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1、大学英语B模拟试题Test大学英语B模拟试题Test 1一、交际用语1. How are you, Bob? _TedA. How are you? B. Im fine. Thank you.C. How do you do? D. Nice to meet you.译文你好吗,鲍勃? 答案B. Im fine. Thank you. 我很好,谢谢。解析这是交际用语中的问候与应答类日常用语。这类用语有How are you/How is everything with you/ How are you getting on(along)? 等,回答这样的用语用Just fine/Im fin

2、e, thank you/Not bad, thank you/As usual.2. Thank you for your help._A. My pleasure. B. Never mindC. Quite right. D. Dont thank me.译文谢谢你的帮忙。答案A. My pleasure. 我很荣幸解析本题为交际用语中答谢与应答类日常用语。这类用语包括Thank you/Thanks a lot/Thats very kind of you. 回答这类用语用Not at all/Dont mention it/Thats all right/My pleasure/Yo

3、ure welcome.3. Hello, Im Harry Potter.Hello, my name is Charles Green, but_.A. call my Charles. B. call me at Charles.C. call me Charles. D. call Charles me.译文你好,我是哈里波特。你好,我是查理格林,你可以叫我查理。答案C. call me Charles. 你可以叫我查理。解析自我介绍用语。依据英语国家称呼习惯,可直接告诉对方称呼自己的第一个名字,或自己名字的昵称。4. Paul, _? Oh, thats my father! And

4、 beside him, my mother.A. What is the person over thereB. Whos talking over thereC.What are they doingD.Which is that译文鲍,那边在说话的人是谁?哦,那是我的爸爸,在他旁边的是我妈妈。答案B. Whos talking over there解析回答此类问题时只要针对who选择答案即可。5.Hi, Tom, how is everything with you?_, and how are you?A. Dont mention it. B. Hm, not too bad.C.

5、Thanks. D. Pretty fast.译文你好,汤姆,近来都好吗?还不错,你呢?答案B. Hm, not too bad. 解析这是交际用语中的问候与应答类日常用语。这类用语有How are you? /How is everything with you?/ How are you getting on(along)? 等,回答这样的用语用Just fine/Im fine, thank you/Not bad, thank you/As usual.6. Thats a beautiful dress you have on!_A. Oh, thanks. I got it yes

6、terday. B. Sorry, its too cheap.C. You can have it. D. See you later.译文你穿的这件裙子很漂亮。噢,谢谢,我昨天买的。答案A. Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday. 解析本题为交际用语中的赞许与表扬用语。本题上文是赞美,下文首先要对别人的恭维表示感谢,所以回答这类用语时常Thank you/Thank you very much/Its very kind of you7. Why didnt you come to my birthday party yesterday? _ A.Excuse me

7、, my friend sent me a flower.B.Fine, I never go to birthday parties.C.Haha, I dont like birthday parties.D. Sorry, but my wife had a car accident.译文昨天你为什么没来参加我的生日晚会?不好意思,我太太出车祸了。答案D. Sorry, but my wife had a car accident. 解析交际用语中表达个人建议和态度类日常用语类,回答这样的问题只需针对问题给出选择最佳答案即可。例如:1. Why dont you come with me

8、? Im really tired. 2. Whats the matter with you? I had a bad cold.8.Hi, welcome back! Had a nice trip?_A. Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, and sunshine every day.B. Come on, Ive got lots of fun.C. By the way, I dont like Saturdays.D. Well, Ill look forward to your phone call.译文欢迎回来,旅行还不错吧?噢,太棒了!每天都有新鲜的空气和温

9、暖的阳光。答案A. Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, and sunshine every day. 解析问候语,上文问旅行如何,下文选择最恰当的答案即可。9.Havent seen you for ages! What are you busy doing now?_a)I hate the weather here.b)My hair is getting a bit longer.c)Yeah, thanks for coming.D. I am working part time in a bookshop, you know.译文好几年不见了,最近在忙什么呢?我现在

