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1、山东聊城莘县第二学期期中检测八年级英语试题2012-2013学年度山东聊城莘县第二学期期中检测八年级英语试题.听力部分:(共20分)(1)听句子选择相应的图片。听前你有5秒钟的时间阅读各小题,每个句子读两遍。(5分)1. A. B. C. 2.A.B. C. 3.A. 2 : 0 B. 2 : 1 C. 2 :24. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. (二.)听句子,选择最佳答语。听前你有5秒钟的时间阅读各小题,每个句子读两遍。(5分) 6.A.Me ,too . .B.Fine ,thank you . C. Twice a day. 7. A.That is all right .

2、B.That is wonderful! C. Dont be late again. 8. A. It is Sunday. B. I am from England C. I am 14 years old .9. A. It is rainy B. It will be cloudy . C. It snowed a lot.10. A. I am excited .B.I need your help . C. I am afraid not .(三.)听两段对话,选择最佳答案。听前你有10秒钟的时间阅读各小题,每段对话读两遍。(5分)听第一段对话回答11至12小题。11.What d

3、oes John want to do? A.He wants to buy a radio. .B. He wants to borrow a radio. C. He wants to listen to the radio.12.How long has Kevin had his radio ? A. For two weeks B. For two months C. For two years .听第二段对话回答13至15小题。13.What time must Julia get to the library? A.before 9:45am .B. At 10:00am. C.

4、before 10:15am.14.When will they visit Radio London? 2:00pm .B. At 3:00pm. C. At 4:00pm.15.Where will Jack and Julia meet this afternoon? A. In the library .B. On the playground.C. In their classroom . (四)听短文,选择每个问题的正确答案。短文读两遍。你将有10秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。16.How old is Tina ? A. 13 years old B. 14 years

5、old C. 15 years old 17.Who give Tina a computer as her birthday present ?A. Her father .B. Her mother . C. Her uncle 18.Where is the computer?A. In the living room .B. In Tina s bedroom. C. In Tina s parents bedroom .19.What did not Tina s father teach her to do on the Internet?A.To play games with

6、friends .B. To look for information. C. To watch movie.20. When did Tina receive Nancy s e-mail?A. Yesterday morning .B. Yesterday afternoon. C. This morning .2、单项选择(共15小题,计15分,每小题1分) 从每小题A、B、C、D中选、出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 21. This is _useful book. It mainly tell us how to be _honest person . ,a B.a,

7、a Ca , an ,an 22. 22. Thank you very much for helping me _ my study .23. A.with B.about C.of D.from23. You can join the English club . It is good _ to improve your English. A. practice B.shame C.solo D.chance.24. After we _ the team of Class Two , we _ the match.25., beat B.beat , won C.b

8、eat , win D.won ,beat.26. The teacher was very _ with me because I was late for class again.27. A.famous B.proud C.angry D. Busy28. We will have a final exam _ the end of this month.29. A. in B. on D. at 30. I think you should not watch _TV. It is bad for your eyes.31. A.many too B.too much C.t

9、oo many D. much too. 32. Anna refused _ to me because I made her unhappy this morning .33. talk B.talking C.talked talking.34. -Would you like to have _ apple ,Tina?. -No, thanks . I have had two. That is enough.A. other B.the other C.another D.others35. It is snowing outside. Dont _ your

10、coat, or you will catch a cold.36. A.fall off B.turn off C. get off D.take off 37. - Will you go to the concert this evening ? - If Jenny _ to the concert, I will go too.A.go B. goes C. to go D. will go38. - _ !David 。the bus is coming . -wait a minute . The traffic light are red now. A.Hurry up B.

11、Pick up C. Get up D. Take up 33.-You can use MSN to talk with Simon on the Internet . -I know . But can you tell me _ ?A.what I can use it I can use itC.why I can use it D. when I can use it 34. If you drive after drinking wine (酒), the police will _ you.35. A.prove B.agree D.punish36.

12、-Mike will go climbing tomorrow. - _ . It will be snowy tomorrow. A.Sounds terrible ! B. Dont mention it. C. Rather him than me . D. Me ,too.、阅读理解(共15小题,计30分) 阅读下列短文,然后从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 A. Cambridge Bookstore Big Sale ! Three Days Only ! Dictionaries -30 % off.( 减去扣掉的折扣)。Stories

13、 books -25 %b off .Comic books -40 % off . Magazines -50 % off .Other books -10 % off .Cards -$ 15 each ( buy two , get one free .)* Meet Mary Huang , writer of Computers and Life 11:30 am 1: 30 pm We are in A -73 in the fair .( )36. This is advertisement ( 广告 ) for a _

