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1、绝望主妇第七季第一集字幕100:00:01,000 - 00:00:03,000YYeTs人人影视字幕组出品200:00:01,000 - 00:00:05,000翻译:VK 小坏 蛀虫小门柴 柠檬meg VERO NANA 红豆包 nilo 憶300:00:01,000 - 00:00:05,000校对:蛀虫小门柴 VERO 时间轴:GGYY 蛀虫小门柴 后期:冰河 监制:桃金娘银400:00:00,030 - 00:00:02,750绝望主妇 前情提要Previously on Desperate Housewives,500:00:02,780 - 00:00:06,15010年前 卡洛

2、斯的母亲因车祸而死Ten years ago, Carlos mother died after being hit by a car600:00:06,180 - 00:00:07,720肇事者正是安德鲁that Andrew was driving.700:00:07,750 - 00:00:09,120奥森收拾行囊准备离去Orson packed his bags.800:00:09,150 - 00:00:11,390你已不是我心目中的那个布里You are not the woman I thought you were.900:00:11,420 - 00:00:13,990他是我

3、儿子 我没得选择Hes my son. I had no choice.1000:00:14,030 - 00:00:16,290那我选择不再做你丈夫And I no longer choose to be your husband.1100:00:16,330 - 00:00:18,330布里决定公布真相And Bree decided to come clean.1200:00:18,360 - 00:00:20,000有件事我得告诉你Theres something I need to tell you-1300:00:20,030 - 00:00:22,330这事儿可能会终结我们的友谊

4、Its the kind of thing that could end our friendship.1400:00:22,370 - 00:00:25,540一位奄奄一息的护士作出了忏悔A dying nurse made a confession.1500:00:25,570 - 00:00:28,570得让这家医院的老板 知道我做的事情The people who run this hospital need to know what I did.1600:00:28,610 - 00:00:31,340你将如何对孩子的父母说 他们抚养的孩子How do you tell parent

5、s the child theyve been raising1700:00:31,380 - 00:00:33,180不是他们亲生的isnt really theirs?1800:00:33,210 - 00:00:36,710财务危机使苏珊做出了一个重大决定Financial worries drove Susan to a big decision.1900:00:36,750 - 00:00:37,830你不能把房子卖了You cant sell your house.2000:00:37,830 - 00:00:39,320不是卖 只是出租Were not selling. Were

6、 renting.2100:00:39,350 - 00:00:42,040这致使一位久违的邻居 重回故里Which led to the return of a long-lost neighbor.2200:00:42,070 - 00:00:44,160事实上 我过去就住在这里The truth is, I used to live here.2300:00:44,190 - 00:00:47,560我猜大家看到你一定会感到惊喜的Oh, I guess everyone will be surprised to see you again.2400:00:47,590 - 00:00:4

7、9,090绝对会They absolutely will.2500:00:53,770 - 00:00:59,400我和我丈夫曾经非常幸福快乐There was a time when my husband and I were very happy.2600:00:59,440 - 00:01:02,670我还记得那些和煦的夏日午后I remember warm summer afternoons2700:01:02,710 - 00:01:05,010我们在后院里烤肉and backyard barbecues2800:01:05,040 - 00:01:07,810和朋友们说笑and l

8、aughter with friends.2900:01:07,850 - 00:01:12,400我们的生活就像田园梦境Our life was like some kind of suburban dream.3000:01:12,430 - 00:01:16,890不过终有一天 人们会醒来But the day comes when we all must wake up.3100:01:20,730 - 00:01:22,520对我来说For me,3200:01:22,520 - 00:01:27,300一封信打破了美梦that day came when a letter arri

9、ved.3300:01:27,330 - 00:01:29,230这是封恐吓信As threats go,3400:01:29,250 - 00:01:33,370信的内容简明扼要It was concise and to the point.3500:01:33,410 - 00:01:39,540为了保护家人 我无从选择I did what I had to to protect my family.3600:01:39,580 - 00:01:44,980我丈夫后来找到了写信的人My husband found out who wrote the letter.3700:01:45,02

10、0 - 00:01:50,250他让她知道这事儿使他有多恼火He let her know how much this upset him.3800:01:50,290 - 00:01:55,960而她妹妹猜到了我丈夫的所作所为Her sister figured out what my husband had done.3900:01:55,990 - 00:02:01,830于是她决定诬陷我丈夫谋杀So she decided to frame him for murder.4000:02:01,870 - 00:02:06,970确切地说 是苦肉计Her murder, to be mo