10、在一家书店兼职。答案D. I am working part time in a bookshop, you know. 解析上文问在忙什么,下文选择最恰当的答案即可。10.Marilyn, Im afraid I have to be leaving now._A. That sounds wonderful. B. Oh, so early.C. Not at all. D. Good luck!译文玛琳,我恐怕现在不得不走了。噢,那么早?答案B. Oh, so early. 解析本题为告别类日常交际用语。此类用语包括Sorry, I must be off/Im afraid I mus

11、t be going/Im afraid I must go now. 回答这样的用语常用See you/See you later/Are you already leaving/Do you really have to go?/Couldnt you at least stay for another cup of tea?四、完形填空(110)There were once three sons of a wealthy businessman. _46 they met, the two eldest, who were twins, _47_to quarrel about whi

12、ch of them should be his fathers heir(继承人). The youngest, who was not _48_ambitious(野心勃勃的), took no part in their arguments. As soon as they left home, the father arranged for an adequate income to be provided for _49_of them, but insisted that apart from this they were to be financially self-suppor

13、ting. The _50_twin, who had the advantage of good looks and a striking personality, decided that he would take up the stage _51_ a career. He _52 a small repertory company, acted in minor parts, was always unpunctual at rehearsals and was accordingly _53_with his fellow-actors. He earned little and

14、so had to live mainly on his allowance. He occasionally thought of _54_ his profession, but always put off _55_ a decision, and he became increasingly bored and disillusioned.46. A. whatever B. whenever C. wherever D. however47. A. are used B. used C. using D. are using48. A. at least B. at most C.

15、in the least D. in the most49. A. every B. all C. each D. none50. A. first B. older C. young D. elder51. A. is B. as C. be D. /52. A. joined B. attended C. went D. joined in53. A. popular B. unpopular C. welcome D. unwelcome54. A. living B. turning C. ending D. changing55. A. making B. make C. decid

16、e D. deciding译文从前有个富商,他有三个儿子。无论他们何时遇到,两个大的,也就是一对双胞胎,都要为谁是他们父亲的继承人而争吵。而最小的一个,没有丝毫的野心,从不加入他们的争吵中。就在他们要出去找工作时,他们的父亲给了他们每个人一笔足够满足生活的费用,但除此以外,必须自给自足。双胞胎中的老大,因为相貌出众且个性鲜明,决定当演员。他加入了一个小型的戏剧公司,担任了一些小角色,但他排练总不准时,同事们因此都不喜欢他。他挣的钱很少,不得不主要靠他父亲给他的钱生活。他偶尔会想要换个工作,但总是下不了决心,因此变得越来越烦躁,越来越迷茫。答案46. B. whenever 47. B. use

17、d 48. C. in the least 49. C. each 50. D. elder51. B. as 52. A. joined 53. B. unpopular 54. D. changing55. A. making 大学英语 (B) 模拟试题二第一部分:交际用语(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母图黑。1. What can I do for you? _.A. One kilo of pork, please B. No,

18、you dont have to C. Thanks D. Excuse me. Im busy答案: A 问话是典型的商业服务用语,说明这是在商店,所以买东西是逻辑的回答。2. Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the super market? _ _.A. Dont ask that B. Go straight and turn left on the first red lightC. No, I cant say that D. No, youre driving too fast答案: B 问话是问路,所以回答是指路。3. Oh,

19、 sorry to bother you. _ _.A. Thats Okay B. No, you cant C. Thats good D. Oh, I dont know答案: A 对方表示道歉,回答“无所谓”,表示接受。4. Please help yourself to the seafood. _.A. No, I cant B. Sorry, I cant help C. Oh, I like the crabs D. Thank you for your help答案: C help yourself to 是饭桌上让菜的用语。回答“喜欢螃蟹”符合逻辑。5. Were havi

