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1、届河南省新野县第三高级中学高三第八次周考英语试题新野县第三高级中学2015届高三第八次周考英语试题第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分。 阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Earlier this year, the best company at surveying the rich in China announced that more than 60 % of the people it surveyed had already immigrated to anoth

2、er country, or were considering doing so. The question for the Hurun Report, which publishes an annual China rich list, was why? Was pollution driving people abroad, weariness over Chinas political crackdowns, or something else entirely? It turns out the questions also nagged Rupert Hoogewerf, found

3、er of Hurun. At the time, his best guess was that pollution and the desire to park some assets abroad were driving rich Chinese to the United States, Canada, and Australia-the top three destinations for those leaving China. But to find out for sure, he conducted a follow-up survey that is being rele

4、ased today, and Fortune got exclusive early access. Hurun teamed up with Visas Consulting Group to ask 141 wealthy Chinese questions about emigration and where theyre moving their money. The researchers discovered that three factors drove emigration from China, with each factor accounting for 20% of

5、 the responses. People moved because they wanted better options for their childrens education; they were distressed(痛苦的) about the growing pollution problems plaguing(烦扰) Chinas cities; and they were concerned about food safety in the country, which in the latest scare involved tainted dog treats. A

6、gain and again, when talking to people on an individual basis, those are the issues they raise, says Hoogewerf. Maybe most surprising, two-thirds of those emigrating, or considering doing so, are also considering giving up their Chinese nationality. As I wrote in March, just as Beijing was coming ou

7、t of the throes of a smoggy winter, those who can avoid Chinas pollution and food scares are doing so. Its troublesome for the Chinese government because experts conclude that big improvements to the air remain at least a decade away, not to say anything about Chinas food safety or its education sys

8、tem. The Hurun survey produced other interesting results. As a percentage of their total wealth, rich Chinese invest on average 16% abroad. The most popular investment choice is real estate and the U.S. is the overwhelming favorite destination. Los Angeles ranks as the most popular city to buy real

9、estate, followed by San Francisco and New York. Vancouver ranked as the third most popular city. Detached villas were the preferred type of housing, followed by apartments and townhouses. Those surveyed all had assets worth more than $1 million and on average were worth $ 7 million. The top destinat

10、ions for rich emigrating from China are as follows: The wealthiest citizens in any country are the most mobile, so the flight of wealthy Chinese isnt in itself a surprise. But unlike rich Americans fleeing their home country to avoid taxes, the Chinese are leaving because of basic desiresclean air,

11、clean food, good schools. If Chinas government doesnt improve these, the flight of Chinas wealthiest residents wont stop.1. How many people investigated want to emigrate for their childrens education? A.24. B.25. C.94. D.28.2. Which are the reasons why rich Chinese in the survey emigrate? For their

12、childrens education. For the growing pollution problems. For food safety. For tainted dog treats. For Chinas political crackdowns. For more money. A. B. C. D.3. Whats Huruns attitude to the Chinas problems causing emigration? A. Indifferent. B. Neutral. C. Optimistic. D. Pessimistic.B Here is the Ni

13、ne Oclock News: 1. President Absul Krim of Syria says that the danger of war in the Middle East is greater now than for the past two years. His country does not want war, he says, but the Syrian people have waited too long for an end to the troubles with their neighbors. If war comes, says Mr. Krim,

14、 Syria will be ready. 2. Ben Kitson, a writer of stories and plays for children, has died at his home in California. Mr. Kitson was 82. His most famous book of stories, The Gentlemans Housesells all over the world, in more than twenty-five languages. 3. Policemen in New York have gone on strike. The

15、ir leader Mr.Paul Angeli says that they will return to work only when they receive more money for working long hours and doing what Mr. Angeli calls the most dangerous job in the city. 4. It has been a good year on the farm. The warm, wet spring and the fine summer have been very good for all kinds

16、of food plants. This means that fruits and vegetables willcost less in the shops this year. 5. More than l,100 people committed suicide(自杀) in Beijing last year, and experts have been encouraging the capital to set up a mental health care system as soon as possible, local media reported last week. A

