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1、中考英语作文开头结尾好句子汇编2020年中考英语作文:开头、结尾好句子汇编【一、家规,校规】【开头】No rules all things,will not be long (无规矩,事不长久)Word is rules, is a can and a cant(道就是规矩,有所能,有所不能)My parents are very strict with us .so I must obey many rules .1. I cant go out with my friends at school nights. .On weekends, I have to go home before

2、nine p.m.2. Do not throw rubbish everywhere. Dont throw rubbish casually.不要随处乱扔垃圾.3. do some cleaning once a week4.Dont talk loudly at home.不要在家里大声说话5.Dont smoke.不要吸烟6.Dont go to bed/stay up late 不要睡/熬夜得太晚 .(get up early and go to bed early)7.No smoking or drinking.不要吸烟喝酒.8.Dont fight or say rude wo

3、rds.不打架不骂人9.Dont wear strangely.不要穿奇装异服.10.please care for the young and old 请尊老爱幼You shouldnt shout back to your parents!(顶撞父母)【结尾】Rules, is bound and protection (规矩是束缚也是保护)【二、运动与健康】可以直接谈运动的好处,(或是谈爱好中的运动)可以引申为健康生活方式(低碳生活,环保也相关)【开头】 1.Health is far more important than wealth and wisdom2.It is very i

4、mportant to keep healthy. /we know that health is very important to everybody. 保持健康是非常重要的3.But how to keep fit?/ to keep healthy,doing exercise is the best way.4Recently, more and more people stay at home watching TV and surfing the Internet, which leads to2.If you want to be strong and healthy, you

5、 must eat more fruit and vegetables.(and drink lots of water.)3. You shouldnt stay up. 你不应该熬夜。4. You should exercise to stay fit. 你应该通过锻炼来保持健康5 . You should also listen to music to make yourself feel relax. 你也应该听音乐放松。6. It takes time and patient to do exercises. Sometimes I just want to give up, but

6、 my friends encourage me to carry on, 做运动要花时间和耐心。有时候我真的很想放弃,但是我的朋友们鼓励我坚持下去7.try to walk to instead of driving a car ; have a good sleep(sleep well ) taking out-door activities ,we can take in fresh air and we are closer to nature.【结尾】1.Nothing is more important than doing sports. Its time to tak

7、e actions to stay away from the TV and computer and to take part in sport activities.没有什么比运动更重要。是时候采取行动远离电视,电脑和参加体育活动了。2.“no one knows the value of health until he loses it.” 没人会在意健康的价值,直到失去了它【三、写人】第一类.朋友(如何交个好友)【开头】1.Friendship is a wonderful word! 友谊是一个多么美好的字眼!2.To establish/from friendship is not

8、 easy. When you feel lonely, if you want to make a friend? When you are sad, if you need a friend? 而能够建立友谊是很不容易的。当你感到 孤单时,你是否想交一个朋友?在你伤心的时候,你是否需要朋友的安慰?3.Everyone needs friends. A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness. 人人都需要、朋友。朋友可以给我们以帮助,与我们共事困难和快乐。可以介绍朋友的姓名,年龄,外貌描写,喜好,如:H

9、e was born in London in 2007.he comes fromand his name is (English name) He is of medium build with short/long hair. He is outgoing and Everyone likes to talk with him.He gets on well with us. I think he is humorous, and he often tells us some jokes to make us relax.,he is good at . his favorite spo

10、rts is .he is kind to ,he can get on well with us.【结尾】1.A friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真交2.A friend is a second self 朋友是另一个我3.Without a friend the world is a wilderness. 没有朋友,世界就等于一片荒野。4.Everyonecantlivealoneinthisworld.Weallneedfriendship人不可能独处,我们都需要友谊。5.Friendiswhocangiveyoustrengthatlast.

11、朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。 第二类写父母(感恩父母) 对于父母与老师的赞美可以转换,如He is more than a teacher. He is our close friend. He is also my life guide.他不止是老师,他是我们的知心朋友,他还是我的人生向导。 【开头】+【结尾】1.Mothers/fathers/parentsloveislikeacircle,ithasnobeginningandnoending.母爱像一个圈,它没有起点也没有终点2.Parentsareourfirstteachers.Theyteachusuallylessonso

12、flife.父母是我们的第一任老师,他们教我们人生的课程。3.Itislovethathelpsmegrowup.爱帮助我成长,Itislovethatbringsmethewholeworld.that is . 爱带给我全世界,lovethatmakestheearthgoaround. 爱让地球转动。 4.Thisismyunforgettablethingaboutmymomsloveandhelp.这就是我难忘的一件事妈妈的爱和帮助。与父母的沟通1. My parents dont think it is necessary for me to spend much time on

13、my hobbies.2.They think spending time on hobbies will have a bad influence on my study 【结尾】Gratefulness brings a great fullness to life. I wish they could always be happy and healthy. It is high time we expressed our gratitude to people we cherish!你从我的父母身上,我知道一个人真的可以有所作为。我永远也不会忘记他们的关怀和爱。感恩使生活带来了的充实。

14、我希望他们能永远幸福和健康。是时候我们要向我们珍惜的人表达我们的谢意了!第三类 写教师1.Ifweareflowersmyteacherswillbethegardeners. 如果我们是花,老师就是园丁。Ifwearesmalltrees,teacherswillbethebrightestsunshine.如果我们是小树老师就是最明亮的阳光。Theynotonlyteachustheknowledge,butalsocareaboutourlife.他们不仅授予我们只是,还关心我们的生活。2.Ateacher,likethebrightsunshine,lightsupthemorning

