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1、英语虚拟语气练习题及答案虚拟语气练习题用所给动词的适当形式填空:Part A.1. If people _(drive) more slowly, there wouldnt be so many accidents.2. If you had worked carefully, you _(not make) so many mistakes.3. The boat wouldnt have drifted away, if we _ (tie) it up.4. If I had known you already _(have) a typewriter, I _(not, buy) o

2、ne for your birthday.5. If he _(be) here this afternoon I would go with him.6. If it were to rain tomorrow, the match _(postpone).7. But for your help, we _(not be) able to finish the work in time.8. If it _(not, be) for the leadership of the Party, we would not have achieved so much.9. I wish I _(s

3、tudy) hard while I was young.10. It is about time that fence _(mend).11. My request is that we _(hold) another session to discuss the problem.12. It is strange that the car _(break) down at exactly the same place where it _(break) down yesterday.13. The baby smiled as if he _(understand) what his mo

4、ther _(say).14. He talked as if he _(do) all the work himself, but in fact Tom and I _(do) most of it.15. If only we _(have) a phone! Im tired of queuing outside the public phone box.16. - “Can we come in late tomorrow?” - “Id rather you _(come) in on time.”17. He looks as if he _(be) ill for a long

5、 time.18. He always talks as though he _(address) a public meeting.19. If a metal _(heat), it will expand.20. I _(stay) home if it rains this evening.Part B.1. She would call you immediately if she _(need) help.2. If I had seen the movie, I _(tell) you all about it now.3. If he _(decide) earlier, he

6、 could have left on the afternoon flight.4. _ I _(take) my umbrella with me when I _(come) out this morning, I _(not be) so wet now.5. If you had listened to me, you _ (not be) in such trouble now.6. I wish they _ (stop) making so much noise so that I could concentrate on my work.7. It is inconceiva

7、ble that he _ (not see) me that day for I _(wave) to her.8. What a pity that he gave orders that all those lovely trees _(cut) down.9. Mr. Jones would rather _(stay) home last night.10. Henry would rather that his brother _(work) in the same department as he does.11. Electric current flows through a

8、 conductor as though it _(be) a fluid.12. We _(invite) her to the party but we didnt know that she _(already, come) back from abroad.13. Todays industrial production _(be) impossible without the contribution made by the science of physics.14. I hate driving. Id much rather you _(drive).15. The guest

9、s _(arrive) last night, but there is still no news about them.16. Mother_(feel) anxious if I came home late.17. Even if I _(be) with you then, I _(can, not, do) much for you.18. A less conscientious man _(not, try) so hard to get this job done.19. Do you wish that you _(have) a sister like her?20. I

10、snt it surprising that he _(have) two car accidents during the past week?选择题:1. If I _ you, Id join the army.A. am B. was C. were D. would be2. “If the sun _ tomorrow, what would we do?” A. will not rise B. would not rise C. did not rise D. does not rise3. If you _ to see Mary, what would you tell h

11、er? A. are B. will be going C. must D. were4. I would have said “Hello” to him if I _ your brother. A. could see B. had seen C. will see D. will have seen5. If you had wanted to buy a record, what _?A. would you buy B. had you boughtC. would you have bought D. would you be buying6. If the tablets ha

12、d dissolved, John _.A. would probably die B. had probably diedC. probably would be died D. would probably have died7. _ if you had lost your watch?A. Hadnt you been upset B. Wouldnt you be upsetC. Werent you upset D. Wouldnt you have upset8. -“I was so sorry to hear about Jack.” -“If he had made mor

13、e friends here, he might _.” A. have stayed B. have stay C. stayed D. stay9. If I had a bike, I _ it to you yesterday.A. would have lent B. would lendC. would have lend D. could lend10. _, John would not have failed. A. If he has listened to me B. Had he listened to me C. If he listened to me D. As

14、he listened to me11. Had Alice been more hardworking, she _. A. had not failed B. would not have failed C. would not fail D. could not be failed12. -“Steve made a reservation already.” -“_ he change his mind, he can cancel it.” A. Should B. Would C. If D. So13. I wished it _ but it did. A. occurred

15、not B. did not accurC. had not occurred D. would not occur14. I _ Professor Jones had taught me this equation. A. believe B. deeply think C. wish D. suppose15. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so it seems as if the sun _ around the earth. A. circles B. is circling C. be circling D. we

