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1、以天然气为原料的年产10万吨合成氨合成工段本科毕业设计设计参数年产10万吨合成氨的合成工段工艺设计(以天然气为原料)产量:10万吨/年,液氨合成塔入口惰性气体含量:15%合成塔进口氨浓度:2.5%合成塔出口氨浓度:13.2%合成塔操作压力:30MPa新鲜补充气:N2 24%;H2 75%;CH4 0.3%;Ar 0.7%精炼气温度:35水冷器出口气体温度:35循环机进出口压差:1.47Mpa年工作日:300d产品质量规格:氨含量(wt%)=99%毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所

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4、存和汇编本学位论文。涉密论文按学校规定处理。作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日以天然气为原料年产10万吨合成氨厂合成工段的工艺设计设计说明书任务来源:本次设计按照化工系下达的设计任务书进行编制的,并且参照石家庄双联化工厂合成氨工段的现场生产而设计而成。设计标准:按照国家相关化工安全生产标准和化工仪器设备设计标准设计设计原则:本设计的原则是以绿色化工为准则,低耗能、低成本、无污染的原则。设计的主要内容及特点:本工段生产液氨,生产能力为10万吨液氨/年,与传统的流程相比较具有节能低耗的特点。在废热锅炉和水冷器之间设计一个热交换器,通过热交换器回收了废热锅炉出来的气体中剩余





9、算和热量核算等;合成氨各主要设备的工艺计算和选型;合成氨车间的安全因素及防范措施;工艺流程、车间中设备布置图以及氨合成塔、废热锅炉、水冷器三个主要设备的CAD图纸。关键词:合成氨;物料衡算;热量核算;工艺设计Using natural gas as raw material with annual output of 100000 tons of synthetic ammonia plant of the section in process designDesign specificationThe source of the taskThis design is according to

10、 the chemical industry department issued the design task book prepared, and referring to Shijiazhuang joint chemical factory ammonia section on-site production and designed.Design standards:In accordance with the relevant national safety production standard and chemical equipment designDesign princi

11、ples: The principle of design is based on the green chemical industry as a criterion, low energy consumption, low cost, no pollution principle.Design of the main contents and characteristics:The production of liquid ammonia, liquid ammonia production capacity of 100000 tons per year, and Compared wi

12、th the traditional process this process have the characteristics of energy-saving and low consumption. To design a heat exchanger between the waste heat boilers and water coolers, recycling the residual heat in the waste heat boiler gas through the heat exchanger and at the same time as the feed gas

13、 preheating. The other also further reduces the synthesis gas for subsequent condensation temperature, favorable for the subsequent condensation and indirect savings in the consumption of heat and cold.The specific design and content are as follows:(1) circulation machine locationThis section cycle

14、machine is arranged in the behind of the ammonia separation system, and before the synthetic tower, thus make full use of recycling machine compression work, raise the gas temperature of synthetic tower, reduce the cold consumption, reduce the ammonia cooler load, meanwhile increasing the inlet pres

15、sure of tower, improve the rate of synthesis and into the circulation machine ammonia cooling capacity is relatively low, avoiding the tower posterior circulation machine process with liquid ammonia and lead to circulating machine easy to leak.(2)The ways of reaction heat recovery and utilizationHea

16、t recovery focuses on the synthetic tower, it involves in waste heat boiler heat recovery utilization and how scientific setting problem of heat exchanger of synthetic tower outside, waste heat boiler configuration is actually how to improve reaction heat recovery rate and obtain high grade heat pro

17、blem. This design is the choice of the process route is that the heat exchanger in behind of the tower and post boiler. Set behind the tower heat exchanger made of waste heat boiler outlet gas and synthesis tower two into the gas heat exchanger, fully improve the synthetic tower two inlet gas temper

18、ature, increase the synthesis tower two outlet gas temperature.The temperature of the gas that is into the waste heat boiler is 365 degrees, and produce 1.372MPa steam pressure,so it improve recovery of heat grade.(3)The use of the The two gas inlet two outlet synthesis processAll air-conditioning i

19、nto the heat exchanger after the peripheral annulus of the synthetic tower, the synthetic tower body at each point of a uniform temperature distribution, and export gas to maintain a lower temperature to ensure that the synthesis tower directly into the long-term safe and stable operation. Compared

20、with the circulation machine to cold gas directly into the heat exchanger, the heat exchanger outlet temperature increase. Enter the water temperature of the gas to reduce means that there have a high of synthesis waste heat recovery rate and low load of water cooler.(4) Water cooler and ammonia coo

