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1、简单英文故事34.Belling the Cat(把鈴掛在貓身上)Once some mice were living in a farmhouse. They all met together and talked about the cat in the farmhouse. “We can not stay here long with that cat near us. She has eaten many of us. How can we keep her from killing us?” said one old mouse. One proud young mouse sai

2、d, “I have a good idea. We never hear her when she comes. What do you say to hang a bell around her neck? Then we can hear her when she is coming.” “That is a splendid idea. Let us tie a bell around her neck. Now we can run away before she catches us,” said another. Just then the old mouse stood up

3、and said, “Your plan is very fine, but who can hang a bell around the cats neck?” All the young mice were silent, and only looked at one another.35.The Bear and the Two Travelers(熊和兩個旅客)Two men were traveling together through the wood. Then a dig bear suddenly appeared before them. One of them climb

4、ed up quickly into a tree and hid himself in the branches. The other wanted to climb up another tree, but there was no time to do so. The bear was just near him. So he fell flat on the ground and pretended that he was dead, for he knew that a bear will not touch a dead body. The big bear came up to

5、him, and smelled him all over. He lay as still as he could, held his breath and pretended to be dead. The bear examined him closely and walked slowly away. When the bear had gone, the traveler in the tree came down, and said, “The bear looked as if he were talking to you. What did he whisper in your

6、 ears? He replied, He gave me this advice: Never trust a friend who deserts you in time of need!36.The Stag at the Lake(在湖邊的雄鹿)One hot day a stag came to a lake to drink, and saw his own shadow in the water. How beautiful my antlers are! But Im very sorry my legs are very thin and ugly, said he to h

7、imself. Just then he saw a lion coming toward him. He ran away as fast as fast as he could, and the lion could not catch him. Oh, how thankful I am for my good, long legs ! These legs have saved my life, he said. But when he came to a thick wood, his antlers caught in the branches of a tree. He trie

8、d to free himself from the branches, but he could not. At last the lion found the stag and caught him, and killed him.37.The Father and His Sons(父親和他的兒子們)A father had three sons, but the brothers were always quarreling. Their father tried to make them good fiends, and called all his sons to him. He

9、showed them three sticks and said, “I want to talk to you. Take these sticks and tie them together. Then try to break the bundle of sticks.” The oldest son tried with all his strength but he could not break it. Then the other two did the same, but neither of them could break it. “Now,” said the fath

10、er, “untie the bundle and each of you take one stick and try to break it.” Either of them could break the stick easily. Then the father said, “My sons, when the sticks are bound together, it is very strong, and you cannot break it. But when they are united, you can break each stick easily. When you

11、work together and help one another, you can become as strong as the bundle. But if you only quarrel and do not stand together, you will be broken as easily as these sticks.”38.The Farmer and the Snake(農夫和蛇)One cold day in winter a farmer was working in his fields. Then he found a snake. It was stiff

12、 and nearly dead with cold. He said, “oh, poor thing! Ill take it home.” At once he laid it near the fire, and got it warm. But as it grew warm and felt pleasant, it raised its head, sprang at the farmer and tried to bite the kind man. “You ungrateful creature!” said the farmer. “I cant keep you ali

13、ve.” So saying, he killed the snake with a stick.39.The Ass in the Lions Skin(披著獅皮的驢)Once an ass found a lions skin on the road. He was very glad to get the skin. At once he put it on. He said to himself, “now can go anywhere in the forest. I am the king of beasts. Well, I will frighten the timid an

14、imals.” He was very proud of the skin, and went into the forest. Soon he met hares. When they saw his face, they were all frightened and ran away. Then he met a goat. She was frightened, too, and went away. At last he met a fox. He tried to frighten the fox and cried out in a loud voice. But the wis

15、e fox said to him, “oh, you are not a real lion. You are an ass. You are braying, and not roaring. If you keep silent, you will frighten me. But I know you by your voice.” Soon after that the owner of the skin caught the ass, and killed him.40.The Birds, the Beasts and the Bat(鳥、野獸和蝙蝠)There was once

16、 a great battle between the birds and the beasts. The beasts won the battle. On their way home, one of the beasts met a bat. “oh, you are a bird. Ill eat you “up,” said the beast. “no, no, ”said the bat. “I am not a bird. I am a mouse. Look at the fur all over my body, and at my mouth with its sharp

