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1、人教版初中英语七年级下册各单元练习题附答案直接打印每页一单元 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?一、单项选择( )1. - Can you play volleyball? - Sorry, I _. A. dont B. do C. cant D. can( )2. - _ you sing? - Yes, I can. A. Do B. Can C. Are D. Am( )3. - _ can you play? - The violin. A. When B. How C. What D. Where( )4. I want to _ the chess c

2、lub. A. join B. join in C. join to D. join for( )5. Tom wants _ to you. Are you free?Ato tell Btells Cto talk Dtalks( )6. Can you help me with _? A. dance B. dancing C. dances D. to dance( )7. -What club _ you want to join? - Chess club. A. does B. do C. can D. are( )8. Her sister can play _ piano,

3、but she cant play _ basketball. A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; /( )9. My brother can play the guitar, _ he cant play it very well. A. and B. so C. or D. but( ) 10. Can you _ English? A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell( )11. - Are you good _ your students? - Yes, I am. A. at B. with C. for D. of(

4、 )12. - Are you _? - Yes, I am. A. a musician B. musicians C. musician D. A and B( )13. - Can he _ a student? - Yes. A. is B. be C. are D. does( )14. We want some singers(歌手) _ our rock band. A. for B. of C. to D. at( )15. My brother _ the piano and he play it _ . A. can plays, good B. cant play, go

5、od C. can play, well D. doesnt play, well( )16Can you paint? _. AYes, a little BYes, little CNo, a little DNo, little( )17Please call me _ 8989766. Ain Bat Cabout Dwith( )18_ like to go swimming _ summer.AChildren, on BChildren, in CA child, on DA child, in( )19. Can you help me _ my English? Awith

6、Bof Clearning Dabout( )20What can you do, Lin Tao? _.AI like sports BI want to join the music club CI am well DI can do Chinese Kung Fu( )21Hi, can I help you? _.AYes, please BNo, I cant CYes, I can DYou are welcome( )22_ you can _ our school concert. AMaybe, in BMaybe, be in CMay be, in DMay be, be

7、 in( )23We want two good _ our rock band. Amusic for Bmusician in Cmusic in Dmusicians for( )24Little Tom can draw _.His drawings are very _.Agood, well Bwell, good Cgood, good Dwell, well( )25Can he _ it in English? Aspeak Bspeaks Csay D. says参考答案 1-5 CBCAC 6-10 BBCDA 11-15BDBAC 16-20 ABBAD 21-25 A

8、BDBAUnit 2 What time do you go to school?一、单项选择( ) 1. Whats the time? _half past nine. A. Its B. Its C. This is D. Theyre( )2. We go to _ at six thirty in the morning. A. the school B. a school C. school D. schools( )3. _ does your mother work?In a school. A. What B. How C. Where D. When( )4. What t

9、ime is it? Its _eight oclock. A. at B. on C. in D. around ( )5. My English teacher is usually very busy(繁忙)_. A. all night B. night C. all the night D. good night( )6. Do you want to listen to the _ story? A. funnily B. funny C. funniest D. funnier( )7. What time does Jane _ after school?A. do her h

10、omeworkB. does her homeworkC. do her homeworksD. does her homeworks( )8. He often takes _ to the Santon Hotel. A. number bus 17 B. the number 17 bus C. 17 number bus D. number 17 bus( ) 9. I _ at ten oclock in the evening. A. have breakfast B. get up C. go to bed D. watch morning TV ( ) 10.He eats _

11、 dinner at 7:30 in the evening. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )11. Please write and tell me _ your morning. A. for B. to C. about D. of( )12. _ Lucy and Lily go home at seven? A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are( )13. Its ten oclock. I must go _. A. to home B. homeC. my homeD. his home( )14. I want to_ No. 5 bus t

12、o Tianan Men Square.A.get B. come C. go D. take( )15. -Will you go there by_train? -No, Ill take _ taxi. A. /;a B. a;the C./;/ D. the;a( ) 16. We only have _ shower. A. some B. an C. the D. one( )17. My sister _ home at 5:00 every day. A. gets B. gets to C. get D. get to( )18. We can watch Beijing O

13、pera _ TV. A. in B. at C. on D. from( )19. Lets _. A. take a shower B. have a shower C. take the shower D. A and B( )20. My brother _ the morning TV every day. A. watches B. watch C. watching D. see( )21. Do you know_? A. what is his job B. what does his job C. what his job does D. what his job is (

14、 )22. He likes _ the radio(收音机)。 A. listens B. to listen to C. listens to D. to listen( )23. Rick often does _ homework at 6:00. A. her B. his C. my D. your ( )24. - _ do people have dinner?- At home. A. What B. When C. Where D. B and C( )25. Jane usually gets up _.A. at six thirty B. at thirty six

15、C. on six thirty D. on thirty six参考答案1-5BCAAA 6-10 BABCD 11-15CABDA 16-20DACDA 21-25DBBCAUnit 3 How do you get to school?一. 单项选择.( )1. - do you usually go to school? - boat. A. How, By B. How long, By C. How, Take ( )2. Health your healthy lifestyle. A. depends B. decides C. depends on( )3. In North