11、re specific.4100:02:07,010 - 00:02:11,040这一切使保罗杨的生活And thats when the dream that was Paul Youngs life4200:02:11,080 - 00:02:13,880变成一场噩梦became a nightmare.4300:02:16,880 - 00:02:18,830多年以后Years later,4400:02:18,880 - 00:02:21,340有个女人因超速而被查照A woman was pulled over for speeding.4500:02:24,310 - 00:02:

12、28,460这个女人没有任何身份证明This woman had no identification,4600:02:28,490 - 00:02:29,930于是她被逮捕了So she was arrested.4700:02:31,680 - 00:02:35,530人们这才发现菲丽莎蒂尔曼And that is how people learned that Felicia Tillman4800:02:35,570 - 00:02:38,150活得好好的was very much alive.4900:02:39,990 - 00:02:43,570我看你穿上了我送来的西装 喜欢吗I

13、see you got the suit I sent over. You like it?5000:02:43,610 - 00:02:45,810只要不是橙色的我都喜欢I like anything thats not orange.5100:02:45,860 - 00:02:48,650你可得准备好去添置家当了Well, get ready to do all sorts of shopping.5200:02:48,660 - 00:02:50,610你的结算支票给你拿来了Your settlement check came in.5300:02:50,650 - 00:02:52,

14、820你等会儿要先去哪儿So where you going first?5400:02:52,850 - 00:02:54,180经过这么多年的铁窗生活After all these years in prison,5500:02:54,180 - 00:02:55,520你一定准备好去狂欢了吧I bet youre ready to party.5600:02:55,550 - 00:02:57,890我只想回家All I want is to go home.5700:02:57,920 - 00:03:00,170什么 去见你的那些老邻居What? To your old neighb

15、orhood?5800:03:00,210 - 00:03:02,090你很惊讶吧You sound surprised.5900:03:02,130 - 00:03:04,960你受审的时候可没有一个邻居来帮你None of your neighbors supported you during the trial.6000:03:05,000 - 00:03:07,230你坐牢的时候他们也没来看过你They didnt visit while you were here.6100:03:07,270 - 00:03:10,300你即使恨他们 也无可厚非No one would blame

16、you if you hated them a little.6200:03:10,340 - 00:03:13,670我可不是恨他们Oh, I dont hate them.6300:03:13,690 - 00:03:15,340这么简单A little.6400:03:17,360 - 00:03:21,550于是我的丈夫回到了紫藤郡And so my husband returned to Wisteria Lane.6500:03:25,420 - 00:03:28,450邻居们看到他 非常惊讶The neighbors were surprised to see him.6600:

17、03:28,490 - 00:03:32,890多年来 他们早已淡忘保罗杨这个人They hadnt thought about Paul Young in years.6700:03:32,920 - 00:03:36,040但他对大家念念不忘But he had thought about them.6800:03:38,130 - 00:03:40,100而且他要让大家And he was going to make sure6900:03:40,130 - 00:03:44,140对他永远无法忘怀theyd never forget him again.7000:03:55,550 -

18、 00:03:59,350电话在半夜响起The phone call that comes in the middle of the night.7100:03:59,380 - 00:04:03,740信是由特快专递寄送The letter that arrives by special courier.7200:04:03,770 - 00:04:08,080电子邮件标题将会注明紧急The e-mail marked Urgent!.7300:04:08,110 - 00:04:11,830是的 坏消息传来的方式Yes, there are all sorts of ways7400:04

19、:11,860 - 00:04:14,670多种多样bad news can be delivered.7500:04:14,700 - 00:04:18,370然而有的坏消息这般重大But some news is so bad.7600:04:18,400 - 00:04:20,870必须亲自当面告知It must be delivered in person.7700:04:20,910 - 00:04:22,870为什么得由我去告诉他们Why do I have to tell them?7800:04:22,940 - 00:04:26,040你说过 这对夫妇是你的邻居You sai

20、d this couple lives in your neighborhood.7900:04:26,080 - 00:04:27,550医院理事认为Trustees of the hospital feel8000:04:27,610 - 00:04:29,780由你来说最合适不过that makes you uniquely qualified.8100:04:29,820 - 00:04:31,780我怎么开口呢And just what am I supposed to say?8200:04:31,820 - 00:04:33,320派对暂停 有重大消息*Great block p

