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1、全国高等教育综合英语自考试题全国2010年4月高等教育综合英语(一)自考试题请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上I.用适当语法形式或词汇填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将所选答案的字母写在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1. I didnt see Jack at the meeting yesterday afternoon. He _ it.A. mustnt attend B. cant attendC. mustnt have attended D. cant have attended2. It is essential that this

2、application form _ as soon as possible.A. being returned B. be returnedC. to be returned D. will be returned3. You _ quit your job until you find another one.A. had better not B. had better not toC. had not better D. had not better to4. There are more than sixty proposals _ at the conference.A. disc

3、ussing B. been discussedC. to discuss D. to be discussed5. _ for their help, we couldnt have finished the task ahead of time.A. If it were not B. Hadnt it beenC. Had it not been D. If it was not6. The room needs _, but it will have to wait until Tuesday.A. cleaning B. cleanedC. to clean D. being cle

4、aned7. Thank you, Mr. President. Im very happy to _ a chance to visit your college.A. being given B. be givenC. give D. have given8. Two days ago he came back from the village _ his father had lived.A. there B. thatC. where D. which9. Scarcely _ the house _ it began to rain heavily.A. did he leave,

5、than B. he left, thanC. had he left, when D. he had left, when10. I didnt go to our class get-together last weekend, but I do wish I _ there.A. was B. will beC. were D. had been11. His visit to London last spring is _ as a great success.A. looked into B. looked toC. looked over D. looked upon12. You

6、 will complete your project more easily if you take _ of all the facilities here.A. privilege B. advantageC. chance D. care13. Seventy guests had been invited to the party, but only fifty _.A. turned around B. showed upC. turned out D. showed off14. All we can do is to hope this chemical plant will

7、take _ to reduce air pollution.A. measures B. waysC. positions D. methods15. She was just too busy yesterday, _ she would surely have gone there with you.A. however B. forC. therefore D. otherwise16. He found it hard to concentrate on his writing _ so many people around.A. when B. duringC. because D

8、. with17. When she was five, the girls father decided to _ a pianist of her.A. develop B. buildC. make D. do18. _ automobile pollution, the air quality in this city has become worse.A. As a result of B. In spite ofC. But for D. As for19. Her friends did not expect her to _ all their suggestions.A. t

9、urn down B. turn overC. take off D. take away20. The motor isnt _ enough to push the car up the hill.A. tough B. powerfulC. strong D. bigII.阅读理解。认真阅读下面两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题,根据短文的内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将所选答案的字母写在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)Passage 1Nikolai arrived in the United States from Eastern Eur

10、ope with his wife and two small children. Despite the fact that Nikolai spoke three languages (Russian, German, and Polish), neither he nor his wife spoke any English. They came to the United States as refugees. Nikolai thought he was fortunate to have located a distant cousin, who sponsored him and

11、 his family and offered them temporary housing in the apartment building that he owned. Very soon Nikolai began picking up English words. He needed a job to support his family, but because of his poor English and lack of formal education, he worried about his job prospects in the United States.A nei

12、ghbor in the apartment building told him that job advertisements were frequently posted on a nearby bulletin board (公告牌). Nikolai went to the bulletin board together with an acquaintance, who read and spoke both Russian and English, to see what jobs were available. Nikolai listened intently as the a

13、cquaintance read several job announcements to him. One particular job listed on the board caught his attention. A nearby military base was advertising for barbers. What made the announcement most attractive to Nikolai was the fact that the announcement included the words “license not required”. Niko

14、lai had never cut anyones hair, but he remembered watching sailors give each other haircuts. It seemed pretty easy since the haircuts all looked about the same just cutting off all the hair. He spent the evening practicing short sentences that he had learned from his cousin that afternoon, including

15、 “Hello, its nice to meet you” and “Yes, I can!”The next day Nikolai took the first bus out to the base.After showing the ad to an MP at the front gate,he received a map of directions to the barber shop.After an exchange of greetings,the barber shop manager asked Nikolai,“Can you give someone a hair