21、ler settingsAfter water-cooled ,the gas directly the separation of liquid ammonia then cold exchang, water-cooling is helpful to reduce the subsequent ammonia cooling load, Edge cooling and separation of liquid ammonia not only improve the liquid ammonia separation, but also to avoid the presence of

22、 gas-liquid two-phase flow. Through the setting of ammonia tanks condensation fully solved under low pressure after the water cooling few ammonia condensing the contradiction down, to further cooling, ensure that the content of ammonia synthesis tower entrance requirements. (5) The fresh gas and ven

23、t position settingThe supplementary of fresh gas set in the cold exchangers two entrance, so as to reduce the resistance of the system, and through the ammonia cooler further elution trace impurities such as carbon dioxide , carbon monoxide and amino acid and so on, beneficial to the protection of c

24、atalysts, and prevent piping and equipment jam. The setting of vent point located between the cold exchanger and ammonia separator. After the concentration of the gas effective ammonia points lower, inert gas content is higher, which helps reduce fresh gas consumption.(6) The use of cold heat exchan

25、ger equipmentSeparator for extroversion swirl plate, heat exchanger tube heat exchanger for upper and lower ammonia separator, hot gas into ammonia cooler for cold air cooling and heat exchange, to recover the freezing cold gas refrigeration, make the hot gas that into the ammonia cooler cooling, wh

26、ich can save frozen volume, meanwhile separated the liquid ammonia after ammonia cooling ammonia containing gas mixture. Anhui chemical industry company in Huainan and Small Nitrogenous Fertilizer published on the magazine of relevant data show that the equipment is saving energy and reducing consum

27、ption is significant.(7) Waste management and environmental protectionEmpty gas and purge gas film feeding hydrogen extraction recovery system, using ammonia washing tower recovery almost all ammonia, make concentrated ammonia, and recycling most ammonia then into high pressure machine compressed am

28、monia can avoid the ammonia gas into the atmosphere, and the discharge gas as fuel and more reasonable than ecommic.The other wastewater reatment to focus on waste residue after national emission standard emissions.(8) Te production systemAnnual operating on the 300 days and three consecutive operat

29、ions.(9) ConclusionThis design is mainly to the synthetic ammonia processing flow design; it includes synthetic ammonia process flow design, the material balance and heat calculation of synthesis tower, ammonia cooler calculation and cold exchanger, the process calculation and equipment selection of

30、 the major equipments of ammonia synthesis, and ammonia synthesis plant safety factors and preventive measure. According to the results, five CAD drawings on process, workshop equipment layout and ammonia synthesis tower, waste heat boiler, water cooler are attached in the article.Key words: Ammonia

31、 synthesis; material balance; thermal calculation; process design1 引言氮是植物营养的重要成分之一,大多数的植物不能直接吸收存在于空气中的游离氮,只有当氮与其他元素化合以后,才能被植物吸收利用。将空气中的游离氮转变为化合态氮的过程称为“固定氮”。20世纪初,经过人们的不懈探索,终于成功的开发了三种固定氮的方法:电弧法、氰氨法、和合成氨法。其中合成氨法的能耗最低。1913年工业上实现了氨合成以后,合成氨法发展迅速,30年代以后,合成氨法已成为人工固氮的主要方法。1.1 氨的性质氨化学式为NH3常温下为无色有刺激性辛辣味的恶臭气体,

32、会灼伤皮肤、眼睛,刺激呼吸道器官粘膜,空气中氨的质量分数占0.5% 1.0%就会使人在几分钟内窒息。氨的主要物理性质见表0-1。氨在常温加压易液化,称为液氨。氨易溶于水,与水反应形成水合氨(NH3 + H2O=NH3H2O)简称氨水,呈弱碱性,氨水极不稳定,受热分解为氨气和水,氨含量为1%的水溶液PH为11.7。浓氨水氨含量为28% 29%。氨的化学性质比较活泼,能与酸反应生成盐,如与盐酸反应生成氯化铵;与磷酸反应生成磷酸铵;与硝酸反应生成硝酸铵;与二氧化碳反应生成甲基甲酸铵,脱水后生成尿素等等。表1-1氨的主要物理性质1项目数据项目数据相对分子质量17.03 临界密度/(g/cm3)0.235 氮含量82.20 临界压缩系数PV=ZRT0.242 摩尔体积(0,0.1MPa)/(L/mol)22.08 临界热导率kj/K.h.m)0.522 气体密度(0,0.1MPa)

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