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1、PPAP生产件批准程序中英文对照PPAP生产件批准程序中英文对照(IATF16949-2016)生产件批准程序PPAP(IATF16949-2016)1、目的1. Purpose确保公司正确理解顾客工程设计记录和规范的所有要求,并在执行所要求的生产节拍条件下的实际生产过程中,具有持续满足这些要求的潜在能力。It aims to ensure that the company has understood all customer engineering design record and specification requirements properly and the process h

2、as the potential capability to produce product consistently meeting these requirements continuously during an actual production process at the quoted production rate. 2、适用范围2. Scope适用于公司用于汽车制造顾客的所有生产和/或服务所需的生产性零组件之批准。如客户有特殊要求,必须按照客户的要求执行。It applies to approval of all production parts needed for prod

3、uction and/or service of the auto manufacturing customer. If the customer has special requirements, it shall be implemented according to the requirements of the customer.3、定义3. Definition3.1 PPAP:指Production Part Approval Process(生产件批准程序)的英文简称。3.1 PPAP: Refer to English abbreviation of Production Pa

4、rt Approval Process. 3.2生产件:在生产现场,用批量生产工装、量具、工艺过程、材料、操作者、环境和过程设置等,如:循环时间/压力等的过程设置下被制造出来的部件。3.2 Production part: Refer to parts manufactured by using production tooling, measuring implement, technical process, material, operator, environment and processes setting such as cycle time/pressure in the pr

5、oduction field. 4、职责4. Responsibilities4.1APQP小组负责与顾客联系落实各种情况下提交PPAP的各种要求。4.1 The APQP team shall contact the customerto carry out various PPAP submission requirements under all kinds of conditions. 4.2项目经理负责将产品/零件PPAP的相关资料提交顾客进行批准。4.2 The project manager shall submitthe related data of the product/

6、part PPAP to the customer for approval. 4.3各部门协助项目经理执行顾客对PPAP的各种要求,并提供相关资料。4.3 Each department shall cooperate with the project team to implement various requirements of the customer to PPAP and provide related data. 5、程序Procedure5.1当顾客和公司有需求和要求时,项目经理和相关责任部门依本文件中的规定对提交给顾客批准的生产件制作PPAP资料,经项目组审查后,呈报项目经

7、理核准,按顾客要求,将其提交给顾客批准。5.1 When the customer and the company have demand and requirement, the program manager and related responsible departments shall make PPAP data for the production part submitted to the customer for approval according to the provisions in this document, submit it to the project te

8、am leader for approval after it is reviewed by the project manager, and then submit it to the customer for approval according to the requirements of the customer. 5.2提交给顾客批准的生产件必须在量产第一批产品发运前完成批准,除非顾客放弃该生产件的批准要求(要求顾客签署姓名和日期并记录存档);不论顾客有没有要求公司正式提交生产件的PPAP资料,项目组都必须对PPAP文件中所有适用的项目进行评审和更新,以反映生产过程的情况。提交给顾客

9、批准的生产件必须取自重要的和有效的生产过程,该生产过程必须是1小时到8小时的生产,且规定数量至少为300件连续生产的产品/部件,除非顾客或顾客授权的质量代表另有书面规定和要求。5.2 The production part submitted to the customer for approval shall be approved before shipment of the first batch of products in mass production, unless the customer waives the approval requirement of the produ

10、ction part (require the customer to sign the name anddate and record and file it); whether the customer requires the company to submit the production part PPAP data formally or not, the project team shall review and update all applicable items in the PPAP document to reflect the condition of the pro

11、duction process. The production part submitted to the customer for approval shall be taken from a significant and effective production process; the production process shall be from one hour to eight hours of production, and with the specified production quantity to total a minimum of 300 consecutive

12、 products/parts, unless otherwise specified andrequired in written by the customer or the customer authorized quality representative. 5.2.1提交给顾客批准的生产件,其取自的生产过程必须在生产现场使用与量产生产环境同样的工装、量具、过程、材料和操作者进行生产。来自每一个生产过程的部件,如:相同的装配线或工作单元,有关检验都必须对其进行测量和对代表性样件进行试验。5.2.1 The production part submitted to the custome

13、r for approval shall be taken from the production process that produces the part by using the same tooling, measuring implement, process,materials and operators from the mass production environment at the productionsite. The parts from each production process, such as the same assembly line or work

14、cell, shall be measured and the representative sample shall be tested. 5.2.2PPAP文件必须包括顾客产品批准部门,负责核准特许人员的姓名和日期。5.2.2 The PPAP document shall cover the product approval department of the customer and the name of the person responsible for approval and the date. 5.3生产件提交给顾客批准的时机:对出现下述情况的生产性零部件,项目组必须在量产

15、第一批生产件发运到顾客之前提交PPAP批准,除非顾客负责产品批准部门放弃了该要求。5.3 Opportunity of submitting the production part to the customer for approval: As to the production part in the following cases, the project team shall submit PPAP for approval before shipment of the first batch of products in mass production, unless the pro

16、duct approval department of the customer waives this requirement. 5.3.1一种新的零件或产品(即:以前未曾提供给顾客的零件或产品)。5.3.1 A new part or product (that is:part or product never supplied to the customer previously). 5.3.2对以前提交给顾客批准的零件或产品不符合(如:产品性能不同于顾客的要求;尺寸或能力问题;供应商问题;试验,包括材料、性能、工作确认问题等)进行的纠正。5.3.2 Correction of the

17、inconformity(e.g.: product performance different from the requirements of the customer;size or capability problems; supplier problems; test, including problems arising from material, performance and working confirmation) of the part orproduct submitted to the customer for approval previously. 5.3.3由