21、arty.8300:04:33,350 - 00:04:35,320顺便一提 我们有个护士by the way, one of our nurses8400:04:35,350 - 00:04:37,960可能在你们孩子出生时把孩子弄混了 试试看may have switched your baby at birth. Try the dip.8500:04:37,990 - 00:04:39,460我们越拖延Every minute we wait,8600:04:39,490 - 00:04:41,460医院的责任就越大this hospital takes on more liabili

22、ty.8700:04:41,490 - 00:04:43,690现在就动身 去紫藤郡吧Now get on over to.Wisteria lane8800:04:43,730 - 00:04:45,960告诉他们发生了什么and tell those people whats going on.8900:04:46,000 - 00:04:48,150我真不知道该怎么办I dont know how Im gonna do this.9000:04:48,200 - 00:04:50,900说这种事只有一个方式Theres only one way to deliver news like

23、 this:9100:04:50,940 - 00:04:53,620尽量冷静Remain as calm as possible.9200:04:55,070 - 00:04:58,130布里 出来啊Bree! Get out here!9300:04:58,160 - 00:05:00,580该死 怎么没人在家Damn it! Why is nobody home?9400:05:00,610 - 00:05:03,830-朗拉 格温 -谢天谢地- Lorna, Gwen. - Oh, thank God.9500:05:03,880 - 00:05:06,120怎么啦 凯伦 出什么事啦W

24、hy, Karen. Whats wrong?9600:05:06,130 - 00:05:08,450保罗杨回来了Paul Young-hes back.9700:05:08,470 - 00:05:10,250什么What?9800:05:10,290 - 00:05:12,510都听到了吧 别傻站在这儿You heard me. Now dont just stand there.9900:05:12,560 - 00:05:15,510我们得提醒大家去 走吧We gotta warn people. Come on.10000:05:16,560 - 00:05:18,830布里 我从

25、没见过你这个样子Bree, Ive never seen you like this.10100:05:18,860 - 00:05:20,330你还好吧Are you all right?10200:05:20,370 - 00:05:22,330我要告诉你一件很可怕的事I have something horrible to tell you,10300:05:22,370 - 00:05:24,370我不知道怎么开口And I dont know how to say it.10400:05:24,400 - 00:05:26,370最好别是什么事吧Well, you better th

26、ink of somethin.10500:05:26,400 - 00:05:28,710你有点吓到我了哦Youre starting to freak me out.10600:05:28,740 - 00:05:29,710还记得那天晚上Remember that night10700:05:29,740 - 00:05:34,140卡洛斯母亲被车撞倒吗when Carlos mother was run over by a car?10800:05:34,180 - 00:05:36,450我知道是谁干的Well, I know who did it.10900:05:36,480 -

27、 00:05:38,880你什么You what?11000:05:38,920 - 00:05:40,650是安德鲁It was andrew.11100:05:43,220 - 00:05:45,720天哪Oh, God!11200:05:45,790 - 00:05:49,010他才16岁 我怕他会坐牢He was only 16. I was afraid he was gonna go to jail.11300:05:49,040 - 00:05:52,030所以雷克斯和我就决定把事情瞒下来so Rex and I just decided to cover it up.11400

28、:05:52,060 - 00:05:56,630真够糟的 太糟糕了Oh, this is-this is bad. This is really bad.11500:05:56,670 - 00:05:59,300我要吐了I need to go throw up a little.11600:05:59,340 - 00:06:03,200真抱歉 我应该早点告诉你I am so sorry. And I realize I shouldve told you sooner.11700:06:03,220 - 00:06:05,820不 不 不 你压根就不该告诉我No! No, no, no

29、, you shouldnt have told me at all!11800:06:05,900 - 00:06:08,740-什么 -现在我得告诉卡洛斯- What? - Now I have to tell Carlos,11900:06:08,740 - 00:06:10,030接着他会去要安德鲁的命and hes going to kill Andrew,12000:06:10,030 - 00:06:11,520结果他会落得进监狱and then hes going to have to go to prison,12100:06:11,520 - 00:06:13,670所以多亏了你 把我老公送进监狱So tha

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