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1、七年级英语下册34单元知识清单七年级英语下册3-4单元知识清单Section A知识清单I key words.1.train n. 火车, v. 训练2.bus n. 公共汽车3.subway n. 地铁4.ride v. 骑 n. 旅程5.hundred 百 thousand 千6.minute n. 分钟 second n. 秒 hour n.小时7.far adv.远 near adv. 近8.kilometer n.公里,千米 adj. 新的10. by prep. 乘(交通工具) v.开车 driver n.司机 n.小汽车 v.

2、 居住,生活14.ninety num. 九十II Phrases1. get to school 到达学校 get home 到家2. take the subway/train/bus 乘地铁/火车/公交车 3. ride a bike/horse 骑自行车/骑马4. how far 多远/how long 多久/how often多久一次 5. from home to school 从家到学校6. every day 每天7. be sure 确定 be sure of sth对.确定8. go to school by bus/train/taxi/bike 乘公交车/火车/出租车/

3、骑自行车上学 9. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间。10. get to. 到达. arrive at/in. 到达小地方/大地方reach. 到达.11. have a good day 祝你玩得愉快!III Sentences1.你怎样到学校?我骑车。- How do you get to school?I ride my bike./I get to school by bike2.Mary怎样到学校?她通常乘公交车。- How does Mary get to school? She usually takes the bus

4、.=She usually gets to school by bus.3.到学校要花多少时间?大概要花15分钟。-How long does it take to get to school? It takes about 15 minutes.= It takes me about 15 minutes to get to school.4.从你家到学校有多远?大约十公里远。-How far is it from your home to school?Its only about 10 kilometers.5.Jane 走路去学校吗?不,她骑车去。-Does Jane walk to

5、school?=Does Jane go to school on foot?No, she doesnt. She goes by bike. =She goes to school by bike.6.这是很好的锻炼。Its good exercise.7.他们需要大约一个小时到达学校。They need about an hour to get to school.IV Grammar1.交通方式的表达。1)by +交通工具by bus/train/subway 乘坐汽车/火车/地铁2)take +a/the + 交通工具take the bus/train/subway 乘坐汽车/火车

6、/地铁3) ride+ 冠词/物主代词+ 交通工具ride the bike/horse 骑自行车/马4) drive +冠词/物主代词+ 交通工具drive his car 开他的车注意:walk = go on footI walk to school.= I go to school on foot.2.关于距离,时间,频率的询问1) How long does it take to get to school?2) How far is it from your home to school?3) How often do you go to visit your grandparen

7、ts?Section B知识清单I Key words1. stop n. 车站,停止 v 停止2. cross v. 横过,越过,n. 十字架 across prep . 穿过,在对面 crossing n. 十字路口3. river n. 河,江4. many 许多,修饰可数名词 much 修饰不可数名词5. village n.村庄,村镇 villager n. 村民6. bridge n. 桥7. boat n.小船8. year n.年,岁9. afraid adj.害怕,畏惧10. like prep. 像,怎么样 v. 喜欢11. leave v.离开12. dream n. 梦

8、想;睡梦 v. 做梦13. true adj. 真的,符合事实的 truth n. 事实,真理,原理14. every 每一,每个 each 每一个II Phrases1. the bus stop 公共汽车站(小型) the bus station (大型公交站)2. think of 认为 think about 思考,考虑3. between and 在.和.之间4. an/one 11-year-old boy 一个11岁的男孩 (11-year-old 复合形容词,必须放于名词之前)5. play with 和玩 6. come true 实现 7. one small villag

9、e 一个小村庄8. run too quickly 流得很快9. go on a ropeway 乘索道10. be afraid of doing sth/ be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事11. be like sb to sb 对某人来说像.一样12. cross the river to school 横渡过河去上学13. make ones dream come true/ achieve ones dream/realize ones dream 实现某人的梦想III Sentences1. Mary 想知道Bob住的离他祖父家有多远。Mary wants to

10、know how far Bob lives from his grandparents home.2. 王老师想知道Andy认为这次旅途怎么样。Miss Wang wants to know what Andy thinks of the trip.3. 对大多数学生而言,上学是件很容易的事。For many students, it is easy to get to school.4. 在他们的学校和村庄之间有一条大河。Theres a big river between their school and the village.5. 他就像一位父亲一向对待我。He is like a

11、father to me.6. 这些学生和村民中的许多人从来没有离开过村庄。Many of the students and villagers never leave the village.7. 他们的梦想是有一座桥。It is their dream to have a bridge.8. 他们的梦想会实现吗?Can their dream come true?9. 因为水流湍急,他们不能摆渡过河。They cant go by boat because the river runs too quicklyUnit 4知识清单Section AI.Words1.rule n. 规则2.

