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1、江苏专用高考英语二轮复习选择题与非选择题灵活拆组卷三选择题专练卷(满分65分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1As Martin Luther King, Jr.put it, peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means _we arrive at that goal.Athat BwhereCby which Dwith which解析:选C考查定语从句。句意:正如马丁路德金所说的,和平不仅仅是我们追求的远期目标,而是我们追求

2、的手段。by和means搭配是英语中的固定用法,如by means of等。2What the parents and children agree _that either of the parks _ attractive.Ais; is Bis; areCare; is Dare; are解析:选A考查主谓一致。句意:这对父母和子女都赞同的是,两座公园里总有一座很吸引人。第一空是what引导的主语从句作主语。表示的是单数意义,故第一空用单数;either of指两者之间的任意一个,是单数概念,故第二空也用单数。3The children of our village _boats to

3、school until the repairs of the destroyed bridge have been made.How dangerous! If only it wouldnt happen.Ahave taken BtakeCtook Dare taking解析:选 D考查动词的时态。句意:“我们村的孩子打算一直坐船去上学,直到那座被毁坏的桥修好。”“多危险啊!要是桥没断多好。”从对话即可看出,双方在谈论目前一段时间的情况。4The telephone _four times in the last twenty minutes, and each time it _for

4、 my colleague.Arang; has beenBhas been ringing; isChad rung; wasDhas rung; was解析:选D考查动词的时态。句意:电话在二十分钟内响了四次,每一次都是找我的同事。第一空表示到目前为止的情况,故用现在完成时;第二空是指过去已经打过的四次电话,所以用一般过去时。5This movie star is so famous that there are crowds of people waiting to see her _ she goes.Awhere BwhereverCwhen Dwhenever解析:选B考查状语从句

5、。句意:这个电影明星如此有名以至于无论她到何处都有成群的人等着见她。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导状语从句,且在从句中作地点状语,表示“无论哪里”,故选B。 6.People believe that body language _55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 10 per cent.Atakes up Baccounts forCconsists of Dconnects with解析:选B考查动词短语。句意:人们相信肢体语言在第一印象中占55%,而语言表达只占10%。take up指“时间和空间的占据”,

6、account for指“数量和比例上占据”。consist of“构成,组成”;connect with“和有关,和有联系”。 7.It remains to be enquired _ these campus libraries will be open to the public on holidays.Awhat BwhereCthat Dwhether解析:选D考查名词性从句。句意:这些校园图书馆在假期是否会对公众开放有待询问确认。分析句子结构可知,It在句中作形式主语,真正的主语是空处引导的从句,且结合句意可知,此处应用whether“是否”在句中引导主语从句。 8.The tw

7、o young mothers tend to talk away for hours on end directly they meet.It is evident that the experience of raising children is rather _ to each other.Aimpressive BparallelCsensitive Drigid解析:选B考查形容词辨析。句意:“这两个年经的母亲往往一见面就连续聊上几个小时。”“很明显,她们彼此抚养孩子的经历是相当相似的。” parallel“类似的,相似的”。impressive“令人钦佩的,给人深刻印象的”;se

8、nsitive“敏感的,易受影响的”;rigid“固执的,死板的”。 9.We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this road _ has caused to you.Aevaluation BinstructionCconstruction Dcombination解析:选C考查名词。句意:因为道路施工给您带来的不便,我们深感抱歉。construction“建造”,符合语境。evaluation“评估”;instruction“指导”;combination“结合,混合”。10The 13th Chinese National Game

9、s in Tianjin _ with a big closing ceremony on Friday after bringing the public closer to the athletic center.Aconcluded BwithdrewCexploded Ddelayed解析:选A考查动词。句意:在天津举办的第十三届全运会于周五结束,人们汇聚在体育中心举办了一个盛大的闭幕式。conclude“结束,终止”,符合语境。withdraw“撤回,(使)退出”;explode“突然爆发,急剧增长”;delay“延迟,推迟”。11Just remember that you can

10、t visit the museum now._ a small incident, the entrance is closed temporarily.ADue to BInstead ofCRegardless of DAccording to解析:选A考查介词短语。句意:只要记住,你现在不能参观博物馆,因为一个小事故,入口临时关闭了。根据句意可知,due to“因为,由于”符合语境。instead of“代替,而不是”; regardless of“不管,不顾”;according to“根据”。12All the photos in the report are provided b

