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1、人教版高中英语新教材必修二知识要点人教版高中英语新教材必修二 知识要点人教版高中英语新教材必修二Unit 1一、重点单词1.former adj以前的;(两者中)前者的1前者.后者.the former the latter我赞成前一个观点而他支持后一个。Im in favor of the former opinion while he is in support of the latter one.2.preserve vt.保存;保护;维持;n.保护区1保护.免受.preserve from/against doing sth2保存完好的well-preserved保护环境免受污染至关重

2、要。It is highly important to preserve the environment from being polluted. preservaton n.保护3.promote vt.促进;提升;推销;晋级1促进和平promote peace2得到晋升get promoted由于缺乏专业知识,他没有得到提升。He failed to get promoted for lack of professional knowledge. promotion n.提升,促销4.application申请表;用途;运用;应用(程序)1求职信A job application (let

3、ter)2申请信,求职信A letter of application3向.提出申请apply to sb for sthmake an application to sb for sth4致力于apply oneself/ones mind to doing sth你只有专心学习,才会通过考试。You will pass the exam only if you really apply yourself to your study. apply v.运用,应用5.banace n.平衡;均匀 vt.使平衡1保持平衡keep balance2保持均衡的饮食keep a balanced di

4、et3失去平衡: lose ones balance / out of balance5使A和B平衡 keep a balance between A and B6总的来说On balance6.proposal n.提议;建议1提出建议make/put forward a proposal2同意、接受提议approve of/accept a proposal他们都同意我的建议,我们分摊计程车费。They all agreed to my proposal that we should share in the taxi fare propose v.建议,提议7.likely adj.可能

5、的;adv.可能地1很可能做某事.be likely to do sth2很可能.its likely that .如果专心学习,他很可能成功。He is likely to succeed if he concentrateson his study.8.contribute vi.捐献;捐助 contribution n.捐款;贡献;捐赠1为.做出贡献;向.捐款:contribute . to make a contribution to 2促成;造成contribute to .lead to.result in .9. attempt n/vt.企图;试图;尝试1企图、试图做某事:at

6、tempt to do sth;make attempt to do sth/at doing sth; in an attempt to do sth2在某人第一次尝试时at ones first attempt10. worthwhile adj.值得做的;值得花时间的1值得做:be worth doingbe worthwhile to do/doingbe worthy to be done/of being done2值得参观:be worth visitingworthy to be visitedworthy of being visited11. entrance n.入口;进

7、入1在.的入口at the entrance to.2问题的答案the answer to the question3问题的解决方法: the solution to the problem enter v.进入12.forgive vt/vi. (forgave forgiven)原谅;宽恕 vt.对不起;请原谅1宽恕某人某事: forgive sb sth2因为.原谅某人forgive sb for3因为某事而惩罚某人: punish sb for sth13. quality n.质量;品质;素质;特征 adj.优质的;高质量的1空气质量: air quality2教育质量: the q

8、uality of education3质量好(上乘)be of high/good quality4质量次(差)be of low/poor quality5优质商品goods of high quality quantity n.数量14.opinion n.意见;想法;看法1在某人看来in ones opinion/view2在作者看来in the authors opinion3就.发表意见give/express ones opinions on4对.评价好/不好/高/低have a good/bad/high/low opinion of5你认为.怎么样?whats your op

9、inion of?15.contrast n.对比;对照1与此相反;比较起来 in contrast2相比之下;与之相比 by contrast3与.形成对比;与.相比in contrast with/toBy contrast with/to二、重点词语1.take part in.参与(某事);参加(某活动)1参加体育和户外活动take part in sports and outdoor activities2参军/入团join the army/the league3听报告attend a lecture4在.中扮演(.)角色;对.起(.)作用play a (.) part in .2

