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1、高三英语四川专用一轮课件选修八Module2TheRenaissance共42张PPT第一部分语言基础知识选修八Module 2 The RenaissanceI 核心单词1. adj.;的2. adj.;练的3. adj.4. v.5. n.6. y.7. y.8. v.木古燥的;沉闷 有技巧的,熟 持续整夜的; 认为 ;(过)路人 ;逃跑;逃掉I 恳求;呼吁 寻栈:寻求10. 日引最重要的;首要的-11. n.债务;人情债rp 7-12. n.(对错事或坏事应付的)责任-13. 3引有天赋的;有才华的14. 门激情,热爱15. 日引引起烦恼的;令人不安的 v.扌丁 扰;扰舌 L n.打扰;

2、妨碍16. v.激发,激励 n激起;动机;意图17. n.(犯罪)嫌疑人;可疑分子- 日可多疑的;可疑的18 日为活动的,可以动的- p . 移动,运动 adj.感动的- adj.令人感动的 n.运动;移动19. n.职业一 adj.专业的;职业的20 . 0 t. &传播;流传- n. 流通答案 1 .dull 2.skilled 3.over night4.reck on 5.passerby 6.flee 7.appeal 9.behalf 10.chief 11 .debt1 2.blame 1 3.gifted 1 4.passion1 5.disturbing ; d

3、isturb ; disturbanee16.motivate; motive 17. suspect; suspective 18.movable; move; moved ;moving; movement 19.profession; professional 20.circulate; circulation巧学妙记1语境记忆(1)Swimming helps to get the blood through the muscles and the problem can cause heart diseases.(circulate)(2)The couple into the ho

4、use and they felt much to see the movie after into the new house.(move)答案(l)circulating; circulation(2)moved; movable; moved; moving;2 词汇串记(1 )We reckon that she is a gifted saleswoman because she is highly skilled at dealing with difficult customers.(2)We are seeking the prime suspect in the case w

5、ho has fled to another country.(3)The professional tennis player motivated and inspired us with his passion and deeds.口 重点短语1 历史上2收的稅,课税 3.厌倦做某事;厌烦做某事 4.导致,通向,通往5从事,开始做(某项工作);占据 6. depend on答案 history on 3.get tired ofdoing sth 4ead to 5.take up 6依靠,依赖;取决于7把抛在后面8代表9.获得自由的10.到(某个数量)-in.经典句

6、式1. Painters discovered how to use perspective and the effects of light.画家们发现了怎样使用透视法以及光的 效果。句式提炼how to use特殊疑问词加不 定芸短语在句中作宾语。句式分析老师告诉我们如何使用新电 脑。0 u r teacher told u s2. So you can walk along a street for half an hour or so and end up five minutes from where you started.那么你有可能沿街走了半个小时左右,结果 离你出发的地点实际

7、仅有五分钟的路程。句式提炼Jwhere引导的从句作介词from的宾 语。句式分析你应该让孩子们在你看得到的地 方玩。You should let your children play核心单词effect n.效果;作用;影响经典例句Her research has led her to find out two clearly different mindsets that have a great effect on how we react to it.(2012 全国卷口 阅读理解E)她的研究已经使她发现了两个明显不同 的心态,这两种心态对我们如何去应对它 有很大影响。 bring/pu

8、tinto effect 实行,实施,使生效 The new tax law will not take effect untilJanuary新税法到1月份才生效。This Regulation will fromSeptember 1, 2014.本章程自 2014年9月 1 日赳施行。 ; ; ;答案 come into effectblame n. 过失;责备皿责备; 谴责; 把 归咎于经典例句You cant blame others unless you start with yourself.(2012 天津 完形填空)在责备他人之前请先自省。 (1)blame sb for s

9、th因某事而责备某人 blame sth on sb把某事怪到某人头上 be to blame (for sth)(因某事)应受指责;应负责任 (2)take the blame承担责任lay/put the blame for sth on sb把某事归咎于某It is believed that more than one person may be to blame for the mine accident. 大家认为许多人都对这次矿井事故负有责任。If you fail the exam youll only put the blame on yourself你若謬试不及甫,只能怪

