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1、英语考试考前辅导 三级考前串讲第一部分试卷各部分考试内容及记分方法I 1-15 阅读理解 三篇(15)30分 时间40II 16-45 词语用法和语法结构 题数(30) 30分 时间25III 46-55 挑错 题数 (10) 10分 时间 10IV 56-75 完形填空 题数 (20) 10分 时间 15V 76-85 翻译 题数 (10) 20分 时间 30 合计 题数 85 100分 时间120考试内容包括五个部分:第一部分:阅读理解(Part I Reading comprehension) 共15题,考试40分钟。 要求考生阅读三篇短文,总阅读量不超过900个词。 短文选材的原则是:

2、1 题材广泛。(人物传记,社会,文化,日常知识,热门话题及科普常识等)2 体裁多样。(叙述文,说明文,议论文等) 3 文章的语言为中等难度。 第二部分:词语用法和语法结构 (Part II Vocabulary and Structure)共30题,考试时间25分钟。 题目中50%为词和短语的用法,50%为语法结构.词汇部分考察近形词与近义词的辨析,动词词组,固定搭配.近义词与近形词辨析所选词汇较简单.如:1.Take the medicine now. I believe it will _ your pain. A. release B. relive C. reject D. relie

3、ve 2.It is so hot. You should put the food into the refrigerator now. Otherwise, it will _ soon. A. harm B. hurt C. spoil D. damage 3.It is certain that he will _ his business _ to his son when he gets old. A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over 4.It is impossible to live in society and

4、be independent _ society. A. on B. from C. in D. of第三部分:挑错(Part III Identification)共10题,考试时间10分钟。1)时态语法出错 2)非谓语动词出错 3)主谓一致出错 4)平行原则 5)连词出错 6)倒装出错7)形容词、副词比较级最高级 8)名词单复数出错9)固定搭配出错 10)常见句型出错第四部分:完形填空(Part IV Cloze)共 20题,考试时间15分钟。 (1)完形填空是测试英语综合应用能力的试题。它既要求考生熟练掌握所学的词汇(词 义、用法、搭配)与语法知识,更要求他们具有较强的阅读能力;能根据上

5、下文线索,在有限的时间内,从所给选项中做出正确的判断与最佳选择,使短文得以恢复本来面貌,做到文意通顺,结构完整(2)题目把上下文语境理解放在第一位,词汇运用和语法知识放在第二位。(3)词汇的考查面越来越宽,但完形填空的选项设置以实词为主,既名词、动词、形容词和副词等,以虚词为辅,即连词、介词等。(4)所设选项更具有干扰性和迷惑性。第五部分:翻译(Part V Translation)共 10题,考试时间30分钟。 翻译部分主要考核词汇,语法,句型等方面综合运用语言的能力。核心单词achieve, addition, agree, alive, alone, ancient, anxious,

6、asleep, attach, attitude, avoid, aware,base, beneficial, besides, brief,(简短的,简洁的), campaign, cancel, careful/careless, cease(stop), claim(声称,主张 ), combine(unite),comfortable, complain, confirm(证实), crew, curious, damage, deduce(infer), delivery(传递),depend, determine(决心,决定),devote, dispute, enable(v.

7、 使能够), endless(无限的), endure(put up with忍受), encounter(遇到),equip(v.装备), experience, expose(揭露), failure, familiar, feed(v.喂养牛,马吃东西), fortune(命运,财富), frighten(v.吓唬), furthermore( in addition), government, happen, harden, height(高度), imagination,impossible, inform(通知,告诉), insist(persist)坚持, interfere(干

8、涉), knowledge, latter(n.后者,adj. 后面的) , 近形词和近义词relive(重生), reject(拒绝), relieve(缓解), release(释放)raise(vt.提高,饲养), rise(vi.升高), arouse(vt.唤醒, 引起), arise(vi.出现/发生) (from)由引起Adopt(采纳, 收养), adapt(适应), adjust(调节)Affect(v. 影响), effect(n.影响)Recover, discover, coverout of place, 不适当的,不相称的out of danger, 脱离危险out

9、 of breath, 上气不接下气,喘不过气来out of date, 过时的,陈旧的out of doors, 在户外due to, 由于,因为each other, 互相in effect, 实际上,事实上固定词组Give off, 散发, give up, 放弃give in, 投降,让步,妥协give away, 泄露(get out),赠送break out, 突然发生, 爆发 break off, 中止, 中断in brief, 简要地说bring about, 带来bring up, 抚养,培养burn out, 烧掉, burn up, 烧尽by and by, 不久以后,将