15、oflife;likeariver,takesustothe seaofknowledge.1.get on well with sb. 与某人相处得很好 kind to sb. 对某人和蔼 a strict teacher 是一个严厉的老师 strict with ones pupils 对学生要求严格 strict in work 对工作要求严格6.regard/look on (sb. / sth.)as把(某人或某事)当作 sb. with sth. 用帮助某人9.praise sb. for sth . 由于某事赞扬某人10give sb

16、. advice on sth. 在方面给某人建议11 correct the students homework carefully and prepare for the next day 仔细批改学生的作业并为明天备课12try to teach sb. to develop good study habits努力教某人养成良好的学习习惯13make ones lessons lively and interesting使课堂生动且吸引人14teach sb to do sth . 教某人做某事15devote all ones time to work将自己所有时间都投入工作之中第四类

17、 护士医生1.Doctors are one of the most important part of society.2.they are always busy woring for patients health and have no time to look after their own kids. 太忙没有时间照顾自己的孩子3.they save lot of people lives 救了很多人的生命 4.But there is a group of brave people going to the front to fight against / It is just

18、you .有一群勇敢的人来到第一线与战斗5.Like soldiers, you go to the front without thinking about your own safety and health. 像军人一样你们没有考虑自己的安全与健康来到最前方。6. sometimes you must work for more than ten hours a day because there are too many patients to take care of .7. Always you dont have no time to have a good rest/ you

19、have to work till midnight while others are sleeping 【四、 学校生活及学习成绩】【开头】+【结尾】1.Inmythreeyearsmiddleschoollife,therearemanythingsIcantforget.Thosetingsarelikebeautifulshellsthatmakemylifecolorfulandmeaningful.Andwhatimpressedmemostisthe.在三年的中学生活中,有许多事情让我难以忘怀。这些事情就像美丽的贝壳,使我的生活丰富多彩,充满意义。最令我印象深刻的是2.Lifei


21、同种类的味道。一些给我们带来快乐,一些给我们带来悲伤,一些给我们难以忘怀的记忆。4.Treasure your childhood,treasureyouwonderfullife.珍惜童年,珍惜美好的生活。1.put ones heart into 一心扑在上 interested in 对感兴趣 fond of 喜欢/爱好 .like best 最喜欢 good at 擅长 be poor at 不擅长 well in (在考试、竞赛中)取得好成绩;干得不错 weak in 不擅长fail in 考试不及格7.learn about 学习到/知道(某

22、学科知识)/听到, 8.succeed in 在(某方面)成功;在(做某事)上获得成功9be active in class (work) 在课堂上(工作中)表现积极10.take an active part in 积极参加1learn sth . by heart 谙记某事,牢记在12.join in .club. help sb with 13.get on well with .【五 诉说烦恼】表达有学习压力,烦恼,与父母交流,均可与之有交集1. I am not allowed to watch TV, surf the Internet or listen to my favour

23、ite music .2. I hope you can give me some useful advice .3. I often stay up late doing my homework and feel sleepy in class .4. I dont have enough time to do my own things . .5. Some students will tell their teachers or parents about their problems 6. I think wed better ask our teachers, parents and

24、 friends for help when we are in trouble .【六、安全问题】Safety First.安全第一1 食品安全,(food safety) 2.交通安全3.校园公共安全 4.网络安全(与前二者结合一下)1 食品安全(与健康相关,说些好处与坏处)1)if you want to be strong and healthy, you must eat more fruit and vegetables.2)and drink more hot water instead of cola, too much cola is harmful your body.3)

25、You had better eat less junk food or fast food.4) Why not eat some rabbit because they are good for your eyes. 2. 交通安全1). Dont drive to fast ; 2) Dont ride side by side on the road ; 3) Dont talked on the mobile phone while you were drivingor walking on the road.4)Dont listen to the music with your

26、phone while you are walking on the road, it is dangerous.5)you should wait until the traffic lights are red.6)you should drive or walk on the right side of the road.7)You mustnt play with your friends on the road8)Firstly,weshouldobeythetrafficruleswheneverweare andevenwhenweareinadeadlyhurry9)No dr

27、iving after drinking.(酒驾) if everyone obeys the traffic rules, it will be much safer drive or walk on the road.3.校园公共安全school is our home ,we study and live here every day. in order to make ourselves safe, as a student. we should obey the sc hool rules1.not chase each other in the hallway(不在走廊追逐)2.g

28、o to school on time ,(dont be late)3.not eat the food that goes bad or junk food.4.if you have any problems/questions you should ask your teachers for help first. 5.fight with others(与人打架)6.dont talk with the strangers, it is for everyone only once. 生命中只有一次4 .网络安全 1.tell the stranger

29、something important (personal information) 2.Dont meet strangers alone. your photos/ real name to others/strangers 【七、城市变化,国家,校园的变化】(注意对比写) used to do 过去曾经 but .Great changes have taken place in our city/country/hometown in the past 10 years .1. Our city used to be small and it wasnt as beaut

30、iful as it is now .2. There were only several streets in our city, but now there are so many wide streets and there are so many modern shops.3. In the past, people lived in small , low houses . Now most of us have lived in bright flats in tall buildings.4. People used to go out by bike or by bus , but now more and more people have their own cars .5. There are some beautiful parks in our city . We have planted more and more flowers and trees in the city (二)描写家乡现在(赞美)1.可以写家乡的名胜古迹2.若是无名胜古迹,以写家乡的季节及相关活动为主 my hometown is famous for 冬季: 【开头】+【结尾】 Although winter means co

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