12、listen v.听3.outside adv.在外面4. important adj.重要的n. importance 重要5. bring v. 带来;取来6.quiet adj.安静的adv. quietly 安静地.Phrase1.No talking 不许讲话(No+动词ing,禁止.)2.the school rules 校规 in class 上课吃东西 in the hallways 在过道上追逐打闹 the dining hall 在食堂6.fight with sb. =have a fight with sb.和某人打架7.go out on

13、school nights 在上学期间的晚上外出8.on school days 在上学的日子9.arrive late for class= be late for class上课迟到了10.wear a/the uniform穿制服11.have to 不得不;必须 outside 外面吃东西 first day我的第一天14.some of the rules 一些规则15.practice doing sth. 练习做某事 mom make breakfast 帮助妈妈做早饭17.too many 太多(可数复数)too much 太多(不可数)so

14、 many如此,这么多的(可数名词复数)so much 如此,这么多的(不可数名词)18.library rules 图书馆规则.Sentences1.-What are the rules?-Well, you must be on time for class. Dont fight with your classmates.- 规则有哪些呢?-嗯,你必须上课守时。不要和同学打架。2.We cant listen to music in the classroom or hallways.我们不能在教室或者走廊听音乐。3.-Can we bring music players to sch

15、ool?-Yes, we can. /No, we cant.我们可以带音乐播放器到学校吗?是的,我们能。/不,我们不能。4.And we always have to wear the school uniform.而且我们总是不得不穿校服。5.-Does he have to wear a uniform at school?-Yes, he does. /No, he doesnt.他上学必须穿校服吗?是的,他要穿。/不是,他不穿。6. -What do you have to do?-We have to be quiet in the library.你必须做什么?我们必须在图书馆保

16、持安静.7. Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.别把脏碗丢在厨房里。Section BI.Words1.practice v.&n. 练习 n.碟;盘 (pl. dishes)3. before prep. conj. 在.以前4.dirty adj. 脏的5. kitchen n.厨房6.more adj. pron更多(的)most 最多的7. noisy adj.吵闹的n. noise 噪音8.relax v.放松;休息9.adj. relaxing 令人放松relaxed感到放松的10.terrible adj.非常讨厌的

17、terribly adv.可怕地 strict with sb. in sth. 在某方面对某人严格2. be quiet 安静 be noisy 吵闹3.make the teacher unhappy惹老师不高兴4.make a noise/make noises 制造噪音5. do the dishes 洗碗6.stay at home呆在家里7. on time 准时in time 及时 my dream school在我的理想学校里9.learn to do sth. 学习做某事learn from sb. 向某人学习10.follow / keep

18、/obey the rules遵守规定break the rules 破坏规则make rules 制定规则11. keep ones hair short留短发12. think about 考虑13. make ones bed 铺床14. in your home在你家 at home 在家15. good luck to you 祝你好运16. remember doing sth. 记得做过某事remember to do sth 记得去做某事.Sentences1. My dad says I cant play basketball after school because I

19、must do my homework.我爸爸说我放学后不能打篮球是因为我必须要做作业。2. After dinner, Icant relaxeither. I must read a book before I can watch TV.晚饭后,我也不能休息。我必须要在看电视前阅读书籍。3. I know how you feel. 我知道你的感触。4. There are a lot of things you can do.有很多你能做的事。5. Parents and schools are sometimes strict but remember, they make rules to help us.学校和父母有时候很严厉,但是记住,他们制定规则是为了帮助我们。6. I think its best to follow the rules.我认为最好遵守规则。

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