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1、高二英语总结第三讲上海地区 秋季班讲义 3 (高2) 知识梳理 The governments primary concern is to reduce crime.政府的头等大事是减少犯罪。责任,有权知道的事This matter is their concern.这件事由他们负责。How much money I make is none of your concern.我赚多少钱不关你的事。(5)concernedadj. 担心的,忧虑的;关注的,关心的The President is deeply concerned about this issue.总统对这个问题深感担忧。She w

2、as concerned that she might miss the turning and get lost.她担心自己会错过拐弯的地方而迷路。They were more concerned with how the other women has dressed than in what the speaker was saying.他们对别的妇女的衣着打扮比对发言人的讲话更感兴趣。as far as one is concerned 就-而言As far as I am concerned, I dont reject your marriage.就我个人而言,我不反对你们的婚姻。

3、考题链接:Anything that _ Mr. Green interests me all the time.A. concerns B. matters C. concerning D. mattering答案 A分析 concern这里表示“关于,有关”,that引导定语从句,concern是从句中的谓语,所以用concerns。3.arise v. (arose, arisen)(1)(问题或困境)产生,出现A new crisis has arisen.新的危机已经产生。We keep them informed of any changes as they arise.如果有任何

4、变化,我们会随时通知他们。A storm arose during the night.夜间暴风雨大作。Children should be disciplined when the need arises.必要时孩子们应受到管教。(2)arise out of/from sth. 由-引起,因-产生Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause.身体上的原因可以引起情绪或精神上的问题。Are there any matters arising from the minutes of last meeting?上次会议记

5、录方面有无尚待解决的事项?(3)出现,发展,发生Several new industries arose in the town.城里出现了好几种新行业。(4)起床,起身He arose at dawn.他黎明即起。The peasants arose against their masters.农民奋起反对奴役他们的人。4.worthwhile adj. (1)值得的,重要的,有趣的be worthwhile to do/ doing sth.The smile on her face made it all worthwhile.她脸上的笑容使一切都值得。High prices in th

6、e UK make it worthwhile for buyers to look abroad.英国的高价足以使买主把视线转向国外。It is worthwhile to include really high-quality illustrations.把真正高质量的插图包括进去是值得的。It didnt seem worthwhile writing it all out again.把这都再写出来似乎不必要。(2)be worth doing/ worthy of sth./ to be done/ of being doneOur house is worth abo

7、ut $100,000.我们的房子大约值10万美元。If your answer is correct, it is worth five points.答对了这道题可以得5分。The museum is worth a visit.这家博物馆值得参观。This idea is well worth considering.这个想法很值得考虑。A number of the reports findings are worthy of note.这份报告里有些调查结果值得注意。The money we raise will be going to a very worthy cause.我们筹

8、集的钱款将用于崇高的事业。This book is worthy of being read.这本书值得一读。考题链接:Although there are many _ programs on TV, I think people shouldnt spend all the time watching it.A. worthwhile B. worthy of C. interested D. worth答案 A分析 worth 只作表语,worthwhile可作表语或定语。5.fade vt. vi.(1)变淡,变暗All color faded from the sky.天上的颜色都褪

9、去了。My jeans faded when they were washed.我的牛仔裤洗后褪色了。The sun had faded the curtains.太阳把窗帘晒褪了色。(2)逐渐消失Her smile faded.她的笑容逐渐消失。Hopes of reaching an agreement seem to be fading away.达成协议的希望看来已逐渐渺茫。The laughter faded away.笑声逐渐消失。(3)衰退,衰落The runner faded on the final bend.跑步者在最后一个弯道处速度慢了下来。Her youth and b

10、eauty faded suddenly.她的青春和美丽突然间消失了(4)fade away 衰弱,病重死亡fade in/out 淡入/出,渐显/隐In the last weeks of her life she simply faded away.她在生命的最后几个星期已是灯枯油尽了。He saw the monitor black out and then a few words faded in.他看见屏幕变暗,接着出现了几个字。Fade out the music at the end of the scene.在这个场景的末尾把音乐逐渐减弱。考题链接:More than one

11、red coat _ for the sunlight is very strong.A. has faded B. have faded C. has disappeared D. have disappeared答案 A分析 disappear 指突然消失,而这里意思是“由于阳光强烈,衣服褪色了”,因此用 fade。 the name of (1)以-的名义,凭-的权威It is a war that waged in the name of liberation.这是一场假借解放的名义而进行的战争。We reserved the tickets in the name of Br

12、own.我们用布朗的名字订了几张票。I arrest you in the name of law.我以法律的名义逮捕你。Where in the name of Heaven have you been?你到底上哪里去了?(2)以-为借口They committed crimes in the name of religion.他们以宗教的名义进行犯罪活动。(3)in name only 表面上,名义上He is a leader in name only; his deputy has effectively taken over.他不过是名义上的领导,他的副手实际上已经取而代之。(4)b

