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1、英语九年级上册英语阅读理解真题汇编含答案及解析(英语)九年级上册英语阅读理解真题汇编(含答案)及解析一、阅读理解1阅读理解 Radio and television are very popular in the world today. Millions of people watch TV. Perhaps more people listen to the radio. The TV, of course, is more useful than the radio. On TV you can see and hear what is happening in the world. N

2、ow the radio is not disappearing. Its still with us. And the number of listeners is becoming larger. One reason for this is the invention of the transistor(晶体管)radio. The transistor radio is sometimes very small. It is very easy to carry. You can put one in your pocket and listen to it on the bus wh

3、en you go to work. It is better for blind people. Many old people dont have good sight(视力)to watch TV. When people are working,they cant watch TV but they can listen to music or news over the radio. Whats more,the radio is much cheaper than the TV. (1)After the television was invented,people _.

4、ink it is unnecessary to use the radioB.dont want to use the radio any moreC.are still using the radioD.find the radio is disappearing(2)One of the reasons for the larger number of listeners of the radio is that _. A.the TV was inventedB.the transistor radio was inventedC.people dont like watching T

5、VD.millions of people watch TV(3)_ listen to the radio more because their sight isnt good enough. A.ChildrenB.Young peopleC.Old peopleD.Adults(4)Usually _ can be used easily while people are moving or working. A.the radioB.the TVC.both the TV and the radioD.neither the radio nor the TV【答案】 (1)C(2)B(

6、3)C(4)A 【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述收音机和电视机在世界上的很受欢迎,电视与收音机比,电视更有用,然而收音机由于体积小便宜,便于携带,听众也越来越多,深受老年人喜爱。 (1)细节题。根据Perhaps more people listen to the radio.可知,电视发明后,人们依然使用收音机,故选C。 (2)细节题。根据One reason for this is the invention of the transistor(晶体管)radio. 可知,收音机听众的数量更多其中一个原因是晶体管收音机被发明,故选B。 (3)推断题。根据 Many old people do

7、nt have good sight(视力)to watch TV.可知,老年人由于视力不好听广播的人更多,故选C。 (4)细节题。根据When people are working,they cant watch TV but they can listen to music or news over the radio.可知,通常人们移动或者工作时可以听收音机,故选A。 【点评】考查阅读理解。细节题和推断题是阅读理解题中常考题型。细节题需要从文中寻找答案;推断题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息。2阅读理解 An eighty-year-old couple were having trou

8、ble with their memories. One day, they decided to see a doctor. The doctor told them that there was nothing serious, but he suggested that they should start writing things down to help them remember things. The couple thanked the doctor and left. Later that night while watching TV, the old man got u

9、p from his chair and his wife asked, Where are you going? To the kitchen. Will you get me an ice cream? asked the wife. Sure. Then his wife asked him to write it down. No, I can remember that, replied the husband. Well, I also want some strawberries and cream on top. Youd better write it down, or yo

10、u will forget that, said the wife. No, I can remember that, the husband got a little unhappy and went into the kitchen. After about 20 minutes, the husband returned with a plate of fish. The wife laughed, Haha! Your bad memory! I wanted some bread with cream.(1)How old was the wife? A.Eight.B.Eighte

11、en.C.Eighty.D.Eighties.(2)Why did the couple go to the doctor? A.Because they had a headache.B.Because they had bad memories.C.Because the doctor was their son.D.Because the old man was ill.(3)What did the husband give to the wife? A.An ice cream.B.Some strawberries and cream.C.Some bread with cream

12、.D.Some fish.(4)What did the wife really want? A.Some bread with cream.B.An ice cream with some strawberries and cream.C.A plate of fish.D.Some strawberries and cream.【答案】 (1)C(2)B(3)D(4)B 【解析】【分析】文章大意:一对老夫妇记忆力出现了问题,去看医生,医生说没有什么大碍,然他们把想做的事记下来便于他们记忆,一天骑在让丈夫拿东西,妻子让他记下来,他说他记住了,可是拿来的不是妻子想要的。 (1)细节理解题,根据

13、 An eighty-year-old couple were having trouble with their memories. 可知他们已经八十了,故答案是C。 (2)细节理解题,根据 An eighty-year-old couple were having trouble with their memories. 可知他们去看医生是因为他们的记忆出现了问题,故答案是B。 (3)细节理解题,根据 After about 20 minutes, the husband returned with a plate of fish. 可知,丈夫给他妻子拿来的是鱼,故答案是D。 (4)细节理

