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高中英语 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits the 2ed Period教案 外研版必修2.docx

1、高中英语 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits the 2ed Period教案 外研版必修2Period 2Vocabulary and Reading 整体设计教材分析The reading passage, consisting of two parts, tells us something about the living style of a school boy, Zhou Kai. In the reading of the two passages, students will learn quite a few words about h

2、ealth. Besides, several exercises related to the reading contents as well as vocabulary are designed. By completing the exercises, students will surely be able to have a better understanding of the reading passage. This section is actually intended to train the students reading skills, which are ver

3、y important for senior students. To motivate the students enthusiasm in taking part in the classroom activities, the teacher can organize a group competition to decide which group will do the best in completing the tasks. 三维目标1. 知识与技能1)Make students master some words, phrases and sentence patterns.W

4、ords: anxious, captain, injure, injury, pain, painful, normal, lifestyle, head, eye. . .Phrases: without a jacket on, catch a bad cold, at least, make sure, take a lot of exercise, crazy about. . .Sentence patterns: Id rather eat a nice piece of fruit. (would rather do)But thats because I was stupid

5、 enough to play football in the rain. (That is because. . . )Im captain of the class team at school and Im also a member of the Senior High team. (captain)Because of this, I make sure that I have a good diet. . . (because of)2)Encourage students to participate in class actively.3)Get students to kno

6、w the importance of the healthy habits.4)Help students to improve their reading ability.2. 过程与方法1)Train students speaking ability through individual and pair work.2)Explanations to help students to make sense of the passage better.3)Discussion to help students prepare for reading3. 情感与价值This section

7、 provides an opportunity for students to learn some vocabulary about health. Meanwhile, they can know more about healthy habits and thus try to form healthy habits in their real life. 教学重点1. Encourage students to talk about health.2. Train students speaking ability.3. Train students analyzing and co

8、mprehending abilities by reading a passage. 教学难点1. How to help students improve their reading ability.2. How to help students make sense of the passage.3. Lead students to talk in class actively. 教学过程Step 1 Vocabulary 1. Completing the task in Activity 11)Read through the words in Activity 1 and hav

9、e the students listen and follow. Then read them again and have students repeat them after you. All multi-syllable words have the stress on the first syllable.2)Make sure they understand the meaning of the words either by whole class elicitation, or dictionary use.3)Ask them to complete the task ind

10、ividually and then check with a partner.Suggested answers to activity 1: 1 sweets2 break (an arm), fever, injure, injury, pain, painful 3 normal4 captain5 anxious2. Pair work to talk about a picture. They should try to use the words in activity 1.You can show the following picture to students throug

11、h multimedia.They can begin like this: A: Whats the matter with the girl? B: I think she broke his right leg.A: How? B: . . . Step 2 Reading There are two options to choose from.Option 11. Zhou Kai (1).1)Show the following picture on the screen and ask students to guess the characters of the boy.2)A

12、sk students to read Zhou Kai (1)and try to answer the following questions individually. They can then check with a partner. Finally, you may collect the answers, having one student read a question and another answer it.(Show the following on the screen. ) 1 Why is Zhou Kais mother anxious?2 What doe

13、s she think will happen?3 What does she ask him to do? Suggested answers:1 Because he is going out to play football in the rain (without a jacket).2 She thinks he will catch a bad cold (get ill).3 She asks him to at least wear a jacket. 3)The teacher provides the following words and phrases and enco

14、urages students to complete three sentences according to the contents of the passage. You may write the following words on the blackboard: anxious, fever, catch a bad cold, get ones jacket.4)The students are required to draw a flow chart to show the process of his catching the cold. The following is

15、 a sample.go out in the rainplay footballwet all the time2 Zhou Kai (2)1)Fast readingYou can ask students to skim the passage and try to answer the following questions: (Show the following on the screen. ) 1)How are Passages 1 and 2 connected?2)Does Zhou Kai have a healthy lifestyle, in your opinion

16、? Write three or four sentences saying why or why not. Suggested answers: 1)They are connected because they both talk about the way Zhou Kais mother looks after him, and because they both mention that he got ill through playing football in the rain. 2)Open. Possible answer:Yes, Zhou Kai has a health

17、y lifestyle because his mother gives him lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. He eats fish, not fatty meat or sugar and sweets. He also exercises regularly, playing a lot of football. 2)DiscussionAsk students to spot the topic sentence of each paragraph. They may check first with a partner and then w

18、ith the whole class.Suggested answers:The first sentence: My mother has always made sure we eat very healthily, and fresh fruit and vegetables are a very important part of our diet.The second sentence: Im quite healthy.The third sentence: But theres one thing I really loveIm crazy about football. 3)

19、ScanningStudents are encouraged to read the passage and choose the correct answers to the following questions.(Show the following exercise on the screen. ) 1 Zhou Kais family _.(a)avoid eating too much fat or sugar(b)eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and meat2 Zhou Kai _.(a)sometimes gets colds and flu

20、(b)seldom gets cold or flu3 A week ago, Zhou Kai _.(a)caught a cold(b)injured his arm4 Two years ago, Zhou Kai _while playing football.(a)hurt his leg(b)hurt his arm 5 Zhou Kai describes himself as _.(a)crazy(b)someone who loves footballSuggested answers: 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 b4)Activity 5As this activ

