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1、新标准英语第一至十二册重点句小学新标准英语第一至十二册重点句子第一册1.Im Sam.我叫萨姆。2. Hello / Hi你好3. Goodbye / Bye-bye再见4. How are you? Im fine, thank you. 你好吗?我很好,谢谢。5.Im Ms Smart.我是斯玛特老师 6.Whats your name? Im Sam. 你叫什么名字?我叫萨姆。7. Hes/ Shes a doctor / policeman / farmer.他/她是一名医生/警察/农民。8.Stand up.起立9.sit down.坐下10.Its red.这是红色。11.Its

2、a black dog/ blue desk/red chair.这是一条黑色的狗/一张蓝色的桌子/一把红色的椅子。12.This is his head/arm. 这是他的头/胳膊。13.Point to her nose/eyes.指向她的鼻子/眼睛。14.This is my school / my mother / father.这是我的学校/妈妈/爸爸。15.Whats this/ that? Its a desk.这/那是什么?这/那是桌子。16.Wheres the cat? Its in the green bag. 猫在哪里?它在绿色的包里。17. I dont know.我

3、不知道。18.Heres your present.给你的礼物。19.Thank you.谢谢。20.How old are you? Im nine. 你多大了?我九岁了。21.Is it a dragon? Yes,it is./ No,it isnt.这是龙吗?是的。/不是。第二册1.Whats your favourite song? Its the ABC song. 你最喜爱的歌是什么?ABC2. How does she go to school? 她怎样去上学? She goes to school by bike.她骑自行车去上学3.How does your father

4、go to work?你爸爸怎样去上班? He goes to work by bus. 我爸爸乘车去上班4.My favourite toy is a computer game.我最喜欢玩电脑游戏.5. What are they? Theyre elephant / monkeys. 他们是什么?他们是大象/猴子。6. That monkey is fat.那只猴子很胖7.I like football / basketball.我喜欢踢足球/篮球8.I dont like football.我不喜欢足球9.I dont like riding bikes.我不喜欢骑自行车11.Do y

5、ou likes meat/ noodles? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.你喜欢吃肉/面条吗?是的/不。12. Does he/she like apples? Yes, he/she does. /No, he /she doesnt 他/她喜欢吃苹果吗?是的/不14. Pass me the rice .请把米饭递给我。15.Where does Daming fly kites?大明常在哪儿放筝?He flies kites in the park.他在公园放风筝16.I get up at seven oclock.我在七点起床17.I go home at fou

6、r oclock. 我在四点回家18.What the time,please? Its half past five/one oclock.现在几点了?五点半/一点钟。19.You have dinner at half past five.你在五点半吃晚餐20.What do you do at the weekend? I go swimming. 你周末做什么?我去游泳。21.What does she do at the weekend? She watches TV. 她周末做什么?她看电视。22.We have a big family dinner.我们吃一顿丰盛的家庭晚餐。2

7、3.At Spring Festival,we have peanuts. 春节我们吃花生24.We have Christmas in England. 在英国我们过圣诞节25.Its Chinese New Year / Christmas today.今天是中国的新年/圣诞节Happy New Year./Happy Christmas! 新年快乐!/圣诞快乐!26.Its hot in summer.夏天天气炎热27.What do you do in spring /summer/winter? 你在春天/夏天做什么? I play football in spring.我在春天踢足

8、球28.Ive got a new book.我有一本新书29.She/lily has got a car.30.Have you got a pen? Yes, I have. 你有钢笔吗?有31.Wheres the panda? 熊猫在哪? It is in the hat.他在帽子里。32.What do you have at school? 学校里有什么课程? I have Maths and Chinese. 33.What do you do at 7 oclock in the morning/afternoon? 早上/晚上7点你做什么? I have breakfast

9、/dinner.我吃早餐/晚餐。第三册 1.What do you like? 你喜欢什么?I like your kite.我喜欢你的自行车。 2.Lets ride my bike. 咱们骑我的自行车。Lets fly my kite.咱们放我的风筝。 3.Lets play together.咱们一起玩吧。 4.Noodles for you, Tom. 给你面条. Meat for you, Sam.给你肉。 5.Sweets for you! 给你糖. Sweets are for good boys.糖是给好孩子的. 6.An ice cream for you!给你冰淇淋! A

10、present for you.给你的礼物. 7.What are these? 这些是什么?They are dumplings. 它们是饺子. 8.dont like noodles.我不喜欢面条. I dont like meat.我不喜欢肉. 9.I dont like ginger and onions! 我不喜欢姜和洋葱。 10.I like sweets.我喜欢糖. I like rice. 我喜欢米饭. I like meat. 我喜欢肉. 11.I like milk .我喜欢牛奶。 I like fruit milkshake. 我喜欢奶昔新|课 |标| 第 |一| 网 1