10、来 before longlong before, 很久以前call for, 要求,需要call on, 访问, 拜访call off, 取消 carry on, 继续,坚持下去,从事carry out, 执行,贯彻in case, 假如,以防in case of, 假如,万一,如果发生catch up with, 追上,赶上by chance, 偶然,碰巧come on, 来吧,快点come true, 实现,come up with, 想出,提出come to, 苏醒in common, 共有,keep company with, 与交往/结伴as/so far asbe concern

11、ed, 就而言consist of 由 构成/组成contribute to, 有助于on the contrary, 相反be curious about, 对好奇deal with, 处理in detail, 详细地do away with, 废除,消灭end up, 结束,告终in the end, 最后,终于keep an eye on, 留意,照看catch ones eye, 引人注目feel like, 想要,be fed up with, 对极其厌倦 figure out, 算出,fill in/out, 填写,find out, 发现,找出in general, 通常,一般来

12、说get along with, (与)和睦相处get away , 离开,脱离get over, 克服go over, 复习,检查take over, 接管,占用talk over, 商量,讨论think over, 认真考虑on guard, 警惕,提放hand in hand, 手拉手,联合hand in , 上交instead of, 代替,而不是judging by, 根据来判断keep from, 阻止,keep up with, 跟上laugh at, 嘲笑lead to, 导致,通向line up, 排队long for, 渴望look over, 把 看一遍,过目look i

13、nto, 调查,观察look down upon, 看不起 a good/great many, 大量的,许多 by means of, 凭借,用 make up ones mind, 决定,下决心 more or less, 或多或少, 多少有点 name after, 以名字命名 neithernor, 既不也不 nothing but, 除了以外没有什么,仅仅 now that, 既然, object to, 反对 a number of, 一些,许多 off and on, 断断续续,不时地 at once, 立刻,马上 by oneself, 独自地,单独 not only but

14、also不但 而且 in order to, 以便,为了 every other, 每隔一个的 ought to , 应该 owing to, 由于,因为 take part in, 参加,参与 take place, 发生 take the place of ,代替 pass away, 去世, in person, 亲自 point out, 指出,指明 at present, 目前,现在 pull down, 拆毁 put out, 熄灭,消灭 rather than, 而不 would rather, 宁愿result in, 结果是, 导致get rid of, 摆脱,除去run i

15、nto, 偶然遇到see off, 给送行in a sense, 从某种意义上说set out, 动身,出发show off, 炫耀no soonerthan一就sum up, 总结,概括make sure, 查明,thanks to, 由于, 多亏at a time, 每次,一次at other times, 在别的时候,平时turn out, 结果,证明是turn into, 变成make use of, 利用, used to, 过去经常 by the way, 顺便提一下, whetheror, 是还是,不管还是 wipe out, 消灭,毁灭 in a word, 总而言之 in o

16、ther words, 换句话说 at work, 在工作,忙于 at random, 任意地 be bound to, 一定会,肯定会 be composed of, 由 组成 be sure of, 确信 burst into, 突然 起来 by no means, 决不 can not help, 禁不住 in spite of, 尽管;虽然 learn of/about, 得知,听说 pick up, 拿起,捡起 rely on, 依赖,信赖 take advantage of,利用反义词dis (advantage, agree, appear, appoint, charge(解除

17、), courage(泄气), honour(不名誉,不光彩), like, honest, order)il (legal, literate, logical)ir (regular, responsible)im (possible, polite) in (dependent, direct, exact, formal, active, complete) un (willing, happy, usual, certain, cover, practical, comfortable, load)de (code, value)non (sense)第二部分语法 语法是三级英语统考

18、的一个重点, 它体现在五个题型中, 重点集中在以下几个方面:1 时态和语态。2 情态动词。3 虚拟语气。4 非谓语动词。5 各种从句(主,宾,表,定,状,同位语从句)。6 主谓一致,倒装句,强调句,附加疑问 句。从历年考试情况来分析Eg. 一般现在时 表经常发生或存在的状态。常和always, usually, often, sometimes, every day, every week 等时间状语连用。1. He goes to work every day at six. 表普遍的真理 或众所周知的客观事实。For example 1. Light travels more quickl

19、y than sound2. Theory comes form practice.一般过去时 表过去的动作或状态。常和过去时间状语连用,just now, last year, when I was 6 years old 等。1. Tom suddenly fell ill yesterday. 注意:句中有具体的时间状语要用过时。 Used to do .(过去,曾经做 )1. I used to take a walk in the morning.2. I used to go out a lot, but now I just go to concerts.否定( )Be used

20、 to doing (习惯了做)1. I was used to (说,讲) a foreign language. 2.John likes Chinese food, but he _ eating with chopsticks.A. doesnt used to B. doesnt use toC. isnt used to D. used not toIt is high time (that).句型中, 谓语动词用过去时。Dont you think it is time you _smoking?A. give up B. gave up C. would give up D.

