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七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Having Fun教案3 仁爱版.docx

1、七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Having Fun教案3 仁爱版 Unit 4 Having Fun教案技能目标Enable the students to talk about the animals they like.Learn how to express “time” and preference. Learn the use of present tense.Grasp four consonants: /s/ /z/ / / 语言目标 功能句式Express preferenceWhat do you like best?What are your favorite ?I lik

2、e best.My favorite is What does like best?He/She likes best. Describe animalsIts very cute animal. It lives in China. It eats bamboo.Its a very clever animal. It sleeps in tress and it likes eating bananas.Its clever and cute.It can help us and lives with us.Tell the timeWhat time is it? /Whats the

3、time?Its one oclock /half past one /a quarter to two /Its time to go home /start school /have lunch /词汇四会词汇zoo, sound, animal, best, elephant, lion, panda, because, clever, horse, pig, past, quarter, half, start, sport, bed, homework, watch, baby, lost, way, cry, bamboo, sleep, fruit, thin, every认读词

4、汇oclock短语Its time to, next time, get up, watch TV语法 What questions and expressions of timeWhat time is it? Its six (oclock).Whats the time? Its half past six. /Its six thirty. What time is it? Its a quarter past six. / Its six fifteen.Whats the time? Its twenty to six. /Its five forty.Present tenseI

5、 get up at 6:40 in the morning.I do my homework at 6:00 in the evening.II. 教材分析Section A 1a 通过规划呈现本课时的目标句型:喜好表达及描述喜欢的动物;1b 要求学生俩俩对话,谈论自己最喜欢的动物及理由,并完成表格,加强对1a的理解;1c 让学生运用所学句型结对谈论最喜欢的动物;2 是听力练习,集中学习一些动物名称的词汇;3 也是听力练习,通过听录音来完成表格,要求学生填出谁最喜欢什么动物及喜欢的原因;4 是一个游戏:选一些学生模仿某种动物的动作或声音,让全班猜并拼出其动物的英语单词,学生在趣味游戏中巩固所

6、学单词。 Section B 1和2让学生通过听、看、说等形式学习怎样询问时间及传统式、现代式表达时间的句式和方法;3 是看图会话练习,要求学生在学习了六个词组后,运用1和2所学的句型做口头练习;4 图文搭配练习,让学生学会简单描述自己的日常作息,也是对一般现在时的学习。 Section C 1a 阅读理解简单的短文,掌握主要信息,完成对其文的正误判断;1b 小组活动,要求学生演出上文内容;2 是图文连线,学生学习如何描述动物;3是在掌握2的基础上的写作训练,描写自己最喜欢的动物。 Section D 1 主要是学习掌握辅音/s/ /z/ / /音标,要求学生通过听、看归纳出每个音素在单词里的

7、发音规律;2 听力练习,让学生听录音完成一份日常作息时间表,培养学生从听力内容中获取时间信息的能力;3a 和3b 是对本话题语法重点和一些表达法的总结复习; 4 学唱一首英文歌曲,培养学生的语感及兴趣;5 要求学生通过认真阅读文字和仔细观看图片,根据时间猜出所缺的插图,把它们排列整理成一个通顺的故事,并能够讲述出来,是对本话题所学知识的综合检验。III. 分课时教案 Section ATarget languagea. Words and expressions zoo, sound, animal, best, elephant, lion, panda, because, clever,

8、horse, pigb. Key sentences What animals do you like best? I like . best. What are your favorite animals?My favorite animal is Ability goalsEnable the students to talk about their favorite animals.Enable the students to learn the names of different animals. Teaching aidsTape recorder, pictures and ca

9、rdsTeaching procedures and waysStep I New function (1a)Get Ss to know the names of some animals. The teacher shows the pictures of the animals Ss and some word cards. Ss repeat after the teacher.T: Animals are our good friends. Do you love animals? “What are your favorite animals? Today, we will tal

10、k about animals. Write the title “What are your favorite animals?” on the Bb.Then get students to listen to the tape of 1a twice without books, and try to answer these questions:How many people are speaking in the conversation?Where do they plan to go?How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the c

11、onversation? What are they?After listening, students answer the questions.The teacher explains the important patterns: (on the blackboard)Lets go to the zoo. (Make suggestion) Sound great!What animals does he like best? (Express preference) He likes monkeys best.Why do you like monkeys? (Give reason

12、s) Because they are very clever.Step II Pair work (1b, 1c)1b and 1c provide oral practice with the target language.Call Ss attention to the following sentences:What animals do you like best? I like best.What animals does like best? He/She likes best. Then get Ss work in pairs, ask and answer the que

13、stions about Kangkang, Michael, Maria and Jane. Then complete the chart. T: Now we know about Kangkang, Michael, Maria and Janes favorite animals. What about your favorite animals? Now talk about your favorite animals with your partner.Model: S1: What animals do you like best?S2: I like.S1: Why do y