17、 teeth,” and the bat safely ran away. A few days later there was a second battle. This time the birds won. When one of the birds found the bat, he said, “you are a mouse. I must kill you.” “no, no,” said the bat. “I am not a mouse. I am a bird. Look at my wings. After several battles between the bir

18、ds and the beasts, they were friends again. But they could not trust the bat. And the bat had to hide in dark places in the daytime. This is why a bat flies about only at night.41.The North Wind and the Sun(北風和太陽)One day in winter, the cold north wind was blowing hard. Then the sun began to shine fr

19、om among the clouds. The north wind said to the sun, “I am very strong. I am stronger than you. I am the strongest in the world.” The sun said, “No, no. You are not so strong as I.” “Well, Ill show you how strong I am,” said the north wind. Just then a traveler came along. He had a thick cloak on. “

20、I can make that man take off his cloak,” said the north wind. And he blew and blew. But the traveler held his cloak closely about him. Then the sun said, “Now Ill try.” The sun began to shine upon him. It became warmer and warmer. The traveler said, “How warm it is!” and took off his cloak. “Now you

21、 see I am stronger than you, Mr. North Wind,” said the sun.42.The Fox and the Crane(狐狸和鶴)One day a fox met a crane in the plain. The fox said to the crane, “Hello, dear Crane! Will you come to dine with me?” And the crane said, “Oh, thank you, I will.” The crane went to his house. When the crane sat

22、 at table, she found only a very shallow dish before her. There was some soup in the dish. The fox began to eat the soup easily. The crane tried to eat it, but she could only wet the tip of her long bill, and she had to leave most of it. Then the fox said to the crane, “Im very sorry. You dont like

23、soup, do you?” But the crane said to the fox, “Thank you for your nice soup,” and went home. A few days later the crane invited the fox to dinner. When they sat at table, two long-necked jars were put before them. In the jars was some meat. The crane enjoyed the meat, but the fox could not reach it,

24、 for the mouth of the jar was very narrow. The fox could only lick the mouth of the jar. The fox was much ashamed of his own folly, and hurried back to his house.43.A Clever Dog(一隻聰明的狗)Mrs. Hellen had a very clever dog named Black. He often helped her by going to buy bread. One morning she gave him

25、a basket with twenty cents in it and told him to go to the bakery and get two loaves of bread. He took the basket in his mouth and trotted down the street to the bakery. The baker wanted to tease Black. So he took the money and put it into the drawer, but he did not give him any bread. Black put dow

26、n the basket and began to bark. The baker laughed and patted him on the dead. He said, “Youre a good dog.” He took two loaves of bread and put them into the basket. Black wagged his tail, picked up his basket and started for home. He walked proudly down the street. He carried the basket in his mouth

27、. Everybody looked at him and smiled.44.Piccola(畢可拉)Once there lived in France a little girl. Her name was Piccola. Her father was dead and her mother was very, very poor. On Christmas eve Piccola said to her mother, “will Santa Claus come to our house tonight?” her mother looked very sad and shook

28、her head. At bedtime Piccola pulled off her little wooden shoes and put them on the floor near the chimney she said to her mother, “perhaps Santa Claus will come.” In the night a little bird with a broken wing fell down the chimney and hopped into one of the shoes. Very early in the morning Piccola

29、woke up. She jumped out of bed and ran to look into her shoes. There she saw the little bird in one of her shoes. She picked u the shoe and ran to show her Christmas present to her mother, and, “ Santa Claus did not forget me.”45.Grace Darling(葛瑞絲達玲)One September morning there was a storm at sea and

30、 a ship was driven on a rock. It was broken in two by the waves and half of it was washed away. Some of the sailors clung to the other half. There was a lighthouse. On an island not far away grace darling and her father lived in the lighthouse. They saw the poor sailors clinging to the wreck. Grace

31、said to her father, “we must try to save those men.” “it is on use, ”said her father. “We cannot reach them.” Grace was not willing to give up. So she and her father started in a heavy rowboat. Grace pulled one oar and her father pulled the other, it was hard to row against the big waves. At last th

32、ey reached the wreck and took the poor sailors into their boat. They rowed back to the lighthouse with them and gave them warm food and dry clothes. In a few days the storm was over and the sailors want to their homes. They felt very grateful to Grace Darling and her father.46.Pandora(潘多娜)Long, long ago the people lied very happily in the beautiful world, and nobody was ever sick. At that time there was a beautiful little girl named Pandora. One day a fairy gave her a wonderful box. It was tied with a golden cord and the fairy made her promise not to open it. Pandora and her little f

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