10、.give way to让步;屈服1放弃吸烟give up smoking2泄露;赠送,分发give away3用完;耗尽;分发;散发give out4发出,放出(光、热、气味等)give off3.lead to.导致.;通向.1引发抗议: lead to protest2导致;引起.result in .bring about .contribute to .4.turn to.向.求助1向某人求助turn to sb for help2调高(音量等);出现,到来: turn up3调低(音量等);拒绝: turn down4打开(水、煤气、电灯等): turn on5关掉(水、煤气、电灯

11、等): turn off6结果是,证明是; turn out.5.prevent from阻止;不准.1阻止某人做某事prevent/stop/keep sb from doing sth2被阻止做某事be kept/prevented/stopped from doing sth什么也不能阻止我们保卫我们的国家。Nothing could prevent us from defending our country.6.向.捐赠.(=contribute to.)1Last year he donated $1000 to cancer research.2What we could do i

12、s to donate (donate) some money to them.三、重点句型1.there comes a time when .课本原句1There comes a time when the old must give way to the new.句式改写2这、那、它是一个.的时期This/that/it is/was a time when .3曾经有一段时间There was a time when .曾经有一段时间我和同班同学相处得很不好。There was a time when I was getting along badly with my classmat

13、es.2.not only but alsonot only置于句首,句子倒装课本原句1Not only had the countries found a path.but they had also learn that句式改写他不但学习刻苦,而且很聪明(用倒装句)Not only does he work hard, but also he is very clever.3.suggest that should do.课本原句1在她结束讲话之前,这位科学家建议我们成立一个专家委员会.Before he entered her speech, the scientist suggeste

14、d that we need to establish a committee of experts 句式改写她建议我们在那家新开的餐馆吃午餐。She suggested that we should have lunch at the new resturant.4.It is said that .据说.课本原句1据说这是一面明镜,可以分辨是非!It is said that its a mirror that can tell right from wrong.句式改写2据报道:It is reported that3人们认为:It is considered that4人们相信:It

15、is believed that5有人建议:It is suggested that人教版高中英语新教材必修二Unit2知识清单一、词形转换1.threat n威胁threaten vt.威胁;危及2.hunt v打猎;搜寻;追捕 hunter n猎人3.rate n速度;(比)率vt.划分等级rating n等级;级别4.extinct adj.已灭绝的extinction n灭绝 vt.压;按pressure n压力;要求6.concern n担心;关心vt.让担忧;涉及concerned adj.担心的;关切的 adj.法律的;合法的illegal adj.不

16、合法的;非法的illegally adv.不合法地;非法地8.alarm vt.使害怕;使惊恐;使担心n警报;恐慌;警报器alarming adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的alarmed adj.担心的;害怕的9.intend vi.& vt.打算;计划;想要intention n打算;目的10.exist vi.存在;生存existence n存在;生存二、重点单词和短语raten速度;(比)率vt.划分等级;评价;评估Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour.n.速度The birth rate of that cou

17、ntry is reducing.n.(比)率China and India are rated as the most attractive markets now.v.评价,看作reserven(动植物)保护区;储藏(量)vt.预订;预留;保留These seats are reserved for the elderly and women with babies.vt.预留Id like to reserve a table for three for eight oclock.vt.预订We set up a wildlife reserve to protect endangere

18、d elephants.n.保护区die out灭绝;逐渐消失;逐渐熄灭例1With society developing,many old customs are dying out.随着社会的发展,许多古老的风俗在逐渐消失。例2With the living environment becoming worse and worse,many of the earths species are dying out.随着生存环境变得越来越糟,地球上的很多物种正在消失。造句一旦大火熄灭,救援队就会马上进入。Once the fire has died out,the rescue team wi

19、ll move in immediately.知识拓展die away 逐渐减弱,逐渐模糊,逐渐消失die down 逐渐降低,逐渐平息die off 相继死去die of 死于(内因)die from 死于(外因)die for 为而死alarmingadj.惊人的;使人惊恐的例1It is true that the earths resources are running out at an alarming rate,so we should make good use of them.的确,地球资源正以惊人的速度耗尽,所以我们应该好好利用它们。例2This idea seems to