16、 America, most students go to school the school bus. A. by B. take C. on ( )4. - does your sister usually go to school? - subway. A. How, By B. How long, By C. How, Take ( )5. How does it take? It takes about 10 minutes . A. long, walk B. long, to walk C. far, walking ( )6. The passage is very hard

17、because there are many new words in it.A. very B. so C. such( )7. She often a bike to school. A. takes B. drives C. rides( )8. The weather in Beijing is that in Changsha. A. far from B. same as C. different from( )9. The old woman is her lost son. A. worried about B. worry C. worried( )10. do you th

18、e transportation in your town? A. What, think B. How, think of C. What, think of( )11. -Can you tell me it is from here to downtown? -Yes, its fifteen kilometers. A. how much B. how long C. how far ( )12. Susans parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It be very expensive. A. must B.

19、 can C. cant( )13. I know itll me much time to practice it, but Im sure I can learn a lot from it. A. spend B. take C. pay( )14.-The sandwich is delicious. -Would you like one?A. other B. others C. another( )15. He to clean the classroom. A. neednt B. dont need C. doesnt need二一般现在时语法专练。1. Mike (stay

20、) at home on Sundays.2. My sister (not like) eggs at all.3. Li Lei often (carry) water for the old woman.4. you (get) to school at 7:30 every day?5. We (begin) class at seven thirty in the morning.6. My brother (watch) TV every evening.7. When they (clean) the house? -They usually (clean) in the aft

21、ernoon.8. Light faster than sound(travel).参考答案 一、1-5ADDAB 6-10 BCCAC 11-15 CABCA二、1. stays 2. doesnt like 3. carries 4. Do; get 5. begin 6. watches 7. do; clean; clean 8. travelsUnit 4 Dont eat in class一. 单项选择1. There is _milk on the floor.A . too many B. too much C. much too D. many too2. There are

22、 _rules in my family.A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too3. Please help me _ French.A. speaking B. to speaking C. with speak D. speak4. He often _English with the foreign teachers.A. practice speak B. practices speak C. practice speaking D. practices speaking5、_ she _ clean the classroom

23、today?A. Does, has to B. Does, have to C. Does, has D. Does, have6、Dont _TV too much after school.A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. to watching7、Its very warm outside. You _ wear the coat.A. must B. dont have to C. have to D. mustnt8、The girl _ red dress is my friends daughter. A. with B. wear C.

24、put on D. in9、My mom _carefully, but she _ nothing.A. listened, listened B. heard, heard C. listened, heard D. heard, listened10、Does your father always wear _?A. uniform B. an uniform C. a uniform D. two uniform11、-May I take the magazine out of the reading room ?-No, you cant. You read it here .It

25、s the rule.A. must B. would C. may D. might 12、_ in the school library. A. No talk B. Not talking C. No talking D. Not talk 13、He arrives _ here _ a cold night. A. /;at B. at; at C. /;on D. in;on14、My mother is strict _ me. A. of B. at C. with D. in15、We dont know Jack _ Bruce.A. and B. or C. about

26、D. of二. 中考链接1 -Do I have to come back tomorrow?(2007武汉市中考题) -Yes, you _.A. can B. may C. must D. should2 -Must I finish the work today, Mom? -No, you _. You can finish it tomorrow.A. mustnt B. cant C. shouldnt D. neednt3.Dont forget to _“Thank you” when someone has helped you. A. speak B. tell C. sa

27、y D. talk4. Keep quiet, kids. Dad _in the next room.(2007绍兴市中考题)A. slept B. sleeps C. is sleeping D. had slept5. Dont _bed _9 oclock.A. go, at B. in, by C. be in, by D. go in, at 参考答案 一、1-5 BADDB 6-10ABDCC 11-15ACCCB 二、1-5 CDCCCUnit5 Why do you like pandas? 一. 单项选择1. _ these tigers _ from? A. Where,

28、 are B. Where, come C. Where are, /2. I like koalas because they are _ friendly. A. a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of 3. -_ he _ breakfast at home? - Yes. A. Dose, have B. Do, have C. Does, has4. Does this lion _ from Africa or America? A. be B. is C. come D. go 5. -What _ do you like ? - I like elep

29、hants. A. sports B. subjects C. music D. animals二、根据汉语完成句子1. 我有点冷。I am _ _ cold.2. 这只老虎3岁了。The tiger is 3 _ _ .3. 大象来自泰国。_ _ from Thailand.4. 不要砍那么多树。Dont _ _ so many trees.5. 他们从不迷路。They_ _ _.6. 让我们先去看熊猫吧。Lets _ the pandas _.7. 那些考拉来自哪里?Where _ the koalas _?8. 你为什么不喜欢老虎?Why _ _ _ tigers?9. 那只懒猫整天睡觉 。That lazy cat _ _ _.10. 因为狮子

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