20、ng a party tonight. Would you like to join us? _.A. Im sorry B. Of course not C. No, I cant D. Id love to, but I have an appointment答案: D 拒绝邀请时先表示可以接受,然后讲明拒绝的理由。6. How was your trip to Australia?_ _.A. It was wonderful indeed B. I went there alone C. Very well D. Believe it or not答案: A 回答整个旅行如何时用it

21、表示这次旅行。7. David injured his leg playing football yesterday. Really? _?A. Who did that B. Whats wrong with him C. How did that happen D. Why was that答案: C 这一回答比较符合答话的逻辑。8. Good morning, Dr Johnsons office. Can I help you? _.A. Speaking, please B. Id like to make an appointment, please C. Yes, go on D

22、. No, you cant答案: B 问话是接电话的用语,回答时要讲明为什么打电话来。9. Oh, Im sorry. But I promise Ill be more careful next time. _.A. Its nothing B. Oh, never mind. It doesnt matter C. Thank you D. There are no questions答案: B 回答对方的道歉,用“ never mind” 表示接受。10. Could I use your dictionary for a moment? _.A. Its well B. It doe

23、snt matter C. I have no idea D. By all means答案:D by all means 的意思是certainly“可以”。第二部分: 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)此部分共有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。Passage 1Dr. Harvey Gates, the noted scientist, might never have discovered the Kamron lizard (蜥蜴) in Blovia, if it

24、had not been for a childhood accident. As a boy, he was determined to become a baseball player, but when he broke his arm in practice at the age of fourteen and was forced to stay off the playing field for a while, he took notice of the natural world around him and liked what he saw. After he had re

25、covered from his injury, he caught a squirrel (松鼠) and raised it as a pet. Soon he was bringing home snakes and other creatures from the woods near his school. In 1962, he entered Blakeford College and majored in biology. By 1966 he had received his Bachelor (学士学位) of Science degree and two years la

26、ter at Drysdale University, he received his Doctor of Science degree. It was while he was doing field research for his doctoral studies in South America in 1967 that he discovered and named the Kamron lizard. This animal was different from others of its kind in that it had only four toes on its fron

27、t feet. In other respects, it was similar to others of the same family. It could change its color and go for long periods without food.译文:著名的科学家哈维.盖茨如果不是童年时期的一场事故就不可能发现卡姆龙蜥蜴。在他还是一个小男孩时,他想成为一个棒球运动员,但在他十四岁在练习时摔断胳膊,被迫离开运动场一段时间时,他开始注意到身边的自然世界,并喜欢上他所看到的事物。受伤痊愈后,他抓到一只松鼠,把它当成宠物来养。很快他开始从学校附近的树林里带回蛇和其他生物。196

28、2年,他进入布莱克弗德学院学习生物专业。到1966年,他已经拿到理科学士学位。两年后他获得了德莱斯德尔大学理科博士学位。正是在1967年他在南美作博士研究时他发现并命名卡姆龙蜥蜴。这种动物与其他种类的不同点在于它的前肢只有四个脚趾。它和同一家族的其他成员在其他方面是相似的。它能改变它的颜色并能在没有食物的情况下保持很长时间。11. Of the four statements, which one best indicates the authors idea?A. Dr. Gates is a scientist who can always attract the public atten

29、tion to his research.B. Dr. Gates is a very famous scientist, though he wanted to be a sportsman at first.C. Dr. Gates is a scientist who always carries a notebook with him wherever he goes.D. Dr. Gates is very popular for his determination to become a baseball player.答案: B 12. In the first paragrap

30、h of the passage, the phrase in practice means _. A. while doing some practical work B. while studying animalsC. while making up his mind to become a baseball player D. while playing baseball答案: D 13. In the second paragraph, the word creatures can best be replaced byA. people B. things C. animals D. living things答案:C 14. It was _ that Dr. Gates discovered the Kamron lizard.A. after he had graduated from Drysdal

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