14、解题,根据 Will you get me an ice cream? I also want some strawberries and cream on top. 可知吗,妻子要的是带有草莓和奶油的冰淇淋,故答案是B。 【点评】考查阅读理解,本文涉及到了细节理解题,细节理解题比较简单,一般可以直接在文中找到答案。3阅读理解 I felt very sad not to be able to get the ticket to the film Titanic last Friday. I learned in the newspaper that tickets could be boug

15、ht at the cinema box office in Richland Hills every day between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Because I work from 9:00 5:30 p.m., the only time I could go to the cinema was during my 45-minute lunch time. It is a pity that the cinema is on the other side of the town, and the bus service between my

16、 office and Richland Hills is not very good. But if you are lucky, you can make the round(往返)trip in 45 minutes. Last Monday I stood at the bus stop for fifteen minutes, waiting for a bus. By the time I saw one coming around the corner, there was not enough time left to make the trip-so I had to go

17、back to the office. The same thing happened on Wednesday. On Thursday my luck changed, I got on a bus right away and arrived at the cinema in twenty minutes. But when I got there, I found a long line of people at the box office. I heard one man say he had been waiting in line for fifty-five minutes.

18、 I found that I would not have enough time to wait in line. I caught the next bus and went back across the town. Then on Friday I understood my only hope was to make the trip by car. It was not cheap, but I felt it would be worthwhile to see the film. The trip by car only took 10 minutes, but it fel

19、t like one hour to me. When I reached the cinema, I was delighted to see that nobody was waiting in line. But I quickly found out that it was because they had already sold out all the tickets.(1)It seems that the writer of the story works . a small Richland HillsC.on a farm near the to

20、 a bus service centre(2)The writer tried to go to the cinema to buy a ticket, but he really go there . A.five timesB.four timesC.three timesD.twice(3)The underlined word delighted means . A.sureB.sorryC.surprisedD.pleased(4)Whats the best title for the story? A.How to get a ticketB.Tickets sol

21、d outC.A wonderful filmD.The way to the cinema【答案】 (1)A(2)D(3)D(4)B 【解析】【分析】主要讲了作者坐公交车去城镇买电影票时发现票已经全部卖完。 (1)细节题。根据It is a pity that the cinema is on the other side of the town可知遗憾的是电影院在城镇的另一边,所以作者在一个小城镇工作,故选A。 (2)细节题。根据The same thing happened on Wednesday. On Thursday my luck changed, I got on a bus

22、 right away and arrived at the cinema in twenty minutes.星期三也发生了同样的事情。星期四我的运气变了,我马上上了公共汽车,二十分钟后到了电影院,所以作者去了两次,故选D。 (3)推断题。根据nobody was waiting in line可知没人排队买票,所以作者是高兴的,delighted意思是高兴的,即pleased,故选D。 (4)主旨题。根据全文可知主要讲了作者坐公交车去城镇买电影票时发现票已经全部卖完,故选B。 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题、推断题和主旨题三种常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;推断题需要联系上下文

23、,推断出需要的信息;主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。4阅读理解 In ancient China, a woman told the best stories. She married an emperor(皇帝).Sadly, one day, this woman became ill and died. Everyone thought the emperor would soon find another favourite among his wives, but the emperor was very sad. He spent more and more time

24、 in his garden, and less and less time caring for the needs of his people. Everyone in the kingdom was worried. One day, a priest(牧师)passed when some children were playing with their dolls. The dolls made dancing shadows on the wall. This gave the priest an idea. He knew the stories the emperors wif

25、e used to tell. What if he could bring those stories to life? The priest made a puppet(木偶)out of bits of clay(黏土).He painted the puppet to look somewhat like the emperors wife. When the puppet was finished, the priest silently walked into the emperors garden, carrying his puppet, a candle and a curt

26、ain. He placed the curtain near the emperors chair. He placed his candle, his puppet and himself behind the curtain. He waited for the emperor to appear. The emperor did not even notice the curtain at first. The dancing shadow drew his eyes. As the priest moved the puppet behind the curtain, he told

27、 wonderful stories as the emperors wife. It seemed as if his wife had been spending time with him. The emperor was no longer sad. At the end of each busy day, the emperor went into his garden to visit his shadow wife and hear her stories once again. That is how shadow puppets first began.(1)Why did

28、everyone in the kingdom feel worried? A.Because the emperor was too sad to care about his country.B.Because the emperor couldnt hear the stories any more.C.Because the emperors wife died.D.Because the emperor always stayed in his garden.(2)How did the priest get a good idea? A.From the curtain.B.Fro

29、m the wall.C.From the shadow of dolls.D.From the dance.(3)What did the priest do to make the emperor NOT sad? A.He played the puppet to draw the emperors attention.B.He told the stories that the emperors wife had told by playing the puppet.C.He could tell wonderful stories like the emperors wife.D.He could tell more wonder

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