在国外就餐的时候,只能读懂菜单是远远不够的。得体的餐桌礼仪意味你需要知道该说些什么,做些什么。继续往下读,看看你在用 英语进餐的环境中是否表现的大方得体。 Eating in a foreign country is not only about understanding the menu! Good table etiquette means knowing both what to say and how to behave. Read on to make s

12、ure youre behaving properly at an English-speaking dinner table! (一)在说英语的国家,cutlery是指刀,叉和勺子(也就是进餐时用的器具)。人们经常会搞不清到底该用哪种餐具来吃哪道菜。基本的规则是从外到里(从离盘子最远的地方开始)。In an English-speaking country, cutlery refers to knives, forks and spoons (eating utensils). Everyone gets confused from time to time about which ute

13、nsil to use. The basic rule is to start from the outside and work inwards (towards your plate). (二)在进餐时,如果你需要接电话或是离开餐桌去洗手间,你可以简单地说一声”Please excuse me for a moment.”你可以将你的电话设置成静音模式,如果能关机的话会更为礼貌。During the meal, if you need to leave the table to go to the bathroom, simply say “Please excuse me for a m

14、oment.”You should also do this if you need to answer a phone call. While you can leave your cell phone on silent mode, it is more polite to turn it off. (三)无论如何,你一定要避免发出咂嘴的声音!特别是当你在喝汤和吃面条的时候! Slurping (making a slurpsound with your mouth) is something you should avoid at all costs! Be especially car

15、eful not to slurp when you are having soup or noodles! (四)即使你已经吃了很多,主人可能还是要你再吃一点。如果你真的已经吃饱了,你可以说:”Thank you, but I really couldnt eat another bite”(谢谢,但是我真得吃不下了)或者是”Im stuffed!”(我太饱了),这是very full的非正式说法。 Even if you have eaten a lot, your host will often try to encourage you to eat more. If youve rea

16、lly had enough, say “Thank you, but I really couldnt eat another bite”or “Im stuffed!”, which is an informal way of saying very full. (五)如果你想表明你已经吃饱了,你可以把你的刀叉并拢(一起放在你的盘子上)。你可以说:”What a delicious meal! Thank you so much.”,以此表达你的谢意。在所有人都吃完后,你才可以离开餐桌。 Indicate you have finished eating by closingyour kn

17、ife and fork, (putting them together on your plate). You can say “What a delicious meal! Thank you so much.”to show your ppreciation. Wait for everyone to finish before leaving the table. (六)探过身子伸到桌子的另一边够东西是非常不礼貌的。如果你需要盐,或是你想吃某道菜,而你又够不到,你就可以说”Please pass the .(“请把递给我,好吗?) It is considered rude to re

18、ach across the table. If you need the salt, or would like a dish that is not in your im-mediate area, you can say “Please pass the .”. (七)最后,其实你并不需要对每个细节都谨小慎微。现代礼仪更多传达是个人的优雅和姿态。当你不确定该怎么做的时候,你只需看看周边的人是怎么做的就可以了! Finally, dont worry about every little detail. Nowadays, etiquette is more about displayin

19、g graciousness and poise. And when in doubt, just look to your neighbor for clues! P.12 英语让夜生活更精彩 Spice up Your Nightlife with English 是周末了,还该是好好享受一下的时间了!有这么多的娱乐选择,该学几种你可以使 用的娱乐表达方式了。 Its the weekend, and its time to have some good times! With so many entertainment possibili- ties, its good to be ar

20、med with a variety of fun expressions that you can use. Dressed to the nines 任何重要的夜晚外出活动都以家里满满的衣柜,镜子和一些想象开始!当你 dressed to the nines时意思是你正穿着非常时髦的服装。例如,你可能说,”If we re going to the cocktail party wed better get dressed to the nines!” Any big night out begins at home with a wardrobe full of clothes, a m

21、irror and some imagination! When you are dres sed to the nines it means that you are wearing some seriously fashionable cloth es. For example, you might say, “If were going to the cocktail party we d better get dressed to th e nines!” Grab a bite to eat 你可能想要以饭店或咖啡点一顿快速的晚餐开始一晚的活动,我们把这就叫做 grabbing a

