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1、新二124短语Lesson 11.去看戏(电影): go to the theatre/cinema 2.一个很好的座位: a good seat 3.请坐: take a/ ones sea/sit down/be seated4.喜欢做某事:enjoy doing sth. 5.大声讲话: talk loudly 6.生气:get angry /be angry with sb 7.转身: turn round / turn around 8.对注意: pay attention to 9.最后: in the end/at last 10.不关你的事: Its none of your

2、business /Mind your own business. 11.出差: a business trip 12.玩的开心:enjoy oneself/have a good timeLesson 2 1.起床: get up 2.上车:get on 3.下车:get off 4.出来:get out of 5.醒来: wake up 6.躺在床上:stay in bed. 7.向窗外看: look out of the window 8.天啊! Dear me!9.多么糟糕的天气! What a terrible day! 10.就在那时: just then 11.吃早/午/晚餐:

3、have breakfast/lunch/dinner 12.抬头看:look up 13.四周望望: look around 14.向外看: look out of 15.轻视,看不起:look down on /upon sb16.当心,小心: look out 17.熬夜:stay up 18.婚戒:a wedding ring 19.期望,盼望(好事):look forward to +名词动名词代词(不能加动词原形) 20.寻找:look for 21.照顾,照看:look after 22.直到才:not.until.Lesson 31.扰乱某人的假日:spoil ones hol

4、iday 2.去年夏天:last summer 3.公园:public garden 4.私家园林:a private garden 5.借给某人某物:lend sb.sth/lend sth to sb. 6.借某人某物:borrow sth form sb. 7.寄给某人某物:send sth to sb /send sb.sth.8.在公共场合:in public 9.思考.考虑:think about 10.想起:think of11.做出一个重大决定:make a big decision12.决定做某事:decide to do 13.花.时间/钱做(1)sb. spend som

5、e time (in) dong sth.(2)sb. spend money on sth.(3) It takes sb. some time /money to do sth.(4) sth. cost sb. some time /money 14.一整天:the whole day 15.单身汉: single man 16.光棍节:Singles Day 17.故宫:the Palace Museum18.颐和园:the Summer Palace 19.教某人: teach sb.sth. 20.自学:teach oneself Lesson 41.收到来信:receive a

6、letter from sb/hear from sb 2.为工作:work for 3.许多: a great number of (加可数名词复数)4的数目是:the number of.5.在中间(指地理位置): in the centre of 6.感到兴奋/激动: be/feel excited 7.出国:go abroad 8.定居海外:live abroad 9.出国留学:study abroad 10.与不同: be different from 11.去过:have been to 12.去了:have gone toLesson 51.留个信:leave a message

7、 2.带个信: take a message 3.发个信息: send a message 4走过一段距离: cover the distance 5.备件:spare parts 6.业余时间:spare time 7.备胎: a spare wheel 8.24小时自助服务:24-hour self-service 9.许多: a great many = a great number of 10.到现在为止/迄今为止:up till now/up to now/so far 11.在路上/途中: on the way (to) 12.在回家路上: on the way home 13.用

8、这种方式: in this way 14.用某种方式: in the way15.挡路: in the way 16.从某种程度上讲: in a way 17.顺便说/问一下:by the way 18.饶恕某人:spare sb.(spare为动词)Lesson 61.搬到:move to 2.敲门: knock at 3.下班: knock off = leave /finish work 4.把东西从碰掉: knock off 5.减价: knock off6.撞倒: knock over 7.打晕:knock out 8.穿上: put on 9.脱掉/飞机起飞: take off 1

9、0.向某人要:ask sb for sth 11.要求: ask for 12.让某人做某事: ask sb to do sth 13.作为的报答: in return for 14.倒立: stand on ones head 15.光顾/拜访(某地):call at sp16.拜访某人: call on sb 17.取消: call off 18.大喊: call out (to) = shout at = cry to19.给某人某东西:give sb.sth或give sth to sb 20.对某人非常了解: know sb very well 21.一个星期/月一次:once a

10、week/month22.一年二次:twice a year 23.一年三次:three times a year Lesson 7 1.等待wait for 2.在机场:at the airport 3.整个上午:all morning/the whole morning4.一袋钻石: a parcel of diamonds 5.南非:South Africa 6.企图,试图:try to do sth 7.在飞机的起落场地: on the airfield 8.把.从拿下来:take off 9.充满:be full of /be filled with10.让某人惊奇的是:to one