10、自己。We were ready to whathad happened我门准备对所发生的事承担责 任。答案 take the blame for名师点睛在be to blame (for)短语中z不定式语境巧记 He was blamed for the accident, but he blamed it on others.In fact, it is he, rather than others, that is to blame for it.他因这次事故而受责备,但他把它归咎于 别人。实际上,是他而不是别人该为此承 担责任。集训中心I 单词拼写1. B , its all a qu

11、estion ofupbringing.2. He has had some d experiences.3. I spent the afternoon reading under thes of an umbrella4. This kind of material is a goods for leather. 5. Its a great city-the only (不利因素)is the weather.7. He (猛冲)out of the houseand went as quickly as possible to the riverside.8. What she sai

12、d sounded convincing,but I (怀疑)it to be a lie.答案 1 .Basically 2.disturbing 3.shade 4.substitute5. drawback 6.profession 7.dashed 8.suspected 1(2014 天津六校三模)For years, scientists have been worried about the of air pollution on the earths natural conditions.A . effect B result C account D . cause答案A 句意

13、:许多年来z科学家们 一直担心空气污染对地球的自然环境带来 的影响。effect “影响”;result “结果”; account “叙述;账目”;cause “原因; 重ll/ ” 根焜右1 音Pen石THril 卜以12. (2014 资阳一诊)l feel it is yourhusband who for the spoiledchild.A. is to blame B . i sgoing to blameC. is to be blamed D .should blame答案A 本句是强调句型,强调的是 句子的主语。be to blame表示“(对坏事)负 有责任”。blame

14、通常用主动形式表示被动 意义。根据句子的时态可知应用is to blame3. (2014 安徽合肥一中)As we all know,the present world financial crisis still has a negative on the development ofthe economy of every country.A . contribution B effectD . stress C effort答案B 句意:正如我们所知道的, 目前世界性的经济危机仍然对每个国家的 经济发展有消极影响。have an effect on “对 有影响” o contribu

15、tion “贡献”;effort 努力 ” ;stress “压力 ” o IQ单句改错1. They walked off and left me sitalone. .2. It is they that should be to blamed fortheir stupid mistakes i n t h e work. .答案 1 .sitsitting 2.blamedblame核心短语leave behind把 抛在后面经典例句if you ask the fast runner to set the pace, then most of them will be left be

16、hind.护如果你让跑得最快的人来定速度,那么 他们中的大多数人都将落后。leave sb/sth alone 不要干涉某人/某事leave sb/sth + n./adj./ do/介词短语 使/让保持某种状态Hes in a bad mood right now. Wed better leave him alone.他现在情绪很糟,我 们最好不要打搅他。ve told you to .我已经告诉过你不可动我的东西。:;Leaving the expense aside, do we actually need a second car? 且不说费用多 少,我们真的还

17、需要一辆二手汽车吗?答案 leave my things untouchedon behalf of代表经典例句On behalf of my colleagues and myself I thank you.我代表我的同事和我本人向你表示感谢 on behalf of sb = on ones be half- 代表某人,为某人的利益 in behalf of sb =in ones behalf 1 1代表某人,为某人的利益We collected money in behalf of the homeless.我们为帮助无家可归者而募捐。 :In the Western countri

18、es, “V” often victory.在西方国家,“V”通常 代表胜利。; ;答案stands for集训中心I 选词填空depend on; on behalf of; take up; get tired of; leave behind; be thirsty for1 Whether or not we go on a picnic the weather.2. We are news about holidays.3. He set off in a hurry, the key4. all the workers, I welcomeyou to our factory.5.

