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1、市场营销老师博客资料第一章Multiple-Choice1. Central to any definition of marketing is _.A. demand managementB. transactionsC. customer relationshipsD. making a sale2. _ is defined as a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through value creation.A. SellingB.

2、 AdvertisingC. BarterD. None of the above are correct3. When backed by buying power, wants become _.A. social needsB. demandsC. physical needsD. self-esteem needs4. _ refers to sellers being preoccupied with their own products and losing sight of underlying consumer needs.A. Selling myopiaB. Marketi

3、ngC. SellingD. Marketing myopia5.All of the following phrases reflect the marketing concept, except which one?A. We dont have a Marketing Department, we have a Customer Department.B. We make it happen for you.C. We stay close to customers.D. Putting profits ahead of customer needs is critical to the

4、 health of the firm.6.The _ is a useful philosophy in situations when the products cost is too highand marketers look for ways to bring it down.A. selling conceptB. product conceptC. production conceptD. marketing concept7. Henry Fords philosophy was to perfect the Model T so that its cost could ber

5、educed further for increased consumer affordability. This reflects the _.A. product conceptB. marketing conceptC. selling conceptD. production concept8. Firms follow the _ when they face overcapacity.A. product conceptB. selling conceptC. production conceptD. marketing concept9.Most firms follow the

6、 _ philosophy, which holds that consumers will not buy enough of the firms products unless it undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort.A. product-orientationB. production-orientationC. marketing orientationD. selling orientation10. The _ starts with the factory, focusing upon the compan

7、ys existing products; it calls for heavy selling and promotion to obtain profitable sales.A. marketing conceptB. production conceptC. product conceptD. selling concept11.The set of marketing tools a firm uses to implement its marketing strategy is calledthe _.A. promotion mixB. product mixC. marketi

8、ng mixD. TQM12.Pooling resources with other firms in order to succeed beyond managingthe supply chain illustrates the _ partnership.A. management-contractingB. licensingC. supply-chain managementD. strategic alliance13.A leverages relationships with its 35 million customers by offeringthem music, vi

9、deos, gifts, toys, consumer electronics, office products, among otherproduct items. Based on previous purchase history, the company recommends relatedCDs, books or videos that might be of interest. This helps A capture agreater _.A. market shareB. customer-lifetime valueC. share of customerD. profit

10、ability14. The rapid pace of _ has allowed companies to greatly expand their geographical market coverage, purchasing, and manufacturing.A. technologyB. changeC. travelD. Globalization15. The _ concept holds that firms must strive to deliver value to customers in a way that maintains or improves bot

11、h the consumers and societys well being.A. marketing conceptB. selling conceptC. product conceptD. societal-marketing concept答案:CDBDD CDBDD CDCDDTrue/False88. Selling is managing profitable customer relationships.89. Product, price, place and promotion make up the elements of a firms marketing mix.9

12、1. The marketing process begins, continues, and ends with profits.96. Marketing offers include products, services, information, or experiences to amarket to satisfy a need or want.106. The production concept and product concept are two philosophies that can bothlead to marketing myopia.答案:FTFTTEssay

13、Compare the selling and marketing philosophies under which organizations carry out their marketing strategies. List the key components of each philosophy.Selling : factory-existing products-selling and promoting -profits through sales volumeMarketing: market-customer needs-integrated marketing-profi

14、ts through customer satisfaction-第三、四章1._a_ is the task of selecting an overall company strategy for long-run survival and growth.a.Strategic market planningb.Annual market planningc.Short-term planningd.None of the above is correct2.What is our business? Who is our customer? What do our customers v

15、alue? What should ourbusiness be? All these simple-sounding questions define a firms _b_.a.objectives and goalsb.mission and functional strategies3.All of the following are accurate descriptions of a companys mission statement, except which one?da.Mission sta

16、tement should be realistic.b.Mission statement should be broad.c.Mission statement should fit the market environment.d.Mission statements should be written for public relations purposes.The purpose of _g_ is to find ways in which the company can best use its strengths to take advantage of attractive

17、 opportunities in the environment.e.a SBUg.strategic planningh.short-term planning4.The BCG growth-share matrix classifies four types of SBUs. They are _, _, _ and _c_.a.product; price; place and promotionb.sales; market share; price and promotionc.stars; cash cows; question marks and dog

18、sd.none of the above is correct5.In the BCG approach, _d_ are high share-high growth businesses or products. They need heavy investment to finance rapid growth. When their growth slows down, they turn into cows; starsb.question marks; dogsc.stars; question marksd.stars; cash cows6.Disney is

19、 identifying and developing new markets for its theme parks. Disney is exploring possibilities for developmentc.Japand.product development7.Jack Welch, GEs former CEO once told his employees: “Companies cant give job security. Only _c_ can!”a.CEOsb.governmentc.custom

20、ersd.all of the above8.Evaluating the results of marketing strategies and plans and taking corrective action to ensure that objectives are attained is called controlb.strategic controlc.operating controld.none of the above9.The marketing control process entails the following steps in

21、 order: setting goals, _d_, evaluating performance and _.a.evaluating goals; measuring performanceb.achieving goals; measuring performancec.taking corrective action; measuring performanced.measuring performance; taking corrective action10. Monsanto operates in many businesses, including pharmaceutic

22、als and food products. The company defines its _a_ as creating “abundant food and a healthy environment.”a.objectivesb.goalsc.product portfoliod.mission11. To increase its U.S. market share, Starbucks has stepped up efforts in the areas ofproduct availability and promotion. These are examples of bro

23、ad goalsd.none of the above is correct12. McDonalds has traditionally been preoccupied with its current businesses and howto keep them going. It has been accused of being complacent when it comes to opportunities in its constantly changing

24、environment. _c_ involves adapting McDonalds to capitalize upon opportunities in its constantly changing environment.a.Long-range planningb.Annual planningc.Strategic planningd.None of the above13. Starbucks has introduced a debit card, which lets customers prepay for coffee andsnacks. Starbucks man

25、agement is considering whether the company can achieve deeper developmentb.product penetration75. Under the _d_ organizational format of marketing departments, different marketingactivities are headed by a functional specialist.a. geographicb. produc

26、t managementc. market managementd. functional81. In the Boston Consulting Group approach, _d_ provide(s) a measure of marketattractiveness.a. relative market shareb. SBUsc. cash cowsd. market growth rateTrue/False86. According to the authors of your text, many managers think implementation is asimpo

27、rtant as or even more important than control. strategy87. In the Boston Consulting Group approach, relative market share provides a measureof market attractiveness.91. The first step in strategic planning is to define the company mission.99.Guided by marketing strategy, the company designs a marketi

28、ng mix made up offactors under its controlproduct, price, place, and promotion.100. A company with limited resources might decide to serve all segments of a market.101. Marketing mix is the set of uncontrollable, marketing tools that the firm canuse to influence the demand for its product. 103.Holid

29、ay Inn has divided the total customer market into smaller segments andselected the most promising segments. Deciding what position it wants to occupy in these segments is called targeting.FFTTFFTEssay116.Define strategic planning. Discuss the steps in strategic planning.Answer:The process of develop

30、ing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organizations goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities is called strategic market planning. At the outset, beginning at the corporate level, each company must define its overall purpose and mission. What is our business? Who is the customer? What do our customers value? Answers to these questions are crucial in writing a clear mission statement. Thus, mission statements need to be carefully defined in terms of customer needs. Missions should be realistic, motivating, and fit the market environment. Missions lead

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