14、 37. How many days does the sale last ? A. 3 days B. 5 days C. 6 days D. 10 days . 38. The original ( 未来的 ) price of the comic book LOVE is $ 100 . How much will you spend if you buy one now ?.39. A.$ 100 B.$ 60 C.$ 50 D.$ 40.40. John got 6 cards here . How much did he spend ? _ A.$ 90 B.$ 15

15、 C.$ 120 D.$ 6041. What does Mary Huang do ?_ .42. A. She is a teacher B.she is a computer engineer C. She is a driver D.she is a salesperson (销售员)。 B . Dear Nancy, I am an outgoing boy . I had a group of good friends . I always did well in class and I was good at sports . Then a new boy called Alan

16、 came to our school . First he got a higher score than me on a test , then he joined the school score team . He is a good soccer player . Some students started to think he was better than me . I am really angry about it .what is worse, some of my best friends became his friends , What can I do ? Nic

17、k. Dear Nick, You are a very smart boy . But you can not be the best in everything .But if Alan is better than you .at some things. ,you should congratulate him and be happy for him . When your friends see that you can know your shortcoming ( 缺点 ), they will respect (尊重) you and still be your friend

18、s. . Good luck. Nancy. 阅读上面的两封信,选择正确的答案:43. 41. What is Nick s problem ? _ A. He is getting bad grades . B. He has a problem with his teacher . C. He doesn t know how to make friends . D. He wants to be as popular as before .42 .which sport is Alan good at ? A. Basketball . B. Soccer C. Tennis D. Ba

19、seball 43. We can know the new boy Alan is _ from the letter . A.serious B. shy C. smart D.selfish (自私的) 44.What is Nancy s advice ? _ A. She asks Nick to go to another school . B. She asks Nick to change his mind . C. She asks Nick to help Alan . D. She asks Nick to find new friends .45 . The under

20、lined word “ congratulate ”means “ _ ” in Chinese . A. 祝贺 B. 谴责 C. 讨伐 D. 关注 C. When you meet problems , whom will you ask for help ? Your parents , your teachers or your friends ? You d better tell others your bad feelings , and not face all the difficulties yourself . Remember that there is always

21、someone to help you . Be kind to yourself and ask for help . Name your feelings . For example , you may say “ I am so angry ! ”loudly when you feel angry . You can also do exercises , listen to music , write a diary , play with a pet , go for a walk or do whatever helps you change to a better feelin

22、g . Be calm . It is time for you to get down to business. You need to understand what the problem is , with the help of others . You must deal with ( 处理)the problems . If you work on it , you will find good ways to deal with it and you will become stronger after this experience . Unhappiness wont st

23、ay for a long time , so dont think problems will catch you all the time . Instead , you should always see the bright side . 46 . What should you do when you meet problems according to the writer ? _ A. Face difficulties by yourself . B. Ask someone for help . C. Ask others to deal with problems for

24、you . D. Feel unhappy and worried . 47 . The writer tells us the following ways to deal with a bad feeling EXCEPT _ . A.having a talk B.doing exercises C.listening to music . D.travelling 48. Why must you deal with problems according to the passage ?_ A. No wants to help you . B. You can have someth

25、ing to talk about . C. This will make you strong. D. Others belive you can make it .49. You should _ when you face difficulties . A.see the hope honest serious D.forget difficulties 50. What is the best title for the passage ? A. Good Ways to Deal with Problems B. How to Get Along with Oth

26、ers C. Good ways to help others D.Help from Others .五、综合填空:阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺意思完整 。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。共10分。food , why, other , healthy, same , bring , father ,parents, die, class Clavin is my classmate. I am proud of him because he is the best student in our 51 . . He is honest , good at all

27、kinds sports , and likes to help 52. . But he never shared with others his lunch before . Most students in our class like 53. lunch from home and even our teacher says home-made lunch is good in many ways . Students can ask their 54. To fill their lunch boxes with their favourite food , besides , ho

28、me-made lunch is cleaner and 55. than those ordered from outside the school . So we always exchange ( 交换 ) 56 with each other。 Some share their fried chicken and I share my fish . One day , I found out 57 . Calvin always was alone during the lunch time . His lunch box almost carries the 58 . food ev

29、eryday -some vegetables , fried eggs and ham . He told me his mother 59 two years ago. His lunch is made by his 60. , though ( 尽管) he is not a good cook . From then on I have shared with him my lunch box , and we are very good friends now. .情景交际(10分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A: Hi , Fangfang , you l

30、ooked worried . (61)_.B: I broke my brother s recorder .A: (62)_ .B: What should I do ?A: (63 )_B: he must be angry . He just bought the recorder last Sunday. A: (64)_B: I am not able to mend the recorder . A:(65)_B: Thats a good idea. I can use my pocket money .A. I am sorry to hear that . B. You are dishonest. C. You can mend it. D. You should tell your brother the truth.E. The recorder is not so good F. I think you should offer to pay.

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