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1、考研英语要点2Practice Test 1. That way of speaking is _ people when they are speaking.A. specific B. available C. particular D. peculiar2. Bob used to _ his teachers tone and gesture to make his classmates laugh. A. resemble B. duplicate C. imitate D. similar3. His report was so _ that nothing had been om

2、itted.A. clear B. moderate C. understandable D. comprehensive4. Some of his suggestions have been adopted but others have been _ as they are quite impracticable.A. subjected B. projected C. objected D. rejected5. The captain of the ship _ the passengers that there was no danger.A. confined B. insist

3、ed C. ensured D. assured6. He made such a _ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new building after him.A. genuine B. minimum C. modest D. generous7. You must obtain _ from the government to fish in this lake.A. permit B. permission C. right D. freedom8. My telephone has ru

4、ng so often today that it is becoming a/an _.A. interruption B. bore C. distress D. nuisance9. Mr. Green is a good teacher, but he often gives _ lectures.A. excellent B. sound C. extensive D. tedious10. He walked through a _ crowd to get to the other side of the road.A. dense B. concentrated C. comp

5、ressed D. closed11. The box was fastened with two heavy _.A. streaks B. scraps C. sprays D. straps12. He is always _ about how wonderful he is.A. speaking B. complaining C. showing D. boasting13. He could not say “no” to the request because he is a/an _ person.A. humble B. practical C. aggressive D.

6、 patient14. Big business enjoy certain _ that smaller ones do not have.A. benefits B. profits C. privileges D. powers15. Our company decided to _ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.A. destroy B. resist C. assume D. cancel16. The first, second and third prizes went

7、 to Jack, Tom and Henry _.A. differently B. equally C. partially D. respectively17. The medicine the doctor gave me _ my headache.A. freed B. released C. reduced D. relieved18. We may be able to _ in some way if you cannot finish your work on time.A. resist B. persist C. insist D. assist19. They gam

8、bled for two days in _ without feeling tired.A. successive B. success C. succeeding D. succession20. Your application should be addressed to the _ manager.A. person B. personal C. personnel D. registrar21. I struggled out of the ditch and my jeans were _.A. spoiled B. spilled C. scattered D. spotted

9、22. We can walk across the river here because the water is very _.A. shallow B. hollow C. mellow D. callow23. I have found that my hometown has _ great changes since I left ten years ago.A. submitted B. undergone C. sustained D. experimented24. I am in no _ this evening to listen to music.A. feeling

10、 B. attitude C. mood D. tendency25. As a result of the radio _ for help for the flood victims, over 700,000,000 yuan have been raised.A. appeal B. transmission C. programme D. advertisement26. _ it is no longer the policy of the government to maintain full employment.A. Frequently B. Apparently C. P

11、reviously D. Primarily27. Today, housework has been made much easier by electrical _.A. facilities B. appliances C. instruments D. equipments28. According to the weather forecast, which is usually _, it will snow this afternoon.A. accurate B. precise C. exact D. perfect29. Communication is one of th

12、e most important _ that hold cultural systems together.A. obligations B. qualities C. needs D. bonds30. This is a _ dessert.A. fantastic B. tough C. rough D. complicatedKey: 15 DCDDD 610 DBDDA 1115 DDACD1620 DDDDC 2125 DABCA 2630 BBADAPractice Test 21. Many students admitted that they had _ on exami

13、nation at least once.A. deceived B. lied C. cheated D. tricked2. Dont let your mother tongue _ with the foreign language you are learning.A. interpret B. interfere C. confuse D. puzzle3. She has a small machine for _ coffee beans.A. breaking B. grinding C. smashing D. splitting4. His letter _ me to

14、believe that he does not want to come.A. declines B. inclines C. tends D. intends5. He was so angry that he just couldnt _ from telling them what he thought.A. hold off B. hold on C. hold back D. hold up6. As they were returning home they were _ by robbers and wounded.A. set out B. set down C. set t

15、o D. set upon7. Suddenly, there was a _ of lightning followed by a clap of thunder.A. ray B. stream C. flash D. flame8. Whenever he writes to his parents, he _ a check with the letter.A. encloses B. contains C. contributes D. reserves9. Our public transportation system is not _ for the needs of our

16、people.A. complete B. normal C. adequate D. perfect10. I hear that there is a _ that I have recently married a widow.A. cheat B. statement C. legend D. rumour11. He _ interrupted me by asking irrelevant questions.A. continually B. continuously C. consistently D. consequently12. A cool drink _ him af

17、ter his long hot journey.A. relaxed B. refreshed C. relieved D. recovered13. Racial discrimination inevitably _ the resistance of the broad masses of the black people.A. call for B. call off C. call up D. call forth14. With the great increase of vehicles and population, buses are always _ during the

18、 rush hour.A. dammed B. crammed C. jammed D. piled15. Although some students graduate from high school, they are _ illiterate, never having learned to read or write well.A. virtuously B. verbally C. vertically D. virtually16. Having been _ for one year, Tom and Mary are going to be married this spri

19、ng.A. separated B. promised C. agreed D. engaged17. Although the pay is not good, people usually find social work _ in other ways.A. payable B. respectful C. grateful D. rewarding18. Though she pretended to be modest, she could not _ her eagerness for praise.A. conceal B. frustrate C. prevent D. spo

20、il19. Large quantities of poison were _ in the dead mans stomach.A. defended B. demanded C. detected D. defined20. The terrible _ of the two trains caused the largest number of deaths ever known in the history of train accidents.A. crash B. crack C. bump D. collision21. George went to the bank to _

21、some money.A. withdraw B. retreat C. dispose D. save22. This book gives a brief _ of the history of the city and its modern development.A. reference B. statement C. account D. comment23. The gloves were really too small, and it was only by _ them that I managed to get them on.A. stretching B. spread

22、ing C. bending D. squeezing24. We want him to describe all the events of that afternoon in _. A. sequence B. series C. succession D. set25. A library _ tells us the names of all the books in the library.A. category B. catalogue C. program D. species26. All this is _ to the main election struggle.A.

23、elementary B. primary C. fundamental D. preliminary27. It took him several months to _ the wild horse.A. tend B. cultivate C. breed D. tame28. The host heard me telling my wife that the dinner was terrible, so I was _.A. nervous B. ashamed C. embarrassed D. shy29. He also _ some beautiful songs for

24、the cartoon film.A. composed B. constructed C. compiled D. collected30. I didnt know anything about any of the books, so my choice was quite _.A. abundant B. arbitrary C. abstract D. academicKey:15 C BBBC 610 DCACD 1115 ABDCD1620 DDACD 2125 ACAAB 2630 DDCABPractice Test 31. The enemy began to _ after they lost heavily.A. attack B. retreat C. charge D. starve2. Many schools for minorities were _.A. established B. calculated C. responded D. considered3.

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