20、 become less alarming.这个想法似乎就变得不那么可怕了。造句人口正以惊人的速度下降。The population is dropping at an alarming rate.知识拓展(1)alarm vt.使惊恐;使害怕;使担心n.警报;恐慌in alarm惊恐地(2)alarmed adj.惊恐的;忧虑的be alarmed at/by.对大为惊慌be alarmed to do.做感到恐慌We were alarmed at the alarming scream as the scream did alarm us.我们被那令人惊恐的尖叫声吓了一跳,因为那叫声的确

21、使我们感到惊恐。aware of.意识到.;知道.We must make people aware of the problem and help the endangered wildlife before its too late!我们必须让人们意识到这个问题,并及时帮助濒危野生动物!例1In conclusion,people around the world should be well aware of the real situation of water shortage.总之,全世界的人们都应该清楚地知道水资源短缺的真实情况。例2The failure made me awa

22、re of my own shortcomings.这次失败使我意识到了我自己的缺点。造句每个人都意识到了污染的严重性。Everybody is aware of the seriousness of pollution.知识拓展(1)be/become aware of.对知道;明白;意识到be/become aware that.知道/体会到as/so far as I am aware据我所知make sb.aware of.使某人意识到(2)awarenessn. 意识;认识develop an awareness of.形成的意识raise awareness提高意识她还没意识到她做

23、错了。She was not aware of having done wrongShe was not aware that she had done wrongShe was not aware of what she had done was wrong名师点津(1)aware后跟名词性从句时,一般从句前不能用of,但在what从句前必须用of。(2)修饰aware可用well,much,very much,fully,但不用very。(3)be aware后一般不接不定式。averageadj.平均的;正常的;普通的 n平均水平;平均数How many elephants are ki

24、lled on average every day?平均每天有多少头大象被杀?例1He is working hard and his grades are above the average in his class.他学习刻苦,成绩在班里高于平均水平。例2The average of 3,8 and 10 is 7.3,8,10的平均数为7。造句每个班平均有10名学生未通过考试。An average of ten students havent passed the exam in each class.知识拓展(1)on (the)average 平均来看above (the)avera

25、ge高于平均水平below (the)average 低于平均水平(2)an average of. 平均有(后跟数词)the average of. 的平均数The temperature now is below average此时的气温低于平均水平。concerned about.对关切的;为担忧的Im concerned about the African elephants.我很担心非洲大象。例1She is concerned about/for her sons future.她担忧她儿子的未来。例2You will tell your friend that you are c

26、oncerned about him and you will meet after class and talk then.你会告诉你的朋友你很关心他,下课后你们会见面交谈。造句我们都担心她的安全。We are all concerned about her safety.知识拓展(1)concern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到n.担心;关注;(利害)关系show concern for关心(2)concerned adj. 担心的;关注的as/so far concerned关于;至于;就而言be concerned with sth.牵涉到;与有关(3)concernin

27、g prep. 关于The story concerns the princes efforts to rescue Pamina.He was concerned that she might miss the turning and get lost.All the difficulties concerning Pamina were solved by the prince.这故事讲的是王子奋力解救帕米娜。他担心她可能会错过转弯的地方而迷路。所有与帕米娜有关的难事都由王子解决。adaptvi.适应 vt.使适应;使适合;改编Elephants need large living spa

28、ces,so its difficult for them to adapt to the changes.大象需要很大的生存空间,所以它们很难适应变化。例1Not only has she adapted (herself)to the fast rhythm of city life,but she is becoming more and more outgoing.她不仅已经适应了快节奏的城市生活,而且变得越来越开朗。例2After graduation from college,I gradually adapted myself to living on my own.大学毕业后,我逐渐适应了独立生活。造句据说这部新影片是根据一本小说改编的。This new film is said to be adapted from a novel.知识拓展(1)adapt to 适合,适应adapt oneself to 使自己适应

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