19、 More and more people are beginning to答案 1 depends on 2.thirsty for 3eQving; behind 4.On behalf of 5.take up 6.get tired ofEL单项填空1. (2013 -辽宁) everyone here,I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country.A . By means of B O nbehalf ofC In search of D . F o rfear of答案B 考查介词短语辨析。句意: 我代表这里所有的人祝你回国旅

20、途愉快。A 项“通过方法”;B项“代表”;C项2. (2014 绵阳一诊)A second z please. I have another call coming through.- .rm not in a hurry.A . Enjoy yourself B Leave mealoneC Do as you like D . Take yourtime答案D 考查情景交际。句意:稍待 片刻,我又有一个电话打进来了。别慌, 我并不着急。take ones卫ne别慌z慢慢来 。enjoy yourself慢慢享用;leave me alone别管我;do as you like随你喜欢;爱

21、亡儿缶吉4仁7/缶 土曰+臣4士RE壮CT石 13. Many foreign friends were very excitedwhen the Chang e3 lifted off at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province on Dec. 2 ,2013, we Chinesepeople.A. leave alone B. let alone答案B 考查动词短语辨析。句意: 2013年12月2日,当嫦娥三号在西昌卫星发 射中心离地升空的时候,许多外国朋友都感 到非常兴奋,更不用说我们中国人了。leavealon

22、e 不管;别惹;让一个待着”,符合句核心句型 Painters discovered how to use perspective and the effects of light.画家们发现了如何使用透视法和光线的效 果。在此句中,how to use perspective and the effects of light为特殊疑问词加不定式短 语,在句中作宾语,可以变成宾语从句: Painters discovered how they could use perspective and the effects of light.(2)特殊疑问词加不定式结构也可以作主语 、表语等。除了h

23、ow以外,what, where, who, whom, whether等也可甲干类似的How to give advice in English is what I am trying to learn.(作主语)我正在努力学习如何用英语提建议。;I really dont know (作宾语)我实在不知道该写些什么。 :The question is where to put it.(作表语) :pj问题是该把它放在哪儿才好。答案 what to write about-集训中心I 句型转换1 We must decide whether well stay or go.We must d

24、ecide .2. Not only he but also you always care for others.He always cares for others, and you. 答案 1 .whether to stay or go do口 单项填空1(2014 浙江温州八校联考1 )The Frenchman pointed to the spoon and asked me to call that inChinese.A. whether B. howC. which D. what答案D 考查疑问词+不定式的结构 作宾语。句意:那位法国人指着羹匙问我 在中文中这叫

25、什么。此处what to call that in Chinese作asked的宾语。-2. (2014 -海南省嘉积中学高三教学质量监 测) without friends themost difficult challenge for Chuck while living on the island.A. How to survive; isB. How does he survive; areC. How does he survive; isD. How to survive; are答案 A 考查主谓一致。句子作主语 时需要陈述句语序,故先排除B和C项。当 疑问词+不定式作主语时,谓

26、语动词用单 数,故选A项。单元语法复习非谓语动词-1 . (2014 -济南高三检测)The old couple, in the small village for years, can tell the names of all the villagers.A. livingC. having lived lived答案C 考查非谓语动词。分析句子 成分可知/主语The old couple和live之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且句中有表示一段时间的时间状语for years ,因此用live的现2. (201 4 - r元二诊)ln my opinion,keeping dogs well

27、up isadvisablefor dog owners.A . to tie B . being tiedC tied D . to be tied答案C 考查非谓语动词。句意:依 我看,把狗拴好对狗主人来说是明智之举 o分析句子结构可知,空处在句子中作宾 语补足语,且tie和dogs之间是逻辑上的动 宾关系,应用tie的过去分词形式,表示状 态。故选C。-3. (2014-lLi东潍坊高三联合考试)A special dance horse dance becomes sohot that many famous people cant help copying that.A to be

28、called B calledC calling D being called答案B 考查非谓语动词。句意:一 种被叫做骑马舞的特殊舞蹈变得如此流行, 以至于许多名人都情不自禁地去模仿它。call与A special dance之间是逻辑上的动宾 关系,故用call的过去分词形式,另外,“ horse dance可以转化为定语4. (2014 广安一诊) in afamous university is what most students wish for. A . To educate B EducatedC Being educated D Educating答案C 考查非谓语动词。该结构的 逻辑主语是下文中的“most students”, 所以应用被动形式,故排除A、D两项;由 句子结构分析,空格部分在句子中作主语

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