11、s surprise 11.守卫,站岗:keep guard stand guard12.主楼:main building 13.海关:the Customs House 14.我认为这样:I expect so.15.捐赠:give awayLesson 8 1.在我们镇上: in our town 2.报名参加:enter for 3.进入:enter the room 4.赢: win sth 5.战胜/打败某人:beat sb6.努力工作:work hard 7.努力学习:study hard 8.种一些花:grow some flowers 9.小木桥: a wooden bridg

12、e 10.在池塘上: over a pool 11.艰苦的工作:hard work 12.赢一个奖: win a prize for.13.整齐的小路:neat pathsLesson 91.在周三的晚上:on Wednesday evening 2.市政厅: Town Hall 3的最后一天: the last day of4.一大群人: a large crowd of people 5.聚集在一起:gather together 6.分针:minute hand 7.时针:hour hand 8.秒针:second hand 9.什么都没发生:nothing happened 10.拒绝

13、做某事: refuse to do sth 11.在那个时候: at that moment 12.此时此刻:at the moment /now 13.开始做某事:begin to do14.二十分钟后: in twenty minutes (time)15.嘲笑:laugh at sbLesson 10 1.被称为: be called 2.制造产地: be made in 3.由一种材料制成: be made of 4.制造人:be made by 5.由多种材料制成: be made from 6.属于: belong to 7.许多年前: many years ago 8.感到震惊:

14、 be shocked at 9.被允许做:be allowed to do sth10.允许某人做某事:allow sb to do sth11.我的一个朋友: a friend of mine = one of my friends12.被.所感动:be moved by/be touched by13.乐器:a musical instrument Lesson 111.在饭店: at a restaurant 2.多年前: years ago =many years ago 3.有相当可观的工资,薪水:get a good salary 4.领工资:collect salaries5.

15、归还: pay back/return back (还可以指报答,报复) 6.律师事务所:a lawyers office7.坐在桌子旁: sit at the table 8.在银行工作:work at bank 9.为付帐: pay for 10.付账单pay the bill11.借入: borrowfrom 12.借出:lend .to/ lend sth to sb 13.立刻,马上:at once/right away/immediately14.使某人惊讶/兴奋/幸福/伤心的是:to ones surprise/excitement/happiness/sadness15.让某人

16、做某事:want/ask sb to do sth16.帮助某人做某事:help sb to do sth 17.建议某人做某事:advise sb to do sth 18.允许某人做某事:allow sb to do sth 19.宁愿某人做某事:prefer sb to do sthLesson 121.从起航: sail from 2.在码头/港口: at the harbour 3.太平洋: the Pacific Ocean 4.大西洋: the Atlantic Ocean 5.印度洋: the Indian Ocean 6.北冰洋: the Arctic Ocean 7.出发:

17、 set out = set off 8.从出发: set out from 9.与某人道别: say goodbye to sb 10.向某人打招呼say hi/hello to sb11.离开: be away 12.回来: be back 13.在家: be in 14.出去: be out 15.结束: be over 16.上演/上映: be on 17.胜任: be up to 18.为感到骄傲/自豪: be proud of sb/sth /take pride in19.参加: take part in = join in 20.对某人来说做某事很重要: Its importa

18、nt for sb to do sth 21.起床: be up = get up 22.完成: be over = finish 23.寻找: be after= look for 24.去航海: go sailing 25.祝你好运:good luck26.幸运儿:a lucky dogLesson131.一群: a group of 2.目前: at present 3.全国各地: all parts of the country 4.大多数:most of 5.在车站: at the station 6.工人俱乐部: the Workers Club 7.演出: give perfor

19、mances8.和往常一样: as usual 9.吃苦头: have a difficult time 10.维持秩序: keep order 11.井然有序: in order 12.杂乱无序:out of order 13.在这样的场合: on these occasions 14.流行歌手 a pop singer 15.夜总会 a night clubLesson 14.1.直到.才: not until 2.在路上:on the way 3.一就:as soon as 4.一次有趣的经历: an amusing experience 5.在法国南部: in the south of

20、 France 6.继续开车: drive on 7.向招手: wave to 8.要求搭便车: ask for a lift 9.让搭便车: give sb a lift 10.用法语: in French 11.除了: apart from /except /except for / besides 12.根本就不: not at all 13.我们俩个都不: neither of us 14.我们俩个都:both .and.15.要么要么:either.or.16.到达: reach= arrive at / in=get to 17.母语:mother language/tongueL

