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1、中职英语必备词组1. abandon oneself to sth2. be able to do sth3. be about to do sth4. what(how) about5. above all6. go abroad7. both at home and abroad8. absence from work9. high/low academic standards10. an academic career11. by accident12. accompany sb13. accuse sb.of sth14. come/run across15. act as16. ac

2、t out17. take an action18. be active in sth19. adapt oneself to20. addto21. add to22. add up23. add up to24. admire sb.for sth25. admit to sth/to doing sth26. a piece of advice27. ask for advice28. advise doing sth29. advise sb.(not)to do sth30. can(not)afford to do sth31. be after32. day after day3

3、3. one after another34. soon after35. the day after tomorrow36. after all37. again and again38. once again39. at the age of40. agree with sb.about41. ahead of time42. go ahead43. aim at44. take aim at45. by air46. in the air47. on the air48. on the air49. on the open air50. in the open air51. at the

4、 airport52. all along53. all at once54. all of a sudden55. all over56. all over the country/world57. all right58. all the time 59. at all60. in all61. not at all62. allow do sth63. allow doing sth64. leave sb.alone65. come along66. read aloud67. think aloud68. call/cry aloud69. not onlybut als

5、o70. not always71. more and more72. be angry about/at sth73. be angry with sb74. one after another75. one another76. anxious about sth77. anything but78. apologize to sb for(doing)sth79. apologize to sb.for someone80. argue with sb.about sth.81. argue for /against sth82. arm in arm83. take up arms84

6、. take ones arms85. the Eight Route Army86. get around87. arrive in/at a place88. asas89. notas/soas90. asas possible91. as far as92. asfor93. as if/though94. as soon as95. as long as96. soas to97. as well98. ashamed of sth./sb99. ashamed to do sth100. ask for sth101. ask sb for sth102. ask a favour

7、 of sb103. ask the way104. fall asleep105. a shop assistant106. assure sb.107. assure oneself108. at a time109. at one time110. at all times111. at least112. at most113. at present 114. at the moment115. attach importance,significance,value to sth116. attach oneself to sb.117. Attempt to do sth.118.

8、 make an attempt on119. attend a meeting120. attend school121. attend a patient122. attract ones attention123. aware of sth124. be away form125. right away126. at the back of sth127. a piece of baggage128. bargain with sb129. bargain with about sb130. bargain with for sb 131. bargain with for sb132.

9、 bargain with sb over sth133. go to bad134. make the bad135. get out of bed136. lie in bed137. behave oneself138. believe in139. belong to140. benefit form141. do ones best142. all the best143. had better144. in the same boat145. go boating146. bothand147. Bottoms up148. have a break149. break down1

10、50. break out151. at breakfast152. have breakfast153. bring out154. bring up155. elder brother156. younger bother157. none of your business158. be busy doing sth159. be busy with sth160. by air/land/sea161. by bus/car/plane/ship/train162. a piece of cake163. call at164. call on 165. call for166. cal

11、l sb.up167. summer camp168. go camping169. go to camp170. cancel out171. capable of sth./of doing sth172. care for173. take care of174. carry on 175. carry out176. in case(of)177. in that case178. catch up with179. catch180. catch fire181. catch hold of182. (be)caught in183. in the center of184. for

12、 certain185. make certain186. a chain of187. chain store188. changeinto189. cheat at sth190. check in191. check out192. chief engineer193. have no choice but to do sth194. have classes195. in class196. after class197. be close to198. a close friend199. a suit of clothes200. coffer cup201. catch/take

13、 cold202. cold war203. collect stamps204. go to college205. come about206. come across207. come around208. come back209. come down210. come form211. come in212. come on213. come out214. take command of215. in command of216. comparewith217. compareto218. be concerned to do sth219. on condition that22

14、0. on this/that condition221. in good condition222. in/out of condition223. conduct oneself224. conduct of sth225. connect to/with226. conductand227. consider doing sth228. consider(to be /as)229. consist of sth230. content with sth231. content to do sth232. beyond control233. out of control234. tra