11、2.I like dumplings. 我喜欢饺子! 13.Do you like bananas?你喜欢香蕉吗?Do you like apples? 你喜欢苹果吗? 14.Do you like milk? 你喜欢牛奶吗?Do you like oranges? 你喜欢桔子吗? 15.Whats that?那是什么?Its s fruit milkshake.它是奶昔。Here you are.给你。 16.Its their favourite. 它是他们最喜欢的。 17.Its my favourite, too.它也是我最喜欢的 18.Sams at a party。萨姆在一个聚会上

12、。 19.He doesnt like these clothes。他不喜欢这些衣服 20.I get up at 7 oclock.= At 7, I get up . 我在7点起床。 21.What do you do on Sundays?你在星期天做什么?I play football.我玩足球。 22.Where do you play football?你去哪里玩足球?At the park.在公园。 23.I like swimming and basketball. 我喜欢游泳和篮球(运动)。 24.Where do you live?你在哪里居住?I live in Beij

13、ing.我住在北京。 25.Beijing is a very big city. 北京是一个非常大城市。新 课 标 第 一 网 26.What school do you go to?你上什么学校?I go to Qianmen School.我去前门学校。 27.Is it a big city?它是一个大城市吗? 28.How do you go to school?你怎样去上学? 29.I go to school by bus.我乘坐公共汽车去上学。 30.How about your father?你爸爸呢? 31.He goes to work by bike。他骑自行车去上班。

14、 32.Do you go to school by car?你乘小汽车去上学吗? 33.He goes by bus with my mother. 他和我妈妈乘公交车去。 34.Wheres your school? 你的学校在哪? 35.My school is at the zoo. 我的学校在动物园. 36.I go to Dalian on holiday.我去大连假期. 37.I go by ship.我乘船去. 38.Do you go to Dalian by ship?你乘船去大连吗? 39.We love China.我们爱中国。http:/www. xkb1. com

15、40.My mother watches TV on Sundays. 我妈妈在星期天看电视。 41.My mother goes swimming on Sundays. 我妈妈在星期天去游泳。 42.Do you play football at the weekend? 你周末玩足球吗? 43.She goes swimming.她去游泳。 44.She watches TV and she reads books.她看电视和读书。 45.Come and play with Amy this weekend!这个周末来和Amy一起玩! 46.We wear coats and glov

16、es.我们穿外套和戴手套。 47.We dont wear shirts.我们不穿衬衫。 48.We eat dumplings at Chinese New Year. 在春节我们吃饺. 49.They are firecrackers.它们是鞭炮 50.Are these for my hair? 这些是给我的头发吗? 51.We have firecrackers at Chinese New Year! 在春节我们有/放鞭炮了! 52.In England, we have Christmas. 在英国,我们有圣诞节。 53.Christmas is in winter. 圣诞节在冬天

17、。 54.We have Christmas trees and Christmas presents. 我们有圣诞树和圣诞礼物。 55.We have a big dinner and sing songs.我们吃大餐和唱歌。第四册1.This is Smart. Shes a nice teacher 这位是斯玛特,她是一个好老师。2.This is my big brother.Hes cool。这位是我大哥,他很酷。3.London is the capital of England. And its very big. 伦敦是英国的首都,很大。4. Sam fell off his

18、bike.萨姆从自行车上摔了下来。5.Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits.萨姆吃了很多巧克力饼干。6.Will you take your kite?Yes, I will / No, I wont.你带风筝吗?是的/不带。 7.On Monday Ill go swimming.星期一我将去游泳。8.Robots will do everything. 机器人将会做所有的事。9.It can walk.它会走路。 10.It will be windy in Beijing.北京将会刮风。11.Will it be windy in Beijing. Yes

19、,it will / No,it wont. 北京会刮风吗?是的/不。12.Amys taller than Lingling.艾米比玲玲高。13.Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.北京比天津大。14.This girl is good.这个女孩(唱得)好。15.This boy is better than the girls.这个男孩比女孩(唱得)更好。 16.This picture is bad.这张画(画得)不好。17.This picture is worse. 这张画(画得)更差劲。18.Lingling is better than Daming.玲

20、玲比大明更好。19.Amy is worse than Sam.艾米比萨更差。20.Will you play football on Monday. Yes, I will /No, I wont .星期一你将踢球吗?是的/不。21. Did you cook meat yesterday?Yes,I did./No. I didnt.昨天你炒肉了吗?是的/没有。22.I was ten years ago .十年前我两岁。23.They were/ werent old then .那时他们老/不老。24. I helped Mum.我帮助妈妈了。第五册1.When did you com

