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1、科技英语课后题答案第一单元 Text AEx. 3 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. DEx. 41. organic 2. originate 3. decompose 4. rearrangement 5. overlain6. prospector 7. inflammable 8. substantial 9. complication 10. consumptionEx. 51. C 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. D11. D 12. C 13. C 14. A

2、15. D 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. DEx. 61.sedimentary rocks 2. petroleum reserves 3. internal combustion engines 4. the boiling point 5. fatty substance 6.少量 7. 源自 8. 易燃蒸汽 9.地质结构 10. 在领土Ex. 81. As is known to all, water consists of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. 2. The myriads of living creatures beneat

3、h the sea form the colorful underground world. 3. It is impossible to be dependent on import to develop our national economy. 4. Fuel derived from municipal waste can not only generate electricity but also provide heat.5. Whatever obstacles we might meet, we will carry through this experiment. Text

4、BEx. 1 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T Ex. 21. initiative 2. convert 3. conventional 4. subtract 5. withstand6. residential 7. option 8. renewable 9. regulate 10. generateEx. 41. 尽管可再生能源通常比传统能源更昂贵,但是替代能源有助于减少污染、保护矿物燃料。2. 与其他可再生能源相比,风能更具有竞争力,其每千瓦时的价格比传统能源低4美分。3. 利用风能的最新趋势之一就是建设海上风力发电厂,在风力较大的敞水带建造一组组的发电涡轮。4.

5、 如果该投票表决能够通过,电力公司将能够给房主提供更多折扣,鼓励他们使用可再生能源。5. 地热泵系统,也称为低热交换系统,采用这种相对恒定的温度保证家中的室温维持在舒适的温度。Text CEx. 1 1. The scramble for minerals and oil, for new under water empires.2. Varieties of living things, minerals and oil, possible source of pure water and protein, or even a possible habitat for human being

6、.3. Damage to the natural environment and pollution of the ocean waters4. Use it to illustrate the wealth of sea resources are more attractive to people than the gold in the gold rush.5. The use of seas for farming techniques.6. The reefs and seamounts attach to the seabed on the continental shelf,

7、and are, therefore, under U.S. jurisdiction.第二单元 Key to Text AEx. 11. D 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B Ex. 2 Para. 1 (1) a cozy fireside chat (2) an intimidating interrogation supposedly designed to test your ability to cope with stress Para. 2 (1) they have become part of a multilayered quasi-scientific selec

8、tion process(2) they are increasingly likely to be conducted by managers trained in complex psychological techniques(3) they are also becoming high techPara. 5 (1) aptitude test(2) personality questionnaires(3) evaluation at assessment centersPara 11-14 (1) you can expect the interview to be a “stru

9、ctured” event(2) an increasing number of interviews are also “situational”(3) interviews are becoming a lot less formalEx. 3 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. BEx. 41. assess 2. management 3. rigorous 4. informal 5. standard6. attached 7. predetermined 8. execution 9. recruiting 10. c

10、onsultEx. 51. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. C11. A 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. D 18. C 19. C 20. DEx. 61. employment market 2. video conferencing technology3. job interview 4. 十有八九5. 能力测试 6. 招聘方法Ex. 71. 当然,倒也不会走向另一个极端,成为为了检验你应对压力的能力而进行的令人生畏的询问。2. 精明的现代企业已经明白,雇员选择不当是要付出代价的,因此,面试

11、已经成为多层面,半科学化式的挑选程序的一部分,并且越来越可能由经过高级心理技术培训的经理人员来进行。3. 你到了参加最后面试这一阶段,说明公司已经认为你能胜任这项工作,你有九成把握留下来了。4. 在当今的求职市场中,面试都是 “精心策划”的,也就是说,每一个求职者都将被问及事先确定的相同问题,而不是由面试小组成员随心所欲提出问题。5. 这种标准化做法旨在为比较求职者提供更可靠的依据,减少种族和性别偏见。Ex. 81. Inexperienced she was, she could cope with the difficulties wonderfully well.2. We must m