21、should give up一般将来时。Will /shall +动词原形表将来的动作或状态。I shall arrive in New York tomorrow going to +. . . . 表马上就要发生的事或打算好要做的事。He is going to travel around the to + . . . . 表安排或计划好了的 动作。We are to meet at the school gate at two in the about to +. . . .表即将发生的动作。The lecture is

22、about to begin.某些动词表开始,终结, 往来行动的动词 go, come, start , arrive, leave 等,这些词的现在进行时表示将来。 We are leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 我们明天动身去北京。The foreign guests are arriving in Shanghai tonight.“Is the Party almost over?”“I think so. A lot of people _ to leave.”A. is beginning B. begin C. are beginning D. have

23、 beginning过去进行时When 和 while 的用法连接词when 表示时间上的点, 它所引导的句子用过去时.while 表持续的一段时间, 它所引导的句子用过去进行时。I fell and hurt myself while I _ tennis.A. was playing B. am playing C. play D. playedWhen you _ this over with her, you should not see her any more.A. talk B. talked C. will talk D. talking现在完成时常和just, already

24、, yet 等词连用。用since 引导的短语或从句, 或与由for 引导的短语连用。He has lived here for 40 years.Theyve known each other since childhood.英语中有些动词不能延续,因此不能和延续的时间状语连用。He has _ the army for ten years and is now an officer.A. gone into B. joined in C. been in D. come into如果是非延续动词, 这时常用it is +时间+ since 的句型代替, 从句用过去时态。It is 5 ye

25、ars since I left Beijing. 我离开北京已经五年了。过去完成时 had doneWhen I went to visit Mrs. Smith last week, I was told she _ two days before.A. has left B. was leavingC. would leave D. had left过去完成时常用在 no sooner than, hardly/scarcely/barely.when句型中,句子倒装。1.No sooner had we sat down _ we found it was time to go.A.

26、than B. when C. as D. while2.Hardly had I lain down _ the telephone rang. A. as B. when C. while D. than被动语态。感官动词及使役动词。 See, feel, hear, watch, make, bid 等词 在主动语态中用不带to 的不定式做宾补, 在被动语态中要加 to.Because of many mistakes, she was made _ these letters again.A. type B. to typing C. typed D. to type有些主动表被动。常

27、用 need/require /want+ doing .= to be done 此句型主语大多为物。“在表示(某物)需要被”时,其后接动词ing 形式来表示被动;be worth doing something 结构中的doing 也表示被动。 The house needs cleaning. (to be cleaned)It is hot and dry; the flowers need _.A. Being watered B. be watered C. to water D. to be watered情态动词Can, may , must, need, ought to +

28、 动词原形Can/may/must/should/ought to +现在完成时He abandoned a career that_ to his becoming one of the most influential people in the world. (could have led)I _ , but I did not study hard enough.(could have passed)I cant find the recorder in the room. It _ by somebody.(may have been taken)/ (must have been

29、taken)I didnt hear the phone, I_ asleep. (must have been )Im sorry I couldnt get in touch with him before he left, I _ him earlier.(should have phoned)You ought _ the matter to the manager the day before yesterday.(to have reported)虚拟语气只是一种愿望,假设或建议等。虚拟的情况有三种1, 与现在事实相反2, 与过去事实相反3, 与将来事实相反重点考;1, If 引导

30、的虚拟条件句;2, 含蓄条件句;3, 特殊结构中的虚拟语气;4, Should +动词原形的用法。1 If 引导的虚拟条件句 (if)从句谓语 主句谓语与现在. be 用were would/could+动原与过去. had done would/could+ have done 与将来. were或should/were to+动原 would/could+动原1. If there were no gravity, we should not be able to walk.2. If Bob had come with us , he would have had a good time.3. If I were to do that thing, I would do it in different

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