17、bout 20 percent of the people of Beijing live in unhealthy conditions, with 3 percent of these suffering from affective disorder and 5 percent reporting symptoms(症) of depression, according to the Beijing Mental Health Service Centre.4. According to the first piece of news, which of the following st

18、atements is NOT true?. A. The Syrian people are aggressive. B. The Syrian people are looking forward to the end of the troubles with their neighbours. C. The Syria people do not want war, but will be ready if it comes. D. The possibility of war in the Middle East is greater than before.5. Mr. Kitson

19、 was famous for _. A. plays and stories for children B.82 stories about his home in California C. stories in more than twenty-five languages D. books, sold all over the world6. It can be inferred from the third piece of news that _ A. policemen in New York hate their dangerous jobs B. policemen in N

20、ew York love their important jobs C. the government will refuse to raise the policemens salary and the policemen will never return to work D. the policemen in New York received an unreasonable salary for their long-time and dangerous work.7. What is the best title for the last piece of news?A. More

21、Than 1,100 People Committed Suicide(自杀) in Beijing Last Year.B. About 20 percent of the People of Beijing Live in Unhealthy Conditions.C. Beijing Badly Needs a Mental Health Care System.D. People Living in Beijing Suffer a Lot.CI was driving home the other day on a sunny afternoon. I had a smile on

22、my face as I sang along to the songs on the radio. It was a beautiful day that I felt full of happiness. My good mood ended, however, when the radio station took a news break between songs. Then suddenly I found myself listening to yet another story of a rich famous man who had bro-ken the law. I sh

23、ook my head as I came to a red traffic light. As I pulled to a stop I noticed four leather jacketed bikers, They were standing in the middle of the road with two on either side of the light. They looked rough and dangerous, but as I got closer I noticed each one was holding their helmet in their han

24、ds. I rolled down my window as one approached my car. We are the Brothers of the Wheel, he said. We are collecting money for a Christmas Toy Drive for needy children. As I pulled a dollar out of my wallet I looked past his beard and tattoos and into his eyes. They shined with a goodness and kindness

25、 that came right from his soul. I dropped the money in his helmet and waved to the other bikers as I drove off. My good mood had returned. My faith in mankind had been bolstered. And I had to remember again never to judge people by their appearance. Our society often judges books by their covers but

26、 God reads what is written in our hearts and souls. Perhaps one day we will all learn to see the world through the same eyes.Perhaps one day we will realize that looks matter little and actions matter much.8. The writers good mood ended when _. A. he heard news between songs B. he had to stop at a r

27、ed traffic light C. he heard a rich man broke the law D. he saw four leather-jacketed kids in need9. What were the four bikers doing at the traffic light? A. Having a bicycle race in the street. B. Selling helmets to the passers-by. C. Raising money to help kids in need. D. Preparing for Christmas h

28、olidays.10. What does bolstered in the second paragraph probably mean? A. Destroyed. B. Improved. C. Decreased. D. Exploded.11. The writer tells us that we should _. A. have faith in young people B. judge others by their actions C. change our attitude to society D. manage to help others in needDIm n

29、ot so sure I like my friends any more. I used to like them to be honest. Wed have lunch, talk on the phone or exchange emails, and they all seemed normal enough. But then came Facebook, and I was introduced to a sad fact: many of my friends have dark sides that they had kept from me. Today my friend

30、s show off the more unpleasant aspects of their personalities via Facebook. No longer hidden, theyre thrown in my face like TV commercials-unavoidable and endless advertisements for the worst of their personalities. Take Fred. If you were to have lunch with him, youd find him warm, and self-effacing

31、(谦逊的).Read his Facebook and youll realize hes an unbearable, foodobsessed boring man. Hed pause to have a cup of coffee on his way to save a drowning man and then write about it. Take Andy. You wont find a smarter CEO anywhere, but now hes a CEO without a company to run. So he plays Mafia Wars on Fa

32、cebook. Hes doing well-level 731. Thanks to Facebook, I know hes playing about 18 hours a day. Andy, youve run four companies and this is how you spend your downtime? What happened to golf? What happened to getting another job? Take Liz. She is positive that the flu vaccine will kill us all and that we should avoid it. And then comes Chris who likes to post at least 20 times a day on every website

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