18、于设计记录、规范或材料方面的工程更改引起的改变。5.3.3 Changes caused by engineering change to design records, specifications or materials. 5.4当公司产品的生产件号、工程更改、生产场所、材料供应商和生产过程有变更时,项目经理必须通知顾客,并根据顾客要求保留生产件和提交生产件给顾客批准。5.4 When the production part number,engineering change, production place, material supplier and production proc

19、ess of the product are changed, the project manager shall inform the customer, keep the production part and submit it to the customer for approval according to the requirements of the customer. 5.5当有下列情况发生改变时,项目经理应与顾客进行协商和沟通,并根据顾客的要求是否在量产第一批产品发运到顾客之前需提交生产件批准资料,项目组对PPAP所规定的所有项目必须重新进行评审、修订和更改。5.5 When

20、 change happens in the following cased, the project manager shall consult and communicate with the customer to decide whether it is necessary to submit the production part approval data before the first batch of products in mass production is delivered to the customer according to the requirements o

21、f the customer and shall review, revise and change all items specified in PPAP again. 5.5.1和以前顾客批准过的生产件相比,使用了其它不同的材料。5.5.1 Comparing with the production part approved by the customer previously, other different materials are used. 5.5.2使用新的或改进的工装(不包括易损工装)、设备等,包括附加的和替换用的工装。5.5.2 New or improved tooli

22、ng (notincluding damageable tooling) and equipments, including additional and substitute tooling, are used. 5.5.3对现有工装或设备进行修改及重新调试后进行的生产。5.5.3 Produce after modifying and readjusting the existing tooling or equipments again. 5.5.4把工装或设备转到其它生产场地或在另一生产场地进行的生产。5.5.4 Transfer the tooling or equipment to

23、 other production places or produce in another production place. 5.5.5供应商对零件、材料、或服务(如:ED等)的更改,从而影响顾客的装配、功能、耐久性或性能的要求。5.5.5 Changes of the parts, materials or service (e.g.: ED, etc.) by the supplier influence the customer requirements for assembling, function, durability or performance. 5.5.6任何影响顾客要

24、求的装配性、功能、性能或耐久性的更改(包括由公司内部制造的或由供应商制造的生产产品部件的产品和过程更改)。另在提交生产件给顾客之前,公司必须就供应商提出的任何申请和要求先与顾客达成一致。5.5.6 Any changes (including product and process changes of the production parts manufactured by the company or bythe supplier) influencing the customers requirements for assembling, function,performance or

25、durability. In addition, before submitting the production partto the customer, the company shall reach on agreement with the customer on the application and requirements of the supplier. 5.5.7试验/检验方法的更改(包括新技术的采用并不影响接收准则)。5.5.7 Changes of the test/inspection methods (including use of new technology w

26、ithout influence on acceptance specifications). 5.5.8由于顾客对公司产品质量的担心,而要求推迟供货。5.5.8 The customer concerns about the quality of the product and require delaying supply of goods. 5.6 对公司提交给顾客批准的生产件,其所要求的内容/项目(需要保存所提交的PPAP资料)应根据顾客确定的生产件提交批准等级进行保存和提交下述项目/内容的文件、资料和记录(若对生产件批准的必要性有任何疑问,项目组负责人应与负责顾客零件批准的部门联系以

27、消除疑问)。5.6 As to the production part submitted to the customer for approval by the company, keep the content/items (needing tokeep the PPAP data submitted) required by the customer according to the production part submission and approval level defined by the customer andsubmit the documents, material

28、s and records of the following items/content (Ifthere is any doubt concerning the need for production part approval, theproject team principal shall contact the responsible part approval departmentof the customer to remove the doubt). 5.6.1产品设计记录:项目组必须具备所有的可销售产品的设计记录,包括:部件的设计记录或可销售产品的详细信息。若设计记录(如:CA

29、D/CAM数学数据、零件图纸、规范等)是以电子版形式存在,则公司必须制作一份硬件拷贝(如:带有图例、几何尺寸与公差的表格或图纸)来确定所进行的测量。5.6.1 Product design record: The project team shall have all design records for saleable products, including design records for components or detailed information of the saleable products.When the design record is in electroni

30、c format, the company shall produce ahard cope (e.g.: pictorial, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing sheets or drawings) to identify measurements taken.5.6.2过程流程图:项目组必须使用公司规定的过程流程图格式(参见产品质量先期策划程序中的“过程流程图”)来清楚地描述生产过程的步骤和次序,并满足顾客规定的需求和要求及期望。5.6.2 Process flow chart: The projectteam shall used the p

31、rocess flow chart (refer to the “process flow chart” in the APQP Procedure) specified by the company to describe the step and order of the production process clearly and meet the demand, requirement and expectation specified by the customer. 5.6.3过程失效模式与效果分析(PFMEA)5.6.3 Process failure mode and effe

32、ct analysis (PFMEA) 项目组必须对提交给顾客批准的生产件进行过程失效模式及后果分析(PFMEA)。The project team shall perform process failure mode and effect analysis (PFMEA) to the production part submitted to the customer for approval. 5.6.4尺寸结果:质量部必须提供在设计记录和控制计划中有要求的尺寸验证都已经完成,以及其结果表明符合规定要求的证据。5.6.4 Result of dimension: The quality department shall provide evidence that the dimension verification required in the design record and the control plan has been finished and the results meet the specified requirement. A)质量部必须将所有在设计记录和控制计划中注明的尺寸(参考尺寸除外)特性和规范的实际测量结果记录在“检查数据表”中。A)

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