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1、剑11听力test2文本剑11-听力test-2文本剑11 听力test 2文本Section 1Good Morning. Youth Council. Caroline speaking.Oh, hello, Im interested in standing for election to the Youth Council, and I was told to give you a call.Thats good. Could I have your name, please?Yes, its Roger Brown.Thank you. Im Caroline, the Youth

2、Council administrator.So do you know much about what the Council does, Roger?Ive talked to Stephanie I think shes the chair of the Council.Thats right.And she told me a lot about it.How its a way for young people to discuss local issues, for example,and make suggestions to the town council. Thats wh

3、at made me interested.Fine. Well let me take down some of your details.First of all, how old are you? You know the Council is for young people aged from 13 to 18?Ive just turned 18.And where do you live, Roger?Well, thats a bit complicated.At the moment Im looking for a flat to rent here, so lm in a

4、 hosteI from Monday to Friday.I go back to my parents place at the weekend.OK, so wheres the best place to send you some information about the Council?Oh, to my parents address, please.Thats 17, Buckleigh Street B-U-C-K-L-E-I-G-H Street, Stamford, Lincolnshire,though you dont really need the county.

5、Oh, I know Stamford its a lovely town. And whats the postcode?PE9 7QT.Right, thank you. So are you working here, or are you a student?I started studying at the university a couple of weeks ago,This means fewer seats in total but weve taken the opportunity to install seats that can easily be moved, t

6、o create different acting spaces.Weve also turned a few storerooms over to other purposes like using them for meetings.We try hard to involve members of the public in the theatre.One way is by orgnising backstage tours so people can be shown round the building and learn how a theatre operates.These

7、are proving very popular.What were finding is that people want to have lunch or a cup of coffee while theyre here,so were looking into the possibility of opening a cafe in due course.We have a bookshop which specialises in books about drama and that attracts plenty of customers.Then there are two la

8、rge rooms that will be decorated next month,and theyll be available for hire, for conferences and private functions, such as parties.Were also considering hiring out costumes to amateur drama clubs.Now I want to tell you about our workshops.We recently started a programme of workshops that anyone ca

9、n join.Eventually we intend to run courses in acting,but were waiting until weve got the right people in place as trainers.Thats proving more difficult than wed expected!Theres a big demand to learn about the technical side of putting on a production,and our lighting workshop has already started wit

10、h great success.Were going to start one on sound next month.A number of people have enquired about work shops on make-up, and thats something were considering for the future.A surprise success is the workshop on making puppetswe happen to have someone working here who does it as a hobby, and she off

11、ered to run a workshop.It was so popular were now running them every month!Now, a word about the layout of the building.The auditorium, stage and dressing rooms for the actors are all below ground level.Here on the ground floor we have most of the rooms that the public doesnt see.The majority are in

12、ternal, so they have windows in the roof to light them.Standing here in the foyer, youre probably wonderingwhy the box office isnt here, where the public would expect to find it.Well, you might have noticed it on your way inalthough its part of this building, its next door with separate entrance fro

13、m the road.For the theatre managers office you across the foyer and through the double doors,turn right and its the room at the end of the corridor with the door on the left.The lighting box is where the compute rise stage lighting is operated and its at the back of the building.When youre through t

14、he double doors turn left, turn right at the water cooler, and right again at the end.Its the second room along that corridor.The lighting box has a window into the auditorium, which of course is below us.The artistic directors office is through the double doors turn rightand its the first room you

15、come to on the right-hand side.And finally, for the moment, the room where Ill take you next the relaxation room.So if youd like to come with me.Section 3Ive brought my notes on our Biology Field Trip to Rocky Bay, Colin,so we can work on our report on the research we did together.OK. Ive got mine t

16、oo. Lets look at the aims of the trip first.Right. What did you have?I just put something about getting experience of the different sorts of procedures used on a field trip.But we need something about what causes different organisms to choose particular habitats.I agree. And something about finding

17、out how to protect organisms in danger of dying out?In our aims? But we werent really looking at that.I suppose not. OK, now theres the list of equipment we all had to bring on the field trip.What did they tell us to bring a ruler for?It was something about measuring the slope of the shore,but of co

18、urse we didnt need it because we were measuring wind direction, and wed brought the compass for that.But not the piece of string to hold up in the air!Didnt Mr Blake make a fuss about us leaving that behind.Yeah. He does go on. Anyway it was easy to get one from another of the students.Now, the next

19、 sections the procedure. I sent you the draft of that.Yeah. It was clear, but I dont think we need all these details of what time we leftand what time we got back and how we divided up different research tasks.OK. Ill look at that again.Then we have to describe our method of investigation in detail.

20、So lets begin with how we measured wave speed I was surprised how straightforward that was.Id expected us to have some sort of high-tech device not just stand there and count the number of waves per minute.Not very precise, but I suppose it was good enough.But the way we measured the amount of salt

21、was interesting.In the water from the rock pools?Yeah, oh, I wanted to check the chemicals we used in the lab when we analysed those sampleswas it potassium chromate and silver nitrate?Thats right.OK. And we need the map of the seashore. You just left that to me.And I had to do it while the tide was

22、 low, well that was OK,but the place I started it from was down on the beachthen I realised I should have gone up higher to get better visibility, so I had to start all over again.But at least Id got the squared paper or Id have had problems drawing it all to scale.Yeah. It looks good.We could get a

23、 map of the region off the internet and see if we need to make any changes.I had a look but I couldnt find anything.But you took some pictures, didnt you?Yeah. Ill email you them if you want.OK. Ill make my amendments using those then I can scan it into our report. Great.Now when we get to our findi

24、ngs I thought we could divide them up into the different zoneswe identified on the shore and the problems organisms face in each zone.So for the highest area.The splash zone?Yeah, we found mostly those tiny shellfish that have strong hard shells that act as protection.But not from other organisms th

25、at might eat them, predators?No, thats not the main danger for them.But the shells prevent them from drying out because theyre in the open air for most of the time.Right. And since theyre exposed, they need to be able to find some sort of shelter,or cover themselves up, so they dont get too hot.Then

26、 in the middle and lower zones, nearer the sea, we need to discuss the effects of wave action.Yes, and how organisms develop structures to prevent themselves from being swept away,or even destroyed by being smashed against the rocks.I havent done anything on the geological changes. I dont know what

27、to put for that.No, we werent concentrating on that. Maybe we need to find some websites.Good idea. Ive got the lecture notes from Mr. Blakes geology course, but theyre too general.But we could ask him which books on our Reading List might be most helpful.Right. OK, now I did a draft of the section

28、of sources of possible error in our research,but I dont know if you agree.For example, the size of the sample, and whether its big enough to make any general conclusions from.But I thought actually we did have quite a big sample.We did. And our general method of observation seemed quite reliable.But

29、 we might not be all that accurate as far as the actual numbers go.Yeah, we might have missed some organisms if they were hiding under a rock for example.I wasnt sure about the way we described their habitats.I decided it was probably OK.Yeah, and the descriptions we gave of the smaller organisms, t

30、hey werent very detailed,but they were adequate in this context.Im not sure we identified all the species correctly though.OK, wed better mention that. Now, how we.Section 4Weve been discussing the factors the architect has to consider when designing domestic buildings.Im going to move on now to con

31、sider the design of public buildings,and Ill illustrate this by referring to the new Taylor Concert Hall thats recently been completed here in the city.So, as with a domestic building, when designing a public building, an architect needs to consider the function of the buildingfor example, is it to be used primarily for entertainment, or for education, or for administration?The second thing the architect needs to think about is the context of the building,this includes its physical location obviously but it also includes the social meaning of the building,how it relates to

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