21、esson 151.感到紧张: feel/be nervous 2.生意不景气: business is very bad 3.支付得起: can afford 4.如此大的工资开支: such large salaries 5.一些额外的钱: some extra money 6.书房: study 7.抬头看look up 8.看得起某人/尊敬某人look up to sb 9.看不起某人look down upon sb 10.不要打断dont interrupt 11.领工资collect salaries 12.发工资pay salariesLesson 161.彬彬有礼的要求a p

22、olite request 2.不情之请:an impolite request 3.停车: park ones car 4.停车场:parking lot 5.在错误的地方: in the wrong place 6.交通警察: traffic police 7.一个交通警察: a traffic policeman 8.没有罚你就让你走: let you go without a ticket 9.欢迎你来到: welcome you to sp 10.禁止停车: No Parking 11.交通标志: street signs 12.收到这样的恳求: receive a request

23、like this 13.未能做某事: fail to do sth 14.提醒某人做某事: remind sb to do sth 15.提醒某人某事/使某人想起: remind sb of sth 16.记得做某事: remember to do sth 17.代某人向某人问好: remember sb to sb 18.在乎: care sth 19.照顾,照看: look after= take care of 20.友情提示:a friendly reminderLesson 171.对现在的肯定/否定推测: must be/cant be2.对过去的肯定/否定推测: must ha

24、ve been/cant have been3.至少: at least 4.尽管: in spite of 5.在舞台上: on the stage 6.不得不: have to 7.参加: take part in 8.一个十七岁的女孩: a girl of seventeen 9.橘红色的: orange-coloured 10.长大成人: grow up Lesson 181.小酒店: pub= public house 2.在门的旁边: beside/next to the door 3.付帐: pay the bill 4.立刻/马上: immediately = at once

25、= right away = right now 5.归还给:give back to 6.上交/投降: give in 7.送给,捐赠:give away 8.戒掉,放弃: give up Lesson 191. 还是的好/不妨: might as well + 动词原形 2. 下周三演出的票: The ticket is for next Wednesdays performance3. 真遗憾: What a pity! 4. 售完: sell out5. 出售中:on sale Lesson 201.使某人烦恼: worry sb 2.代替: instead of 3.甚至更不幸: e

26、ven less lucky4.空手而归: go home with an empty bag 5.浪费时间: a waste of time 6.浪费钱:a waste of money7.对感兴趣: be interested in sth/doing sth8.捉贼:catch the thief9.感冒:catch a cold 10.着火:catch fire 11.引起某人的注意:catch ones eyes 12.实现某人的梦想:realize ones dreamLesson 211.把某人逼疯: drive sb mad2.过往的飞机: passing planes 3.日

27、日夜夜: night and day 4.由于某种原因: for some reason 5.被使用: be used to do 6.开始使用,启用: come into use7.其中之一: one of 8.赶走: drive. away 9.被从.赶走:be driven away from 10.撵回: drive back 11.赶出: drive out of 12.撞倒: knock down = knock over 13.一大笔钱: a large sum of money 14.很多:a great number of+可数名次复数 a great many+可数名次复数

28、 a large sum of+不可数名次 a large amount of +不可数名词15.决定做某事: be determined to do sth decide to do sth make up ones minds to do sthmake a decision to do sth16.变疯:go mad 17.赶进: drive into 18.离开:go away Lesson 221.梦想做某事:dream of doing sth 2.收到一封信: receive a letter from/hear from 3.在荷兰: in Holland 4.AA制:go D

29、utch5.一个与她同龄的女孩:a girl of her own age 6.游过英吉利海峡:travel across the Channel 7.一张纸: a piece of paper 8.扔进: throw into 9.考虑,想起: think of 10.互相:each other11.两个女孩都:both girls = both of girls 12.给写信:write to sb. 13.某物花费某人多少时间/金钱 sth cost sb some money/time Lesson 231.收到的来信: receive / have a letter from 2.住

30、在live in 3.住在某层楼: live on 4.使人吃惊,意外: get a surprise 5.在乡下: in the country/countryside 6.跟呆在一起: stay with sb 7.看起来奇怪: look strange 8.在这个地区: in this districtLesson 241.不幸中之万幸:it could be worse.2进入办公室:enter the office 3.感到不安: feel/be upset 4.感到同情: be sympathetic 5.无能为力: can do nothing 6.丢钱:lose money7.这一时期: these days 8.开始做某事: start to do /start doing begin to do/begin doing 9.抱怨谋事complain of/ about

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