16、cut?”“Yes,” Nikolai answered,“I can.Cut it all off!”Not only did Nikolai get the j ob,but within just two years,he had learned to do the job so well that he became the manager of the barber shop.He was the one who now did all of the hiring.His English language skills had improved immensely, and he w

17、as often invited over to the top officers homes for dinner.He also fell in love with country music,since many of the base personnel were from southern states,and this type of music was constantly played in the shop.21.When Nikolai first came to America he felt fortunate for the following reasons EXC

18、EPT _.A.he had a distant cousin to help himB.he found temporary housingC.he could support his familyD.he spoke three languages22.Nikolai went to the bulletin board in order to _.A.look for job notices on the job announcementsD.list job opportunities23.Why did Nikolai de

19、cide to apply for the job at the barber shop?A.He had a barbers license.B.He thought it easy to get the job.C.He had watched barbers cut sailors hair.D.He had given other people haircuts before.24.Nikolai came to love country music because _.A.the music was popular in southern statesB.the music remi

20、nded him of his hometownC.he often heard the music in the barber shopD.he wanted to improve his English language skills25.Which of the following possible titles best expresses the main idea of this passage?A.“Can You Give Someone A Haircut?B.“License Not RequiredC.“Cut It All Off”D.“Yes,I Can!”Passa

21、ge 2There are several places in the world that are famous for people who live a very long time.These places are usually in mountainous areas,far away from modern cities.Hunza is high in the Himalayan Mountains of Asia.There,many people over one hundred years of age are still in good physical health.

22、Men of ninety are new fathers,and women of fifty still have babies. What are the reasons for their good health? Scientists believe that the people of Hunza have these three benefits:(1) physical work;(2)a healthful environment with clean air and water;(3)a simple diet.People in the Caucasus Mountain

23、s are also famous for their longevity.In this area,although birth records are not usually available,a woman called Tsurba probably lived until age 160.In general,the people not only live a long time,but they also live well.They are almost never sick,and when they die,they have not only their own tee

24、th but also a full head of hair, and good eyesight.Vilcabamba, Ecuador is another area famous for the longevity of its inhabitants.There are few serious diseases there.One reason for the good health of the people might be the clean,beautiful environment:the temperature is about 70F all year long;the

25、 wind always comes from the same direction;and the region is rich in flowers,fruit,vegetables,and wildlife.In some ways,the diets of the inhabitants in these three regions are quite different. Hunzukuts eat mainly raw vegetables,fruit and chapattis a kind of pancake;they eat meat only a few times a

26、year.The Caucasian diet consists mainly of milk,cheese,vegetables,fruit, and meat;most people there drink the local red wine daily.In Vilcabamba,people eat a small amount of meat each week,but the diet consists largely of grain,corn,beans,potatoes,and fruit.Apart from calories,natural food,their mou

27、ntains,and their distance from modern cities,inhabitants in these three regions have other things in common.Because these people live in the countryside and are mostly farmers,their life is physically hard.Thus,they do not need to go to health clubs because they get a lot of exercise in their daily

28、work.In addition,although their life is hard, the people do not seem to have the worries of city people. Their life is quiet. Consequently,some experts believe that physical exercise and freedom from worry might be the two most important secrets of longevity.26. Inhabitants in the three mountain are

29、as are described in order to _.A. show their different charactersB. give different examples of longevityC. introduce different parts of the worldD. illustrate differences among old people27. All of the following are the reasons for Hunzukuts longevity EXCEPT _.A. Hunzukuts have very nice surrounding

30、sB. their diet is high in nutrition and fatC. they are far away from noisy citiesD. they are active in physical work28. The three peoples can be arranged according to the amounts of meat they eat from the greatest to the smallest in the following order:A. Hunzukuts, Caucasians, VilcabambansB. Vilcab

31、ambans, Hunzukuts, CaucasiansC. Caucasians, Hunzukuts, VilcabambansD. Caucasians, Vilcabambans, Hunzukuts29. Vilcabambans seldom get sick because _.A. they often go to health clubsB. they eat a lot of meet every dayC. they enjoy an agreeable climateD. they drink the local red wine daily30. According to the passage, the key to longevity is _

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