16、re circling16. The computer “teacher” was talking with his students as though it _ a human teacher. A. was B. were C. had been D. be17. Jane appears as though she _ the secret. A. knows B. knew C. has known D. had known18. If only she _ of Aunt Ruth! A. was not terribly so frightened B. were not ter

17、ribly so frightened C. be not so terribly frightened D. were not so terribly frightened19. -“I think that the Smiths were embarrassed by Janes generosity.” -“She insisted _ it as a gift.” A. no them to accept B. their accepting C. that they accept D. that they accepted20. The chairman requested that

18、 _. A. the members studied the problem more carefully B. the problem were more carefully studied C. the problem could be studied with more care D. the members study the problem more carefully21. -“Did Kathy have any ideas for Jim?” -“She suggested that he _ a card with all of our names on it.” A. se

19、nd B. sends C. to send D. sending22. The idea is that we _ an unmanned spacecraft to explore the planet first. A. will send B. had sent C. send D. be sent23. It is necessary that this machine-tool _ every day. A. be oiled B. oil C. is to be oiled D. oiled24. -“Thats a beautiful coat in the window.”

20、-“It certainly is. If I had the money _ buy it.” A. Id B. Ill C. I may D. I shall25. -“Why didnt you help him?” -“I would have _ I didnt have the money.” A. if B. and C. but D. otherwise26. Jill would rather we _ now, but we must go to work. A. not leave B. had not left C. didnt leave D. not to be l

21、eft27. Id just as soon _ those important papers with you. A. that you wont take B. your not taking C. please dont you take D. you didnt take28. The housemaster was very strict. He asked that we _ television on week nights. A. not watch B. not be watching C. must not watch D. should not have watched2

22、9. I hadnt expected James to apologize but I had hoped _. A. him calling me B. that he would call me C. him to call me D. that he call me30. _ at the price list, hed have known what to expect. A. Had Mr. Robinson looked B. If Mr. Robinson looked C. If Mr. Robinson would have looked D. Had Mr. Robins

23、on been looking31. -“Shall I open the window?” -“Id rather _.” A. you had better not B. you dont C. you shouldnt D. you didnt32. - “Did you have to go to court?” -“No, I didnt, but I would _ if my lawyer hadnt been so good.” A. had B. have C. be D. do33. If Peter had enough money, he _ on the trip t

24、o Los Angeles. A. would have gone B. went C. had gone D. would go34. If you had been in Shanghai last month, you _ the game. A. had seen B. have seen C. had been seen D. would have seen35. If you hadnt taken such a long time to get dressed, wed _ there by now. A. be B. get C. have got at D. have bee

25、n36. If the Watergate Incident _ Nixon would not have resigned from the presidency. A. had not occurred B. did not occur C. was not occurring D. would not occur37. Alan _ the party if hed gone to London. A. would have missed B. had missed C. could miss D. missed38. -“Your pictures are beautiful!” -“

26、We _ more if we hadnt run out of film.” A. would take B. had taken C. will have taken C. would have taken39. Peter wishes that he _ law instead of literature when he was in college. A. had studied B. studied C. could study D. would study40. -“I couldnt talk to Mrs. Khandary very well, because my Ara

27、bic isnt very good yet.” -“_ there, he would have been able to interpret for you.” A. If John were B. John had been C. Had John been D. Were John41. _, Gerald would have been a rich man. A. Was he to enter business B. Were he entered business C. Had he entered business D. If he was to enter business

28、42. _, we shall go on a picnic. A. Should the weather be fine B. If the weather were fine C. Had the weather been fine D. Were the weather to be fine43. -“I wish I _ the orientation program yesterday.” -“Its too bad that you _. We met a lot of people.” A. had attended didnt B. had attended hadnt C.

29、attended didnt D. could attend havent44. -“Do you want me to lend you some money?” -“I wish you _, I can pay you back next week.” A. should B. did C. might D. would45. The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I _ to it. A. had not gone B. have not gone C. did not go D. could not have gone46. If their passport _ all right, they _ arrested. A. were wouldnt be B. had been wouldnt have been C. are mustnt be D. should be wouldnt be47. If only I _ how to operate an electronic computer as you do. A. had known B. would kno

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