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牛津苏教一上《Unit 7 Follow me》word教案5篇.docx

1、牛津苏教一上Unit 7 Follow meword教案5篇苏教牛津版二年级英语上册教案Unit 7 Follow me1. Teaching content Part A learn to sayPart B look and learn2. Teaching aims and demandsA. Knowledge objectswords:a mouth、a nose、 an ear、 an eyedrills:Touch your nose. Touch your eye.B. Ability objects(1)Can understand the words and drills(

2、2)Can say the words of facial features(3)Can follow the wordsC. Moral objectsTake care of their facial featuresTeaching stress(1) The pronunciation of the 3 skills words(2)The meaning of the words(3)The understanding of the drills4. Teaching difficulties(1) the pronunciation of “mouth”、“nose”(2)Unde

3、rstand the words “touch” and can do the actions according to the orders5. Teaching aids Word-cards、 television、computer、pictures6. Teaching stepsStep 1 Warming up1. T: Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang T: Whats this?Sa: Its a pencil.T: Whats this?Sb: Its a pencil-box.T: Whats that?Sc:

4、Its a book.T: Whats this? (Show them a picture of a cow.)Sd: Its a cow.T: Whats this? (Show them a picture of a pig.)Se: Its a pig.(Show them a picture of a cat.)Sf: Its a cat. (Show them a picture of a duck.)Sg: Its a duck.2. T: Good! Lets say the rhyme I am a cow Step 2 Presentation1.T:Look at my

5、picture. What is this? If you dont know, you can say “Whats this?” to ask me. (出示猫眼睛的图片。)SA: Whats this?T: Its an eye. /ai/-/ai/-eye-an eye; eye, eye, 睁睁大。(Say it together.)Now,follow me, touch your eye.(Ask students to do it, not to speak after teacher.)2. T: Good! And now look at my picture again.

6、 Whats this? If you dont know, you can ask me. (出示猫的鼻子。) Sb: Whats this? T: Its a nose. /eu/-/eu/-nosea nose; nose, nose,闻一闻。(Say it together.) Now,follow me, touch your nose.(Ask students to do it, not to speak after teacher.)3. T: Look at my picture again. Whats this? If you dont know, you can ask

7、 me. (出示猫的嘴巴) Sc: Whats this? T: Its a mouth./-/-moutha mouth; Mouth, mouth, 说话巧。(Say it together.) Now,follow me, touch your nose.(Ask students to do it, not to speak after teacher.)T: Can you guess what it is?Sa: Its a pig.Sb: Its a dog.Sc: Its a rabbit.Sd: Its a cat.T: A cat? Is it a cat? Now let

8、s look at its ear, and check it.(Show them the picture.)4. T: Good! Its a cat. Look at an ear. Its an ear./ie/-/ie/-eara ear; ear, ear, 竖竖长。(Say it together.)Now,follow me, touch your ear.(Ask students to do it, not to speak after teacher.)T: Lets do them together! Are you ready?Ss: Yes!T: Follow me

9、! Touch your eye; eye, eye, 睁睁大。 Touch your nose; nose, nose, 闻一闻。 Touch your mouth; mouth, mouth, 说话巧。 Touch your ear; ear, ear, 竖竖长。Step 3 Practice1. Game 1Follow me and do it.Play the tape and ask the students to do with the music. (2 times)2.Game 2-贴人像(1)在黑板上贴好一个人偶的脸,只有一点头发和一半的器官。请同学来念单词,念的好的,将卡

10、片发给学生,请他们上讲台来将卡片贴在小脸的相应位置。an ear, a mouth, an eye, a nose (2)T: Lets check it. Is this an ear?Ss: Yes, it is.T: Ok, touch your ear. (3) The same way to check answers. (a mouth, an eye, a nose) (4) 发小信封给学生,让学生分组来动手完成。 信封中有:人物的头,圆形的眼睛、鼻子、耳朵、嘴巴。 Step 4 ConsolidationT: Good! Lets do some drawing. 发下去小纸。

11、让学生画相应的器官。化的时候按照老师讲解的顺序一个一个的画。 a mouth, a nose, an eye, an earStep 5 Homework1. Listen to the tape and read the text from page 30 to 31 for 10 times.2. Point to the facial features to their parents and let them follow you.Unit 7 Follow me第三课时一、教学内容Page 33 D. Play a game二、教学目标1、 继续巩固,能听懂、会说book、bag、p

12、encil和pencil box的单数形式,发音准确。2、能使用学过的英语与他人做简单交流。三、教学重难点能使用学过的英语与他人做简单交流。四、教学过程A. Review(1)齐读B部分。(2)分角色朗读A部分对话,之后请同桌合作,结合B部分的图片,运用Touch your进行练习,并选3-4组集体交流。(3)齐读C部分,请学生个别表演。BPlay a game(1)教师在黑板上画一张脸的轮廓。(2)教师发命令,请2-4个学生戴上眼罩在黑板上画出相关的部位,边画边说。(3)由学生轮流发指令,其他学生画出五官。(4)请2-3个小组轮流进行,并评出最有趣的“脸”。D. Assign homewor