11、y the Students Union, unless otherwise _.Anoted Bbeing notedCto be noted Dhaving been noted解析:选A考查非谓语动词。句意:报告中所有的照片都是由学生会提供的,除非另有说明。unless otherwise noted是一个习惯表达,意为“除非另有说明或注释”。13Johnson is said to be the first young teacher _to professor in your university this year.Exactly._ of his own competence i

12、s an important factor in his success.Apromoted; ConvincingBto have been promoted; ConvincingCpromoted; ConvincedDto have been promoted; Being convinced解析:选D考查非谓语动词。句意:“据说,约翰逊是今年你们学校第一位被提拔为教授的年轻教师。”“完全正确。对自己的能力充满自信是他成功的一个重要因素。”当前文是表示第一、第二等表示顺序关系的结构时,后面必须接动词不定式;being convinced of结构在此作主语,此时的be动词不可省略。14

13、The school took the students request into consideration that a party _be held to celebrate the victory.Acould BmightCwould Dshould解析:选D考查虚拟语气。句意:学校认真考虑了学生举行庆祝胜利的晚会的请求。当有request等这类表示“请求”的词,其所接从句要采用虚拟语气形式。15Mr.Smith, you are fined for overspeeding.Please sign here.Fined? Overspeeding?_AAre you all rig

14、ht?BYou cant be serious!CMind your own business!DYou asked for it!解析:选B考查交际用语。句意:“史密斯先生,你超速要罚款。请在这儿签字。”“罚款?超速?你不是在开玩笑吧!”A项:你没事吧?;B项:你不会是在开玩笑吧!;C项:别管闲事!;D项:你咎由自取!。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I dread to think what would have happened had I not driven past her that af

15、ternoon.When I was on my way to school, I spotted a woman by the road.Her head was leaning against the car window, her hair dropping towards the ground.I thought she was _16_ and I even called an ambulance.But she just stared at me and said, “Ive stopped to listen to music in peace.” So I drove on b

16、ut couldnt shake the _17_ that something was wrong.A few hours later, after _18_ my daughter from school, I found the car was _19_ parked there, the engine _20_.The car was empty; leaving the engine on seemed like a cry for help.We shouted across the valley, but there was no _21_.After examining the

17、 car, I _22_ that it wasnt damaged and the woman could have _23_ if she wanted to.In the car, I found the _24_ of a farm.I drove there only to find it _25_ and none was there.Fearing for the womans _26_, I called the police.When we searched the area, I saw what looked like a(n) _27_ in the river.In

18、a moment I _28_ it was the woman.The I _29_ at the policemen loudly for help.Together we laid her on the muddy _30_ first.I talked to her as the police officer _31_ for the helicopter.As the policemen left, we asked them to tell us _32_ she recovered later.They told us the next day that she had a se

19、rious damage on the brain, which accounted for her earlier _33_ behavior.She hadnt been trying to kill herself; she was probably totally _34_ of what was happening.But she was enough _35_ to be alive because of our immediate rescue.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者在文中主要讲述了自己救了一位女士的经历。16A.tired BhomelessCsleepy Dsick

20、解析:选D根据下文中的“and I even called an ambulance”可知,作者以为那位女士生病了,甚至(为她)叫来了一辆救护车。sick“生病的”符合语境。tired“疲倦的”;homeless“无家可归的”;sleepy“困倦的”。17A.feeling BgestureCconscience Ddesperation解析:选A根据语境可知,作者虽然继续向前开车,但始终摆脱不掉有什么事情不对劲的感觉。feeling“感觉”符合语境。gesture“手势”;conscience“良心,良知”;desperation“绝望”。18A.calling up Bpulling up

21、Cpicking up Dbringing up解析:选C根据上文中的“When I was on my way to school”和下文的“my daughter from school”可知,此处指作者从学校接回女儿。pick up“(开车)接”符合语境。call up“打电话给”;pull up“停车”;bring up“抚养”。19A.even BstillCjust Dalready解析:选B根据上文中的“Ive stopped to listen to music in peace.”和下文的“The car was empty”可知,那位女士的车依旧停在那里。still“依旧,