12、ake the best of the few natural resources we have.3. In terms of money, hes quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.4. Her parents had told me never to speak to their daughter again, so I knew that I was running the gauntlet when I telephoned her to arrange a meeting.5. Nine times out of ten our o

13、pponents will beat us. We just hope this is the one in ten.Key to Text BEx. 1 1. Body language, conversation and voice are three of the most important aspects of a first impression.2. People decide many things about you within 10 seconds of seeing youusually before you even open your mouth.3. Everye

14、ntrepreneurshould have in mind a “verbal business card”a quick, 30-word summary of who you are and what you can do. Focus on benefits for the other person rather than job titles or even company names.4. Simple conversational skills are the key to a successful first meeting. Prepare in advance, then

15、just try to forget yourself. Remember that its about the other personthats the best possible way to make a positive first impression.5. Yes, it is important. In every conversation, at least one appreciative remark should be included. Praise the other persons business acumen, charity work, or even he

16、r taste in shoes. As long as the appreciation is brief, sincere, and specific, the feeling will be remembered long after the words are forgotten.6. The most common problem is speed-talking. It dilutes the message and makes the speaker sound anxious.Ex. 21. tough 2. priority 3. budget 4. verbal 5. cr

17、itical6. maintain 7. dilute 8. accessible 9. perceive 10. demonstrateEx. 31. 第一印象2. 内部预映3. 慈善事业4. 数据转储5. 口头的商业名片6. 畅销书作者7. 削减8. 用打卡机记录下班时间9. 中伤别人10. 在控制之下A. shoot oneself in the footB. data dumpingC. clock outD. first impressionE. charity workF. trade showG. in controlH. verbal business cardI. cut t

18、o the boneJ. bestselling authorEx. 4 1 经济艰难时期,广告的预算已经降到最低,而诸如面对面的营销则变得空前重要。2 尽管每一个人的形象非常的复杂和独特, Bjorseth说企业家可以通过关注一些简单的、非语言的事项来使自己显得自信和泰然。3 相反的, 通过让你的双脚之间有6-8英寸的距离, 一只脚在另一支脚的前面一种能够让你感到踏实和信心的姿态来“申明”你在房间里的位置。4 局促不安是让自己败下阵来的最为快捷的方式。5 说话单调的企业家会被认为是缺少激情,而讲话声音过小则可能会被认为是没有信心。 Key to Text CEx. 1 1. F 2. F 3

19、. T 4. F 5. T 第三单元 Key to Text AEx. 3 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A Ex. 41. extemporaneously 2. mobility 3. download 4. bulky5. irreducible 6. database 7. galaxy 8. server9. phoneme, phoneme 10. Simultaneous Ex. 51. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. C11. D 12. B 13.

20、A 14. C 15. D 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. D Ex. 61. multiple users 2. virtual assistant3. human-machine interface 4. speech synthesizer5. 实时 6. 信息检索7. 飞机飞行时刻表 8. 天气预报 Ex. 71. 传统的语音识别技术(把声音信号转换成数字信号)必须得到“语言理解”软件的补充、支持。这样计算机才能掌握话语的意义。2. 如果忽略从网上下载时耽搁的话,这些系统几乎可以同步地答复人们的咨询就像两个人之间的对话一样快。3. 为了最大程度地猜对句子的含义,

21、“银河系”要利用另外一个叫“蒂娜”的服务器,“蒂娜”会应用基本的语法规则把句子解析成各个部分:主语、谓语、宾语等等。4. 又一个叫“创世纪”的服务器把语义结构转换成一个为数据库编排的问题,数据库里有所需要的信息。系统通过分析用户的问题来决定搜寻哪一数据库。5. 自从1997年五月以来,“朱庇特”已经接了30,000多个电话。从用户的第一时间的问询中,80%的问题得到了正确的理解。 Ex. 81. Speech is flexiblewe do not have to touch or see anything to carry on a conversation.2. AT&T Bell La