22、bite to eat。例如,你的朋友可能问你,” Do you want to grab a bite to eat before we go out?” You may want to start the night with a quick dinner at a restaurant or cafe, which we call grabbing a bite to eat. For example, your friend might ask you, “Do you want to grab a bite to eat before w e go out?” Go and catc

23、h a flick 夜晚的开始是去当地电影院看部最新大片的最佳时间。非正式的来说,我们说 going to catch a flick当我们要去看电影时。例如,你的朋友可能说,”Let s go and catch a flick at the cinema tonight!” Early evening is a great time to pay a visit to the local cinema and catch up on the latest big movie. Informally, we say that we are going to catch a flick whe

24、n we are going to watch a movie. For example, your friends may say, “Lets go and catch a flick at the cinema tonight!” Paint the town red 現在,大家應準備好去輕鬆一下盡興狂歡了!這就是painting the town red的意思與朋友渡過美好的晚上!所以當朋友問你:Do you want to go and paint the town red?,他們並不是要你帶油漆和油漆掃呢! By now, everyone is probably ready to

25、 let loose and have some fun! This is what we call painting the town red, having a really great night out with friends! So, when your friends ask “Do you want to go and paint the town red?”theyre not expecting you to bring paint and paintbrushes! Go bar-hopping 作为你重大的夜晚活动可能会包括去好几个酒吧放松的喝酒并和朋友见面。bar-h

26、opping我们的意思是每个酒吧你去一会儿,并且然后hop,或是继续去其他的,更多的酒吧。 Part of your big night out might include stopping off at a few bars for some relaxing drinks and to meet up with friends. By bar-hopping we mean that you go to one bar for a while, and then hop, or move on, to several more. Shoot some pool 当bar-hopping时你

27、可能会看到一个桌球台并想要快速的来上一两盘。别担心,这并不象听起来这么危险- shooting some pool只是意味着打桌球! While bar-hopping you might spot a pool table and feel like having a quick game or two. Don t worry, its not as dangerous as it sounds - shooting some pool simply means to play pool! Dance the night away 在 Hearing lots of music while

28、 bar-hopping时听到了很多的音乐自然而然让每个人都有跳舞 的冲动!Dancing the night away意思是连跳几个小时的舞直到第二天的早上。因此第二天当某人问你为什么这么累时,你就可以告诉他们,“Because last night I danced the night away!” Hearing lots of music while bar-hopping has probably got everyone in the mood for a disco! Danci ng the night away means to dance for hours and hou

29、rs until the early hours of the next morning. S o when someone asks you the next day why you are so tired, you can tell them, “Because last nig ht I danced the night away!” P.14 懂英语买称心好礼 Find the Perfect Gift with English 是给特别的人的完美礼物还是买给自己的物品呢,这儿有一份有用的表达方式的列表 能帮助你在逛商场或是流连在精致小店时找到你所寻找的东西。 Whether its

30、 the perfect gift for someone special or something for yourself, here is a list of use- ful expressions to help you find just what youre looking for as you stroll through the malls and check out chic boutiques. Im just looking. Im just looking.如果你还不知道你想买什么,这是对”Can I help you find anything?”最佳回答。 “I

31、m just looking.” This is a great response to “Can I help you find anything?” if you are not sure what you want to buy. Where are your fitting rooms? 如果在你买下衣服之前想试穿的话向售货员提这个问题。然而在英国,你可以要问的是changing rooms。 Ask the salesperson this question if you want to try on that outfit before you buy it. In the UK,

32、 tho ugh, you might want to ask for the changing rooms. Does this come in other colors? 不是每个人都喜欢朴素陈旧的黑色白色的。如果你发现你很喜欢某件商品,但想要不同的颜色,就问售货员以上的问题。 Not everybody likes plain old black and white. Ask a salesperson this if you ve found something you really like, but want it in a different color. Do you have this in other sizes? 你找到了绝佳的假日服装。只要他们有你的尺码!象以上那样问售货员,他或她就有可能向你提供最合

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