21、ity is quite simple, it is suggested that students finish it individually and then check with a partner.Suggested answers:1 broken2 cold3 diets4 injury5 Flu (Influenza)6 healthyOption 21. Join the two passages up and ask a student to read the passages aloud to the whole class. 2. Other students are

22、asked to speak out the important words and phrases heard in this module such as “anxious”“fever”“catch a cold”, etc.3. The teacher may encourage students to read the passages quickly and then come up with the main idea of the passage.4. Students work in groups or in pairs to describe Zhou Kai using

23、the following words: anxious, play in the rain, catch a bad cold, sweets, have a good diet, not have a sweet teeth, fresh fruit and vegetables, crazy about football. . . If necessary, they may add some more words. Step 3 Related Language Points1. When Zhou Kais mother saw him heading towards the fro

24、nt door without a jacket on. . . 当周凯的妈妈看见他没穿夹克衫就朝门外走去时1)head vi. 朝方向前进; 领导; 排在前面。例如: The bus headed to the south. 公共汽车朝南方开去。Where are you heading for? 你往哪儿去? head n. 头脑; 才智; 首脑head 的相关短语:at the head of 在的最前头/率领 have a good head over ones shoulders 头脑好,有才干; 精明 hold ones head high 昂首挺胸 keep ones head

25、保持冷静; 不慌不忙 off/out of ones head 发狂的 have an old head on ones shoulders 少年老成2)without a jacket on 为without + 复合结构,用法与with+复合结构相同,在句中作状语。Hong Kong looks more beautiful with thousands of lights on at night.夜晚的香港万盏灯火,分外美丽。with 复合结构:(1)构成形式:with +宾语+宾补。宾语由代词、名词、名词词组充当; 宾补由分词、不定式、形容词、副词、介词短语、名词等充当。(2)在wit

26、h复合结构中,宾语和宾补之间形成逻辑上的主谓关系。当这种关系表现为主动语态时,用现在分词; 当这种关系表现为被动语态时,用过去分词; 当这种主谓关系表示将来意义时,用不定式; 当这种关系表示伴随意义时,用现在分词或副词。With the door open, they left the classroom. 他们离开教室,门还开着。The woman with a baby in her arm is my sister. 抱孩子的那个妇女是我姐姐。With nothing to do, he went out for a walk. 由于没有什么事情可做,他便到外边去散步。及时反馈: 1)I

27、n the reading room, we found her _at a desk, with her attention on a book.A. sitting; fixingB. to sit; fixedC. seating; fixingD. seated; fixed答案: Dseat 意为“使坐下”,宾语为人,此处应用被动式,也可用sitting。第二空含有词组fix ones attention on/upon,因此fix 用过去分词表示被动。2)I watched her get smaller and smaller, then turned and _shore.A.

28、 came upB. headed forC. went intoD. ran for答案: Bcame up 表示“走过来”,后须接介词towards/for; go into表示“进入”; head for 可作“向走去”解释。2. . . . she eyed him anxiously. 她担心地盯着他。eye v. &n.1)eye 在句中用作动词,意思是“看,注视”。He eyed her up and down. 他上上下下得打量她。2)作名词时,表示身体的一部分用复数,但如表示视力、观察力、注意力或眼睛的某种表情、样子等抽象意义时用单数。Her eyes were dimmed

29、 with tears. 泪水模糊了她的双眼。Nothing escaped his eye. 他能洞察一切。拓展: eye 的相关短语 an eye for an eye 以眼还眼,以牙还牙 in the eyes of sb. /in sb. s eye 从的眼光来看/依照某人的看法 catch ones eye 吸引某人的注意 keep an eye on 照料某人/某物 have an eye for 能欣赏 keep an eye out for 留心/注意某人/某物shut/close ones eyes to 视而不见/闭目不见 look a person in the eye(

30、s) 正面盯着看3. Zhou Kai went and did as he was told. 周凯走了,并按照告诉他的做了。as conj. 如同; 按照(引导方式状语从句)You should do as the teacher tells you to. 你应该按照老师告诉你的去做。When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。Leave the table as it is. 那桌子就这样吧。拓展: 1)as 作连词还可以引导时间状语从句、原因状语从句、让步状语从句和比较状语从句。让学生辨别下面各句中as引导的从句类型。As he sang, the

31、 tears ran down her cheeks. 他一边唱歌一边流泪。As time went on, what our teacher said proved right.随着时间的推移,证明我们老师说过的话是对的。I must stop writing now, as I have a lot of work to do. 我必须停笔了,因为我还有很多工作要做。Much as I liked the coat, I cant afford it. 尽管我很喜欢这件外套,但我买不起。2)as 用作副词,修饰形容词、副词。He can spend as much as 200 dollars a month. 他每月花费高达200美金。3)as 用作介词,作“例如”讲,相当于for instance; 作“如同”讲,相当于like; 还可作“作为”讲。As students, we should study hard. 作为学生,我们应该好好学习。及时反馈: _, Rome was not built in a day.So you m

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