14、ou like.?S2: Because they are (very).Remind Ss another way to express preference: - What is your favorite animal? - My favorite animal is Then ask some pairs to act it out.Step III Listening (2, 3)Students will do some listening practice with the target language in this step.Activity 2 focuses on vo

15、cabulary of animals. Students listen to the tape, and finish 2. Check the answer.Go on the listening practice in 3. Play the tape. Students listen and fill in the chart.Then check the answers by asking questions:What animals does Tony/Jenny/ Mary like best?Why dose he/she like .?Step IV Class activi

16、ties (4)Play a guessing game: Choose some students to imitate a certain kind of animal. Other students guess what animal it is and spell the word. Section BTarget languagea. Words and expressionsoclock, past, quarter, half, start, sport, bed, homework, watch, next time, get up, watch, TV, Its time t

17、o.b. Key sentences What time is it?/whats the time? Its Its time to .Ability goalsLearn and grasp how to express time”.Teaching aidsTape recorder, a model clock, pictures and cardsTeaching procedures and waysStep I RevisionReview the numbers 1-60 that may be used to express time. Then divide student

18、s into six groups. Get every group to say out 10 numbers. They are 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60.then the whole class read them out.Step II New function introduction (1, 2)Learn how to express time. The teacher takes out a model clock. Set the clock at six oclock/ six ten/six fifteen/six t

19、hirty/six forty-five/six fifty-five.T: Look, What time is it? Its six (oclock). Its six ten/ten past six. Its six fifteen/a quarter past six. Its six thirty/half past six. Its six forty-five/a quarter to seven. Its six fifty-five/five to seven.Then write them on the blackboard. Let students repeat a

20、fter the teacher.After practicing the patterns for a while, let students summarize when to use past and to in the patterns above with the teacher by drawing a diagram like this: 12 topast 6Teach the new words and expressions using the model clock or pictures.T: What time is it?S: Its six thirty/half

21、 past six.T: Its time to get up. (performing the action of getting up)Ask students to follow you.Repeat with have lunch, go to school, play sports, start school, go to bed, watch TV ect., changing the time on the clock each time.Listening:T: Michael, Maria and Kangkang are in the zoo. What are they

22、talking about? Lets listen.Play the tape for students.T: What are they talking about?Ss: Time.T: What time is it?Ss: Six oclock.T: What do they plan to do?Ss: Go home.T: Yes, its time to go home. Write the structure “Its time to ” on the Bb and explain its meaning and usage. Explain: See you next ti

23、me!in Chinese.Tell students What time is it? Whats the time?Get students to listen to the tape of 2, and follow it. Tell students to pay attention to past and to.Step III Pair work (3)This activity provides oral practice with the structures:What time is it?Its Its time to Let students look at pictur

24、es and practice the patterns above. Choose some pairs to act it out before the class.Step IV Speaking (4)T: Lets talk about daily routines. Look at the pictures in activity 4.Let students match the pictures with sentences. Check the answers. T: In these sentences, we use present tense to talk about

25、daily routines. Pay attention to the preposition “at” and “in” in the sentence. Then tell your partner your own daily activities. Ask students to describe their own daily activities without looking at their books in pairs. At last, ask two or three students to describe their daily activities to the

26、whole class.Step V HomeworkWrite a short passage about your mother or fathers daily routines. Section CTarget languagea. Words and expressions baby, lost, way, cry, bamboo, sleep, fruitb. Key sentences Whats wrong with you? Im lost. I cant find my way home. Here we are. Its very kind of you to help

27、us.Ability goalsRead a passage about a baby monkey and pick out the key information.Read and write descriptions of animals. Teaching aidsTape recorder, pictures and cardsTeaching procedures and waysStep I Revision and Lead-inReview the words about animals.T: Whats your favorite animal?S: Its lion/el

28、ephant/.T: How do you spell it?S: L-I-O-N, lion./.T: Do you like monkeys?Ss: T: Why do you like them?Ss: T: Today we will read a story about a baby monkey. Step II Read and understand (1a, 1b)T: Turn to page 97, activity 1a. We know that Kangkang and his friends go to the zoo. Now Kangkang meets a b

29、aby monkey on his way home. Read and find out what happens.Let students read the story quickly and catch the main idea. Then ask some questions to check their understanding.Qs: Whats wrong with the baby monkey? How many animals do Kangkang and baby monkey meet on the way? Does the baby monkey find h

30、is home at last?Check the answers. Then let Ss mark the sentences T or F. Correct the false ones. Note:1. Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?2. Here we are. 我们到了。3. over there 在那里After Ss get a good understanding of the story, let them work in groups of five and act the story out. Step III Reading and writi

31、ng (2, 3)This step provides reading and writing practice with descriptions of animals. First ask the class to close their books. The teacher reads the three descriptions of animals in 2 and let Ss guess what animals they are. Then let Ss open their books and read the descriptions. T: Some adjectives are used to describe animals, like cute and clever. Can you tell me more adjectives to describe animals?Ss: lovely, bog, strong, sm

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