13、y/of the name of 称作,叫做He goes by the name of Henry.他的名字叫亨利。二 相关练习 第二卷(共两部分,共35分)四、单词拼写:(每小题1分,满分10分)76. Is an _ (受过教育的) person with a lot of money a gentleman?77. Childrens TV nowadays is much more e _ and even many adults like watching them.78. Driving too fast through city streets is very _ (不负责任的

14、) and dangerous.79. That uniform makes the guard look _ (荒谬的、可笑的).80. Ive never felt so _ (尴尬) in my life.81. “Do I get a d _ if I buy a whole case of wine?” he asked.82. The scientist was so famous and learned that none of us questioned his a_.83. This computer _ _ (占据) too much room. Please carry

15、it away.84. A little girl p_ a basket of flowers to the Presidents wife.85. Science and technology can _ (推动) greatly the development of social production. 五、书面表达(满分25分) “超级女声”节目正热播,在很多观众特别是中学生中引起了很大的反响,上周末你们班为此展开了一场讨论。你(李雷)的同学李华虽然留学在外却仍关心此事,他写信向你询问此次讨论的情况。请你根据下表提供的信息,给李华写一封回信,客观地介绍此次讨论。观点支持者1 给一些平凡

16、却爱唱歌的女孩子提供了一个展示才华的舞台。2 增强了她们的竞争意识。反对者1 花费了太多的时间和精力。2 因为不能集中注意里学习,对她们未来自身发展不利。你的观点- -超级女声=Super Girls注意:1. 行文应连贯, 内容应完整; 2. 词数 120140 左右; 3. 写信的格式。 六 Listening ComprehensionPart A Short ConversationsDirections: In Part A ,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers .At the end of each

17、conversation ,a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it ,read the four possible answers on your paper ,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1AA

18、waiter. BA shop assistant. CA cashier. DA postman.2AWeight lifting. BRunning. CEating cucumbers. DDrinking diet coke.3AWork with his friends. BCall on his friends. CGo for a walk . DMake a phone call.4AIn a bookstore . BIn a reading room. CIn a furniture store. DIn the mans study.5A8. B12. C20. D32.

19、6AJob hunting. BAn online course. CEarlier graduation. DSummer vacation plans.7AConfused. BSympathetic. CEmbarrassed. DUninterested.8AThe air is fresh. BIts hot inside. CThe window is open. DIts noisy outside.9APhone later. BTry harder. CWait for a signal. DCheck the number.10AHe lost his way. BHe r

20、eceived a traffic ticket. CHe worked very carefully. DHe drove in heavy traffic.Part B PassagesDirections: In Part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages . The passages will be read twice ,but the questions will be spoken only once. When yo

21、u hear a question .read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11AOpen the cage window. BPut the cash in the drawer. CCheck the savings accounts. DExamine the audi

22、o system12AExciting. BDemanding. CBoring. DRelaxing.13AIt has flexible working hours. BThe speaker can have more leisure time. CIt requires more organization. DThe speaker can daydream while working.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following news.14AA natural disaster. BA power failure. CHom

23、eless farmers. DA serious accident.15AJews and some Arabs. BArabs and North Africans. CJews and North Africans. DNorth Americans and some Arabs.16AExchange them for banks . BSave them for travelers. CCollect them for poor children . DSpend them on duty-free goods.Part C Longer ConversationsDirection

24、s: In Part C. you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice .After you hear each conversation ,you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following c

25、onversation.Regent Conference Center ReservationsContact name: Joanne 17 Purpose of reservation: A(n) 18 conferenceNumber of people: 45 maximum Date: 28th 19 Total to pay: 20 Complete the form ,Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.What will the

26、first robot do during the operation? 21 the materials.Who will be called in when a robot breaks down?A 22 .How long will the robots work a day? 23 a day.What will happen to the workers if robots are used?They will probably be 24 .七 单项选择16. The famous actress came onto the stage with her boyfriend he

27、r.A. accompanying with B. accompanyingC. accompanied with D. accompanied17. Afraid of getting lost in the crowd , the little girl stood to her mother.A. closed B. closing C. closely D. close18. It is a mystery how early man build the Pyramids without the use of modern machines.A. could B. was able t

28、o C. would D. had to19. It is not yet known how these huge stones were conveyed a distance of 380 kilometres 3 000 years ago.A. at B. for C. over D. in20. Jack tends angry when people oppose to his plans.A. getting B. to getting C. get D. to get21. We sat on the dry grass our backs to the wall , cha

29、tting cheerfully.A. with B. over C. against D. upon22. Tom has always thought of himself as a good cook and never fails to everyone of it.A. remind B. remember C. know D. introduce23.You have hurt a bone in your back. Id like to send you to hospital for an X-ray.A. may B. can C. should D. would24. The car was slow , and the road was icy. It was already evening we finally got to the village.A. that B. when C. until D. in which25. Will you be able to finish your report today? .A. I like it B. I

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