22、仍然”符合语境。20A.running BshakingCprogressing Dyelling解析:选A根据下文中的“The car was empty; leaving the engine on seemed like a cry for help.”可知,那位女士的车里空无一人,开着的引擎就像是求救的呼喊。run“运转”符合语境。shake“摇晃,(使)颤动”;progress“行进”;yell“叫喊,大喊”。21A.symptom BresponseCemergency Dconsequence解析:选B根据语境可知,作者和女儿向山谷呼喊着,寻找那位女士,但是没有(人)回应。res

23、ponse“回应,反应”符合语境。symptom“症状”;emergency“紧急情况”;consequence“结果”。22A.promised BadmittedCconcluded Drecalled解析:选C根据上文中的“After examining the car”和下文中的“it wasnt damaged”可知,作者在检查完这辆车后,作出了这辆车并没有被损坏的结论。conclude“作出结论,推断出”符合语境。promise“承诺”;admit“承认”;recall“回忆起”。23A.broken down Bdriven awayCturned up Dwent off解析:

24、选B根据语境可知,由于作者认为车没有被损坏,所以如果那位女士愿意的话,她本是可以驾车离开的。drive away“驱车离开”符合语境。break down“垮掉,失控痛哭”;turn up“露面”;go off“离开”。24A.owner BnumberCfacility Daddress解析:选D根据下文中的“I drove there”可知,作者应是发现了一个农场的地址。address“地址”符合语境。25A.occupied BexpandedCinvestigated Ddeserted解析:选D根据该句中的表示意外的结果状语“only to find it _25_ and none

25、 was there”可知,作者到了那个农场之后却发现这个农场已经被舍弃了且空无一人。desert“舍弃,离弃(某地方)”符合语境。occupy“占用”;expand“扩大”;investigate“调查,研究”。 BillnessCpossession Ddilemma解析:选A根据语境可知,由于担心那位女士的安全,作者报了警。safety“安全”符合语境。possession“个人财产”;dilemma“(进退两难的)窘境”。27A.image BfigureCcreature Dshadow解析:选B根据下文的“in the river”和“it was the wo

26、man”可知,作者看到了河里有一个看起来像是人影的东西。figure“(隐约可见的)人影”符合语境。image“影像,倒影”;shadow“阴影,影子”。28A.doubted BacknowledgedCremembered Drecognized解析:选D根据语境可知,作者立即认出来那个人影就是那位女士。recognize“辨别出,认出”符合语境。acknowledge“承认”;remember“想起,记起”。29A.knocked BpointedCshouted Dstared解析:选C根据上文中的“In a moment I _28_ it was the woman.”和下文中的“

27、Together we laid her on the muddy”可知,此处指作者大声地向警察呼喊求救。shout“呼喊”符合语境。30A.bed BfarmCshore Dhelicopter解析:选C根据上文中的“in the river”可知,作者他们首先一起把那位女士抬到了泥泞的河岸上。shore“岸,滨”符合语境。31A.boarded BradioedCrepaired Dtrained解析:选B根据语境可知,当警察用无线电联系直升机的时候,作者和那位女士讲着话。radio“用无线电发送”符合语境。32A.whether BwhyChow Dwhat解析:选A根据语境可知,作者和

28、女儿请求警察们随后告诉他们那位女士是否恢复了过来。此处应用whether“是否”在句中引导宾语从句。33A.aggressive BignorantCstrange Dtypical解析:选C根据上文的内容可知,警察们第二天告诉作者他们那位女士脑部受伤了,这也是她之前行为怪异的原因。strange“奇怪的”符合语境。aggressive“好斗的”;ignorant“愚昧的,无知的”;typical“典型的”。34A.unaware BunbearableCuncertain Dunafraid解析:选A根据上文中的“She hadnt been trying to kill herself;

29、she was probably totally”可知,那位女士并不是试图自杀,因为脑部受伤,她可能完全没意识到当时发生了什么。unaware“没意识到的,不知道的”符合语境。unbearable“难以忍受的”。35A.determined BguiltyCconfident Dfortunate解析:选D根据语境可知,但是那位女士因为作者他们的及时救援,幸运地活了下来。fortunate“幸运的”符合语境。determined“坚定的”;guilty“感到内疚的”。.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A

30、The United Nations Student ClubWe are a nonpolitical international organization which aims to raise international awareness on campus.We create access to the UNs agencies and other international organizations.Our plans this year include setting up discussion groups, inviting guest speakers and building a model of the UN General Assembly.The Film Appreciation SocietyThis club was first started by people who enjoyed going to the cinema.We believe there must be others who also share our love of movies.This club is for those people.Membership

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