22、bs pioneered the use of speech-recognition systems for telephone transactions.3. The system can handle multiple users simultaneously, and last but not least, it is mobile.4. If you also have an Internet connection, you can tell the machine to download data to your computer.5. At this point, Galaxy i

23、s ready to search for answers. Key to Text B Ex. 21. simulation 2. emanate 3. unprecedented 4. integral5. versatile 6. oriented 7. dissipated 8. execution9. constraints 10. domain Ex. 41. 在二战期间,美国需要快速的计算机器,用以制作各类枪炮射弹的飞行轨迹图表,同时为了对第一颗原子弹的设计作模拟,这就促使自动的计算机器数字式计算机的诞生。2. 计算机制造厂家很快就把这一新发明用于改进他们的计算机,使它们具有突出

24、的优点体积小、重量轻、功耗小、寿命长、速度快。3. 随着微电子学和激光技术的发展,在制造IC产品中光处理的精度已保证硅芯片表面上的条纹宽度可以窄到10微米。4. 程序编制人员不得不在操作员的控制台面板上直接运作他们的程序,利用纸带、卡片或面板上的开关把程序加载到存储器里,盯着面板上的指示灯,监控它的运行;如果有什么错误发生,还要排除程序上的错误。5. 为了弥补这一差距,需要编译程序把用高级编程语言编写的程序翻译成为计算机能执行的机器码。 Key to Text CEx. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. T第四单元 练习答案Key

25、 to Text AEx. 11. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D Ex. 2 Para. 1-3 Garbage problems in the U.S. and around world.Para. 4-13 Ways to make garbage disappear with the help of technology and changes in attitudes and lifestyles. Section I: TechnologyA. Recycling and resource sharing: biotechnology (Para. 4-8) Natur

26、es garbage-free ways (Para. 4) Eco-industrial park (Para. 5) Biotechnology (Para. 6) Recycling (Para. 7-8) B. A whole new kind of manufacturing process: nanotechnology (Para. 9-11) Section II: Changes in attitudes and lifestyles (Para. 12-13) Ex. 3 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. D

27、Ex. 41. innovation 2. forgive 3. dispose 4. precedent 5. recycled 6. refinery 7. conversion 8.ecological 9. barely 10. speculateEx. 51. D 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. A11. C 12. C 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. D 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. BEx. 61. genetic engineering 2. organic solvents3. raw mate

28、rial 4. sulfur dioxide5. 垃圾填埋 6. 旧物销售 7. 信息时代 8. 铅化合物Ex. 71. 无论是谁说过“勤俭节约,吃穿不缺”,对两亿七千六百万美国人都没有很大的影响。2. 随着我们对更易利用的原料的开发,废物再循环会有更好的势头。3. 在这个几乎涵盖了各种科学和工程学科的新兴行业,研究者们希望通过由小到大,原子到原子,分子到分子的顺序制造出产品。4. 研究者们在制造分子大小的晶体管和电线,甚至在制造电池方面已经取得了进展,可以制造犹如该句句号的几千分之一大小的电池。5. 当这种观念为世人所接受,第三个千年的人们就可以回过头来,把他们以前曾经制造废物看作年轻时的一

29、个可以原谅的错误。Ex. 81. Health problems cannot be ignored, otherwise they might translate into learning difficulties.2. The oil refinery converts crude oil into gasoline, kerosene and other related products.3. I really dont see the value in doing this entire project over from scratch.4. School education ch

30、iefly puts value on knowledge acquisition while home education focuses on moral education.5. The girl selling ice cream was able to turn the hot weather to her advantage. Key to Text BEx. 1 1. They should try their best to reduce the adverse environmental impact.2. They are eco-friendly and can sign

31、ificantly reduce environmental impact.3. Governments and official bodies have enacted tougher legislation to control pollution.4. The problem is dealing with potentially toxic wastewater on offshore structures.5. Phoenix is a new offshore wastewater process solution, used to treat virtually all kinds of oily, contaminated water from any offshore oil and operation.6. They are not economical. Ex. 21. obligation 2. hazardous 3. urges 4. adverse 5. dischar

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