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1、交通大学远程教育大学英语课后练习题及答案Unit 1Part Two: Read and PracticeRead and ThinkII. Answer the following questions according to the text.1.What are the main type of air Pollution?An.: These include smog, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and holes in the ozone layer.2.Where does exhaust come from?An.: The exhaus

2、t comes from burning fuels in automobiles, homes, and industries.3.Why is the amount of carbon dioxide in the air continuing to increase?An.: Carbon dioxide is produced when fuels are burned. Plants convert carbon dioxide back to oxygen, but the release of carbon dioxide from human activities is hig

3、her than the worlds plants can process. The situation is made worse since many of the earths forests are being removed, and plant life is being damaged by acid rain.4.Can pollutants be created by indoor activities? An.: Yes. Some pollutants can be created by indoor activities such as smoking and coo

4、king.5.What is the first step to solve air pollution?An.: The first step to solve air pollution is assessment.III. Put in the missing words according to the text. There are several main types of pollution and well-known effects of pollution. One type of air pollution is the release of particles into

5、 the air from burning fuel for energy. Another type of pollution is the release of harmful gases in the atmosphere, forming smog and acid rain. The greenhouse effect is also referred to as global warming. In many countries in the world, steps are being taken to stop the damage to our environment fro

6、m air pollution. They have set controls on pollution emissions for transportation vehicles and industry and we must meet the challenge in order to assure that a healthy environment will exist for ourselves and our children.Read and CompleteIV. Spell the following words with the help of their meaning

7、s and first letters.1. e ssential a. absolutely necessary. Vitally necessary2. s ubstance n. that which has mass and occupies space3. s ignificant a. important; of consequence; having or expressing a meaning4. w ell-being n. a contented state or being happy healthy and prosperous5. exhaust n. gases

8、ejected from an engine as waste products6. convert v. to change the nature, purpose, or function of something7. reaction n. a process in which one or more substances are changed into others8. derive v. to obtain; to come from9. consequence n. the outcome of an event especially as relative to an indi

9、vidual10. exposure n. the state of being put into a situation in which something harmful or dangerous might affect youV. Complete each of the following statements with the words you have learned in the text.1. He explained that his delay was due to an accident.2. For every action there is an equal a

10、nd opposite reaction.3. This is one of the most significant studies of the subject.4. This garden has the best collection of native plants. In addition , it contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas.5.The paint came off as the result of exposure to the rain.VI. Fill in the blanks with the pr

11、oper words and expressions given below, changing the form if necessary.1.We refer to copper and silver as good conductors.2.Here patience is essential.3.The company supply, the children in the mountain area with a lot of books.4.These phenomena are very common now.5.These English words derive from G

12、reek.6.The storm caused untold damage to the farmers production.7.The region continues to suffer from serious pollution.8.How do you convert iron into steel?9.Climate change could have serious consequences for Africa.10.The harmful substances released into the environment.VII. Word building.Now add

13、-en to each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words.Sharp-sharpen; deep-deepen; high-heighten; bright-brighten; short-shorten; broad- broaden; wide-widen; quick-quicken; dark-darken; long-lengthen.1. John glanced at his watch and quickened

14、his pace.2. The road broadened into an imposing avenue last year.3. His expression brightened when I mentioned the money.4. The gap between income and expenditure has widened to 10%.5. They are talking about shortening the working week.6. The bad news darkened their view of the situation.7. Its an o

15、pportunity for young people to deepen their understanding of the world.8. The teacher advises pupils to sharpen all their pencils before the test.9. The director uses music to heighten tension in the scene.10.The days lengthened as summer approached.VIII. Pay attention to the italicized parts in the

16、 English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences.1. 示例:Air supplies us with oxygen which is essential for our bodies to live. Trees and flowers can supply us with fresh air and beautiful view.这家公司的任务是向周围的住户供应煤气。译:The task of this company is to supply the homes around with gas.他们向受洪灾地区(the flood-stricken area)的人们提供了食品援助(aids)。译:They supplied the people

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