13、k(1)听读A. Learn to say 和B. Look and learn各五遍。(2)和父母一起玩游戏。(3)请家长帮忙,利用各种方法,学习1-2个其它身体部位的英语单词。教后反思:(1)一年级的活动热情是大大出乎我意料的,在分组画时,活动秩序有点乱,个别小组影响了其他小组的活动,严格调控好活动秩序很重要,以后要多加强管理。 (2)作业(3)目的在于充分调动学生学习英语的主观能动性,在家长们的帮助下,自己去主动获取课外的英语知识,一来可以有效拓展学生的英语知识面,二来可以在主动获取的过程中体验学习的乐趣,以培养学生学习英语的积极性。 Unit 7 Follow me第四课时一、教学内容

14、练习Page 1921 A、B、C部分二、教学目标1、完成本单元练习。2、巩固单词本单元所学的单词和句型。三、教学重难点能运用本单元所学进行简单的会话。四、教学过程A、Practice(1)听录音完成Page19-21的练习。B、I am a teacher 请学生当小老师,将自己在课外学习的其他身体部位的单词用This is a的句型介绍给其他同学听,教师将相关单词写上黑板,通过朗读适时指导朗读,加以巩固。C. Assign homework(1)将本单元的A、B部分朗读给家长听。(2)将本节课扩充的新单词说给家长听。 教后反思: 我来当小老师的教学环节效果不错,学生不但兴趣很高,急于要把自

15、己在课外学到的要教给班级里的同学,就连平时几个不怎么发言的同学也举手了,以后要鼓励多进行这样的作业练习。苏教牛津版一年级上册英语Unit 7 Follow meThefourthperiod(第四课时)一、 新授内容(newcontents):Sentences:EverydayEnglishGreenhand. Enjoyyourself!二、教学目标:能听懂、会说、Greenhand. Enjoyyourself!语音语调正确。三、教学准备:多媒体光盘四、教学过程: Step 1. Freetalk.T:Classbegins.Ss:Standup.T:Goodmorning,boysan

16、dgirls.Ss: Goodmorning,MissZhang.T:Howare you?Ss:Fine,thankyou.T:Sitdown,please.Ss:Thankyou.Step 2. EnjoyasongSorry,wearelate.Step 3.Revision.1.Maththewordcardswiththepicturecard.2.Lookandsay.Step 4. Presentation1.Lookatthepicturestopresentthesentences.2.Letthestudentslistentothetape.3.Read thesente

17、ncesonebyone.Step 5.Practice.Practiseinpairs.Highandlowvoicegame.Step 6.Homework.Listentothetapeandrepeatforseveraltimes.Thefifthperiod(第五课时)一、 新授内容(newcontents):Learnasong.Sorry,wearelate二、教学目标:让学生能较为熟练地演唱这首Sorry,wearelate的歌曲。三、教学准备:多媒体光盘四、教学过程: Step 1. Freetalk.T:Classbegins.Ss:Standup.T:Goodmorni

18、ng,boysandgirls.Ss: Goodmorning,MissZhang.T:Howare you?Ss:Fine,thankyou.T:Sitdown,please.Ss:Thankyou.Step 2. Revision.1. Magiceyes.2. Listenanddo.3. Doandsay:ThisismyStep 3. PresentationTeachthesong.1.Learntosingthesong.2.Listentothetapeandtrytosing.3.Havethempracticeingroupoffour.4.Selectsomepairst

19、oactout.Step 4.Consolidation.Singthesongtogether.Dotheexercisesonworkbook.Step 5.Homework.1.听唱歌曲5遍。2.Conversethewholeunit.苏教牛津版一年级上册英语Unit 7 Follow meThesecondperiod(第二课时):一、 新授内容(newcontents):1. Sayarhyme: Followme.Handsup!Handsdown!Followme,Andturnaround.2. Playagame. Aneye.二、教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说歌谣Follo

20、wme。2. 通过游戏激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生形成正确的语音语调。三、教学准备:多媒体 图片四、教学过程:Step 1. Preparation1. Greetings.2. SingasongStep 2. Revision.1. Listenanddo.Touchyourmouth/nose2. AskthestudentstointroducetheirfeaturesinEnglish.Step 3.Presentation.1. Openthebookthendiscussthepicture.2. Readtherhymeslowly.Showapictureof“Hands

21、up”.Thenaskstudentstoread.Readaftertheteacher.Thesamewaytoteach“Handsdown.”and“Turnaround.”Step 4.Practice.1. Listentothetapeandtrytorepeat2. Listenanddo.Step 5.Consolidation.1. Practiceinpairs.2. Actout.Step 6.Homework .苏教牛津版一年级上册英语Unit 7 Follow meThethirdperiod(第三课时)一、 新授内容(newcontents):1.Words:Lo

22、okandlearn: facehairbrowhand2.Sentences: Learntosay:Thisismy二、教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、初步认读facehairbrowhand。2.能听懂、会说句型Thisismy三、教学准备:多媒体光盘图片四、教学过程Step 1.Preparation1.Greetings.2.Freetalk.3.Listenanddo.Step 2. Revision.SayarhymeFollowmeStep 3. Presentation.1.Showpicturesoftheitemstothestudents.Askthemtolookatth

23、epictureandtry tosaysomething.2.Presentthenewwordsbyusingthepictureandwordcards.3.PlacethewordcardsunderthecorrectpicturesThenremovethepicturesandreadthewordswiththewholeclass.4.Presentthesentence.ThisismyStep 4.Practice.1.Listentothetapeandrepeat.2.Practiseinpairs.3.Whisperandguess.Step 5.Consolidation.1.Playgames.2.Sayanddo.Step 6.Homework.1.Listenandrepeatthewordsandsentencesforseveraltimes.2.Saythemtotheirparents.Step 7.Homework Read text and learn words

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