21、e back?你是什么时候回来的?2.We came back last Sunday.我们上个星期日回来的。3.I dropped my ice cream.我掉了我的冰激凌4.Do you live in London?你住在伦敦吗?5.Did they buy ice creams? Yes ,I did./ No, I didnt他们买了冰激凌吗?是的/没有。6.How many bananas do you want?Six, please.你想要多少香蕉?六个。7.How much cheese/milk do you want?Half a kilo.你想要多少奶酪/牛奶?半公斤

22、8.Do you like cheese ,Lingling? No, I dont. 你喜欢奶酪吗?不,我不喜欢。9.What did you do at the weekend?你在周末做什么了?10.We visited lots of places.我们参观了很多地方。11.Where did you go ? We went to the British Museum. 你去哪儿了?我们去了大英博物馆。12.What did Daming do?大明做了什么?13. What time does school start?学校什么时候开始上课?14.My school starts

23、at nine oclock.我们学校九点开始上课。15.How did you go?你怎么去的?16.Its mine / yours/ his/ hers / Linglings. .它是我的/你的/他的/她的/玲玲的。17.But it isnt hers.但它不是她的。18.Sam took my T-shirt .萨姆拿了我的T-恤衫。19.He wants to wear it.他想穿着它。20. You should look ,then cross the road.你应该看一看再过马路。21.You shouldnt walk in the road.你不该在马路上走。22

24、.Whose bag is this? Its Jimmys.这是谁的书包?它是吉米的。23.There are / arent enough.够了。/不够。24. I feel happy/tired/bored/sad/hungry.我感到高兴/疲倦/无聊/饥饿。25. Whats the matter? Nothing. 怎么啦?没什么。26.There are too many books on the books.在桌子上有太多的书。27.You ve got two pencils now.你现在有两支铅笔。28.You can catch the ball well.你能接好球。

25、29.Can you run fast ? No, I cant. 你能跑得快吗?不,我不能。30.I can do it very well.我可以把它做得很好。31.I sing very badly.我唱得很糟糕。32.I cant do it at all.我根本不会做。33.Can we have a dog,please,Mum? No, we cant. 我们可以养只狗吗?不行。34.Their mother sometimes helps them.有时他们的妈妈帮助他们。35. Are you feeling sad/bored/angry? Yes,I am /No, I

26、m not.你感到难过/无聊/生气吗?是/不。第六册1We lived in a small house many years ago.多年前我们住在小房子里.2We live in a big house now.现在我们住在大房子里.3She didnt have a television last year.去年她没有电视.4There werent any buses then.那时没有公共汽车.5There are lots of buses and cars now.现在有许多公共汽车和小汽车.6Im going to meet you in New York .我会在纽约接你。7

27、Life was very different in China many years ago.许多年前中国的生活大不相同。8I watch TV every day . 我每天看电视。9Yesterday I watched TV with my grandchildren .昨天我和孙子们一起看电视。10She didnt have a television or a radio then.那时她既没有电视也没有收音机。11As a small child, she couldnt see or write. 在她还是个小孩子的时候,她既不会看也不会写。12She learned Engl

28、ish.她学过英语.13Mr Li was a teacher then. 那时李先生是一名老师.14Everyone speaks English .大家都说英语。15We went in a yellow taxi to their flat last week.上周我们坐一辆黄色小汽车去了他们的公寓。16Hes learning English now.他现在正在学英语17Why is she wearing these clothes ? 她为什么穿着这些衣服呢?18Because she was a dancer before . 因为以前她是个舞蹈演员。19She danced i

29、n lots of Chinese cities .她在中国的很多城市跳过舞。20He taught Chinese ten years ago. 十年前他教语文。21Chen Hai is an English teacher. Hes teaching Mr Li.陈海是一名英语老师,他正教李先生。22She had eggs and sausages.她吃了鸡蛋和香肠.23Sam ate six hamburgers.萨姆吃了六个汉堡包.24What did she have for breakfast?她早餐吃的什么?25And what did she have for dinner

30、?他晚饭吃的什么?26She had fish and chips.她吃了鱼和薯条27Lingling had a sandwich because she doesnt like hamburgers .玲玲吃了一个三文治因为她不喜欢吃汉堡。28We gave our hamburgers to Sam .我们把我们的汉堡给了萨姆。29Are you ready for your trip tomorrow ? 你准备好明天的旅行了吗?30Where can you find out about animals?你在哪儿能找到有关动物的信息?31Where are you going to go? To the airport .你打算去哪?机场。33Lets go to library.我们去图书馆吧.34We can find a book about computers there.我们在那儿能找到有关电脑的书.35Where are the books about computers, please?请问有关电脑方面的书在

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