15、ffic control235. topic of conversation236. deep in conversation237. a couple of238. in/during the course of239. of course240. be covered with241. ice-cream242. be curious about243. a customs officer244. cut down245. cut in246. cut off247. cut up248. in/out of danger249. after/before dark250. in the

16、derk251. out the date252. up-to-date253. daughter-in-law254. by day255. day and night256. day after day257. one day258. some day259. the day before yesterday260. the other day261. deal with262. a good/great deal(of)263. debate on/about over sth264. under debate265. declare against266. declare for267

17、. to a degree268. in great demand269. depart form270. developing/developed country271. devote oneself to272. devote sth273. keep a diary274. die out275. die of276. die from277. dining room278. discuss with sb.279. In the distance280. a long distance call281. divide into282. do some cleaning28

18、3. do some cooking284. do some shopping285. do well in286. how do you do?287. see a doctor288. hot dog289. a lucky dog290. donate sth./sb291. answer the door 292. a double bed293. dozens of294. draw a conclusion295. draw ones attention296. dream of doing sth297. dress up298. dress oneself/sb2

19、99. be dressed in300. soft drink301. drop by302. drop in303. due to304. off duty305. on duty306. each other307. be eager for sth308. be eager to do sth309. turn a deaf ear to sth310. earn ones living311. on earth312. take it easy313. eitheror314. or else315. encourage sb. to do sth316. in the end(of

20、)317. by the end of318. end in319. engage sb.(as sth)320. in English321. enjoy oneself322. enjoy doing sth323. entertain(sb.)324. equip oneself/sb./sth(with sth)(for sth)325. even if/though326. ever since327. for ever328. every other329. for example330. set an example to sb331. except for332. make a

21、n excuse for333. on exhibition334. carry out/do an experiment335. explain sb.336. an express train337. eye exercises338. face toface339. make a face340. as a matter of fact341. in fact342. fail in343. fall asleep344. fall ill345. fall behind346. be familiar to347. be familiar with348. family

22、name349. family planning350. family tree351. be famous as352. be famous for353. as far as354. far away355. far from356. so far357. on the farm358. father-in-law359. in favour of360. do sb. a favour361. feel free to do sth362. feel like doing sth363. have a fever364. a few365. quite a few366. in the

23、field367. be filled with368. fill in369. find out370. at first371. first of all372. be fit for373. keep fit374. the ground floor375. fly a kite376. as follows377. be fond of378. fast food379. instant food380. snask food381. on foot382. forbid sb.from doing sth383. force sb to do sth384. foreign lang

24、uage385. knife and fork386. fill in a form387. fortune-teller388. free of charge389. setfree390. fresh water391. fresh flowers392. make friend with sb.393. from now on394. from then on 395. fromto396. in front of397. be full of398. for fun399. a piece/set of furniture400. in the future401. gamble aw

25、ay402. team game403. the Olympic games404. in generation gap405. for generations406. younger generation407. from generation to generation408. get along with409. get away410. get back411. get dowm412. get in413. get off414. get on415. get on with sb416. get through417. get together418. get up419. get

26、 do sth420. give away421. give out422. give up423. glance at/dowm/over/through sth424. glare at sb425. go aborad426. go away427. go back428. go by429. go dowm430. go fishing/shopping/skating/swimming431. go for a walk432. go hungry433. go in for434. go on435. go on doing sth436. go on to do st

27、h437. go on foot438. go on with ones work439. go out440. go over441. go through442. a gold watch443. be good at444. be good for sb445. be good to sb446. a good deal(of)447. have a good time448. the local government449. the peoples fovernment450. the peoples government451. graduate from452. thats great453. the great wall of china454. on the gound455. in the ground456. a group of457. grow upgrowth in/of sth458. under the guidance of459. guilty about sth460. guity of sth461.

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